Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051
Poetry Contest Description
convert your competitors
Preach It, Sister
Convert your fellow competitors.
Winner gets the most declared converts.
If you get converted, declare it and I will tally it up.
More than one person can convert you. Declare them all.
Convert your followers to :
A flavor of Religion
Musical taste
etcetera etcetera...
Get your message out there.
Enrich the lies ov others.
Jesus Had Four Years.
You only have ONE MONTH!
Zeus Bless!
Convert your fellow competitors.
Winner gets the most declared converts.
If you get converted, declare it and I will tally it up.
More than one person can convert you. Declare them all.
Convert your followers to :
A flavor of Religion
Musical taste
etcetera etcetera...
Get your message out there.
Enrich the lies ov others.
Jesus Had Four Years.
You only have ONE MONTH!
Zeus Bless!
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 281
Horses are the way to go
Forget the car
A horse becomes your friend
They dont pollute
Horses are the way to go
Go to the store on a horse
Visit your boyfriend on a horse
To feed a horse is to love a horse
Forget the car
A horse becomes your friend
They dont pollute
Horses are the way to go
Go to the store on a horse
Visit your boyfriend on a horse
To feed a horse is to love a horse
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- A Perfect Ideal -
In a truly perfect world, there would not be any need,
For cruel and bloody wars, fought over petty greed!
All peoples would join together in joy and brotherhood,
And the knowledge of the ages could be understood.
Is what we have lost worth the little some seek to gain,
When they give in to hatred, empowering only pain?
The scars we all carry, either without or deep within,
Cannot ever be healed by intolerance’s perpetual sin!
The collective and subconscious dreams of humanity,
IF we continue like this, they shall never come to be.
We cannot crucify our messiahs, and martyr every saint,
And expect to escape from our own cruelty’s dire taint.
How dare we ask our gods to, our petty evils forgive!
When we will not allow ourselves, in peace, to so live.
The wickedest devils do, in our own hearts yet dwell,
Worse: than any found even in the deep fires of Hell.
What we call sinful, the gods do laugh at long on high,
Wondering what hypocritical creatures we are, to so lie.
In the name of righteousness innocents perish for naught,
Slain by our own belief in the falsehoods we have wrought.
Each generation maintain that it is better than all before,
Whilst leading itself astray, yet one prejudiced step more.
How wicked: hath become the perverse mind of man…
To say that cruelty of any kind is part of any divine plan!
No god asks for so many horrors to keep taking place,
In order to so glorify its’ unquestionable and vain grace.
What god doth require the blood and souls of the dead?
When the living are better suited to serve divinity instead.
Why look forward to the day when the world might end,
When we can build a heaven on Earth no evil can rend?
Why must Paradise be so far beyond a mortal’s reach!
That we should content ourselves with illusions we teach.
A doctrine that is true, practices peace and well as love,
In harmony with the will of Heaven as it really is above.
Never presume to speak for the gods to which ye bow!
Ye forget the past, forsake the future: destroy the now.
A king can rule no proper kingdom under all the stars…
If he builds it upon blood, and upon sorrow’s sad scars!
Ashes and bones are not subjects fit to be: ever ruled…
To make any empire in that way is by evil to be fooled.
Fire and terror do not make the green trees to grow,
Oppression and fear do not cause the waters to flow.
Desecration and persecution do not help winds to blow,
Brutality and ignorance do not add to what we know.
In harmony with nature, and together we may as one,
Perhaps yet live as the gods intended, lest all be undone.
Creation was founded upon a word and by a will divine,
Yet we break faith with powers even older than all time!
To be a perfect people, we need a more perfect ideal,
If the wounds of humanity are ever to with mercy heal.
Love is the answer, and understanding is the simple key,
By which we might unlock the glory of a noble destiny.
I present a better ideal here, for all peoples to pursue,
In the name of divinity, and all that is goodly and true!
But also of humanity, forsaken by itself for so very long,
Remember thyself and join me in a more beautiful song.
In a truly perfect world, there would not be any need,
For cruel and bloody wars, fought over petty greed!
