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DU hall of BAME

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Born blessed

I was born Black
Dark tone,
Extra melanin  
And an  afro  
I was born blessed  
Born with nothing
Enslaved, taken taken for granted  
But like a Pheonix I rose from ash  
I was born Black  
Personified art,
Poetry and style
Wrote history from scraps
In this concrete world I rose between cracks  
I was born Black  
Crafted miracles from empty hands  
Made a home from a shack  
Made Vogue from rags  
Leant to cohabit with rats
I was born Black  
Adversity means opportunity,
Segregation meant unity  
Black is beauty  
I was born Black,
I was born blessed  
Written by poetOftragedy
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

thank you all x

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Meek/Weak Don't Speak

The most dangerous weapon is an educated hue man
Who can see through the deception and takes a stance
No longer willing to dance to beats of other's drums
Fighting to advance instead of just settling for crumbs

Refusing to succumb to one's desires of meekness
That's nothing more than bowing down in weakness
Intelligence reigns supreme so he dreams but stays woke
Prepared to handle business whenever provoked
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Isn't death punishment enough?

What about us,
Isn't death punishment enough?
Why do we still have to suffer even in life?

We are born
We age,
We suffer the consequence of time.
Sticks and stones break our bones
the wheel that embodies all keeps on turning

We are plunged into the earth full of sickness and disease
A world of strife and warfare
Color distinction and poverty..

We live, we learn
But that does not save us from certain death,
Through it all we find moments of laughter, peace and love
But we are not spared from the sharp knife that cuts through all that's living...

When the sun sets,
Darkness return
Nightmares and horrors begin.
In the bewitching hour
Sickness longs,
The wolf howls at the moon
Despair and loneliness return
Yet the wheel that embodies all keeps on turning

Another morning, the big wheel keeps on turning like nothing happened
The cycle ever continues.
For us there are no happy ever after
it all ends in disaster

What about us,
Isn't death punishment enough?
Why do we still have to suffer even in life.

Written by poetOftragedy
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

Able to keep his cool and kill fools with his intellect
Taking them to school and making them drool like derelicts
He'll have my respect until the day my spirit hits eject
I don't expect every man to understand but please don't interject

Just let your fingers do the walking and keep scrolling to another's poem
Cause just like Malcolm the outcome will be me refusing to conform
Today is his born day, nineteen May, so I'm showing adoration
Exhibition of manhood on which he stood is my greatest inspiration
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Sugar Coating

You can't sugar coat shit and expect for it to taste sweet
Eventually you'll have to meet & greet what lies beneath
Sinking your teeth deep into the meat of the problem
That's the analytical, not political, way to solve them

Sometimes we must swim with them in shark infested waters
In order to tear down walls and open up borders
Disobeying orders when those orders are detriments
Even those of temporary residents of presidents

Set a precedence for the civilized world to follow
A sugary crust over a pool of sewage is hard to swallow
For a better tomorrow, we must stand firm on our square
Refusing to grovel even if the price is a high fare
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Blunt Farce Drama

(An Editorial Piece with Walter’s Alter Ego)

Thank you Wally,
I just took a hit and that shit made me hella mellow…
Oh hello!
Tonight, we will be discussing the weed industry
And why we need to understand the bigotry
That’s been set in place by the system

Many of you may be familiar with the legalization of marijuana
     In many different states
But I’m gonna make an observation that feels more like farce than drama
     That may open the floodgates for debate

Over the years many dudes, homies and brothers
     Ended up in prison for selling weed
Now that it’s becoming legal we come to uncover
     Those with the money are taking the lead

If you ain’t got the paper you’re in no condition
     Only big business can afford to play the game
It’s been rigged by lobbyists and former politicians
     Raking in most the dough from all the Mary Jane

In short, although the laws are changing
     Many people are still serving their time in jail
While rich motherfuckers at the top
     Are getting richer behaving like a cartel

Wally, back to you
( ^ - ^ )y-~~
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

Only When the Rain Falls on Your Head

To the ears of the unhearing
Screams go unheard
Like a whisper in a whirlwind

Only when the tornado removes the roof of the pampered and privileged
And only as torrents fall upon and tarnish a closet full of Armani's finest
and rain ruins that $400 hairdo
Will those who look away
Finally look at what was happening all around them all along

