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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Mercury moves into "adulting" Capricorn this morning ( Fri, December 01 @ 9:31 AM ), 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars.

Mercury rules chatty Gemini and analytical Virgo, so moving into an earthy sign such as Capricorn denotes a serious preoccupation with our thoughts and feelings. Our thinking becomes more methodical and centers on solid foundations from which to build our intentions into a reality rather than ideals.  

The first house is the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars. It symbolizes energy and initiation. However, our approach to things will be sensible and realistic than in detrimental Sagittarius. I read where one astrologer actually referred to Mercury as having ADHD in Sagittarius. I found that true on some days. . .

In Capricorn, we are able to detach ourselves and become the observer. This will serve us well, especially in fields where powers of concentration are required. Detailed work is much more feasible and our diplomacy and tact shine when required. We are able to laugh at ourselves in this placement, as self-doubt is highly diminished.

In the natal aspect, difficult aspects to Mercury can cause one to be too ambitious, dogmatic, suspicious, and even materialistic. If you recognize these traits, we might want to slow down a bit and re-evaluate our goals. Goals are always worth working toward, but there are more honorable ways of achieving them than being too ambitious et al.

Mercury is currently in its shadow and will station and turn retrograde at 8° Capricorn 29’ @ 2:10 AM, Wed, Dec 13th, and will remain in Rx through Jan 01, 10:08 PM. More on that later, but for now you can mark your calendar.

Image: Mythical Window by Truck Siben

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Fire of Insight
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1464

Hi, A.💐

Those books we were talking about have finally arrived. Thanks for the info and recommendation. 👍

Now, let's see what Ms Goodman has to say about the Sagittarius/Aries relationship 🙃

Much love 💐

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

ajay said:Hi, A.💐

Those books we were talking about have finally arrived. Thanks for the info and recommendation. 👍

Now, let's see what Ms Goodman has to say about the Sagittarius/Aries relationship 🙃

Much love 💐

Good on you! You're going to find it VERY interesting!

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Aspecting the Cosmos: Sat, Dec 02, 2023: Seek out the beauty of the season and practice gratitude for our blessings.

Only two major aspects today! The first begins early morning with the Sun in Sagittarius trine Moon in Leo. The day promises a new beginning, whether tangible or spiritual. Our outlook on life improves. Do something physical to boost our mood and health. Day trips are favored. Seek out the beauty of the season and practice gratitude for our blessings.

Midmorning we'll see Mercury in Capricorn trine Saturn in Pisces. Excellent time for serious concentration and solving mental challenges. Excellent communication ability.   Our minds are sharp and honed without doubts. We know what we must do today.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):  

Sun: 10SAG01, 1
Moon: 10LEO01, 9
Aspect: Trine
Time: 6:44 AM

Mercury: 01CAP12, 1
Saturn: 01PIS12, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:27 AM

Image: Aeon Sophia by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Well it looks like Israel has taken to vengeful, overbearing, and violent actions again. Waiting for Venus to enter Scorpio.  

Ahavati said:More on the Israeli/Hamas/Hezbollah situation.

Back in October I wrote an essay about the astrological implications of the Israeli/Hamas conflict.  I wrote when the asteroid Israel moved from Libra into Scorpio on October 26, conflict could escalate. The asteroid Israel represents persecution, attacks, and homeland. Under Libra there were negotiations and attempts to communicate toward amicable resolutions to no avail. Scorpionic energy is polar opposite.

Deeply aware, penetrating, determined and passionate, Scorpio invited Israel into the shadowy depth of its psyche where it had the choice between a balanced insight laced with compassion and understanding; or a vengeful, overbearing, and often violent actions.

I think we all saw how it went.

But I've been keeping my eye on Pallas, the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare, who entered Scorpio on November 19 @ 4:01 AM.  

Pallas is the goddess of wisdom and self-defense. Her symbol is the wise owl, and she is in charge of defending herself and those important to her. She is never the aggressor, but she defends herself and those she loves. She is in essence the warrior queen and philosopher. Anytime we come up with a reason or a theory as to why we want to live our lives a certain way, we are exercising our philosophical side. This is where Pallas comes in.

Pallas entering Scorpio is an opportunity to utilize strategic wisdom and feminine energy to facilitate change.

We use our wisdom when we need to, and if we have to do battle against someone or something, the wiser we are, the more likely we are of achieving success. The fact that Pallas does not take the part of the aggressor or the bully should give us the encouraging knowledge that she can be trusted.

The God of War, Mars, left Scorpio for Sagittarius on November 24 @ 5:15 AM, five days after Pallas entered the sign. The moment Pallas entered Scorpio, negotiations between sides increased, and four days later, as Mars was on the anaretic degree of Scorpio preparing to transit into Sagittarius, a cease-fire agreement was reached, and hostages were exchanged. As of today, the IDF and Hamas confirmed that the truce was extended for a seventh day.

