Plagiarists (once proven): Should we ban them?
23 votes
10 votes
Yes, but only after they’ve been given a second chane
1 vote
Plagiarists (once proven): Should we ban them?
Billy_Snagg said:You have explained the protocol quite clearly, Madame Lavender, even though it sounds a bit complicated regarding someone's length of service coming into play on the plagiarism front. In Mr.Sawyer's case, he has already served a 1 week ban, said sorry to anyone he has offended & it appears offending poems have been removed because he was on 65, now 57, so there have been deletions. Then I see he has received a 2nd 7 day ban. What I'm saying is, why was he banned again when he has corrected his error? To me he has gone beyond what he needed to say in order to pacify us.
Because the error was not fully corrected by him-- the mods had to remove some of the poems as well, then the apology included a statement about occasionaly using song lyrics without giving credit, and stating that there was no plagiarism of anything from other websites. Clearly not the case, because any poems that I had to take down, I referenced the reason with a link to where it originally was posted online by the true author. So overall, there was a deflection of ownership of the occurrences, and this latest round of plagiarisms was the second chance -- the same thing happened back in May.
Because the error was not fully corrected by him-- the mods had to remove some of the poems as well, then the apology included a statement about occasionaly using song lyrics without giving credit, and stating that there was no plagiarism of anything from other websites. Clearly not the case, because any poems that I had to take down, I referenced the reason with a link to where it originally was posted online by the true author. So overall, there was a deflection of ownership of the occurrences, and this latest round of plagiarisms was the second chance -- the same thing happened back in May.
Forum Posts: 14604
Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Apr 2011Forum Posts: 14604
Billy_Snagg said:You have explained the protocol quite clearly, Madame Lavender, even though it sounds a bit complicated regarding someone's length of service coming into play on the plagiarism front. In Mr.Sawyer's case, he has already served a 1 week ban, said sorry to anyone he has offended & it appears offending poems have been removed because he was on 65, now 57, so there have been deletions. Then I see he has received a 2nd 7 day ban. What I'm saying is, why was he banned again when he has corrected his error? To me he has gone beyond what he needed to say in order to pacify us.
Not about pacifying anyone. chap plagerised, got caught, got given a chance, done it again??!! got caught. got suspended. Its as simple as that
he didn't correct t his error a mod had to combe through his stuff and find them. took a fair amount of time I would imagine
so any opology is hollow as fuck
Not about pacifying anyone. chap plagerised, got caught, got given a chance, done it again??!! got caught. got suspended. Its as simple as that
he didn't correct t his error a mod had to combe through his stuff and find them. took a fair amount of time I would imagine
so any opology is hollow as fuck
Forum Posts: 1219
Dangerous Mind
Joined 1st Aug 2021Forum Posts: 1219
It wasn't a few bits here and there. It amounted to hundreds of incidents and I reported a fair few. I wasn't going to name names, but if my honesty makes me unpopular, that's fine. I don't like being lied to.
Forum Posts: 1219
Dangerous Mind
Joined 1st Aug 2021Forum Posts: 1219
By the way, what happens when somebody is serving a ban? I know they can't post new material. Can they read and participate in the forums (fora?)? Read and send messages?
Wafflenose said:By the way, what happens when somebody is serving a ban? I know they can't post new material. Can they read and participate in the forums (fora?)? Read and send messages?
Depends on which functions are banned-- all function can be banned or individual functions or combinations of , can be disabled . They can always read forums and poems, they just can't post, if those two abilities are banned.
Depends on which functions are banned-- all function can be banned or individual functions or combinations of , can be disabled . They can always read forums and poems, they just can't post, if those two abilities are banned.
Forum Posts: 474
Fire of Insight
Joined 31st Mar 2020Forum Posts: 474
We live in a these days, so actors are just part of the daily furniture. Have you ever wondered how poets engaged and had a voice in pre-internet days? At least in real world, we get to choose who we mix with.
This whole plagiarist affair is dismal & depressing. All poetry sites have pertinent rules and to be fair, this site is rather lenient. What would stop anyone merely copying & pasting their entire portfolio from the web. What's the point??
