Poetry competition CLOSED 5th April 2016 12:04pm
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_

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The Double

Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514

Poetry Contest

Write your darker side
Show the negative aspects of the thoughts hovering all through your mind.Take any incident ever happened to you where you showed a darker corner of your heart.Either fair or illegal dont matter.

Write a piece revealling negative metaphors of your life.

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 4

I love to hate you… I’d love to make you break you.
…but I need to save you.

You torture me; the enforcer, the only driving force in me, you course through me forcibly, keeping me alive.
Remorsefully, I scream with you inside, resourcefully, dreaming you would die.

"You’re so predictable. Everyone knows you, everyone knows what you’re about. But no one knows who you truly are; the monster you really are inside. Inside me."

You’re broken off into pieces. Potent, often to ease this onus; awful diseases, soaked in all of the reasons, open to all who would see this.

"You’re so unpredictable. No one knows you, no one knows what you’re about. No one knows who you truly are; the monster you really are inside. Inside me."

You keep me going. Discreetly knowing pieces; growing. Screaming, throwing, breathing; showing.

You rape my consciousness. Great. Hate, obnoxiousness and a blatant obstinate faith convey the positives. Invade the bottomless, raving politics that display the hollow, misstated obvious. Escape is ominously vague; preposterous. The plague that prospers grips pain and fosters it; strains to father it. Don’t bother, it’s a waste to ponder this circus; its service urges hurt if you ever face the consequence.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 13th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 4

134282 said:You rape my consciousness. Great. Hate, obnoxiousness and a blatant obstinate faith convey the positives. Invade the bottomless, raving politics that display the hollow, misstated obvious. Escape is ominously vague; preposterous. The plague that prospers grips pain and fosters it; strains to father it. Don’t bother, it’s a waste to ponder this circus; its service urges hurt if you ever face the consequence.

Such a profound pen...the battle within.
You've got quite the wicked rhythm and flow, love this. ~C

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 4

Amid_Dreams said:Such a profound pen...the battle within.
You've got quite the wicked rhythm and flow, love this. ~C

Very kind of you to say, thank you.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 30

The Miserable Days (Solo Renga)

when the memory has
left me wandering and confused
adrift in the fog

when I close my eyes
succumbing to the fatigue

when pain comes for me
knocks me over, beats me down
leaves me sore, broken

when it's all too much
and I can't make it downstairs
to make the coffee

when I lie awake
curled in a ball cursing, tears
dripping on bedsheets

in the fits of rage
screaming every curse I know
at my own body

will you run the bath
wash my hair and clean my skin
when it hurts to move

will it be too much
more than you should e'er expect
or should have to bear

will you be my light
when I find myself submerged
in gloom and darkness

will you stay with me
through the miserable days
and help me feel joy


- © Jackson Cambridge, 2015

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

(Written By Harley)
For Mcjay Comp...

Choking On Air
Can't Even Breath
No One Is There For Me
Fuck You And Your Life
While I'm Suffocating Alone
As I Smoke A Joint Releasing My Pain To Let It Go To rest

Hoping For Death To Follow
As On Top Of My Green Weed
Another Bill I Take Wishing Nothing More Or less For Me

No One Hears Me While Crying
No One Hears Me Hurting,
Another bill After Another While Sipping On Vodka Taking My Pain In
If I Die No One Would Care
Angry As Hell
Within Through My Bills
Cut Not Once But Twice On Through My Whist
As Like No One Really Care

As Is I'm Not faking I'm Actually Hurting Inside
Someone please I Feel Suffocating Inside
Fuck Friends And There Live
They Have Put Me Through Hell
Now My pain Is Within Inside

Nothing Can Cheer Me Up While I Lay In bed Depressed
Thinking On What's My Plan Next,,,,
Although It Fucking Life
You Choice How You Want it
Today is The Worse Of Them All

Not Thinking On What Has happened
listening To music nothing but Death
ill never feel The Same Again
As Angry As I Am I Will Not Recover
And Suffocating With bills Hoping I Can Die Through My Pain I Am Living
Lose And Now Forgotten
Suffocation Through Within

Copyright © Ashley Evans | Year Posted 2016

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Double; Double Full of Trouble

I often said to a person kind and polite
Fuck you and this world of shite
who would serve you with civil delight
Kill them all, leer; give them a fright.

Quiet, smart, with a kind heart
I am through with that part
Who likes poetry and art
Burn them all for a start.

Plenty of prospects and a degree
The future is all empty for me
Never drinks, yet drinks tea
From my hairy visage flee, flee!

A bachelor through and through
I am smarter than shitty you
Of love and humanities too
Fapping is what I want to do.

So with a smile I always politely ask
I'd rather be silent and wear a mask
Always happy and here for a task
In money and your blood I shall bask.

So when I seem the epitome of polite pride
You don't see my darker side
Which I hyde and hide
with asides and is snide
to which will be cired
'The Double!'