All peoples would join together in joy and brotherhood,
And the knowledge of the ages could be understood.
Is what we have lost worth the little some seek to gain,
When they give in to hatred, empowering only pain?
The scars we all carry, either without or deep within,
Cannot ever be healed by intolerance’s perpetual sin!
The collective and subconscious dreams of humanity,
IF we continue like this, they shall never come to be.
We cannot crucify our messiahs, and martyr every saint,
And expect to escape from our own cruelty’s dire taint.
How dare we ask our gods to, our petty evils forgive!
When we will not allow ourselves, in peace, to so live.
The wickedest devils do, in our own hearts yet dwell,
Worse: than any found even in the deep fires of Hell.
What we call sinful, the gods do laugh at long on high,
Wondering what hypocritical creatures we are, to so lie.
In the name of righteousness innocents perish for naught,
Slain by our own belief in the falsehoods we have wrought.
Each generation maintain that it is better than all before,
Whilst leading itself astray, yet one prejudiced step more.
How wicked: hath become the perverse mind of man…
To say that cruelty of any kind is part of any divine plan!
No god asks for so many horrors to keep taking place,
In order to so glorify its’ unquestionable and vain grace.
What god doth require the blood and souls of the dead?
When the living are better suited to serve divinity instead.
Why look forward to the day when the world might end,
When we can build a heaven on Earth no evil can rend?
Why must Paradise be so far beyond a mortal’s reach!
That we should content ourselves with illusions we teach.
A doctrine that is true, practices peace and well as love,
In harmony with the will of Heaven as it really is above.
Never presume to speak for the gods to which ye bow!
Ye forget the past, forsake the future: destroy the now.
A king can rule no proper kingdom under all the stars…
If he builds it upon blood, and upon sorrow’s sad scars!
Ashes and bones are not subjects fit to be: ever ruled…
To make any empire in that way is by evil to be fooled.
Fire and terror do not make the green trees to grow,
Oppression and fear do not cause the waters to flow.
Desecration and persecution do not help winds to blow,
Brutality and ignorance do not add to what we know.
In harmony with nature, and together we may as one,
Perhaps yet live as the gods intended, lest all be undone.
Creation was founded upon a word and by a will divine,
Yet we break faith with powers even older than all time!
To be a perfect people, we need a more perfect ideal,
If the wounds of humanity are ever to with mercy heal.
Love is the answer, and understanding is the simple key,
By which we might unlock the glory of a noble destiny.
I present a better ideal here, for all peoples to pursue,
In the name of divinity, and all that is goodly and true!
But also of humanity, forsaken by itself for so very long,
Remember thyself and join me in a more beautiful song.
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051
Thanks Kou Indigo for kicking this comp off!
May the best Prophet win
May the best Prophet win
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 281
a lot of our beleifs and emmotionns
are tied to our society
our ancestry
and the sunn
and earth
did you know one person experiencing alarm
can transmit that to others in seconds?
mammals have simmilar emotionns as we do..
i have learneed their language
everything i do are my truth to them
are tied to our society
our ancestry
and the sunn
and earth
did you know one person experiencing alarm
can transmit that to others in seconds?
mammals have simmilar emotionns as we do..
i have learneed their language
everything i do are my truth to them
Forum Posts: 333
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333
No More Plastic Surgery
we don't need no fixing
let's live the way we were made
let's look like real people and forgo the fame parade
our money is wasted on our self absorbed vanity
we need to save our money and donate it to charity
boob jobs, nob jobs, nose jobs, face lifts don't make you right
live a life with integrity and merit, and fight the good fight
beauty is not something to strive for with knives
truth is what we must attune to, the truth in our lives
we change, we age, we grow old and die
it's natural to live and to give, it's wise
don't change your nose, don't change your eyes
just change your clothes and change your mind
there is still hope in the supernatural
but when you take matters into your own hands
the magic loses collateral
no more plastic surgery, no more self hate and boredom
let's find our natural appearance pleasant but not important

we don't need no fixing
let's live the way we were made
let's look like real people and forgo the fame parade
our money is wasted on our self absorbed vanity
we need to save our money and donate it to charity
boob jobs, nob jobs, nose jobs, face lifts don't make you right
live a life with integrity and merit, and fight the good fight
beauty is not something to strive for with knives
truth is what we must attune to, the truth in our lives
we change, we age, we grow old and die
it's natural to live and to give, it's wise
don't change your nose, don't change your eyes
just change your clothes and change your mind
there is still hope in the supernatural
but when you take matters into your own hands
the magic loses collateral
no more plastic surgery, no more self hate and boredom
let's find our natural appearance pleasant but not important

Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051
there is beauty in wrinkles
thanks BoFantastic
thanks BoFantastic
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 625
Happy and Hairy
Everyone should be hirsute
Never shave or cut their hair
This plainly is the natural route
And healthier, I swear.
