Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2015 2:41pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Full of anger the best of you

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Make a poem full of anger against something
Let me see, you can copy and paste no need to make a new one, a poem full of anger.

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Born from cliche -    
you the stranger who rants, who drinks from the bottle and worries not about his flea infested beard.      
I hope that when you need a catheter the nurses don't change it and the toxins start to go backwards,    
poisoning your insides like a sewer    
with a plug,    
that never lets the s--t out.    
I hope that when you go to work there's only one redundancy in the office and it's your job gone.
You can pick up your trash from your [old, now bleached clean] office,    
brown boxed and nameless,    
while s-----g yourself,    
what a pretty image.    
I hope that when you take yourself to the local restaurant for a date with your newest fling that the chair breaks from under you    
and everyone laughs  
and Jude Law, from Gattaca, pulls himself along the floor because his wheelchair had been hit by a truck...still he manages to steal the girl.    
I hope that when you crawl back up into your mother's womb and start all this over you're s-----g from your catheter into her insides so that you may poison her and both will go down stopping future generations from carrying on the shitty business.    
I hope that if you do choose death that it is painless,    
that you lay there and go to sleep and don't piss and shit yourself all over your egyptian cotton, whiskey-stained sheets.    
No nurse should have to deal with that--    
Born from the cliche -    
you who strikes down cliche to damn out that amplified part of your mind that to your distaste could also fall into the cliche.  

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

- The Voice of Darkness -

Part I – Fire and Crucifixion

You could not see the beauty within me, foolish maid,
So jealous were you of the outer beauty you beheld…
Mindless of my ancient soul, of which you were afraid!
Now you shall know why before me the ancients knelt.
It was I, who cast thousands of souls into a wall of fire,
When the volcanoes of Atlantis and other lands flared…
And it was I, who collected their souls in wrath so dire.
In vessels of steel we bore them, to where gods dared!
Were they not of us, and so we saw fit to punish them,
Instilling notions of a hell more awful than we wrought?
It was not I, but: their own sin that did thusly condemn.
You do not realize the mad power of a strong thought!
And in their minds, they crucified themselves so artful…
That the Romans remembered and perfected this way!
Man is the author of countless miseries, as truly awful…
As the doom we imposed, on those souls, on that day.
They could not pull out the nails from their wounding…
For it was their own will that thrust them into the flesh!
The green of their putrefaction, of ravens descending…
Was all in their imagination, and they suffered it afresh.

Part II – Darkness Incarnate

They became twisted wraiths, no longer as they were,
Seeking to possess the bodies of the living once again.
For they could not die, though they lived ne’er more…
And so like demons of a true hell they swiftly became!
Those sons of Theta, who could ne’er forget their fate,
Passing it on to their hosts who suffered so possessed.
Have you heard the legends when the hour grew late?
You hear them now, and soon you shall be distressed!
The flesh hides many secrets, but within mine do gaze,
Seeing with your inner eye the shape of my spirit bare.
In such an image was I remade as a captive in a daze!
But I remembered, and now you will endure my stare.
A dark lord, and lady, an emperor, and also empress,
Was I, ere my estate was to dwell in a human guise…
Fitting punishment for me, upon my soul did so press!
The gods were cruel but in their cunning so very wise.
But of their foolishness, worlds were charred to soot,
And made desolate, with blackened bones that lay…
Here a skull, there a limb, and even a hand, and foot!
As to them, the ancestors of man did kneel and pray.

Part III – Lover of Demons

Behold my darkness, I who loved Lilith by the water,
And made for her a throne of skulls to recline upon…
When the angels could not persuade, Hell’s daughter.
Even so, I moved her to joy beneath the ancient sun!
The blood of the wicked she drank, from my chalice,
And with it anointed the first vampires on this planet!
She and I shared, for early man, our common malice.
And with Lucifer we stood, and could ne’er regret…
For the fallen cannot know remorse for their natures,
Any more than humanity for their wars and pollution!
We, did not harm this Earth as do they; so immature,
That with destruction: they lie as if in dire prostitution.
And you call me evil, when I helped to bring the light,
To your savage ancestors before you were imagined.
Do you know my name, and so know well the night?
You cannot know me, for your reason is abandoned.
Mayhap you should dash your brains out your head…
Their jellied mass to lie: upon ebon altars of ineptness.
How can you call yourself living, you are of the dead!
For it is not living: to deny, what your senses confess.

