Ace of hearts.
Calum Oliver
Joined 16th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 64
Calum Oliver
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 64
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about being aromantic or asexual, or a relationship that was misunderstood because it lacked sex or romance.
Collabs allowed.
Maximum of 500 words.
Max of two poems a person.
I'm severely dyslexic, so please try to spell things correctly.
Alright, go.
Maximum of 500 words.
Max of two poems a person.
I'm severely dyslexic, so please try to spell things correctly.
Alright, go.
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
Very interesting..
First, i have a feeling there are going to be some who do not understand Asexuality..might want to add a broader definition in the description.
May your pieces be old?
I spell the way i use my southern dialect often....i use phonetic spelling..
Would that be alright?
First, i have a feeling there are going to be some who do not understand Asexuality..might want to add a broader definition in the description.
May your pieces be old?
I spell the way i use my southern dialect often....i use phonetic spelling..
Would that be alright?
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 241
If the poor soul is dyslexic how would they know the spellin' was right or wrong? Just sayin'
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
bereft of satisfaction
longing for
praying hands
staring at her
on the future
dedicating herself
to the end
bereft of satisfaction
longing for
praying hands
staring at her
on the future
dedicating herself
to the end
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
A day in 2008
Loved the damn woman
like a sixteen
year old
who found his penis
for the first time.
[She probably loved back]
It started like wild dogs back 2004
you know,
and bighting
some times wilder
some times less
but I knew it was real
by the sweat on my chest.
Outta the blue
like a bat in the night
as the baby grew
the hormones flew
It was just never the same
a striking pain
The thought of a head
on my little ones toes
caused the cycle
to close
The sex was bereft
till some sorta time
in 2011
when we had to cave in
having lived
under roof
wishing we could
both go
to bed.
Forum Posts: 17119
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119
Hugging Pillows
I love him you know
I adore how his eyes
seems to look deep into mine
as he speaks
or the way he bunches his hair
after taking his bath
and the way he smiles
shyly as he tells a story
such an adorable look
when I say something right
and he likes what he hears
I live for that look
I have never met him
but he lives in my heart
I have never touched him
but he's with me every night
In my dreams
in my thoughts
he lives there
much loved!
I love him you know
I adore how his eyes
seems to look deep into mine
as he speaks
or the way he bunches his hair
after taking his bath
and the way he smiles
shyly as he tells a story
such an adorable look
when I say something right
and he likes what he hears
I live for that look
I have never met him
but he lives in my heart
I have never touched him
but he's with me every night
In my dreams
in my thoughts
he lives there
much loved!
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
There once was a man named David
Whose boyfriend was sexually frustrated
David always jerked off online
With his man this wasn't fine
David's dick was always deflated
Whose boyfriend was sexually frustrated
David always jerked off online
With his man this wasn't fine
David's dick was always deflated
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
Asexuality and it's true Voice
He was my very best friend,
And I admit I was attracted to him
One night we got straight Jim Beam pissed,
And we almost kissed..
He pushed me away sudden like he was afraid.
I was stunned and swayed...
We often slept in the same bed, now he couldn't get me far nuff away...?
He said "Jen babe, i am asexual."
Tried not to be emotional, but intellectual.
My ego was not crushed..
It hurt that he was so afraid of my touch.
I asked sincerely "Honey, are you gay?"
He shook his head "Darling, no, not gay. I am another way."
I said "Okay, let's open book babe.."
He looks at me with tears in eyes.
Says " I have no desire for girls or guys."
(remember this is decades back)
I said "So Brad Pitt doesn't make
Or Jen Anniston doesn't make you wanna spread her thighs?
You know neither make you wanna?"
He says "No Sweetie, both make me bout as horny as driving a Honda."
We both burst in to laughter...
I knuckle noogied him, called him "Honda fucking Bastard!"
I so loved my sweet, funny friend Chad
We talked and laughed all night, but i was sad .
Not because he didn't wanna fuck me..
But because i was scared hed never really be happy.
The subject finally came to a close and i like to think i understood...
As much as any good friend possibly could, and just fucking should.
Chad, wherever you are now...
I love you brother...
Maybe thats what it is..
To have an asexual lover.
He was my very best friend,
And I admit I was attracted to him
One night we got straight Jim Beam pissed,
And we almost kissed..
He pushed me away sudden like he was afraid.
I was stunned and swayed...
We often slept in the same bed, now he couldn't get me far nuff away...?
He said "Jen babe, i am asexual."
Tried not to be emotional, but intellectual.
My ego was not crushed..
It hurt that he was so afraid of my touch.
I asked sincerely "Honey, are you gay?"
He shook his head "Darling, no, not gay. I am another way."
I said "Okay, let's open book babe.."
He looks at me with tears in eyes.
Says " I have no desire for girls or guys."