Unshaven; the body will become
Covered with fine hair
Wearing clothes would be dumb
Except when there's cold air
We would get a clearer view
Of the human race
All would see the essential you
Looking from your face
We would not need to spend
Money on cosmetics
Our natural charms would commend
Our body's aesthetics
Oh come and join our happy band
Be naked and be hairy
And we will dominate the land
Rejoice and all be merry
Everyone should be hirsute
Never shave or cut their hair
This plainly is the natural route
And healthier, I swear.
Unshaven; the body will become
Covered with fine hair
Wearing clothes would be dumb
Except when there's cold air
We would get a clearer view
Of the human race
All would see the essential you
Looking from your face
We would not need to spend
Money on cosmetics
Our natural charms would commend
Our body's aesthetics
Oh come and join our happy band
Be naked and be hairy
And we will dominate the land
Rejoice and all be merry
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Where Fear Has Gone -
A Meditation upon the Self
I must be steadfast and be cleared of the mind’s every tension,
For in the places between clarity and dreams, fear can be born.
I must not fear, lest I give in to that subtlest mask of madness.
Fear is the mind-killer, the dissolution of every rational sense.
Fear is the little death that brings unto us, the total obliteration.
I will face my fear, and I shall rise again like the coming morn.
I shall look at my fear, and arrive in a place of serene gladness.
I will permit my fear to pass over me, and through my defense,
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to behold…
The path whence goes my fear, and then I will become reborn.
Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing it may control…
Only I will remain, triumphant, free of terror and above scorn.
The door of my spirit is open but the guards will keep me safe.
My ancestors look upon me kindly, and know my cause is just!
I have transcended the abominations of fear, no longer a waif…
For I have found my home, beyond that door, gaining its’ trust.
My mind affects my reality, and so shall I make of it paradise…
Walking upon a path of gold until I arrive where I wish to stay.
I must be steadfast and not falter before all deception and lies…
I shall walk my path until gone is the night and risen is the day.
What I desire to do has already been done, in the destined plan!
I have only to go through the motions, working the sacred will.
I am the hand of destiny, and all time runs before me like sand!
Once my desire has been sated, my heart will be calm and still.
When I hear a lie hidden in words, I want to turn my back to it,
But in knowing what is true, the lie cannot hope to ensnare me.
Deception shall not rule the course of my will, not even any bit,
For my eyes are opened, and once opened they surely must see.
Whatever rises, so too must fall one day, to pay for its’ power.
Let me be humble, therefore, to ascend without such high cost!
The will of a humble soul can multiply like the petals of a flower,
Blooming in its’ season without a fear of withering until it is lost.
Fear and ego are like unto fire, and can burn those they afflict…
But peace flows like unto water: bringing to us, hidden strength.
Let passion burn like fire, for it alone is meant to be that strict…
And let your spirit be like water, flowing beyond human length.
A Meditation upon the Self
I must be steadfast and be cleared of the mind’s every tension,
For in the places between clarity and dreams, fear can be born.
I must not fear, lest I give in to that subtlest mask of madness.
Fear is the mind-killer, the dissolution of every rational sense.
Fear is the little death that brings unto us, the total obliteration.
I will face my fear, and I shall rise again like the coming morn.
I shall look at my fear, and arrive in a place of serene gladness.