With Mars now in Sagittarius, and Pallas in Scorpio with Israel, we've seen and will continue to see a change in strategy from all out physical annihilation ( Mars ) to mental negotiation ( Pallas ). Next week, December 04, Venus, the Goddess of beauty and affection will enter Scorpio. With all this feminine energy balancing out Scorpio's intensity, headway can be made toward a lasting solution between Israel and Palestine. But they have to want to work toward that goal.

As a matter of fact, these two goddesses will perfect and conjunct @ 10°08' Scorpio on the 13th of December in the 2nd House. The emphasis of their energy: Affection/Sense of Value and Wisdom/Warfare will be amplified in the house of gain/loss, and personal liberty.

But before that, on December 10, there will be a conjunction between the Moon and Israel in Scorpio @4:45 PM ( EST ) in the 6th House. Thus, the energy of emotions/domestic urge and persecution/attacks will be emphasized. The Moon symbolizes what we need, emotion, intuition, and domesticity. It also represents the feminine principle. Israel represents attacks, be it the aggressor who attacks or defender who defends against attacks, and domestic homeland.

The sixth house represents duty and substance. Here work and health are closely related, I imagine even more so with military personnel engaged in this conflict, as it also represents all conditions affecting our health.

There's something being worked out here toward homeland, domesticity, and emotional peak. With Pallas and Venus entering their conjunction just three days later, combined with the feminine principle of the moon, the power of the divine feminine is truly going to be highlighted. Hopefully a miracle will occur to restore balance to the Middle east by mid-December.

We'll see, won't we? It's not up to us, Is it? It's up to Israel and Hamas—and all the innocents in-between them.

Image: Pallas Athena by Lee

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Robert Oliva
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Nov 2023
Forum Posts: 42

You have vast astrological knowledge you gracefully intertwine with ordered logic and I enjoy that. The moralities common to shared reasoning of yours and other schools of thought validate shared conclusion. Therefore an artful Horoscopic subplot aligns favorably with a Stan Lee masterpiece rather grandmasters impeccable logic.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Aspecting the Cosmos: Sun, Dec 03, 2023: What needs to be completed before we move forward?

Early morning Venus, anaretic in Libra, square Pluto in Capricorn. Transformation and intense energy building. Feeling of urgency. Legalities and finances. Venus in Libra is affectionate and appreciates beauty; however, it also symbolizes the judicial process. Restructuring our budgets and reading the small print could save us in the long run.

Midmorning, the Moon in Leo trine North Node in Aries sextile South Node in Libra. Opportunity to emotionally release something in a gentle yet firm and structured way. Something we may be holding out hope for yet prevents us from growth. Don't allow pride or obstinance to interfere with our dreams and goals. Live in the moment.

Early afternoon the Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces.  Tension between desiring to take spiritual action and remaining emotionally complacent. Avoid the escapist urge when emotions rise. Focusing on our own health and work helps.

Early evening Mars in Sagittarius inconjunct Jupiter in Taurus. Limitations and frustrations with some of our relationships. Guard against being pushy or impatient. This could lead to hot-headedness.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Venus: 28LIB33, 11
Pluto: 28CAP33, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 8:29 AM

Moon: 23LEO40, 8
NN: 23ARI40, 4
Aspect: Trine
SN: 23LIB40, 10
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:03 AM

Moon: 24LEO53, 6
Neptune: 24PIS53, 1
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 12:30 PM

Mars: 06SAG49, 7
Jupiter: 06TAU49, 12
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 6:19 PM

Image: Eos ( Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn ) by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Robert said:You have vast astrological knowledge you gracefully intertwine with ordered logic and I enjoy that. The moralities common to shared reasoning of yours and other schools of thought validate shared conclusion. Therefore an artful Horoscopic subplot aligns favorably with a Stan Lee masterpiece rather grandmasters impeccable logic.  

Thank you, Robert! It doesn't come easy! It takes a lot of dedication, commitment, and continuous study. It's like re-reading a holy book; each time you read it, you discover something new.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Weekly Oracle: Sunday, Dec 03-09:  13. Our Lady of Innocence

Without even realizing it, we can hold ourselves back. We might hide parts of ourselves from others, or feel that we must put on an act, show a particular face, or be a certain way in order to be acceptable. We probably learned that this was true when we were young and have continued on that way without always realizing it.

This card comes to you with this message: It is time to let go of old shame and guilt and reveal more of who you are. Do not be afraid with about being judged. Judgment only hurts when we make it about ourselves and agree with the judgment rather than realizing the judgment is not truth. It is only an expression of a wound in the person who is judging.