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

lacrimosa ~

cathedrals of prussian
& persian blue sleep
in gate fold & pressed wax
against plastic stars
on the ceiling ~
... she fears the floorboards
the oaken squeak,
the slivers of porcelain
from anushka's leg
still unswept from the scene
that leaves her dead
& again &...}
he buries her deeper
after night after...}
beneath tiny flowers
of indeterminate genus;
they smell of
his nameless myrrh
& look like her,
pale & ever fading  

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Flayed Soul -

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

You anger me, evil human so filled with hate,
Believing yourself so entitled to judge my kind!
Saying I am going to hell because I love deep,
One who shares my gender as well as my heart!
For you, evil human, it is already far too late…
Your soul is forfeit, your spirit I shall now bind.
With darkest sorcery, devils your soul shall keep!
By the power unseen, you will be broken apart.
How dare you mock me, and so provoke wrath,
Until I long to see your head mounted on a pike…
Whilst wolves nibble at your entrails in red bath!
It is not I you need fear, nor I who shall strike.

Demons will haunt your sleep, of your making.
Torments, shall punish you, leaving you mad…
Until: your flayed limbs lie trembling and quaking,
For you have angered me, angered me so bad!
You say I am going to Hell? I am Hell incarnate.
Behold your vile death knell! Let is swell, fiend,
For though I be a devil in your eyes, my true fate,
Is a brighter thing, than any you could ever glean!

You tie yourself with your own veins torn free…
Thinking yourself better than my generation was.
We did not start world wars that killed innocents,
My only sin was that I said the words ‘blessed be’.
Yet you despise all I am, without thought’s pause,
But it is you, who shall sing the bitterest laments…
Evil human, evil bigot, evil mortal whom I despise!
I am your better; I am superior beyond your hope.
You are beneath my contempt; I am the Queen…
And such sweet suffering Hell shall for you devise!
Whilst around your neck is tied the mighty rope…
You will be lowered into darkness, to so scream.

In the end, you will bow to me in heated chains…
Until your shrieks rise like music, to amuse gods.
Whilst I sit in judgment over your countless pains,
As your inner demons poke you with hot prods….
In the tender places, so that you know my agony,
The hell that comes from being treated much less:
Less than human, though I am more can’t you see!
Your demons will drink your blood in gory mess.

Upon a cross, shaped like an X, you will suffer…
No sleep will be permitted you, no sweet dreams.
You will be broken as you broke me, foul thing…
And no reprieve is mine to, your vileness, so offer.
I am the Queen; you will know the truth of Her…
Your every fear will flow from you in vast streams,
And for every time I cried, you will feel that sting,
Your weeping will so harden into a jeweled coffer.
Nothing of you will be left intact, no sanity whole,
And in Hell there is no death, only eternal horror!
Your torture was never my wish, never my goal…
But you wanted this, and so let demons so confer,

The totality of your misery back unto you: creature.
Your evil makes you reek, and it makes me sick!
I am your better, for I am not childish but mature,
Never stooping as low as you, to ignite the wick…
The flame of war to provoke, as you dared wake!
You woke the Dragon, and now you must so pay.
I will lay not a finger upon you; the evils you make,
You will know in Hell, for you must die, one day.

And thence: be bound eternally by your inner ills!
You judged me, hated me, abused me, and spat.
But one day you will kneel before my dark throne,
Fettered by the weight of your unrepentant evils:
And behold my true face, where your fears sat…
Whilst your fears flay you: to your weakest bone.
You saw me as less than human, you sick beast!
Mocked me, for being bisexual and transgender.
You called yourself, a believer in a loving God?
But I am your better; on you, crows shall feast…
Whilst my love, and I, shall always be together!
Keep hating me: keep calling me freakishly odd.

You mock the Queen of Hell, the bright Angel…
But, I was a child, when you first hurt my spirit!
What gave you the right to tell me I was wicked?
You never had the power to judge me so harsh.
But all things change, things ebb and then swell,
Like a primordial ocean, and how you will fear it!
It is not I who condemns you; you made this bed.
You are a worm, and every worm one can squash!

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Euphemystically Seeking Float

Losing grasp fast
Losing the matters to me
Shreds me to tattered
If i weren't so tired
I would just up and combust

I need to swing away
Surging the urges
I take one in my night fright
I cannot hit
The dark pillows it

I only head on harder
And there i rise
Above ground
Feet dangle
Treading air in frustration

Mind twists
Twirls like wings of the cicada
Trapped in tummy
Screams for summer buzz howl

No decompression
Causing wretched expression
A cross twisted grin
Wears Gin

Hair tangles up in rats
Wants to grow long and down
Longs to sweep across ground
Longs for sweet gravity
And Earths touch

I miss the Earth so fucking much

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Sainthood by Slaughter

It is done
The injustice of my rubicon
Matters little to me..
But that i won and a corpse
My trophy

I have turned bones into an alter
Of my cold hearts cathedral
I Genuflect before them in worship

Of my bloody thrill kill
Instead of the humiliating kneel
Of cock suck
And other pre fuck duties
Done to his scorching approval

I light a candle
Let it burn for ages
(as i did)
Smile: a new pleasure
In image of blood drops drip
As i watch scarlet wax fall

Where his monstrously
Eyes will never be again
And into dark hollow sockets

I light incense
And rest it between gaping jaw
Now slack and white
Disturbed: apears as if laughing
Done with being mocked

Once more
I pick up axe handle
Laughter has stopped

I pray a rosary
Then wind it through alabaster claws

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Jasmine Moore
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 154


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Awesome piece Jasmine...very fine write.

Jasmine Moore
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 154

calamitygin said:Awesome piece Jasmine...very fine write.

Thank you Jennifer :)

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