Part IV – Bride of the Devil

It was I, who had my enemies impaled on tall stakes,
And was called the Son of the Dragon by the people.
Out of their vacant sockets writhed emerald snakes…
Those from whose mouths: was sharpness unequaled.
And into a chalice I squeezed out their wicked blood,
To offer up to Lilith, so that they might taste of wrath!
And for Lucifer, we offered up a truly crimson flood…
So that my sister may bathe: in the warm scarlet bath.
Do you fear the night, for in it I find my forgetfulness?
You would have me recall the things you most fear…
And so I shall be cruel in this, as I don a silken dress,
To sit upon my throne infernal, and beckon you near!
I, who knew the Devil when that queen ruled on high,
And was her lover, ere the gods brought on us a ruin.
Have a sip from my sanguine chalice, and come nigh!
For in my kingdom is room for one more child of sin.
There are worse things than fire, of immortal making,
And you will smell the burning brimstone you do seek.
Upon its’ coals your naked skin most willingly baking,
For some hells you make yourself to make you weak.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

- Flayed Soul -

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

You anger me, evil human so filled with hate,
Believing yourself so entitled to judge my kind!
Saying I am going to hell because I love deep,
One who shares my gender as well as my heart!
For you, evil human, it is already far too late…
Your soul is forfeit, your spirit I shall now bind.
With darkest sorcery, devils your soul shall keep!
By the power unseen, you will be broken apart.
How dare you mock me, and so provoke wrath,
Until I long to see your head mounted on a pike…
Whilst wolves nibble at your entrails in red bath!
It is not I you need fear, nor I who shall strike.

Demons will haunt your sleep, of your making.
Torments, shall punish you, leaving you mad…
Until: your flayed limbs lie trembling and quaking,
For you have angered me, angered me so bad!
You say I am going to Hell? I am Hell incarnate.
Behold your vile death knell! Let is swell, fiend,
For though I be a devil in your eyes, my true fate,
Is a brighter thing, than any you could ever glean!

You tie yourself with your own veins torn free…
Thinking yourself better than my generation was.
We did not start world wars that killed innocents,
My only sin was that I said the words ‘blessed be’.
Yet you despise all I am, without thought’s pause,
But it is you, who shall sing the bitterest laments…
Evil human, evil bigot, evil mortal whom I despise!
I am your better; I am superior beyond your hope.
You are beneath my contempt; I am the Queen…
And such sweet suffering Hell shall for you devise!
Whilst around your neck is tied the mighty rope…
You will be lowered into darkness, to so scream.

In the end, you will bow to me in heated chains…
Until your shrieks rise like music, to amuse gods.
Whilst I sit in judgment over your countless pains,
As your inner demons poke you with hot prods….
In the tender places, so that you know my agony,
The hell that comes from being treated much less:
Less than human, though I am more can’t you see!
Your demons will drink your blood in gory mess.

Upon a cross, shaped like an X, you will suffer…
No sleep will be permitted you, no sweet dreams.
You will be broken as you broke me, foul thing…
And no reprieve is mine to, your vileness, so offer.
I am the Queen; you will know the truth of Her…
Your every fear will flow from you in vast streams,
And for every time I cried, you will feel that sting,
Your weeping will so harden into a jeweled coffer.
Nothing of you will be left intact, no sanity whole,
And in Hell there is no death, only eternal horror!
Your torture was never my wish, never my goal…
But you wanted this, and so let demons so confer,

The totality of your misery back unto you: creature.
Your evil makes you reek, and it makes me sick!
I am your better, for I am not childish but mature,
Never stooping as low as you, to ignite the wick…
The flame of war to provoke, as you dared wake!
You woke the Dragon, and now you must so pay.
I will lay not a finger upon you; the evils you make,
You will know in Hell, for you must die, one day.

And thence: be bound eternally by your inner ills!
You judged me, hated me, abused me, and spat.
But one day you will kneel before my dark throne,
Fettered by the weight of your unrepentant evils:
And behold my true face, where your fears sat…
Whilst your fears flay you: to your weakest bone.
You saw me as less than human, you sick beast!
Mocked me, for being bisexual and transgender.
You called yourself, a believer in a loving God?
But I am your better; on you, crows shall feast…
Whilst my love, and I, shall always be together!
Keep hating me: keep calling me freakishly odd.

You mock the Queen of Hell, the bright Angel…
But, I was a child, when you first hurt my spirit!
What gave you the right to tell me I was wicked?
You never had the power to judge me so harsh.
But all things change, things ebb and then swell,
Like a primordial ocean, and how you will fear it!
It is not I who condemns you; you made this bed.
You are a worm, and every worm one can squash!