As the water rises higher inside the walls of a now roofless bowl that was once an impenetrable fortress
who have learned to swim the raging rivers,
 shall see if that Rolex Submariner
really is waterproof
Written by FATBOY300PLUS
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Change Of Possession

Chock full in their rhymes are chimes about homicide
Out of their minds, not realizing that it's fratricide  
Assisted genocide designed to stop the rise of a Black Messiah  
So many Judas, truth is that we're under constant fire  
Wish I could inspire a change in the game to stop the fumbling  
We're constantly losing possession of lives and it's demoralizing  
Downright depressing how we're declining with each buck  
The sound of the weapon as more melanin gets chucked  
I'm stuck with a bucket of fucks that I philanthropically give  
I fear that I may become niggardly because caring is rather expensive  
Labor intensive on the physical, mental and emotional capital  
Fleeting in feeling is he that proceeds to be stoical & apathetical  
I've got to be mathematically geometrical about this hypotenuse  
Before the cerebral screws that I still have come completely loose  
Sometimes it seems of little use to cope by hanging onto ailing hope  
As the youth and blue troops keep dangling more fruits from ropes
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

7-2-14: Se7en Q's succession

Is bitch really a bitch?  
Is nigga really a nigga?
It's fine when you hear it from your kind  
But when  someone else different says it it's a crime,  
Tell me where the fuck do you draw the line?  
Tell me,  
Why do white people feel so entitled?  
They take all even when they have more than enough  
Are they so narcissistic that they enjoy the smell of their fart?  
And why do black people blame everything on the past?  
They sit on their hands  
And want everything served on a platter or else they play the race card  
Why do I feel like I'm taking this too far?  
Is God really your friend?  
When he helps those who help themselves.  
Let's say he helps someone who raped someone you love and they get away with  
What is God to you then?  
Why are you still looking for real love?  
Whilst you knew perfectly when he was hitting on you, he was building you a castle of lies...  
Do you still think every men is the same?  
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought you were to blame.  
What is it that you were chasing when majority of you fail to love yourself the same?.  
When she rejects you what gives you the right to be a dick?  
Calling her name's thinking it makes you better  
But in reality it ain't changing shit.  
What makes you think women are after money?  
Whilst you promised that you'd buy them the world  
And when you fail it's them to blame  
Why don't we build every relationship on honesty?  
There's no such thing as death do us apart  
It's till circumstances do us apart  
Or unless I have no other option then I'll stay  
Why is everyone becoming a philanthropist after they become rich?  
They claim to give back to the community but swallow every start up to further make themselves rich...  
If they truly giving back then why only the minority still remain rich?  
Tell me why are you marching on the streets and playing victim?  
Subconsciously you knew exactly what your X was getting you when you joined the que.  
Tell me in your mind, who do you think will put your  needs first before theirs is satisfied,  
Isn't it good being sedated by lies?  
Do you still think education is the key to success?  
Tell me how many people really ascend  
To the upper echelon and being the men?  
Give me your top five billionaire and tell me their education level  
Do the math, you good at it, tell me if it really makes sense.  
95% of the world is depressed  
The five percent lie  
Everyone is sick and twisted  
Why do majority of us hide what we truly feel inside?  
Written by poetOftragedy
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

Ink Spots

Suffering in silence is second nature
for people wrapped in hated skin;
your life under constant siege because
you are a scourge on sight;

a blight in expensive sneakers,
a member of a caste unworthy
of empathy but if you can
somehow Dinesh D’Souza
your way through existence,
everything will be fine.

The Stanford Prison Experiment
was a glimpse of human savagery
put into a uniform;
now state sanctioned violence
continuously batters black bodies
recording at 30 frames per second;

blood sacrifices in HD.

No wonder we have to Frantz Fanon
and Diane Nash our way in these streets;
there’s no polite way to take freedom,
especially when the playbook is rigged.

We must be born with King Herod’s
proclamation coursing through our veins,
the cursed sons of Ham
onto which all the ills of
Western society can be blamed.

Athleticism & entertainment value
makes us palatable and appalling;
phallic and hyper-sexual provenance
sparking unmuted rage.

No matter what continent,
confident we will remain,
walking targets
for those with perfect aim;
our eradication, chess moves
in an ongoing Endgame.
Written by Abruvanamedsly
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