In the News
Seemingly easy to have one revelling in subordination.
(Govern me harder daddy. And let's throw in an UWU for good measure).
You are correct it's half a billion (almost like i need a guide stone to remind me).
Yeah the birthrate decline is pretty concerning.
Devaluing commitment to relationships,
Drops in sperm counts with endocrine disruptors seemingly abundant. It doesn't help both sperm and ovum can be lab grown now too (and those baby incubator/artificial womb centres they're planning on building, designer babys will be sought. Did someone say Gattaca?)
A.I. is an interesting variable, A.G.I will be endgame for a lot of professions. I dont think it will end up a threat though, the amusing part is it won't be controllable after a certain point and we'll be too inferior to pose a threat to it
Theres a chance it could eradicate the "elites" due to their attempting to regain control of it, which would be nice.
I've been wondering how we'll be culled.
Possibly a combination of wars and an engineered virus that uses DNA markers so it only kills us and not the them.
Seemingly easy to have one revelling in subordination.
(Govern me harder daddy. And let's throw in an UWU for good measure).
You are correct it's half a billion (almost like i need a guide stone to remind me).
Yeah the birthrate decline is pretty concerning.
Devaluing commitment to relationships,
Drops in sperm counts with endocrine disruptors seemingly abundant. It doesn't help both sperm and ovum can be lab grown now too (and those baby incubator/artificial womb centres they're planning on building, designer babys will be sought. Did someone say Gattaca?)
A.I. is an interesting variable, A.G.I will be endgame for a lot of professions. I dont think it will end up a threat though, the amusing part is it won't be controllable after a certain point and we'll be too inferior to pose a threat to it
Theres a chance it could eradicate the "elites" due to their attempting to regain control of it, which would be nice.
I've been wondering how we'll be culled.
Possibly a combination of wars and an engineered virus that uses DNA markers so it only kills us and not the them.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17630
Rew said:The countries America invaded or bombed
since WWII.
Harry Truman bombed/invaded Greece
no evidence found.
The Philippines. These were liberated from the imperial Japanese
forces by America during WWII. Aided by the allies.
Peru coup. no evidence found.
China invasion/bombed no evidence found.
Korea. Under a United Nations Resolution America and other
countries, including France and the UK, went to the aid of South
I skipped a few to
It would be stretching things to say Kennedy invaded Cuba although that was on the cards
what with the bay of pigs and Khrushchev wanting to build rocket launchers on the island but it's a good idea to read up on this stuff yourself. But this is the one I particularly remember what with furore in the newspapers and the brits expecting the American Lakenheath base in the UK, to be bombed but that too, passed. As did Russian communism. History now.
There's lots of reasons America went into other countries some reasons were very bad like the CIA coup in Iran where they overturned the democratic government.
It is very complex but trumpy, like Hitler, came to power through half truths and downright lies. History cannot be put into a good or a bad list. Life doesn't work that way.
I couldn't be bothered going any further so I stopped there.
Since that great office of the president of the united states started to harbour a serial liar I stopped believing everything that was put in front of me without some fact checking.
I highly recommend it.
Thank you, Rew. I didn't have the energy nor desire to correct his one-sided entry. I am happy you did.
since WWII.
Harry Truman bombed/invaded Greece
no evidence found.
The Philippines. These were liberated from the imperial Japanese
forces by America during WWII. Aided by the allies.
Peru coup. no evidence found.
China invasion/bombed no evidence found.
Korea. Under a United Nations Resolution America and other
countries, including France and the UK, went to the aid of South
I skipped a few to
It would be stretching things to say Kennedy invaded Cuba although that was on the cards
what with the bay of pigs and Khrushchev wanting to build rocket launchers on the island but it's a good idea to read up on this stuff yourself. But this is the one I particularly remember what with furore in the newspapers and the brits expecting the American Lakenheath base in the UK, to be bombed but that too, passed. As did Russian communism. History now.
There's lots of reasons America went into other countries some reasons were very bad like the CIA coup in Iran where they overturned the democratic government.
It is very complex but trumpy, like Hitler, came to power through half truths and downright lies. History cannot be put into a good or a bad list. Life doesn't work that way.
I couldn't be bothered going any further so I stopped there.
Since that great office of the president of the united states started to harbour a serial liar I stopped believing everything that was put in front of me without some fact checking.
I highly recommend it.
Thank you, Rew. I didn't have the energy nor desire to correct his one-sided entry. I am happy you did.
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14625
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14625
It's not really the reality tho, the reality,: Vietnam was a false flag. serious amount of human beings from everywhere lost their lives for that particular ambition
Iraq: Colon in the UN lied through his teeth
serious amount of human beings lost their lives, plus the disgusting torture,
Need I go on. You can cherry pick/ spi it all you want truth is in front of you. it's in front of everyone...
This is also old news maybe America was great once. Its never going to be great again if it is split in two. accepting faults, truths n such is an integral part of any unification.