I will permit my fear to pass over me, and through my defense,
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to behold…
The path whence goes my fear, and then I will become reborn.
Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing it may control…
Only I will remain, triumphant, free of terror and above scorn.
The door of my spirit is open but the guards will keep me safe.
My ancestors look upon me kindly, and know my cause is just!
I have transcended the abominations of fear, no longer a waif…
For I have found my home, beyond that door, gaining its’ trust.
My mind affects my reality, and so shall I make of it paradise…
Walking upon a path of gold until I arrive where I wish to stay.
I must be steadfast and not falter before all deception and lies…
I shall walk my path until gone is the night and risen is the day.
What I desire to do has already been done, in the destined plan!
I have only to go through the motions, working the sacred will.
I am the hand of destiny, and all time runs before me like sand!
Once my desire has been sated, my heart will be calm and still.
When I hear a lie hidden in words, I want to turn my back to it,
But in knowing what is true, the lie cannot hope to ensnare me.
Deception shall not rule the course of my will, not even any bit,
For my eyes are opened, and once opened they surely must see.
Whatever rises, so too must fall one day, to pay for its’ power.
Let me be humble, therefore, to ascend without such high cost!
The will of a humble soul can multiply like the petals of a flower,
Blooming in its’ season without a fear of withering until it is lost.
Fear and ego are like unto fire, and can burn those they afflict…
But peace flows like unto water: bringing to us, hidden strength.
Let passion burn like fire, for it alone is meant to be that strict…
And let your spirit be like water, flowing beyond human length.
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 281
i know that beyond the clouds
separated by a million light years
there exist life
it would take a million years
for us to just flash a lightat them
yet they exist at the very same time
as we live
it is just that we can never meet
in the timespan of our lives
however there are those near us
that we can talk with
separated by a million light years
there exist life
it would take a million years
for us to just flash a lightat them
yet they exist at the very same time
as we live
it is just that we can never meet
in the timespan of our lives
however there are those near us
that we can talk with
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2051
Thank you Gardenlover for your piece
Hirsute- I learned a new word!
Thank you Kou_Indigo for your second work.
Hirsute- I learned a new word!
Thank you Kou_Indigo for your second work.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
It was my pleasure, rabbitquest! I am always happy to post my works for people to enjoy. :)
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Apocalypse and Paradise: The Domain of Set -
In times now long since passed beyond the reach of memory,
I have looked upon the ruins of great kingdoms passed away…
I made such pilgrimages to honor the mighty power of destiny.
For I was there, when these kingdoms had their golden age…
I recall the height of those domains, and well as their final day.
As I walked amongst the scattered stones, I knew such wonder…
Oft, I spied a familiar street, and still I even knew the long way.
I am soon lost in haunting memories that come like may thunder!
Truths illuminate my face, as clearly as the Sun’s brightest ray.
I have known more of wisdom than ever did the greatest sage,
I cannot weep for that bygone age, it was oft chaotic at its’ best.
Yet, surely doth an unwelcome fear steal away my very heart!
Will future kingdoms be so very cursed, or will their age be blest,
How will I regard their ruins, after time hath done its’ fateful part?
Only time can ever know, and only fate can so truly ever attest.
A most somber air doth hang about the wastes of a blasted land,
Was it this morbid when thee was yet a semblance of any life?
Much would I prefer the silence of the desert and its’ hot sand,
Far better than this forgotten monument to some ancient strife!
How many souls did find these walls to be their most bitter tomb,
How many soldiers did fall to defend this old, forsaken ground?
What matters it now, for gone is even the mist of modern gloom,
And not even birds come here to make a brightly cheerful sound.
How many are left now, who remember: the blood once spilled,
Upon these stones that now lie broken in pieces upon the earth?
With naught save pain, their hearts would in truth be again filled.
So, I pray there are none, for what would be their life’s worth!
My burden be that of a memory older than all of vast Creation…
Yet, the luxury of endless time is there to heal my haunted soul.
Sadly, not so for the people of this sorry, bloodstained nation!
For their sins, mortals must often pay the most costly final toll.