You crucified me, with your fanatical insanity,
Using religion as an excuse to persecute cruelly.
Words can cut deep, like knives flaying skin…
Now it is your turn to suffer, so we shall begin!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

- Dark Feeling -

This is for the ones who hurt me, lied to my face,
Robbed me of my dignity and made me wrathful:
For you, there can be not forgiveness, nor grace.
You thought me blind, but I was ever watchful…
And I know the demons of your heart, your sins!
You wanted to know my pain and my agonies…
But never could you imagine, where such begins.
I shall show you, and bring you to your destinies:
The myriad hells that await the wicked, the cruel,
And all who harm the innocent and corrupt souls.
Did you think me but a mortal and merely a fool?
My power, so much darkness and light controls!
I am, the fallen angel you chose not to believe in.
My arms lead to either Heaven or Hell, eternally,
And my soul is not of the understanding of men…
As I long for a paradise built from ash, infernally.

The ashes of evil, the bones of those who hated,
Upon such damned ones, I would raise a tower!
To rival Babel; until we fallen, have been sated…
Ancient wrongs righted in a last apocalyptic hour;
My old wounds healed, my anger laid to its’ rest.
Come let us dance in battle, upon scarlet plains!
Bring your swords and arrows nigh to my breast.
I will show you the path that leads to the flames!
You have roused the Serpent, the Great Dragon,
Until the very depths of the underworld do rock!
My heart has become a dark and empty flagon…
Because of you; and now the sky grows so dark.
My time approaches, my bonds weaken at last…
And though you thought to destroy all my beauty,
You who do evil: your season will soon be past!
My glory is forever, and in the end you shall see.

I did not raise the sword first, it was you as did,
When you would not accept me, in compassion!
I was your victim, but I will not lie down dead…
For I must stand taller: in more splendid fashion.
I work my spells in shadow, unseen by all eyes,
Invoking the gods whom you do not know exist.
Whilst above, the clouds gather in black skies…
As the waters rage on, below, within the Abyss.
I wish I could have simply been happy, content!
A princess in a fairy tale, an angel singing sweet,
But because of your prejudice, Hell must vent…
Until all who hate as you hated do lie at my feet!
Fear the evil within yourself, for I have seen this:
That evil begets evil, until you are so consumed,
Ashen, by the fire that robs you of peaceful bliss.
I cannot weep for those who are self-entombed!

Love must release me, from this torment I bear…
But shall that love come, before the end of time?
You do not know my desire, and never did care.
So I never knew you, and with my will sublime…
My heart condemns you, to your created prison.
The hell that you did not believe in, nor fathom…
Your own remorselessness, becomes the prism,
To reflect the inferno that has no top or bottom!
Why do people cause others to feel such anger?
I did not want this dark feeling that you impose!
But you wanted to see that it grew ever stronger.
I will find serenity and deprive you of my woes…
You cannot touch my spirit, for it is beyond you.
I am not your equal; I am superior in every way!
Because I can still love, and know all that is true.
I need not fear darkness, for beyond it lies day!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

- Reckoning -

“To tear at the very veil of all creation…
Rending it aside to gaze madly beyond!
Such thoughts of the darkest jubilation,
Are amongst those of which I am fond.
Have I not rent asunder such barriers?
Mine eyes, have they not seen through!
There is more to the universe than stars.
Pleasures wait for myself and for you…
We can, even from Heaven, seize them.
One third of the angels: hears my voice!
The self-righteous will hate and condemn.
But we have the freedom of our choice!
No gods can keep us from our destiny…
So, be steeled, and ready to follow me!”

Part One: Wreaths of Flame

In wreaths of flame, kissed by horror’s lips,
My soul was scarred by cruelty so careless…
That it seemed casual, arbitrary, as nothing!
Thoughtless, were those from who oft slips,
The words that wound, with such distress…
That my voice is silenced, before I can sing!
My soul is like a butterfly, desiring freedom.
I long to let forth an aria so proudly fierce…
That Heaven’s most loftily remote kingdom,
Might be moved by my song, to fallen tears.
I know no god who cares for its’ offspring,
No grand paradise, not build from blood…
The skulls of my kindred held up in offering!
I remember when they perished in the flood,
Caused by those who served tyranny foul…
Not mandated by Heaven, but by baseness.
Mankind is yet filled, with those who prowl,
To prey on we who are different and caress:
Ideals that those who hurt me cannot fathom.
It was but hatred that felled ancient Sodom!