Iraq: Colon in the UN lied through his teeth
serious amount of human beings lost their lives, plus the disgusting torture,
Need I go on. You can cherry pick/ spi it all you want truth is in front of you. it's in front of everyone...
This is also old news maybe America was great once. Its never going to be great again if it is split in two. accepting faults, truths n such is an integral part of any unification.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17630
Sometimes you win a fight for freedom and sometimes you don't. But at least you fought. I wonder how Ireland, or Scotland, or England, or any country would feel if Russia invaded them, and the U.S. demanded they surrender for the sake of peace. It's not as simple as a damn agreement. Agreements are broken daily as times change. I stand by my original statement to you that Ukraine has a right to autonomy from under Russia's thumb. If they want to join NATO, they should have that choice.
You, I, nor anyone has the right to tell them what they should do for the sake of peace if it's not what the country wants.
In reference to 'Nam, my father served two tours and participated in the extraction of Saigon when it fell. Which, according to him was more hell than the war itself. If he were alive, he would tell you the same thing he told me when I asked him if he believed in the war: "We fight for freedom against communism on another's soil to keep it from ours." I'll take his view over yours or anyone else on this site.
Diss on the U.S. all you want. America has NEVER been great. NEVER. How can something GREAT come out of theft, murder, rape, and genocide of an indigenous people? Or the possessive mindset of the patriarchal leadership who views women as chattel to be owned, controlled, and used at will. Or the pervasive underbelly of racism that permeates the fabric of equality and what this country was "purportedly" founded on.
"maybe America was great once."
Like I challenged someone else on this site years ago who couldn't do it: I'd invite you to give me one decade that it was "great". Hell, I'll settle for 5-years to make it easy.
EDIT: And it will NEVER be "great" under patriarchal leadership. If history has proven NOTHING else, it's that.
You, I, nor anyone has the right to tell them what they should do for the sake of peace if it's not what the country wants.
In reference to 'Nam, my father served two tours and participated in the extraction of Saigon when it fell. Which, according to him was more hell than the war itself. If he were alive, he would tell you the same thing he told me when I asked him if he believed in the war: "We fight for freedom against communism on another's soil to keep it from ours." I'll take his view over yours or anyone else on this site.
Diss on the U.S. all you want. America has NEVER been great. NEVER. How can something GREAT come out of theft, murder, rape, and genocide of an indigenous people? Or the possessive mindset of the patriarchal leadership who views women as chattel to be owned, controlled, and used at will. Or the pervasive underbelly of racism that permeates the fabric of equality and what this country was "purportedly" founded on.
"maybe America was great once."
Like I challenged someone else on this site years ago who couldn't do it: I'd invite you to give me one decade that it was "great". Hell, I'll settle for 5-years to make it easy.
EDIT: And it will NEVER be "great" under patriarchal leadership. If history has proven NOTHING else, it's that.
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 500
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 500
One of the reasons I maintain something like a radically centrist perspective in polarized times is that I think that's the only way to stay true to the emancipatory ideals of the American revolution and subsequent constitution, which of course aren't perfect, but still the best legal and moral literary terrain, even after all this time. The history of, and the existence of, our classically Greco-Roman styled republic, remains the best ideological milieu for humanity, SO FAR.
Unfortunately, even the best made things are vulnerable to the sabotage of poisonous political ideology, which has been of a more conservative nature in recent times.
I've long thought that the emancipatory ideals of American style revolution could use an update from additional emancipatory movements, such as what the Marxists promote, but tinkered with to eliminate the potential for totalitarian tendency, and maybe somehow jurisprudentially yoked to the unionist argumentation presented in The Federalist Papers, to somehow evolve into a better future.
Here in this fading forum, I will no doubt be trolled as a madman for thinking this way, but once in a great while these types of policy progressions take a massive leap...FORWARD...and against a whole host of fiendish wailing from the blubbering regressive communities worldwide that stupidly stand in the way of us all.
One year stands out prominently to shout of just that sort of possibility...
...and subsequent keywords and phrases still ring in our ears to remind us of how to proceed...
to PROMOTE the GENERAL welfare...
and, of course, Lincoln's democracy gold standard...
"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Unfortunately, even the best made things are vulnerable to the sabotage of poisonous political ideology, which has been of a more conservative nature in recent times.
I've long thought that the emancipatory ideals of American style revolution could use an update from additional emancipatory movements, such as what the Marxists promote, but tinkered with to eliminate the potential for totalitarian tendency, and maybe somehow jurisprudentially yoked to the unionist argumentation presented in The Federalist Papers, to somehow evolve into a better future.
Here in this fading forum, I will no doubt be trolled as a madman for thinking this way, but once in a great while these types of policy progressions take a massive leap...FORWARD...and against a whole host of fiendish wailing from the blubbering regressive communities worldwide that stupidly stand in the way of us all.
One year stands out prominently to shout of just that sort of possibility...
...and subsequent keywords and phrases still ring in our ears to remind us of how to proceed...
to PROMOTE the GENERAL welfare...
and, of course, Lincoln's democracy gold standard...
"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2298
Dangerous Mind

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