Poetry competition CLOSED 14th January 2016 8:03am
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sinisterpenz (Hellbound)
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A comp for two

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

wheres my trophy

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

thats bogus

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 53

thats fucking bogus it clearly says double trophy and we both know my poem killed it , fuck these contests

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

I understand a trophy for Top Critiquer, HOWEVER, that was NOT part of the COMP, " COMP FOR TWO". The reason why we entered this comp was for a trophy both sinisterpenz & I , SURVIVOR, each get one if we win. I DON'T understand why we BOTH didn't earn one!!! That was the COMP, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY WE BOT DIDN'T EARN ONE A PIECE!! Can you explain why then we BOTH didn't earn one each??? I don't want this trophy if the rules changed... We were both supposed to earn one!  Please explain why the rules changed, thank you,

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

Alright I understand...I know & thank you, PLEASE understand this is extremely important to sinisterpenz & I.  
Thank you,

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14572

bit of respect for the host there, penz. doesn't matter how important a cyber trophy is to you there's no need to go skitzo and throw your toys outa the pram

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

Read my work!! SURVIVOR, I HAve been so ashamed, sinisterpenz"s  poem showed that what I,a multiple, did whatever I had to to survive, including fragmenting. His poem showed we did whatever we had to do to survive. That, my friend, in his work, gave us great honor!!!! Thank you,

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

Updated now so both winners get a trophy.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

I wasn't being mean... for some writer's, like me, enter these competitions for the challenge...going against some of best writer's we have here...winning is such rush...thank you DarkDreams...I accept this trophy with honor... my only regret, more writer's didn'qitet enter... it was unique & quite a challenge...thank you DarkDreams...
P.S....WebMisstriss, I love the trophies... they give encouragement, pride & and the rush pf wining is Amazing
. thank you both...S🍒🍒🍒🍒➰

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Congratulations to you both👍
I'm so glad this got resolved.  It looks like this sort of thing won't happen going forward, 'cause I've seen one other collaborative team, who recently won a competition, get their respective trophy(s) as well.

All the best!🌸

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Jade-Pandora said:Congratulations to you both👍
I'm so glad this got resolved.  It looks like this sort of thing won't happen going forward, 'cause I've seen one other collaborative team, who recently won a competition, get their respective trophy(s) as well.

All the best!🌸

It's because you can give a trophy to each winner of a collaboration (asking the Webmistress for it and having to wait for some days for it to show) but unfortunately you CANNOT give double trophies to different comp participants. That's what I got from my "investigation" on this topic.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 11th July 2015
Forum Posts: 130

I also investigated, two trophies per partner, EACH. newbies either don't know the site enough to investigate or they're in a mad dash to enter & hope they win & take the rules at word.I was expressing my desire  to have under sinisterpenz name instead of mine. I felt his entry was far better than mine. my intention wasn't a war or a trigger if insults. I'm sorry it did. next time, maybe the rules are stated clearly. it's a resl rush to win. for some, it's an honor, like me. the comps can help, encourage & strengthen our writing.much love & respect

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