What profit be there in war, when there be no one left to fight?
Where is thy victory now, when even the victors are no more!
No ruler will ever reign over this wasteland, this evil old blight.
No merchant ships will ever trade with this long-dead shore…
Where now is: thy notions of “wrong” and thy ideals of “right”?
All thy laws are now as dust, blown upon the howling wind…
Not fit for the scorpions and serpents as remain, to so live by.
Thy sciences cannot now thy people seek with cures to mend!
Only Faith doth remain, though even it’s hope thou didst deny.
That is why, this apocalypse, the gods, chose to finally send…
Why didst thou not heed my Word, its’ truth doth endure yet!
Now only a chosen righteous few remain, to roam this domain of Set.
The righteous who remain, are those who so very wisely fled.
One day, mankind will marvel at all thou hast now left behind,
Yet, wilt man be but in a wonder at thy ancient wickedness in all!
The cracked walls of they cities shall stand forever, left accursed.
Thy accomplishments were but delusions born of an evil mind…
All they machinations but sped thee swifter unto thy inevitable fall.
For naught was this kingdom born, and for naught its’ people bled,
I hope the future will be better, for the sake of this weary world.
For, I wonder if the Earth can take much more calculated sorrow!
I cannot say to what day of destiny we are so swiftly hurtled…
But I know that Faith is the key to that far, far brighter tomorrow.
Let us leave behind us, the worthless rubble of conflicts now done,
That we may begin afresh, in a more pure, tolerant, blessed light…
Not as slaves bound to repeat cycles of bad karma ever newly begun:
But as free spirits, not tied by the shackles of some long past night!
The Sun rises ever, and the Sun sets once more in its’ eternal turn.
The desert cools with evening, yet the next day it will surely burn!
All things must soon pass, that Paradise can more swiftly return…
It is for that perfect Paradise, that the truly faithful do ever yearn.
It needs not take destruction to make a rose bloom or heart sing!
We can avert horror by bringing an end to hatred itself, war’s cause.
If thou seek a savior, then this Angel of Light is come to thus bring:
A better way than suffering, so heed my teachings to great applause.
In times now long since passed beyond the reach of memory,
I have looked upon the ruins of great kingdoms passed away…
I made such pilgrimages to honor the mighty power of destiny.
For I was there, when these kingdoms had their golden age…
I recall the height of those domains, and well as their final day.
As I walked amongst the scattered stones, I knew such wonder…
Oft, I spied a familiar street, and still I even knew the long way.
I am soon lost in haunting memories that come like may thunder!
Truths illuminate my face, as clearly as the Sun’s brightest ray.
I have known more of wisdom than ever did the greatest sage,
I cannot weep for that bygone age, it was oft chaotic at its’ best.
Yet, surely doth an unwelcome fear steal away my very heart!
Will future kingdoms be so very cursed, or will their age be blest,
How will I regard their ruins, after time hath done its’ fateful part?
Only time can ever know, and only fate can so truly ever attest.
A most somber air doth hang about the wastes of a blasted land,
Was it this morbid when thee was yet a semblance of any life?
Much would I prefer the silence of the desert and its’ hot sand,
Far better than this forgotten monument to some ancient strife!
How many souls did find these walls to be their most bitter tomb,
How many soldiers did fall to defend this old, forsaken ground?
What matters it now, for gone is even the mist of modern gloom,
And not even birds come here to make a brightly cheerful sound.
How many are left now, who remember: the blood once spilled,
Upon these stones that now lie broken in pieces upon the earth?
With naught save pain, their hearts would in truth be again filled.
So, I pray there are none, for what would be their life’s worth!
My burden be that of a memory older than all of vast Creation…
Yet, the luxury of endless time is there to heal my haunted soul.
Sadly, not so for the people of this sorry, bloodstained nation!
For their sins, mortals must often pay the most costly final toll.
What profit be there in war, when there be no one left to fight?
Where is thy victory now, when even the victors are no more!
No ruler will ever reign over this wasteland, this evil old blight.
No merchant ships will ever trade with this long-dead shore…
Where now is: thy notions of “wrong” and thy ideals of “right”?