This whole plagiarist affair is dismal & depressing. All poetry sites have pertinent rules and to be fair, this site is rather lenient. What would stop anyone merely copying & pasting their entire portfolio from the web. What's the point??
Forum Posts: 375
Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Jan 2019Forum Posts: 375
Is using poetry form used by another writer considered plagiarism when it is a widely used form like Etheree?
Forum Posts: 1219
Dangerous Mind
Joined 1st Aug 2021Forum Posts: 1219
I think using established forms is fine.
Forum Posts: 375
Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Jan 2019Forum Posts: 375
Wafflenose said:I think using established forms is fine. Yes that's what I understand. But I was once accused here of plagiarism for using Etheree form which is an established form. But it is not included in the poetry form in this site that may have caused the accuser to not know that there is a certain poetry form called Etheree.
Forum Posts: 2672
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Jan 2011 Forum Posts: 2672
I've been plagiarized many times from this site
people come here and collect our poems
claiming they are theirs elsewhere
but we have proof our poems are copyrighted to us here...
as for banning them I don't really see the point
this is the internet really I just get over it...
people come here and collect our poems
claiming they are theirs elsewhere
but we have proof our poems are copyrighted to us here...
as for banning them I don't really see the point
this is the internet really I just get over it...
Forum Posts: 3546
Tyrant of Words
Joined 13th Nov 2009Forum Posts: 3546
Passion & the Plago
And what if none of my poetry
was mine...
How would that feel?
Would I be angered
because I wasn't the first
to write down someone else's
combination of words
which in the reading
I'd so admired?
Would I be jealous,
frantically justifying sin
to impress a lover
by dishonest pretence?
Would I lie awake nights
wondering if the real author
might one day discover
I was a fraud
haunted by a terrifying secret?
Would I become ill
disfigured by guilt
hating my face in the mirror
for as long as I lived?
No, no, no & no,
if I were a plago
I'd probably just laugh--
but then all I'd know
was how to read
was mine...
How would that feel?
Would I be angered
because I wasn't the first
to write down someone else's
combination of words
which in the reading
I'd so admired?
Would I be jealous,
frantically justifying sin
to impress a lover
by dishonest pretence?
Would I lie awake nights
wondering if the real author
might one day discover
I was a fraud
haunted by a terrifying secret?
Would I become ill
disfigured by guilt
hating my face in the mirror
for as long as I lived?
No, no, no & no,
if I were a plago
I'd probably just laugh--
but then all I'd know
was how to read
Written by Abracadabra
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Passion and the Plago (2011)
Joined 29th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 4
Lost Thinker
Forum Posts: 4
i'm just going to say it. i think plagiarists deserve the death penalty
Forum Posts: 2092
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018Forum Posts: 2092
Sex With Me Is So Amazing
Sex with me is so amazing
Hey, I’m just Paraphrasing
However, I was listening to the artist, Rihanna singing this song
As the song kept plugging along
Not meaning to come on too strong
With respect do not get me wrong
I’ve often wondered, is sex of the body more powerful than sex of the mind
And no, I do not have a feminist ax to grind
I will choose my words on this topic and remain kind
Well, at best that I can
From my perspective related to this issue between woman and man
Making love to the female body its erotic, it’s pleasurable, and certainly it’s thrilling
But once nature’s release has been prefilled
The mind needs a dose of endorphins to be instilled
Are you still with me on that concept
I’m speaking for me who needs the combined effect
With someone capable of emotional grazing
Blind dates, we talk about our passions or dreams
Clothes still on, however, he gets what you mean
Do we take this night one step farther
We slept together
Heated and passionate under silk covers, yet, he knew nothing about the weather
We were definitely birds of a different feather
His arms were not even that strong
His brain got duller as the night prolonged
Sometimes is not all about trailblazing
Computer Dating
Keyboard translating
Breathless words of debate
Soulful elate
No physical contact to rate
But wait
You can type on computer keys from sunrise to sunset
If you cannot be bipartisan with words than you can’t articulate
A break to give since we’ve just met
Between you and me it’s now mental Russian Roulette
