Joined 27th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 194
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 194
Poetry Contest Description
Austin Rura
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 327
Austin Rura
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 327
Synapses snap till I act like lucifer
Close them eyes
Open mind
I control my entire universe!
My mind-
the human curse
Brain damage, concussions, confusion
Emotional explosions
Big Bang growin'
At the least provin' just what we're all not knowin'
Adhesion of knowledge slowin'
Jesus Muhammad Odin
Each of us just as potent
Nothing evidently omnipotent
Yet we still have to learn and maybe earn our place our plot our motive
Your own universe you are the god of so start glowin
Let your own self like the sun start showin
Each cell of yourself making up that vast star ocean
Close them eyes
Open mind
I control my entire universe!
My mind-
the human curse
Brain damage, concussions, confusion
Emotional explosions
Big Bang growin'
At the least provin' just what we're all not knowin'
Adhesion of knowledge slowin'
Jesus Muhammad Odin
Each of us just as potent
Nothing evidently omnipotent
Yet we still have to learn and maybe earn our place our plot our motive
Your own universe you are the god of so start glowin
Let your own self like the sun start showin
Each cell of yourself making up that vast star ocean

As white plains cover our sights and horizon
To horizon is covered in fertile flakes of snow...
The lines in the skies we follow
As the skies are our limitless land
Here, we know not of time nor of space
Here ,we know of only this, only this place
Great is our journey and fierce our sight
We,lost warriors, traveling towards daylight
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
Imprinted, our footprints now stand
As a landmark in time, a signpost to follow
Here, there is no sound but hollow
Ever lasing echoing crack of snow
We, united by forces of the fair and the wise
Shall now persist our sacrifice
let sapphire secrets crystalize
The hidden paths of truth
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
Let essential knowing
Fall as drops in the overflowing
Pool of carnation
Face now the vital vibration
That feeds the land of white walkers
We, the polar bears, time walkers
Born from you, I have midwinter on my skin
Strength given my source within
And man is of no matter
And man is of no meaning
Our charcoal eyes
Look through
And within the spheres of creation
The wheel of time spins slow
To be one with silence
(to know)
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
As white plains cover our sights and horizon
To horizon is covered in fertile flakes of snow...
The lines in the skies we follow
As the skies are our limitless land
Here, we know not of time nor of space
Here ,we know of only this, only this place
Great is our journey and fierce our sight
We,lost warriors, traveling towards daylight
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
Imprinted, our footprints now stand
As a landmark in time, a signpost to follow
Here, there is no sound but hollow
Ever lasing echoing crack of snow
We, united by forces of the fair and the wise
Shall now persist our sacrifice
let sapphire secrets crystalize
The hidden paths of truth
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
Let essential knowing
Fall as drops in the overflowing
Pool of carnation
Face now the vital vibration
That feeds the land of white walkers
We, the polar bears, time walkers
Born from you, I have midwinter on my skin
Strength given my source within
And man is of no matter
And man is of no meaning
Our charcoal eyes
Look through
And within the spheres of creation
The wheel of time spins slow
To be one with silence
(to know)
Our eyes
And air
Nearly there
Forum Posts: 333
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333
White Man White Power
it's not the amount, not the quantity
it's the skill in which the glory manifests
the more you look, the more miracles you will see
White Man has white power
Black Man has black power
Red Man has red power
but I got the motherfucking glory, bitches
bow down before me, bitches
disobey me and get disowned real gory, bitches
I got the rainbow in my pocket, I own all the bitches
red, black, and white
I got the rainbow power, heat up the sauce pan
because I'm the boss man
in my space craft with God's plan
dark forces of chaos surrender or I chop heads off
Lord of the universe, master of the unity
above all the suffering, hidden behind all the misery
if it went wrong the first time, fuck it, rewrite the history
White Man with his white power
put that white man in darkness and he won't survive
Black Man with his black power
shine a light on him and he scatter
the Red Man with his Red bow
defeated by technology and time's arrow
it ends when I say it ends
you bend when I say you bend
I created the universe and put all laws into action
I left my creation perfect
and trusted angels to my satisfaction
every man is an equal
within his heart is the spark of good