All thy laws are now as dust, blown upon the howling wind…
Not fit for the scorpions and serpents as remain, to so live by.
Thy sciences cannot now thy people seek with cures to mend!
Only Faith doth remain, though even it’s hope thou didst deny.
That is why, this apocalypse, the gods, chose to finally send…
Why didst thou not heed my Word, its’ truth doth endure yet!
Now only a chosen righteous few remain, to roam this domain of Set.
The righteous who remain, are those who so very wisely fled.
One day, mankind will marvel at all thou hast now left behind,
Yet, wilt man be but in a wonder at thy ancient wickedness in all!
The cracked walls of they cities shall stand forever, left accursed.
Thy accomplishments were but delusions born of an evil mind…
All they machinations but sped thee swifter unto thy inevitable fall.
For naught was this kingdom born, and for naught its’ people bled,
I hope the future will be better, for the sake of this weary world.
For, I wonder if the Earth can take much more calculated sorrow!
I cannot say to what day of destiny we are so swiftly hurtled…
But I know that Faith is the key to that far, far brighter tomorrow.
Let us leave behind us, the worthless rubble of conflicts now done,
That we may begin afresh, in a more pure, tolerant, blessed light…
Not as slaves bound to repeat cycles of bad karma ever newly begun:
But as free spirits, not tied by the shackles of some long past night!
The Sun rises ever, and the Sun sets once more in its’ eternal turn.
The desert cools with evening, yet the next day it will surely burn!
All things must soon pass, that Paradise can more swiftly return…
It is for that perfect Paradise, that the truly faithful do ever yearn.
It needs not take destruction to make a rose bloom or heart sing!
We can avert horror by bringing an end to hatred itself, war’s cause.
If thou seek a savior, then this Angel of Light is come to thus bring:
A better way than suffering, so heed my teachings to great applause.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Passion’s Promise -
Part One: Dark Sentiment
If you would learn one thing from me it is thus:
Sometimes light can be terrible and most harsh.
But in the darkness, you can find truth to trust…
And therein lies the light of a welcoming force.
Cloak yourself in the shadows, and be soothed!
You are safe therein, where no deceit is found…
Let your heart be at ease and my words proved,
In the peace where all will and passion abound!
The dark is your shelter, your realm of refuge…
And I am its’ master, its’ mistress, it, embodied.
Seek the dark and you seek me, not in servitude,
But because you are so ready to at last be freed!
What is the nature of will, to our eternal souls?
Will contains the power, to work one’s desires,
To do good, or evil, as one guides, or controls…
As one’s will blazes hotter than all Hell’s fires!
Will is a sword to some, yet it is also a flower…
It is as graceful as a spire, or mighty as a tower.
Let that tower be your fastness, our monument!
It has already been raised, by a dark sentiment.
Part Two: Passion’s Creed
None who live are without passion’s promise…
Save those who through stagnation are deluded.
It is a nobler thing, to strive after love and bliss,
Than to become, by a stagnant spirit, so eroded!
When dark conflict is upon the face of creation,
The dream of peace becomes a lie of false hope!
Only passion can lift up the heart in celebration,
Leading to a truer peace, beyond dreams’ scope.
When passion leads to peace, we gain strength…
Undreamed of by those who have become weak,
Diminished by conflict, beyond a suitable length.
The strength of the passionate is a power to seek!
When the power of passion is freed, it burns fair,
Searing with the light of a glory unknown before.
It shines in our eyes, in our skin, and in our hair…
The glow of victorious spirit, sublime evermore!
When passion is granted the victory, it is sweet…
For those once blind and chained know freedom.
Their chains are broken, the risen dawn to greet,
Eyes opened by a glory never glimpsed by some.
The restrictions binding us, we make ourselves…
And only we can look beyond that web of deceit.
With a passionate spirit that so seeks and delves,
The web is dissolved, and we become complete!
Part Three: Truths of Desire
These are the secret truths of desire, of the heart.
We conceal them within ourselves, at our peril…
For whilst they wait to be awakened, by pure art,
We are slaves to illusion, our true natures stilled.
