Poetry competition CLOSED 30th May 2016 11:39pm
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNERS-UP: JohnFeddeler and Jade-Pandora

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The enchantment of the forest

poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

The Esperanto of Trees

I traveled with the tallest,
tacking the wind, carrying tales

beyond the world I knew
in the billowing sails.

I always believed in the
gentleness of trees;

the keepers of every footnote
of everything that came to be,

witnessed and handed down
as precious cargo.

To listen (yes, hear the hush)
of a language long forgotten,
like the Esperanto of trees,

before the memories of hominids,
perhaps from their lineage,

before venturing into the hunt
on ancient savanna.

As birds to the dinosaur, who
heard the trees and what they said;

living with the quiet nobles,
nesting in their masthead.

Copyright ©2016 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved

poet Anonymous

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Jasmine Moore
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 154


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

People's Protracted War
All Rights Reserved

Onto the darkness
From the merriment of city lights
With fellow believers we travelled
Until we stopped on a dark road
With trees so tall and leafy
Moonlight obscured by its mighty shade.

Shhhh. We shouldn't speak out
Stealthly, we joined the the crowd of crickets
Walking single file, blindly walking
The invisible path leading us to somewhere.
From out of nowhere, six men appears
All camouflage and armed with M16
My heart raced, my palm sweat
Under the grassy bed, my legs itched
As tree branch sways to welcome our presence

There in the heart of the forest
I accepted a fate I so long awaited
Crickets rejoiced, the forest opened its doors
For the revolution, for the cause
The San Antonio Mountain
Adopted our reborn spirits
With coded names, no I.D. and away from our families.
We found a refuge, a safe haven and a loving mother

The forest knows no descrimination
With wilderness we found our sanctum
In its heart, we felt free at long last.


(A true strory, a piece of my life...)

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

    trail of wander

path beckons gentle
whisper enticing softly
girl  alone  follows
girl, every sadness carries
path flowers edge
trail meander, curling
sunlight fade, darken
flowers to weeds

trees mighty, branches reaching
fingers wooden crooked
branches clutching almost
eyes wide, owl
who, girl, who
girl tremble, hurry

river droplets bubble
river of tears
tears silver, sparkle
river flows, ever far

dome of sky, garnet
darkness, descend, encroach
clouds billow, looming
thunder roaring thunder
quaking ground, girl shaking

rush, falter, stumble
girl fallen, knees
cry, shudder, cry
she hugging she
shadows, hideous, torment
thunder trees terror
branches fingers reaching
drum of no drum
beating heart beating

girl supine, curled furless
scream, silent, echo
sleep.  endless sleep

journey of your eyes


poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 10awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1164

winter wear

ever-proud evergreens droop
heavy with burdens of snow on their shoulders

flat winter light illuminates
without revelation
muting meaningful contrasts

deep under branches where darkness usually reigns
a deceptive face of white blankets the mystery of dank rot beneath

as a smile conceals misery

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2879

a sonnet for the forest

I walked in to the depths of greens one day
to see the magic of the green forest
I felt the coldness of the wind my way
as I entered the depths of green forest

the birds they sang in joy of welcoming
me to the kingdom of the land of greens
I wanted to sing to the forest king
but where in here I look for such a dean

enchantment of the atmosphere divines
the cruelty of the human twisted mind
to heal the angry souls of men in line
who wants to come and cut the trees they find

what if the king of greens started a war
I know I will be fighting for the core

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

The Lesson of Trees

Treetops appear nervous
always shaking and bowing down
yet, they stand

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