The Holy Mother comes to us with this reminder: We are innately innocent and pure of heart. She asks us to hold compassion for the mistakes we have made in our lives. Because we did the best we could, even if sometimes that wasn't as skillful as we would have liked when we received this reminder, we are much less likely to fall into the trap of judging ourselves. From that place of self-acceptance and regard, we can be open to others with acceptance and unconditional regard also.

If another does judge us, we realize that this is because they cannot love themselves unconditionally, so they are unable to love anyone else in that way. We can hold a place of acceptance for them and what they are learning without being brought down by their wounding. When they realized that we still love ourselves and are not dampened by their judgments, they may wonder why and begin to heal through letting go. Or perhaps they are not ready to heal and instead become angry or sad.

Our job isn't to force another to heal, as if that were even possible, but to be the alternative. To be the possibility of healing that can inspire others when they are ready to be inspired and to have compassion when that cannot yet be.

There is also a message for those of us that are waiting to take a further step on the path, perhaps branching out to healing or creative self-expression, acting on new opportunities or considering a new relationship. We are worthy. We do not have to fear we are not enough and there is nothing to hide. Vulnerability can be powerful when accompanied by an open self, loving and divinely trusting heart.

It is time to let go of the shaming of others, the judgment of others, and the memories of being judged and shamed with compassion. You can let go even with tears and anger. Then you can choose to feel good about who you are and your life journey, including all the mistakes that you made that helped you grow into a person that you are today. The mother holds nothing against you, just loves you and delights in all that you are.

You have permission to do the same.

Deck: Mother Mary Oracle by Alana Fairchild

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Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15550

Aspecting the Cosmos, Mon, Dec 04, 2023: Spending time in Nature keeps us emotionally balanced.

Venus moves into Scorpio: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits

Only three major applying aspects today: Early morning the Moon conjunct Juno in Virgo in the 9th house. Emotional security and domestic commitments are highlighted. Intellectual conversations and aspirations fill our dreams and visions.

Early afternoon the Moon trine Jupiter in Taurus. Awareness. Emotional and intuitive expansion. Harmony in a relationship/s. Social engagements are favored along with stimulating conversations.

Early afternoon Moon square Mars in Sagittarius. Emotions and insecurity. Guard against projecting, aggressiveness, or being too critical. Pick your battles, allow the rest to roll off your back like water on a duck. If possible, spend some time in nature to remain emotionally balanced.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 16VIR46, 9
Juno: 16VIR46 - 9
Aspect: Conjunct
Time: 8:52 AM

Moon: 06VIR45 - 7
Jupiter: 06VIR45 - 3
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:32 PM

Moon: 07VIR24 - 6
Mars: 07SAG24 - 9
Aspect: Square
Time: 1:51 PM

Image: Peaceful Forest Path by MidnightMythos

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 912

Willow Spirit

At the edge of the forest pond grows a large willow. Her branches dip lightly into the waters.  As the wind rises, her elegant boughs sway to and fro like a mystic dancer. Her dangling leaves whisper across the water in lazy designs.

This card encourages you to be flexible in your life. Be willing to bend, and even to yield.  There is power in doing this as a choice, rather than as a forfeit of your will. Even though there are times to stand strong, sometimes the greater valor is to go around a situation, rather than face it head-on. By being adaptable you can succeed, whereas someone who is more rigid may not. In rough winds, a strong oak tree may break, while the willow can bend without snapping. Adjust to life rather than fight it. Surrender to the process. As the willow can weather storms, so you too can weather life challenges.

There are many legends regarding the willow tree. It often has associations with gods and goddesses, such as Hecate, Artemis, and Mercury. In ancient Athens, it was a practice of the priests of Asclepius to place willow branches in their temples, in the belief that it would draw mystical healing. The willow was also sacred to poets, for the sound of the wind through the willow was thought to influence poetic expression. In Celtic traditions, the willow has always been known as a tree of dream-ing, inspiration, and enchantment.

The Spirit of the Willow says: Be flexible in your life. Be willing to bend, rather than break. Be amenable to change, and you will flourish in wondrous ways.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Venus enters Scorpio @ 1:51 PM ( EST ), 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio ruled by Pluto/Mars. Take care not to ruffle too many feathers!


The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Venus' Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus became one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love, affection, and beauty.

Venus is considered the planet of love; in early times it was called the lesser benefic. It rules are, culture aesthetics possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, and music. Venus' action is gentle and harmonious. Governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation. Venus is the planet of love and sensuality, not sex.

Where you find Venus in your chart reveals what you really enjoy.


As a fixed Water sign, a Scorpio's recuperative powers are remarkable. They are a truth seeker and have keen judgment and penetrating insight, and these qualities enable them to exercise a great deal of authority over others.

Willpower and persistence are their strong points, and although they are somewhat reticent, when prodded they can become outspoken and direct. They are determined, can be aggressive when threatened, and shrewd in matters of perception ( think human-Xray machine ). They are rarely passive or neutral about anything.