Give in to the darkness, not for evil but for good!
Wisdom teaches the difference, you might learn:
There is light within it, which is misunderstood…
Within that velvet embrace for which you yearn!
Oh seeker, I name you my kindred if you know…
The meaning of all I speak herein, and the glory.
When the light is cruel, it fills us with such woe!
Yet the dark is waiting, to divest you of worry…
Like the patient lover, with arms open accepting.
She is our mother, and we are ever, her children!
The universe itself, with all its’ beauties shining,
Is far less eternal than she, whence all life stems.
To understand love, is to know passion’s form…
Yet to fathom it entire, you must face the storm!
Dare I speak for the darkness; am I that worthy?
Her passion makes me so; I embrace it willingly.
Not all can know the beauty,
Of the stars that glisten…
Not all who are blind may see,
Nor can the deaf listen…
Unless they choose to be free!
Part One: Dark Sentiment
If you would learn one thing from me it is thus:
Sometimes light can be terrible and most harsh.
But in the darkness, you can find truth to trust…
And therein lies the light of a welcoming force.
Cloak yourself in the shadows, and be soothed!
You are safe therein, where no deceit is found…
Let your heart be at ease and my words proved,
In the peace where all will and passion abound!
The dark is your shelter, your realm of refuge…
And I am its’ master, its’ mistress, it, embodied.
Seek the dark and you seek me, not in servitude,
But because you are so ready to at last be freed!
What is the nature of will, to our eternal souls?
Will contains the power, to work one’s desires,
To do good, or evil, as one guides, or controls…
As one’s will blazes hotter than all Hell’s fires!
Will is a sword to some, yet it is also a flower…
It is as graceful as a spire, or mighty as a tower.
Let that tower be your fastness, our monument!
It has already been raised, by a dark sentiment.
Part Two: Passion’s Creed
None who live are without passion’s promise…
Save those who through stagnation are deluded.
It is a nobler thing, to strive after love and bliss,
Than to become, by a stagnant spirit, so eroded!
When dark conflict is upon the face of creation,
The dream of peace becomes a lie of false hope!
Only passion can lift up the heart in celebration,
Leading to a truer peace, beyond dreams’ scope.
When passion leads to peace, we gain strength…
Undreamed of by those who have become weak,
Diminished by conflict, beyond a suitable length.
The strength of the passionate is a power to seek!
When the power of passion is freed, it burns fair,
Searing with the light of a glory unknown before.
It shines in our eyes, in our skin, and in our hair…
The glow of victorious spirit, sublime evermore!
When passion is granted the victory, it is sweet…
For those once blind and chained know freedom.
Their chains are broken, the risen dawn to greet,
Eyes opened by a glory never glimpsed by some.
The restrictions binding us, we make ourselves…
And only we can look beyond that web of deceit.
With a passionate spirit that so seeks and delves,
The web is dissolved, and we become complete!
Part Three: Truths of Desire
These are the secret truths of desire, of the heart.
We conceal them within ourselves, at our peril…
For whilst they wait to be awakened, by pure art,
We are slaves to illusion, our true natures stilled.
Give in to the darkness, not for evil but for good!
Wisdom teaches the difference, you might learn:
There is light within it, which is misunderstood…
Within that velvet embrace for which you yearn!
Oh seeker, I name you my kindred if you know…
The meaning of all I speak herein, and the glory.
When the light is cruel, it fills us with such woe!
Yet the dark is waiting, to divest you of worry…
Like the patient lover, with arms open accepting.
She is our mother, and we are ever, her children!
The universe itself, with all its’ beauties shining,
Is far less eternal than she, whence all life stems.
To understand love, is to know passion’s form…
Yet to fathom it entire, you must face the storm!
Dare I speak for the darkness; am I that worthy?
Her passion makes me so; I embrace it willingly.
Not all can know the beauty,
Of the stars that glisten…
Not all who are blind may see,
Nor can the deaf listen…
Unless they choose to be free!
Joined 20th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 62
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 62
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if your ethical and moral
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