(remember this is decades back)
I said "So Brad Pitt doesn't make
Or Jen Anniston doesn't make you wanna spread her thighs?
You know neither make you wanna?"
He says "No Sweetie, both make me bout as horny as driving a Honda."
We both burst in to laughter...
I knuckle noogied him, called him "Honda fucking Bastard!"
I so loved my sweet, funny friend Chad
We talked and laughed all night, but i was sad .
Not because he didn't wanna fuck me..
But because i was scared hed never really be happy.
The subject finally came to a close and i like to think i understood...
As much as any good friend possibly could, and just fucking should.
Chad, wherever you are now...
I love you brother...
Maybe thats what it is..
To have an asexual lover.
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
asexual Translate Button
[ey-sek-shoo-uh l]
having no sex or sexual organs.
independent of sexual processes, especially not involving the union of male and female germ cells.
free from or unaffected by sexuality:
Asexuality (or nonsexuality)[1][2][3] is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity.[4][5][6] It may be considered the lack of a sexual orientation, or one of the variations thereof, alongside heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
blocat said:If the poor soul is dyslexic how would they know the spellin' was right or wrong? Just sayin'
Respectfully, I don't think he meant it that way. Btw, I too am dyslexic and many misunderstand what that means. The brain is wired differently which makes us different. Dyslexic persons are intelligent and keen to learn. In my case, all the more so because I want to soak in as much information as I can when so many take their "smarts" for granted and are laid back about it. Like with similar issues, as one matures, the brain learns to develop coping mechanisms, so being different in this case can actually become special. The host of this competition says his dyslexia is "severe". The different ways dyslexia manifests itself is case-by-case. You don't have to be dyslexic to hope that people will be more observant when it comes to making sure their text is done correctly, but in his case, I'm sure it helps him read the submissions quickly without slogging through text that are rife with typos, misspellings, and bad use of punctuation.
Thank you for listening.
Respectfully, I don't think he meant it that way. Btw, I too am dyslexic and many misunderstand what that means. The brain is wired differently which makes us different. Dyslexic persons are intelligent and keen to learn. In my case, all the more so because I want to soak in as much information as I can when so many take their "smarts" for granted and are laid back about it. Like with similar issues, as one matures, the brain learns to develop coping mechanisms, so being different in this case can actually become special. The host of this competition says his dyslexia is "severe". The different ways dyslexia manifests itself is case-by-case. You don't have to be dyslexic to hope that people will be more observant when it comes to making sure their text is done correctly, but in his case, I'm sure it helps him read the submissions quickly without slogging through text that are rife with typos, misspellings, and bad use of punctuation.
Thank you for listening.
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
Im happy you clarified darlin...blocat was teasin me..for mih question.
The comment seemed a lil insensitive..but i promise he is as good a bloke as you will find. And by no means thinks a dyslexic person is dumb. I think thats a topic that people are aware of these days. My question was quite sincere...i have a couple very good dyslexic friends...and they are both brilliant men. I often write in my own dialect which i spell phoeneticly...wanted honestly to know if that would throw him.
My suggestion to clarify had nothing to do with dyslexic manifestation...but with the true nature of Asexuality...a very misunderstood manifest of sexual orientation.
I appreciate very much your addressing the issue..and not making a judgement on blocat.
Shows you are most certainly intelligent, as a human being.
The comment seemed a lil insensitive..but i promise he is as good a bloke as you will find. And by no means thinks a dyslexic person is dumb. I think thats a topic that people are aware of these days. My question was quite sincere...i have a couple very good dyslexic friends...and they are both brilliant men. I often write in my own dialect which i spell phoeneticly...wanted honestly to know if that would throw him.
My suggestion to clarify had nothing to do with dyslexic manifestation...but with the true nature of Asexuality...a very misunderstood manifest of sexual orientation.
I appreciate very much your addressing the issue..and not making a judgement on blocat.
Shows you are most certainly intelligent, as a human being.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
. .
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
calamitygin said:Im happy you clarified darlin...blocat was teasin me..for mih question.
The comment seemed a lil insensitive..but i promise he is as good a bloke as you will find. And by no means thinks a dyslexic person is dumb. I think thats a topic that people are aware of these days. My question was quite sincere...i have a couple very good dyslexic friends...and they are both brilliant men. I often write in my own dialect which i spell phoeneticly...wanted honestly to know if that would throw him.
My suggestion to clarify had nothing to do with dyslexic manifestation...but with the true nature of Asexuality...a very misunderstood manifest of sexual orientation.
I appreciate very much your addressing the issue..and not making a judgement on blocat.
Shows you are most certainly intelligent, as a human being.