Scorpios are also known for being fiercely loyal, and they will always stand by those they care about – even if it means sacrificing themselves in the process.

When it comes to love, Scorpios are not afraid to go after what they want. They are often very intense and passionate lovers but can be a bit possessive at times.  

Venus in Scorpio

Venus is in its detriment in Scorpio, meaning it's in the sign opposite the sign it rules ( Taurus ). Thus, she will not operate at full power and will take on more of the sign's than its own coloration. It's like visiting a place where you must conform to the rules and regulations. And Scorpio has plenty of them, including secrets galore.

Intense and penetrating, Scorpio is passionately aware and probingly investigative about anything or one it is interested in. It leaves no stone unturned. With Venus' social urge and sense of value transiting, Scorpio's suspicious disposition will be tempered with a harmonic energy. Intense appreciation of the arts will increase, and moral character will come into focus. Venus, known as the goddess of love and beauty, will take on more of a sexual nature while transiting this passionate sign.

If you were born with Venus in Scorpio, then you are very deep, and your sexual desires are strong and passionate. You tend to be jealous and secretive and have difficulty sensing other people's feelings. You can also be very idealistic, religious, or even mystical. Because you do everything with so much intensity, you may feel desolate when your advances are rejected, and your love can easily turn to hate. Even your artistic tastes are colored by pathos and drama. Your demeanor can be mysterious, and you rarely lose your dignity. With challenging aspects, you feel very insecure, and you can become preoccupied with sex. You may be selfish and even cruel and ruffle quite a few feathers.

Image: Feathers by Dabadus

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Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Tue, Dec 05, 2023: A desire/social urge and action from the cocoon of transformation we are enveloped within. Stay in the moment.

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo: inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events

Very early morning the Moon in Virgo inconjunct Chiron in Aries. With the planets/houses indicated, this suggests we take ourselves WAY too seriously at times and need to lighten up, especially in the area of work. Also, pay attention to our health - tis the season to overeat way too many sweets! Enter the workplace with a positive attitude and be a team player.

Early morning, the Moon conjunct Juno in Virgo in the 9th house. The positive attitude can create emotional connections in committed relationships between people as well as employers/employees. Enlightening philosophical conversations. Dreams. Goals. Aspirations.

Late afternoon the Moon trine Uranus in Taurus. Expect the unexpected. Sudden awareness about a person or situation. An emotional sense of freedom and energetic action.

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces at dinner time. Intense focus on image and health, perhaps a more structured eating plan combined with exercise/time spent appreciating the beauty of nature to maintain balance through the season.

This evening the Sun in Sagittarius semisquare Pluto in Capricorn. Grumpiness over potential limitations. A desire/social urge and action from the cocoon of transformation we are enveloped within. Keep working on our health and focus on improving relationships. Stay in the moment.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 15VIR39, 10
Chiron: 15ARI39, 5
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 6:36 AM

Moon: 16VIR46, 9
Juno: 16VIR46, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 8:52 AM

Moon: 20VIR10, 5
Uranus: 20TAU10, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 3:44 PM

Venus: 01SCO22, 6
Saturn: 01PIS22, 10
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:51 PM

Sun: 13SAG32, 6
Pluto: 28CAP37, 7
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 8:01 PM

Image: Cerridwen by TheLilthVerse

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Robert Oliva
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Nov 2023
Forum Posts: 42

This is do rich and authentic I am in awe and want to pay homage to your dedication of purpose.

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 912


Standing Stones

As you walk, you come across large vertical stones standing in a circle in the center of the sacred forest. You know that to step inside this sacred ring is not to be undertaken lightly. It is an act of power. With solemn grace you enter.  Immediately you feel a shift occur within you. It's as if the floodgates of your soul have opened, and there is a download of cosmic information occurring within you.

Many believe that standing stones are a place that allows one to embark on spiritual journeys from one realm to another. They can also mark the transition from one stage of life to another. Remember that although life changes, you are eternal. Celebrate all the transitions in life, and you'll experience profound harmony.   A voyage of the heart and soul is ahead.

This journey may be spiritual or physical in nature; in either case, it is a kind of sacred pil-grimage. Have courage. A great ship can stay safe in the harbor, but that is not what great ships are made for. Be willing to unfurl your sails and set forth to the open seas. The seas might be rough and the wind is strong, but you are safe and protected. The circle of stones takes you exactly where you need to go.

Since the earliest days of humanity, standing stones have been created as places of ceremonies and as ways to honor the Divine.  Archaeologists have found some that date back to 4000 scs. Neolithic people didn't have written language, yet their art and stone circles (sometimes oval- or horseshoe-shaped) suggest that they held religious rituals at these ceremonial meeting places.

The Spirit of the Standing Stones says: A sacred journey is ahead. Deeper meaning is waiting to be discovered. You are safe.

(Card and message are from the Sacred Forest Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)

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