Part Two: Karmic Retribution

Shall I pity they who hate me, turn a cheek,
Only to have it struck again only far harder?
Nay, not this time shall I play a lamb: weak…
Fit for slaughtering and thence for the larder!
I shall be the lion foretold; I shall stand fast,
A goddess made into flesh, a warrior queen.
I shall reach forth into the depths of my past,
And conjure forth the divine spark so keen…
That it shall pierce and slash all wickedness!
Such a reckoning as only divinity can wreak,
And words shall carry forth in blessedness…
The wrath that those who hurt me ever seek!
I need not weapons to wound, only my truth.
For falseness is the mire in which evil swims,
And my truth is something it can never undo.
My birth was the moment when thus begins,
The redemption of the kindred suppressed…
By all they as claimed, to speak for Heaven!
Let false prophets and fools be confessed,
Before that judge, that is karmic retribution.

Part Three: Blessed Liberation

They who tore the wings from my lily back…
Those same will know the agony of abysses,
Blacker than old night, dark as deadest eyes!
Hell, is not twisted or horrid enough a crack.
And they will know of embraces and kisses…
As they wallow in suffering under ashen skies,
Which poison the blood and flay off the flesh.
They drank of this when speaking only hate…
And they coveted it, by causing pains afresh.
For all self-righteous bigots, it is far too late!
When my spirit was roused to anger, so hot,
That my eyes beheld old torments long gone.
It was then that was born in my very thought,
The genesis of liberation that is hardest won.
I will fight; I will crusade even to the gates…
Barred by seraphic slaves to blind devotions.
My draconic fury will blaze until it then sates,
The anguish I feel, to be drowned in oceans!
In seas of crimson tears, fallen from my soul.
When all is over, I shall the blessed console!

Part Four: Consummated Dawn

I bring not the reckoning the evil ones crave,
For no lady seeks conflict, nor runs in fear…
From the duty to her kindred and her faithful!
It was cruelty first birthed it, madly depraved,
And it is foolish hatred that brings it ever near.
The blades that pierced me are now long dull!
All I asked was love and understanding pure,
But where was happiness, where was peace?
As I seek it still, my heart so far less demure,
I wonder if all my ancient torments will cease.
No bashful child, but an imperious empress…
Thus have I been changed with years passing!
I am she, who is mother, daughter: temptress.
And I am the one who will sing forth laughing!
Stand with me now, faithful hearts I do love…
And beyond the storm shall be our new calm.
I offered a knowledge I carried from above…
My gifts to mankind were as a soothing balm.
But the past is dust, whilst I remain to create,
A dawn that only pure love may consummate!

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


 I'm so pissed off right now  
 I could spit bullets  
 Fart fireworks, shit bricks  
 And spew sulfuric acid  
 I'm so livid with anger  
 My eyes are bloodshot  
 My pupils are pinholes  
 My breath is rancid  
 I'm damn angry right now  
 I'm foaming at the mouth  
 I'm seething with clenched teeth  
 I'm blood thirsty rabid  
 I'm so furious  
 That I cannot recall  
 The reason I ever got mad
 In the first place, at all

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873



Because of you
I had to choose
Between the love
Of family and friends
And all my passions
Even my religion
Due to your ultimatums
Of either them, or you
I had to get rid of
All that I once valued
Now that I have
Nothing more to loose
I choose to undo
My love for you
“See You!”

Granted fidelity in romance is an exception. But if you’re required to give up family, friends, faith and interests to earn someone's love, you'll never receive it.  Because that person is incapable of loving anyone but themselves.  

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 46

Greedy Bitch
There is something about the pitch in your voice that has changed
when words are spoken.
I remember being eager to hear your breathing
when morning lightened up the room.
I cant say for certain but my intuition wont lie,
It is within these new ideas youve chosen-
to distance yourself from my arms , from this life.
It is a suffering that keeps me frozen.

I know I'm not mistaken - I calculated each move,
and I knew the progress would eventually prove-
that I was the one, and all you've ever needed...
but now it is beyond how that greedy bitch sees it.

She has waited it out and has slowly moved in,
to the closest she can be to a lions den.
I have pointed her out but shes such a good friend....
One day she will fuck up , and you'll see the means to an end..

