Poetry competition CLOSED 17th June 2017 3:22pm
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_


Write a poem using the following words!

Strange Creature
Joined 10th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

You must use every word located in the following list in your poem. Good luck! I hope you like a challenge!
List of words:

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Pardon me, host, but what is a "Wearable h", please?  And thank you.

Strange Creature
Joined 10th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5

I'm so sorry, that was a typo. The word is "wearable". Sorry about that!!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

werbepause ~ {xv}

what does the audience know
of the canyon i try to fill
poem after poem
bottle after bottle
& the chasm that remains
gaping, an eternal ode
to input error[s]
my breast is a hearse
carrying my heart
& if you lay your head
to the pale skin, you
might hear the mimic
of life & pulse ~
... mockery on horseback
against my ribs]
or perhaps names
like dragonflies
caught beneath the
plexiglass transparency
of my carefree façade,
their multi tonal wings
fodder for the flamethrower
of my emotions...
my face is less wearable
as days collide &
according to the memories
the schism of yesterday
is still unfilled

Peace Flow
Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 16th May 2017
Forum Posts: 24

                   A beautiful landscape, captures an audience;
                   with all its unedited errors; with what's wearable,
                  one may saddle up for the horseback ride along the canyon;
                   the great canyon according to popular belief;

                   truly a sight to behold with great pleasure;
                   sight seeing, in itself is much treasured;
                   rocky is the road that cuts deep,
                   blood, sweat, & tears shed symbolizes sticky situations;
                   from low to high degree measures;
                   weight is the meaning behind it all;
                   carried by varied numbers to the end of time;

                   until six pick up the left overs of pieces of the earth;
                   externally carried one last time in a hearse;
                   the flame thrower is always burning through vaulted doors....

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

_shadoe_ said: werbepause ~ {xv}

what does the audience know
of the canyon i try to fill
poem after poem
bottle after bottle
& the chasm that remains
gaping, an eternal ode
to input error[s]
my breast is a hearse
carrying my heart
& if you lay your head
to the pale skin, you
might hear the mimic
of life & pulse ~
... mockery on horseback
against my ribs]
or perhaps names
like dragonflies
caught beneath the
plexiglass transparency
of my carefree façade,
their multi tonal wings
fodder for the flamethrower
of my emotions...
my face is less wearable
as days collide &
according to the memories
the schism of yesterday
is still unfilled

Omg Shadoe, your words are like music I love this poem🌹

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

oh! my lonely soul...

audience applauding
a beggar on horseback
riding through the canyon
carrying a flamethrower

but according to you
there is no error in that

you are following him
in a hearse wearing
a Mona Lisa grin

while your wearable
emotions lying in a coffin

you can’t bury them
you can’t wear again

oh! my lonely soul
what have you become?

what have you made
out of me?

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

Another error...

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1781

According to legend every third Sunday in March at 11:59 pm since the 1920's, a woman can be seen riding horseback on fire through the Grand canyon and on up to Flagstaff. It is also written that she was a very talented performer.    
Being both a flamethrower & trapeze-acrobat for a Big Top Circus      
in Arizona. Until one unfaithful Spring night.                  
Over the years towns folk have reported seeing her flaming body riding around town seeking revenge on the man who murdered her...              
On March 20,1927 having little or no sleep the night before, she decided she needed the money more than rest and went to work with a wearable smile; while all the while keeping her mind on the clock, waiting for midnight to hurry up and come so she could leave work and go home.                  
The curtain went up at exactly 7:00 pm and the freak show began.              
The clowns were always first to go on stage, then the animals, and then last but not least, Prudence Elizabeth Walker aka Pru, was the last show of the night. She was getting pretty good at throwing out huge balls of fire in repetitions, making it seem like she was casting magic spells with her flames. The audience always went wild!                  
Pru smiled a lot when she heard the loud clapping, whistles and cheers coming from the people who came to see her act. Plus, she hadn't made a mistakes in quite sometime, not one single error in over 4 months, that made her smile too...                  
Some random asshole named Tank Murdock "the town drunk" up in the front row, thought it would be funny to throw a lit cigarette at the stage, so he did, and Poof! The entire stage caught on fire and within seconds, Pru became engulfed in flames and died right there on that stage, that night!                  
The Driver of the hearse was in fact the man who killed her by "accident."                  
This journal was written by some of her friends                  
who talked with Pru, earlier that night.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 241

It would appear I've reached this place in Error..
I was searching for my Wearable feelings.
According to the Audience, I was driving my Hearse through the Canyon, chasing a Dream riding Horseback.
As luck would have it, Dream had a Flamethrower.

Alas...a tear
Twisted Dreamer
Australia 4awards
Joined 26th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 65

Emmanuel handed me a flute
As Iris sneered, “The collection was too wearable”
I wondered how she might
Critique the aesthetics of my emotions
at this moment  

Emmanuel shook his head
“They want an audience, marketability. You aren’t in Pa-ree anymore”
If she had enough money to fill the Grand Canyon
her training would tell her to hire guards armed with flamethrowers
to burn it all and call it an art installation

At school they teach you to ride on horseback
While people drink the oil the earth bleeds
Tutors revealing the error of your ways
According to their esoteric daze
Screeching brass in a funeral march
While a hearse drives slowly by
A cadaver peers out of a coffin lid
Amused for a moment at the cockeyed students of death

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