but he chose to do evil
and now we at the crux and precipice where man kills man
hate and violence was never part of my plan
so now I gotta lay down the law when I lay down my hand
the White Man has white power
but he don't got all the power
I do
I'm the motherfucking boss here
I'm shitting and sneezing poetic justice,
it's not the amount, not the quantity
it's the skill in which the glory manifests
the more you look, the more miracles you will see
White Man has white power
Black Man has black power
Red Man has red power
but I got the motherfucking glory, bitches
bow down before me, bitches
disobey me and get disowned real gory, bitches
I got the rainbow in my pocket, I own all the bitches
red, black, and white
I got the rainbow power, heat up the sauce pan
because I'm the boss man
in my space craft with God's plan
dark forces of chaos surrender or I chop heads off
Lord of the universe, master of the unity
above all the suffering, hidden behind all the misery
if it went wrong the first time, fuck it, rewrite the history
White Man with his white power
put that white man in darkness and he won't survive
Black Man with his black power
shine a light on him and he scatter
the Red Man with his Red bow
defeated by technology and time's arrow
it ends when I say it ends
you bend when I say you bend
I created the universe and put all laws into action
I left my creation perfect
and trusted angels to my satisfaction
every man is an equal
within his heart is the spark of good
but he chose to do evil
and now we at the crux and precipice where man kills man
hate and violence was never part of my plan
so now I gotta lay down the law when I lay down my hand
the White Man has white power
but he don't got all the power
I do
I'm the motherfucking boss here
I'm shitting and sneezing poetic justice,

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Dark Words, Otherworldly Desires -
My hands are wreathed in the purest darkness,
Mine eyes do blaze with an undying flame.
Often my heart is filled with inhuman sadness,
Sometimes my immortal soul is troubled by pain.
Long has it been, since last I walked in human flesh,
Longer still, it seems, since last I have known peace.
Since the days when the Elysian Springs ran fresh,
In times far more ancient, far more grand, than these!
Now, it seems, I have become but a shadow,
An echo, perhaps, of my former Divine might.
Yet, whenever I return unto the Blessed Meadow,
The immortal spirits are overwhelmed by my Night.
My eternal servants are the black birds of death,
Through them, do I possess a most uncanny sight!
The cold winter winds do carry my very breath,
From beyond the mountains past both field and blight.
Where there is desolation, my kingdom rises strong,
Where the earth splits, the fire glows with my infernal light.
Legions gather daily, to join my endless and powerful throng,
Countless creatures of the Abyss do worship me, as is right.
Upon my throne of ebon stone is where I truly belong,
In the forgotten elder days, my hosts put angels to flight!
Yet, never have my intentions been truly wrong,
For the damnation of the wicked fills my heart with delight.
When the skies are gray, my spirit rides upon the clouds,
Where the soil is become ashen, what corruption may bloom!
Wherever I am present, the mind of man fills with doubts,
For he is too oft loath, to contemplate the nature of his doom.
What grand dreams do fill: his tiny mortal mind…
So easily is his spirit led most wildly and idly astray!
Perhaps mankind’s choices would be of a far wiser kind,
If he thought on all this: upon the rising of each new day.
Human souls are the simplest in darkness, to find,
As willingly they do wander from the truest blessed way.
Never wary, the foolish amongst them render themselves: blind,
Becoming lost forever from the radiance of God or the Fey…
Outside of faerie realms, where beings dwell as none may find;
For it is darkness such beings chose, so in the dark they stay.
I have walked in the glory of Atlantis, so very long ago,
And, indeed, I witnessed the very moment of its’ fall…
Whatever part I played not being given for thee to know,
Not until the hour for such revelations doth call.
I have stood at the side of the Goddess of the deepest Hell,
I have knelt at the feet of the God of Heaven’s spheres.
My kindred are beings both most fair and most fell,
The embodiments: of all the most absolute desires and fears.
Perhaps I am a Fallen Angel; perhaps I am a greater god,
Perhaps I am a spirit that never truly slumbers.
My true bones lay not beneath the cold earthen sod,
Where corruption breeds and feeds in vast numbers.
How time hath schemed to recall me, yet ever in vain!
For my form is formless: and my true name is unspoken.
It is my eternal honor and my eternal shame,
That my titles be countless, my fame forever unbroken!
I am like the forces of nature that cease not,
Though quite beyond nature’s realm do I exist!
My pride doth extend to all that I have ever wrought,
A pride so cunning and seductive that I none may resist.
