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Poem of 2024

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844


he was glued to it
he was fascinated
he tapped dance
and a little prance

he lay on his back
rolled and squirm
he  ran and gambol
like a little lamb

he hugged it hard
he kissed it deep
he fed it lemonade
he never stopped

still glued to it
still fascinated
until his hair turn grey
still he firmly stayed.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687


He is the hand,
she is the glove,

so good together:
in love.


Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 95

Never Ceases

Hand and glove makes you in love?
Peas and carrots true?
Love never ceases to be.

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687

Oh, All Right, Then, I'm Dreaming Of The Dormouse🐭

I lie in bed and laze around all day,
not caring for the world outside my door.
I like to sleep, and I ask nothing more
than but to dream, and snug in Dreamland stay.
But what I dream, when I in Dreamland play,
and half the world in cool of darkness lies,
the sun so golden bright in other skies,
my secret lips not ever they shall tell;
for all their night-time secrets they keep well
locked up behind my open, daytime eyes.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844

Pineapple Message

he walked by the sea
where he dreamt of she
whose lips were red
and eyes were blue

her hair spreads on water
like waterlilies and jellyfish
tendrils knotted ropes
he missed her so

from afar he thought t'was she
but coming nearer he spy
it was a pineapple on a tree
sad he walked away so quietly

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687


In the end
he simply picked her up,
threw her over the saddle of his horse,
smacked her arse with the flat of his sword
to remind her that she was merely a woman,
and then galloped off with her
to teach her a few lessons about love.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844

Galloping Gladys

she was beauty
with her streamlined body
curves in the right places
face framed with yellow hair

she was beauty indeed
with proud eyes pert ears
her legs so sturdy
she moved so elegantly

as she ran against the wind
her mane thick towards him
he rode on her joy on his face
feeling her strength between his legs💙🐎🐴,💙

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687

... And They're Off!

The horses thundered down the course,
the race had now begun!
At the first, the favourite led,
its price was 2-to-1,

the jockeys kicked, the horses jumped
and cleared the fence with ease,
except for one poor horse who fell,
collapsing to its knees,

the rest, however, all raced on,
their hooves were pounding fast,
the crowd all roared and gave a cheer,
as they went racing past,

then at the next – the water-jump –
they cleared it in one bound,
apart from one who badly fell
and sadly it was drowned;

and so they raced around the course
until the final straight
a horse came running on the rails –
its charge was coming late!

It flashed past every other horse
and crossed the finishing line.
The losing punters in the crowd
all moaned, 'The lucky swine!'

The winning jockey drank champagne
until it all had gone,
and then gave up the sport for good,
his final race he’d run.


Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 95

Lucky Streak

If the champagne was being enjoyed
Meaning the best horse had undoubtedly      
The track was being cleared
Or maybe another race had begun?

Pictures were being taken
Money was being handed out
For all the winning bets
To the people watching the race no doubt.

Let's stop to think for a second
How many races our horse had won before
Should we enter him in another race
Or possibly put him out to the pasture?

This horse may be on a lucky streak
Or we could lose if he fell and broke a leg
But whatever happens
We have to protect our winner in order to      
  enjoy another keg.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844

Winner takes All

winner takes all he thought
and swiped the table clean
his pockets were full and tight
his mother would know he's a winner

he sauntered home at twilight
a little tipsy, head a little light
he knocked on his mother's door
look he said, I am a winner

the woman stared at him
and said I think you're drunk
you're at the wrong inn
your mother is dead and gone a year

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687

The Blue-Sand Girl Dances By The Sea 🐬

The day was old, the night was young,
and all the girls were running wild,
but one was there, who softly smiled,
then said: 'Let's not remain among
these sots. Let's cheer our friend!’
They flung
their jackets on and went to where
the Blue Girl lived. So full of care
she was that all her life was grey
and blue and every single day
was spent in sitting sadly there.

The girls all hammered on her door:
'Come Out! Come Out!' they shouted loud.
'Don't sit alone! It's not allowed!
This situation we deplore!
The world has lots of joys in store
for you. If only you could see,
a happy girl you'd find you'd be!
Away with doom! Away with gloom!
It's time to sing a happy tune
and not be lost in misery.'

The Blue Girl thought a while, then said:
'Perhaps I shall. For long enough
I've wept with this unhappy stuff!
I know I'll be a long time dead!'

She smiled and then climbed out of bed
to join those girls in happy play,
delighting in the swing and sway,
forgetting all about her gloom,
forgetting of her lonely room –
and she was happy from that day.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844

Blue Sand Girl  Blues

will you dance with me
will you twirl and dip
and swing me high
as I give my gown a flip

No, he said a smile on his face
I shall not flip you nor twirl
I would crack my ribcage
you're fat and heavy, you'll fall

her face went red
her ears went pale
her eyes went all twinkly
as she cast her spell

never more would they call her fat
never would they call her ugly
she was called curvaceous
exotic features and quite cuddly

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 95


A blue sand girl? How absurd
Can she dance well, sir?
Let us clap to the music!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16844

Blue Sand

see the beautiful sea
she just wants to be happy
all blue sand crystal pebbles
on her crown of pearls

juggles diamonds on air
writing poetry on rocks
strewing magic dusts
that makes wishes come true

blue sand and dancing fishes
chatting flamingo laughing swans
magic and magical beings
stars from the oceans

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1687

The Blue-Sand Girl Feels The Love 🐬

She danced on the sand by the light of the moon,
and all of the Fishes were singing her tune,
the Dolphin was flapping and swishing his tail,
the Crabs were all drumming and so was the Whale,

the Octopus swam up and gave her a hug
and each of his tentacles squeezed her with love,
the Shark with a flash of his teeth in a smile
then bowed most politely and waltzed her a while,

the Walrus, too, loved her and laughed in delight
and joined in her dance on the beach in the night;
the Blue Girl was happy on sands that were blue –
and I shall confess that I danced with her, too.


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