Poetry competition CLOSED 30th May 2016 11:39pm
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNERS-UP: JohnFeddeler and Jade-Pandora

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The enchantment of the forest

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th May 2016
Forum Posts: 3

I'll be the runner out on the path
Making myself addicted to music

chasing the breeze
And those steep inclines
to wick some worker's sweat
And worry
From my brow

I've reached the peak
Where morning rises over me
Where light breaks ultimate perfection
To wake the woods

I lace my shoes
Shuffle my mind
Hit play
And wander off one more time
to chase the sun
To skip a few petty thoughts
And follow the breeze home

Thought Provoker
Greece 12awards
Joined 11th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 393


I’ve been lost into the forest
the forest of feelings,
I was trying to find the exit
-so very hard, it seemed impossible-.

I climbed to the tree of Love
it had frozen tears for branches and
happiness for roots.
Inside her trunk was living the Heart of the forest
-beautiful trunk-,
I asked her where I could find the exit
and if it was for me to find it.
She made a noise, pure noise,
just the needed to keep me breathing.
Unique smells, I found the green, the red
I found lots of white and I was lost
into the forest of feelings.

I jumped onto the tree of Eros
it was small and kind of naughty,
easy to climb
bare branches and colorless trunk,
he confided me that he was in love with Love
it sound simple and poetic but
like the story of the bird and the sky
along with the story of time and youth
and unlikely the story of the moon and the sun,
he will never be able to touch her
but he had the chance to
look at her until the end comes for him
and this is luck in the forest of feelings
blooming flowers to create a path
for your exit to the wild.
And then I found my exit, and then I was lost again.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

Going Home

The moon is weak; what there is of it plays hide and seek with the occasional cloud; stars litter the midnight velvet sky as if someone threw diamond dice. Without hesitation she enters the forest to walk this well-worn path guided by invisible beings.  Trust is her final lesson, the final outcome for her this night, the culmination of her life.

Betwixt the dark of the moon and the standing of the sun she has come to offer her being to the Force not seen by many and felt less by some. She enters this space the age of the crone but as she walks this sacred path she becomes young again.  Her ivory coloured dress of Mulberry Silk drapes her naked body like a second skin, gliding with her every step.    
The trees stand like sentries guarding this sacred place while protecting her on her journey.  As she passes they whisper words of love that settle on her as kisses do from a lover after a magic union.  With each step she takes, as her foot daintily touches the soil beneath her, a light emanates, guiding her. She’s known for years this day would come.  Her life experiences both good and bad, born majestically, have led her to this moment in time.  
She can’t stop smiling; a smile that starts from her heart and spreads throughout her being, leaking through her eyes transposing her face. Her Love, the Omnipotent is waiting. With each step she takes, the brighter her surroundings; like an artist creating a painting, telling the story he sees, the forest animals begin to appear, peeking from behind the trees, the brush and blades of grass; some waiting for her to pass or walking with her.

She looks up at the deepening night sky and feels her being pulsating, electric with excitement as tears fall, not from sadness but from the joy of what is coming. A soft glow, transparent in being, can be witnessed through the trees, as she gets closer to her destination.  

At the entrance to the clearing she stops and stands gazing at what’s before her. Standing tall as if consciously contained, is a pulsating white, rose, and gold coloured energy. It pervades her being, rocking it to its very core, emanating pure Love. She wants to run to Him, to Her, to It, this Presence, but her feet are held firmly on the ground by an unknown force.  

She looks around, sees their faces in the trees, in the grass; the nymphs, elves, fairies, imps, all who live in this forest have come to greet her, showing themselves openly. The forest animals gather around her, standing close, looking at her, silently whispering.  

In these final moments, as the eternal Love she feels for the Omnipotent leaks from her being she lifts her foot, taking the final steps and with the delicateness of Love walks without wavering into His open arms.  The Universe explodes as she’s welcomed Home.  

©  Kate Adams 29/5/16 Revised Version

** This is a shorter version of a fiction piece I uploaded on DU on 15/6/15

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you lovely Amelia for hosting such a magical comp.

congratulations to Kate, Jade and John enchanting entries

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Thank you Crim!

My gratitude to madam host Amelia for this enchanted competition, and the honor of placing with cup-winner Kate (congratulations, darling miss!), and co-runner-up John (for his awesome write!).

Everyone gave wonderful ink... congratulations!

All the best, and "write on"!

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

Thanks for the placement, Aemelia; salute to Kate & Jade. outstanding poetry featured here...

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

This is a very pleasant surprise for me considering the level of all the entries...as John said...'outstanding poetry featured here...'
Thank you AEMelia for hosting this competition.
Congratulations to John and Jade.

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