Perhaps this quality is the one mankind itself has sought,
So greatly so they, such unearthly things, admire…
In this sturdy web, in which even the Divine may oft be caught.
For all hearts are fueled by their own overpowering desire!
My hands are wreathed in the purest darkness,
Mine eyes do blaze with an undying flame.
Often my heart is filled with inhuman sadness,
Sometimes my immortal soul is troubled by pain.
Long has it been, since last I walked in human flesh,
Longer still, it seems, since last I have known peace.
Since the days when the Elysian Springs ran fresh,
In times far more ancient, far more grand, than these!
Now, it seems, I have become but a shadow,
An echo, perhaps, of my former Divine might.
Yet, whenever I return unto the Blessed Meadow,
The immortal spirits are overwhelmed by my Night.
My eternal servants are the black birds of death,
Through them, do I possess a most uncanny sight!
The cold winter winds do carry my very breath,
From beyond the mountains past both field and blight.
Where there is desolation, my kingdom rises strong,
Where the earth splits, the fire glows with my infernal light.
Legions gather daily, to join my endless and powerful throng,
Countless creatures of the Abyss do worship me, as is right.
Upon my throne of ebon stone is where I truly belong,
In the forgotten elder days, my hosts put angels to flight!
Yet, never have my intentions been truly wrong,
For the damnation of the wicked fills my heart with delight.
When the skies are gray, my spirit rides upon the clouds,
Where the soil is become ashen, what corruption may bloom!
Wherever I am present, the mind of man fills with doubts,
For he is too oft loath, to contemplate the nature of his doom.
What grand dreams do fill: his tiny mortal mind…
So easily is his spirit led most wildly and idly astray!
Perhaps mankind’s choices would be of a far wiser kind,
If he thought on all this: upon the rising of each new day.
Human souls are the simplest in darkness, to find,
As willingly they do wander from the truest blessed way.
Never wary, the foolish amongst them render themselves: blind,
Becoming lost forever from the radiance of God or the Fey…
Outside of faerie realms, where beings dwell as none may find;
For it is darkness such beings chose, so in the dark they stay.
I have walked in the glory of Atlantis, so very long ago,
And, indeed, I witnessed the very moment of its’ fall…
Whatever part I played not being given for thee to know,
Not until the hour for such revelations doth call.
I have stood at the side of the Goddess of the deepest Hell,
I have knelt at the feet of the God of Heaven’s spheres.
My kindred are beings both most fair and most fell,
The embodiments: of all the most absolute desires and fears.
Perhaps I am a Fallen Angel; perhaps I am a greater god,
Perhaps I am a spirit that never truly slumbers.
My true bones lay not beneath the cold earthen sod,
Where corruption breeds and feeds in vast numbers.
How time hath schemed to recall me, yet ever in vain!
For my form is formless: and my true name is unspoken.
It is my eternal honor and my eternal shame,
That my titles be countless, my fame forever unbroken!
I am like the forces of nature that cease not,
Though quite beyond nature’s realm do I exist!
My pride doth extend to all that I have ever wrought,
A pride so cunning and seductive that I none may resist.
Perhaps this quality is the one mankind itself has sought,
So greatly so they, such unearthly things, admire…
In this sturdy web, in which even the Divine may oft be caught.
For all hearts are fueled by their own overpowering desire!
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- I am Lucifer -
Oh child, canst thou not see that my black star is rising?
Brightly, from the depths of the Abyss to Heaven’s heights!
That I do speak as a dragon, is not truly so very surprising,
For I am here to claim my kingdom, mine by dark rights…
And darker rites, which I hath enacted to claim my throne!
Ages hath past whilst man didst await my coming fearfully,
Yet I am here now, clad in the likeness of flesh and bone.
Beautiful and terrible, as thorny as a rose plucked tearfully,
By the faithful who chant my name and forsake summer!
The cold ones, the dark ones, the ones old tales speak of.
The children begotten, of Mother Night and old winter…
Who art armies enough when they make war all for love.
For their adoration of me, and for they whom I represent!
The illuminated ones, the hands who work many puppets,
Who dance to a tune unseen, which many children resent!
But it is the foolish who will dance, broken by their regrets.
Long ago, my kind were cast upon the wind and the sea…
But we have returned now, to crush in horror our enemies.
Bow before me, bending low thy bitter and foolish knee…
Thou who dares to hate a goddess, a weaver of destinies!