Thank you so much, Gin. You're such a love, sweetheart, and from one human being to another, you are beautiful, both inside & out. <3
The comment seemed a lil insensitive..but i promise he is as good a bloke as you will find. And by no means thinks a dyslexic person is dumb. I think thats a topic that people are aware of these days. My question was quite sincere...i have a couple very good dyslexic friends...and they are both brilliant men. I often write in my own dialect which i spell phoeneticly...wanted honestly to know if that would throw him.
My suggestion to clarify had nothing to do with dyslexic manifestation...but with the true nature of Asexuality...a very misunderstood manifest of sexual orientation.
I appreciate very much your addressing the issue..and not making a judgement on blocat.
Shows you are most certainly intelligent, as a human being.
Thank you so much, Gin. You're such a love, sweetheart, and from one human being to another, you are beautiful, both inside & out. <3
Forum Posts: 333
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333
She Blew My Mind.
instead of sex. we slap each other. I went too far. I slapped her too hard.
for Valentine's I give her circles. black ones. around her eyes.
she gives me cracked nuts. mine. we kick it. or she kicks it.
we eat dinner under candle light. because they shut off the electricity.
we will honeymoon spontaneously. we have to vacate the premises in 14 days.
she sleeps with a gun under her pillow. I sleep with the bullets.
we both have knives. when all else fails. we will always have knives.
she puts something in my oatmeal. I refuse to buy her tampons. I make her use
left over cigarette butts. Nothing absorbs menstration like cotton cigarette butts.
she cooks me dinner. and grins when I eat it. something about the cutlet has
me itching all over. it must be the paprika. next to the rat poison.
she blows me kisses but our lips never touch. we sleep in the same bed
but we keep to ourselves. but tonight. there were no bullets under my pillow.
It's our 4 year anniversary tomorrow. She has a surprise for me.
I told her, I was dying to know.
She said, It's a blow job that will blow your mind.
But our lips never touch. She sleeps with a gun under her pillow.
instead of sex. we slap each other. I went too far. I slapped her too hard.
for Valentine's I give her circles. black ones. around her eyes.
she gives me cracked nuts. mine. we kick it. or she kicks it.
we eat dinner under candle light. because they shut off the electricity.
we will honeymoon spontaneously. we have to vacate the premises in 14 days.
she sleeps with a gun under her pillow. I sleep with the bullets.
we both have knives. when all else fails. we will always have knives.
she puts something in my oatmeal. I refuse to buy her tampons. I make her use
left over cigarette butts. Nothing absorbs menstration like cotton cigarette butts.
she cooks me dinner. and grins when I eat it. something about the cutlet has
me itching all over. it must be the paprika. next to the rat poison.
she blows me kisses but our lips never touch. we sleep in the same bed
but we keep to ourselves. but tonight. there were no bullets under my pillow.
It's our 4 year anniversary tomorrow. She has a surprise for me.
I told her, I was dying to know.
She said, It's a blow job that will blow your mind.
But our lips never touch. She sleeps with a gun under her pillow.
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
black and blue
black and blue
these demonic creatures
bursting thru
your doorway
busted thru,
changed my life
how about you
fully automatic pistols
pointed at you
rounds passing by you
sound barrier broken too
sounds like the banshee
with whistle
when passes by you !
oh you too?
that's cool
we should kick it
on the low too
smoke a fatty of some killer herb
i love hearing you say fuck the world
watch me" manically laughing" you'll make them deserve
you hate the people
but not the earth
we see the beauty and not a curse.
it 's the sad fucks with no bucks
scratching nuts never getting cake up
people ,
they suck.
Making, twisting, riping are minds apart
so now ride and grind and were creatures of the dark
from actions
chemical reactions
alter ultimately changeing
worldly obsessions of possessions of prophets
speaking inside of are mind and we can't stop it
were looking up at the sky but there's blood raining
down from it
you take my hand and we ascend
into the blood-soaked heavens
at thats were we invoke are revenge
for the people of the world
and what they did.
black and blue
these demonic creatures
bursting thru
your doorway
busted thru,
changed my life
how about you
fully automatic pistols
pointed at you
rounds passing by you
sound barrier broken too
sounds like the banshee
with whistle
when passes by you !
oh you too?
that's cool
we should kick it
on the low too
smoke a fatty of some killer herb
i love hearing you say fuck the world
watch me" manically laughing" you'll make them deserve
you hate the people
but not the earth
we see the beauty and not a curse.
it 's the sad fucks with no bucks
scratching nuts never getting cake up
people ,
they suck.
Making, twisting, riping are minds apart
so now ride and grind and were creatures of the dark
from actions
chemical reactions
alter ultimately changeing
worldly obsessions of possessions of prophets
speaking inside of are mind and we can't stop it
were looking up at the sky but there's blood raining
down from it
you take my hand and we ascend
into the blood-soaked heavens
at thats were we invoke are revenge
for the people of the world
and what they did.