Spinning my mind landing on red
Keep your mouth closed as you lay in my bed
Enticing words danced across my screen
Pulling me in was all a squandered dream
We’ll never again experience emotions under the covers
Erotic of no analytical bonding from a distance lover
Once again, a horse of another color
In the midst of me praising you as our eyes are glazing
One night stands
First of all, you’re taking your life into your own hands
No commands
Sedated and scented juices mingling of its passion galore
Lust filled desires and so much more
No demands
Talking on the go, and making no sense, well I be damn
What a waste of a slam bam and thank you ma’am
Mental sex on the brain I know it may sound insane
But my God, it makes me rain
Intellectual simulations have always been such a turn on
Take me to task and then I’m far gone
Rainbow coalitions
I do not have any petitions
Never in favor of anyone’s competitions
Just me, my words, and I
Reaching for that academic all time high
Coming at you as I’m cumming with you
The next morning, I would have told you a thing or two
Something old or maybe something new
It all depends on if I’ve pitied a fool
Not my game, not in my arms
Not fooled by undercover charms
Capture my mind until the ringing of my alarm
Wow, did we really just talk all night long
Arms were very strong, your mind kept me warm while we discussed society’s storms
One night stands
Never with an intelligent man
He needs a briefcase or a blueprint plan
He could execute with his own mind
On his own time
Using his own dime
Then he’s ready for my mind
No prophylactics needed
Once you gyrate my mind you’ve succeeded
Feeding me words from the depths of your cerebral cortex to the powers that be
Lightening my mind up like a Christmas tree
Now you got me down on my knees
Thanking you, as I please
Was it good for you as it was for me
Mind now resting in a dreamy phase, body has now been thoroughly praised
Here comes the aftermath of sweet melodies to conversations
Moaning out all kinds of pronunciations
French words with exclamations
Giving me perceptual palpitations
From the knowledge of head ministrations
Climbing the psychological throne once again
While whispering words in my ear as my mind adheres
Once mental energy has been locked in
Slow dancing, and then a thrusting rush as we begin
Words of revelations
Taking my mind beyond the constellations
To the height of my glorious crown
I’ve created, rested, and now the essence of my intellect is winding down
Mental capacity has once again been meticulously interrogated
Hearts of the minds now segregated
Sweet words whispered to your male ego, minds blazing
Perceptual notations moving inside of me
Bending me over, as you lick up and down my womanly creed
A passionate quick kiss as your mind sinks into my intellectual abyss
From my mind to your fathom lips
Seductively gyrating my hips
Raising the nature of your hard dick
Love and Hugs
Soft tongue bathing your body, massage oil, and caressing rubs
Hey, I’m just Paraphrasing
However, I was listening to the artist, Rihanna singing this song
As the song kept plugging along
Not meaning to come on too strong
With respect do not get me wrong
I’ve often wondered, is sex of the body more powerful than sex of the mind
And no, I do not have a feminist ax to grind
I will choose my words on this topic and remain kind
Well, at best that I can
From my perspective related to this issue between woman and man
Making love to the female body its erotic, it’s pleasurable, and certainly it’s thrilling
But once nature’s release has been prefilled
The mind needs a dose of endorphins to be instilled
Are you still with me on that concept
I’m speaking for me who needs the combined effect
With someone capable of emotional grazing
Blind dates, we talk about our passions or dreams
Clothes still on, however, he gets what you mean
Do we take this night one step farther
We slept together
Heated and passionate under silk covers, yet, he knew nothing about the weather
We were definitely birds of a different feather
His arms were not even that strong
His brain got duller as the night prolonged
Sometimes is not all about trailblazing
Computer Dating
Keyboard translating
Breathless words of debate
Soulful elate
No physical contact to rate
But wait
You can type on computer keys from sunrise to sunset
If you cannot be bipartisan with words than you can’t articulate
A break to give since we’ve just met
Between you and me it’s now mental Russian Roulette
Spinning my mind landing on red
Keep your mouth closed as you lay in my bed
Enticing words danced across my screen
Pulling me in was all a squandered dream
We’ll never again experience emotions under the covers
Erotic of no analytical bonding from a distance lover
Once again, a horse of another color