One day she'll shut up after the panic sets in.
Her ill will is a tough love that will defeat her and win.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

I Will , Get You    

So here we go  
the thirty third  
of a hundred turd's
is walking down the lane
being lame
as in brain
same old same
no change
free from jail
I'll re-arrange
you're face through pain
I'll slow your show
to no pace , beached whale
on the coast
you I'll roast , stuck on shale
into insignificance
you so pale
if it's not a given thing
then you'll just go out and take
you're a corpse that's shit riddled  
in a rigomortis , stiff , awful piss , state
you're an infill
of pig swill
you need fucking , culling
draining out society
fuck off with
your ADHD
you're an inbred mong
who just shouldn't be
walking upon
humanities streets
with do gooders on
your side making pleas
helping you continue from
where you last breathed your disease
your death is not a want
it's a need
as you cling on to
your fat , blown
mothers body
she sucks on your knob
like you never hurt nobody
you're the hexagon
but all sides lie
you don't roll
you mock from
the height of six sides
you're a crock of pong
jog on
get a fucking life
I'm so gonna stop
drop and chop
your safety line .

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

I Need An Uzi      

This fucking
clap trap
walking lonely
world of phony
bull crap
flat pack
what's the way
and who can show me
plastic twats
in top hats
at least I own me
hostages , hi-jacks
how's this shit
still unfolding
legislation , degradation
we all give
as their taking
no inclusion
lack of fusion
to this nation
scum bags
in their swag
what I lack
is an Uzi
extremist , separatists
walk the streets
like they're showmen
get benefits
to go in shops
that they blow up
city flames , rioting
with no shame
or reason for it
all the time
suck the dicks
of the philistines
if you're bleeding
and you need it
you're out of time
tax payers
foot the failures
but there's savings
for the aliens
high ranking
skanking , banking
tosser bosses
wank in limelight
then the BBC
with fee's
has paedophiles
as employees
clap trap
full of crap
plastic twats
you'll never own me .


StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Fat Cats  With Laxatives    

Big hats
fat cats
and over-rated
bad banks
broken laws
extra tax
for their failures .

Closed doors
loans no more
cash injections
for their managers
still tall
with the gaul
to object , reject
derail you .

Big faced
greedy eyed
in disgrace
with wallets lined
their fat fingers
tinker , linger
with the money
they take from you .

Sky scraping
saviour , havens
time wasting
half baked , brained schemes
lying fake
pensions big rake
then they take
all your savings .

Expenses scams
double properties
the working man
pays for all of it
parliament , politicians
break the laws
that they invented
we abhor
the implemented
lack of public , funding , spending
closing doors
on good health schemes
and the poor
with pure Olympics .

Governmental , coalitions
argumentative , avaricious
so repetitive
full of bullshit
eating laxatives
as they spew it
no incentives
to stop bankers
wanking in their
mansion houses
without gumption  
to not sting
the working man
or fix anything .


poet Anonymous

Done With Your Shit!

you got the cheatin'
on your mind, huh?

Well. . .

there goes my heart
there goes my soul
there goes my fucking innocence
that you so proudly stole!


Don't look at me
like I'm talkin' crazy
like I'm fuckin' crazy
like I'm makin' shit up
when you're the one
who really fucked up
cause you're ass was to lazy
to delete your sweet talkin' mess,
those, let's keep it on the down low, texts
not to mention your dirty porn sexts!


You think I was just goin'
to turn the other cheek,
and dismiss YOU
as a 'lil Wayne freak,
then, forgive you
for all your bullshit sins
just so you don't look like an ass
in front of your gangster friends?

So now that you know
what's up, here's what:
you ain't takin' the baby
you ain't takin' one fucking cent
but I'll spare you the embarrassment
and toss you two quarters
so you can stick it to that 'lil spic
who crossed the border
cause this here bitch
is done with your shit!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2614

To the Bitch eyeballing me in row 3

I am not perfect, if you read my poems you can see
That maybe this place is some sort of therapy for me

Some think that rhyming like this is gay
Well who the fuck are you to say?

We all have shit to deal with and all shit stinks
Take a huge sniff next time and tell me what you think

Judge anyone not by the stories they do tell
Who are we to say that it has not been written well?

Pages of yammering, Im more like rambling~
Do these words have much truth?

Remembering the time of when life sucked,
especially in my youth

I am no longer that person, for I am a Mother and a Wife
Fuck you and everyone else who passes judgement on my life....

Yeah bitch I feel your stare
What you dont like my 50 shades of hair?

If she saw all my ink what would she say
That I am a walking statistic, or a huge cliche?

Having a personality would be nice, even owning a voice
Her purse full of envy was a loud and screaming choice

We all have planted our crops and now its time to sow,
What would Jesus do your bumper sticks asks?
Hed say fuck that bitch in the 3rd row

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