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Poetry competition CLOSED 5th September 2017 3:58am
View Profile Poems by Amorous_tryst
RUNNER-UP: David_Macleod

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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

Poetry Contest

Write about a person that was once a friend to you and for whatever reasons, you have unfriended them
Not too long
no collabs
new writes only
one write
I need a mod to make 18 and older

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17168

Friend unfriended

words poured like water
into a hole on the beach
castle built against the crashes
of incessant waves
these were you and I
ever daring to try again

we grew apart...
our words dried up
wishes never came true
no stars to wish upon
nothing shone for us
even then

the hole never filled
the waves never stopped
but our words were gone
silence born of indifference
outgrowing each other
the gap in between got wider

a finger snap, a decision
snipped the friend tag away
all what's left was the vision
of wishes never fulfilled
words never spoken
questions never answered

we may still be friends

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

was ignorance a choice?

we worshipped each other
one another, and others
in aimless roads, I followed
each of you, and you
followed me blindly
ignoring my purpose
given at birth

I just needed to come back
to my father who waited for me
all this time with open arms

I just didn't have strength
to let any of you go by my self
So I just..
ignored and abandoned
all of you

and disappeared.

I'm truly sorry...

but now I have gained power
to lighten your darkness
just need some more time
please bear with me...

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 9th July 2017
Forum Posts: 63

We danced together
Holding hands
As friends do
Laughing at the  men
Who would try to
Between us
They didn't see us
Or our bond

But your whispers
Your lies
Behind my back
Because you feared
My happiness
You began to live
In misery

I tried to hold you up
Your life
Your children
I waded through
Your filth
to soothe you
You couldn't even hold
My hand
When I needed you

What bond
A dream of friendship
Built upon
Your desire
To be noticed
As I slipped
Into the backound
Each day
A step
Further away

4 years
I have
Been stepping
Walking away
Without looking back
I blocked you
Removed you
From my life
My mind
To be free
From lies
False reality

But yet
You came
When my life turned
Upside down
To watch
to gloat
But you did not realise
I was happy with
The turn around
The chaos
The adventure

So now you sit
On the edge of my life
Never welcome with open
Waiting for misery
To appear
To pretend to be the saviour
But I welcome the adventure
The ride
And you
My dear
Are no longer on it

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

Mod, thank you kindly!  Grace, dejure, what a great start. Thank you all for your indulgences to this comp! <3

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

jimcarreyslawyer Thats acceptable. Its how you would feel unfriending someone. Thank you for your indulgence! <3

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1545

"Unfriending You Hurts Me More Than He Hurts You"

His obsessive control is nearly as stinging to my eyes
As your submissive obedience gives him a rise
I cannot watch as he cripples you self-esteem
Turning you into a hollow shell he loves to demean
Seeing you accept it turns my stomach, filling me with rage
You may as well be locked in a chicken-wire cage
I cannot pretend to be an accepting or unfeeling friend
So before he deletes the rest of you in a box till the end
I'm letting go of the angel I once held near and dear to my heart
Because the person you were is gone and broken apart
You were an artist and poet with a mind of your own
Now nothing remains since grooming you into his subservient stone


Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 49

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 1347

You Drink of the Blood, I'll Drink the Wine

Blood isn't always thicker than water
Why do I even bother
You judge me
As if you were god
Sorry but you are not
My sins are none of your business
You already unfollowed me
On Facebook and Pinterest
Because of my "wicked" ways
But still none the less
I am your sister
But you treat me as if I am a stranger
Like I should bow down to your righteous one
Sure that's ok for you
But although we are twins
I'm done being someone's puppet
So from the day you told me
I am going to hell
Well so mote it be
Friends we are no longer
I pressed that block button
So I will no longer see
Your judgments or
Your preaching of
what I should be doing with my life
While scrolling through my timeline
But just so you know
I am living my life
My own way

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 33

when I laid eyes on you
I knew
I liked this person
you are my person

best friends forever

years go by and you are still there
but not really

a text here
and a call there
not much to go on

how can that be?

I ask you if everything is okay and you say
I don't believe you
I thought we were best friends
not perfect strangers
on the other end of the phone

did you try to push me away?
was in not of your own accord?

I text you
I call you
But you are hardly there

I gave up
I refuse to be sad
for someone that is no longer there

best friends no more

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687

Great entry, JJ Nice to see you in here! <3
Canullia, I really enjoyed this, thanks dear. <3
Luna, doll....its like you were reading my own thoughts. <3
Ash dear I could feel this thanks love <3
okanna, never say never darling! <3 thank you all of you great entries!  Im loving all of them! <3

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2687


poet Anonymous

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