In the midst of me praising you as our eyes are glazing
One night stands
First of all, you’re taking your life into your own hands
No commands
Sedated and scented juices mingling of its passion galore
Lust filled desires and so much more
No demands
Talking on the go, and making no sense, well I be damn
What a waste of a slam bam and thank you ma’am
Mental sex on the brain I know it may sound insane
But my God, it makes me rain
Intellectual simulations have always been such a turn on
Take me to task and then I’m far gone
Rainbow coalitions
I do not have any petitions
Never in favor of anyone’s competitions
Just me, my words, and I
Reaching for that academic all time high
Coming at you as I’m cumming with you
The next morning, I would have told you a thing or two
Something old or maybe something new
It all depends on if I’ve pitied a fool
Not my game, not in my arms
Not fooled by undercover charms
Capture my mind until the ringing of my alarm
Wow, did we really just talk all night long
Arms were very strong, your mind kept me warm while we discussed society’s storms
One night stands
Never with an intelligent man
He needs a briefcase or a blueprint plan
He could execute with his own mind
On his own time
Using his own dime
Then he’s ready for my mind
No prophylactics needed
Once you gyrate my mind you’ve succeeded
Feeding me words from the depths of your cerebral cortex to the powers that be
Lightening my mind up like a Christmas tree
Now you got me down on my knees
Thanking you, as I please
Was it good for you as it was for me
Mind now resting in a dreamy phase, body has now been thoroughly praised
Here comes the aftermath of sweet melodies to conversations
Moaning out all kinds of pronunciations
French words with exclamations
Giving me perceptual palpitations
From the knowledge of head ministrations
Climbing the psychological throne once again
While whispering words in my ear as my mind adheres
Once mental energy has been locked in
Slow dancing, and then a thrusting rush as we begin
Words of revelations
Taking my mind beyond the constellations
To the height of my glorious crown
I’ve created, rested, and now the essence of my intellect is winding down
Mental capacity has once again been meticulously interrogated
Hearts of the minds now segregated
Sweet words whispered to your male ego, minds blazing
Perceptual notations moving inside of me
Bending me over, as you lick up and down my womanly creed
A passionate quick kiss as your mind sinks into my intellectual abyss
From my mind to your fathom lips
Seductively gyrating my hips
Raising the nature of your hard dick
Love and Hugs
Soft tongue bathing your body, massage oil, and caressing rubs
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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To the DUP poetess who have taken it upon herself to steal my works of art and post it as an erotic poem here today, as her own.
My Poetess Monovox128 (Philis PriceDean), we are connected here by our words, and under no circumstance should you be cruising other poetic sites looking to infringes upon other people’s works of art.
It is deceptive and its illegal, my works of art are very much copyright. I will be combing through your other works of yours just to make sure I do not find any of my works of art paraphrased or copyright under your profile.
My poem you infringed upon is titled, ‘Sex With Me Is So Amazing’ it is mine is all your other works of arts even yours, or did you copy, from another poetry site, pasted it to your DUP submission, then post as if it was your own words of arts.
Thank goodness the Moderator removed the plagiarized content, please do not allow this to become reoccurring and follow the guidelines of posting your ‘own works of art and discontinue stealing others.
Published Author/Poetess
My Poetess Monovox128 (Philis PriceDean), we are connected here by our words, and under no circumstance should you be cruising other poetic sites looking to infringes upon other people’s works of art.
It is deceptive and its illegal, my works of art are very much copyright. I will be combing through your other works of yours just to make sure I do not find any of my works of art paraphrased or copyright under your profile.
My poem you infringed upon is titled, ‘Sex With Me Is So Amazing’ it is mine is all your other works of arts even yours, or did you copy, from another poetry site, pasted it to your DUP submission, then post as if it was your own words of arts.
Thank goodness the Moderator removed the plagiarized content, please do not allow this to become reoccurring and follow the guidelines of posting your ‘own works of art and discontinue stealing others.
Published Author/Poetess
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