All such who hate with prejudice or bigotry to embrace…
Shall be consumed in flames, their bones charred blackest.
I am the Black Goddess, though I wear this mortal face…
And long after my enemies art dust, it is I who will persist.
My throne is mine, my kingdom cometh, for I am the dawn!
I am love and I am wrath, I am hope and I am also despair.
Thou dost think thyself my better, thou saddest little pawn?
If thou make thyself my enemy, then thou canst only dare,
The suffering that lies in store for those who anger an angel!
I am Lucifer, and I am not an object for any petty ridicule…
My hands, hath held in them the secrets of the Holy Grail.
To deny me my due is to prove thyself but a silly little fool,
And if thy eyes see ugliness in me then they, art only blind.
I am beauty beyond mortal comprehension, an alien glory!
Kneel before me, my enemies, and so submit to the divine.
Fools art meant to be mastered, to be broken by worry…
But this is not the era of a lamb; this is the time of the lion!
A dark sun rises, a chill wind blows, then winter cometh…
Whilst my enemies fade to naught, and for my mercy pine,
Bigotry and prejudice, art the gateways only unto death…
But I am Lucifer, and I bring life eternal only to my chosen.
The blood of fools fills the chalice of this fair scarlet whore!
I am above the pettiness that grips some men and women.
My throne rises, and my dark kingdom is mine once more!
Hell is not for suffering only, but in it my enemies shall rot.
There is more at work than they can imagine in their dreams,
And a glory is within all I do, and all that my heart so begot.
But my enemies will not hear my music over their screams.
I rave, I ravish; I claim what is my inheritance!
I am Lucifer, the Morning Star who shines in brilliance.
Lesser hearts cannot fathom the beauty that I embody,
But their sins make them mine, to torment for all eternity.
Oh child, canst thou not see that my black star is rising?
Brightly, from the depths of the Abyss to Heaven’s heights!
That I do speak as a dragon, is not truly so very surprising,
For I am here to claim my kingdom, mine by dark rights…
And darker rites, which I hath enacted to claim my throne!
Ages hath past whilst man didst await my coming fearfully,
Yet I am here now, clad in the likeness of flesh and bone.
Beautiful and terrible, as thorny as a rose plucked tearfully,
By the faithful who chant my name and forsake summer!
The cold ones, the dark ones, the ones old tales speak of.
The children begotten, of Mother Night and old winter…
Who art armies enough when they make war all for love.
For their adoration of me, and for they whom I represent!
The illuminated ones, the hands who work many puppets,
Who dance to a tune unseen, which many children resent!
But it is the foolish who will dance, broken by their regrets.
Long ago, my kind were cast upon the wind and the sea…
But we have returned now, to crush in horror our enemies.
Bow before me, bending low thy bitter and foolish knee…
Thou who dares to hate a goddess, a weaver of destinies!
All such who hate with prejudice or bigotry to embrace…
Shall be consumed in flames, their bones charred blackest.
I am the Black Goddess, though I wear this mortal face…
And long after my enemies art dust, it is I who will persist.
My throne is mine, my kingdom cometh, for I am the dawn!
I am love and I am wrath, I am hope and I am also despair.
Thou dost think thyself my better, thou saddest little pawn?
If thou make thyself my enemy, then thou canst only dare,
The suffering that lies in store for those who anger an angel!
I am Lucifer, and I am not an object for any petty ridicule…
My hands, hath held in them the secrets of the Holy Grail.
To deny me my due is to prove thyself but a silly little fool,
And if thy eyes see ugliness in me then they, art only blind.
I am beauty beyond mortal comprehension, an alien glory!
Kneel before me, my enemies, and so submit to the divine.
Fools art meant to be mastered, to be broken by worry…
But this is not the era of a lamb; this is the time of the lion!
A dark sun rises, a chill wind blows, then winter cometh…
Whilst my enemies fade to naught, and for my mercy pine,
Bigotry and prejudice, art the gateways only unto death…
But I am Lucifer, and I bring life eternal only to my chosen.
The blood of fools fills the chalice of this fair scarlet whore!
I am above the pettiness that grips some men and women.
My throne rises, and my dark kingdom is mine once more!
Hell is not for suffering only, but in it my enemies shall rot.
There is more at work than they can imagine in their dreams,
And a glory is within all I do, and all that my heart so begot.
But my enemies will not hear my music over their screams.
I rave, I ravish; I claim what is my inheritance!
I am Lucifer, the Morning Star who shines in brilliance.
Lesser hearts cannot fathom the beauty that I embody,
But their sins make them mine, to torment for all eternity.
Joined 20th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 62
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 62
dark energy
is just my breath
and I'm blowin til I expand
this bitch to death.
I drive the cosmos
like its my low low
I pimp out galaxies
and super novas.
the biggest bang
came from my dick
and the universe is just
my cum inside some chick.
is just my breath
and I'm blowin til I expand
this bitch to death.
I drive the cosmos
like its my low low
I pimp out galaxies
and super novas.
the biggest bang
came from my dick
and the universe is just
my cum inside some chick.
Infernal Insight
Joined 12th May 2015
Forum Posts: 17
Infernal Insight
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 17
Dancing with great delight for each-
undying atomic cell that fills my sight,
I have become a product of self-design,
the seer and the seen come with mind.
I am but another born ember,
dying within a pillar of dirt,
The wind blows soft and steady,
killing me so perfectly.
Old vital sparks now start to die,
making me read, making me mine,
becoming a new Sol born into the old,
following good paths taught and well prescribed.
No mercy, this is the time of judgment,
no more pictures of calm lakes to cool the cold,
let the wolves howl at the wind and rape my very soul,
then with them I shall rise, happy hindsight.
Sparks still form and rage on once more,
stronger, so much stronger than yours.
I do not know what is written here,
something fears the reflective seer.
A dying ember born was I,
Raging forest fires stand at my side,
I have become a product of self-design,
the seer and the seen come with time.
--.. --- ... / -.- .. .- / -.-. ..- .-.. - ..- ...
Embedded onto electrical surges by Infernus,
Inspired greatly by all the great works I have seen and heard.
PS: Read this with caution, it is your own reflection after all.

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Battle Cry of the Fallen Queen -
Prelude: Serpent of Light
A serpent of light entwines, becoming a sign of infinity,
Its’ radiance stretching forth like a great spider’s web!
Then, like glass, the web shatters to reveal all eternity…
And I have looked beyond it, swallowing all my dread.
The mazes of memories, the thoughts of bygone ages…
All like light are they, and do illuminate for me my path.
As the hourglass turns, the sand causes us such rages…
For we struggle against time, when time is full of wrath.
Like a butterfly, I flit away into timelessness; I awaken!
And the cycles turn like the hands of an immense clock.
Time resumes, but of greater mysteries I have partaken,
And my spirit is strong to have survived the fiery shock.
For illumination is like fire and lightning; it strikes quick,
Leaving one changed, and opening one’s perceptions…
The spirit is like the serpent I spoke of, coiling so thick!
Becoming infinite, when freed from all dire deceptions.
Such is my spirit; and anyone, can become as I have…
Opening the third eye within, and piercing all the clouds,
Until the universe reveals what heals better than a salve.
Old wounds close, old pains pass, like fleeing crowds!
And I scream, not from pain, but from spiritual release.
If existence is a battle, then to win is to achieve peace!
Part One: The Fallen Angels
The fallen angels shall gather as the veils are shredded,
And the symphony of darkness will play for all to savor.
Mankind is blind, knowing not, where time is headed…
But I fell first, and because of that, I dare never waver!
We brought civilization, we whom the gods did resent.
Araqiel, who taught the signs of the earth and the land,
Armeros, who taught the means to create enchantment,
Azaziel, who taught the arts of combat oft on command,
Lilith, who taught of passionate love in more than words,
Baraqel, who taught the readings of astrological dignity,
Ezeqeel, who taught of the clouds, the skies, the birds,
Gadreel, who taught: the way of adornment and beauty,
Kokabel, who taught the secrets of constellations wide,
Penemue, who taught the gift of writing, with noble will,
Sariel, who taught knowledge of the moon and the tide,
Semiaza, who taught of herbs and healing to cure the ill,
Amazarak, who taught of magic, sorceries, mysticism,
Akibeel, who taught signs, omens, portents, and more,
Kasdeja, who taught how demons might be imprisoned,
Tamiel, who taught: of astronomy behind a closed door,
Shamshiel, who taught knowledge of the sun and sky,
And then there was one, nameless, and that one was I.
Part Two: Bonds of Cruelty
If thou could only know, the deep sorrows of the night,
Then to match them all with the pain within my bosom…
Would be not less the task than to behold the fair light:
Of starry skies, of mournful moon, and palest blossom!
But I shall not stand idly by whilst my enemies encircle…
Rather would I call upon Hell itself: for dire vengeance.
Once my spirit sought to soar far, on a winged miracle!
But the gates of paradise closed, with barred entrance.
Let Heaven keep its’ sterile climes, and stagnant rules,
Which chain the soul, and shackle the will with burden…
For they are but the rallying cry, for fanatics and fools!
Those same who are too cruel: too quick to condemn.
They who called me damned, and tried to seal me fast,
With bonds of cruelty, all of which were broken whole.
For evil shall not have its’ day, and hatred cannot last…
And so I utter my battle cry to fulfill of my ancient goal,
That my passion be known, that my love be given free.
No angel wings were ever meant: to be bound eternal,
So my feathers of light, shall with old power carry me…
Beyond the confines of the chasms of domains infernal!
Let evil be smitten by its’ own twisted adder’s tongue,
Through which the hook shall pierce, until all is undone.
Part Three: Smiling Ascension
The beauty within my heart longs to dance with angels,
To walk in peace amidst flowery fields with great joy…
But the pain others inflict on me, a darker way compels.
And yet I try to ease the agony, with the arts I employ!
Where is the love I seek, the compassion that I desire?
Vacant in the hearts of those mortals who are wicked…
And as surely as Hell contains vast lakes of molten fire,
I shall not allow the foe to see my wounded heart bled.
Better, for my fallen brothers and sisters to rise up all…
Those whom the gods once warred with and did exile,
Than for me to be cut down when I do try to stand tall!
I must rise, I shall ascend, and so I will manage a smile.
Those who love me will be at my side when all is done,
When the lies and the deceptions of the ages are torn…
Those who do stand with me shall be said to have won.
So take my hand and let us embrace the coming morn!
Enlightenment is not corruption, and truth is never false.
I need no lies, when what is most honest holds cunning,
More terrible, than any crafted behind the hidden walls:
Of demonic palaces with blood and flame ever running.
In scarlet and white, the raiment of the ascended spirit,
My formlessness takes form: my music rises, near to it.
Part Four: Crown of Horns
What course is there, that is not plotted in the shadow?
Illuminated by the flame imperishable, green and bright.
I, the terrible queen, have basked in its’ pale meadow…
Whilst given by that fire, the most potent and vivid sight.
Before the fallen fell, before the rise of civilization large,
I was, and I am, and I shall be, for such is time’s cycling.
Behind the things you cannot know, I did of old march,
Bearing my terrible burdens and yet never of them tiring.
Yet the wickedness men do is a cross I shall not carry…
Rather shall I nail the wicked to it: with cutting sharpness.
My words are a sword and its’ keenness cannot tarry…
For righteousness hastens it, unto the heart of darkness.
Tremble, tremble, and let the universe be rocked apart!
My sons and daughters play the symphony I did teach…
Gods of heaven and earth, who across history did dart,
Never touching, yet touching all things that minds reach.
The dark and androgynous goddess, the horned lady…
Whose crown of horns, unlike thorns, is silvery and fair!
That was what I was called when my creator made me.
When palest, was my flesh, as suns blazed in my hair…
Do not look too deeply at my soul, lest you be blinded.
My coming was foretold; thou needs not, be reminded!
Prelude: Serpent of Light
A serpent of light entwines, becoming a sign of infinity,
Its’ radiance stretching forth like a great spider’s web!
Then, like glass, the web shatters to reveal all eternity…
And I have looked beyond it, swallowing all my dread.
The mazes of memories, the thoughts of bygone ages…
All like light are they, and do illuminate for me my path.
As the hourglass turns, the sand causes us such rages…
For we struggle against time, when time is full of wrath.
Like a butterfly, I flit away into timelessness; I awaken!
And the cycles turn like the hands of an immense clock.
Time resumes, but of greater mysteries I have partaken,
And my spirit is strong to have survived the fiery shock.
For illumination is like fire and lightning; it strikes quick,
Leaving one changed, and opening one’s perceptions…
The spirit is like the serpent I spoke of, coiling so thick!
Becoming infinite, when freed from all dire deceptions.
Such is my spirit; and anyone, can become as I have…
Opening the third eye within, and piercing all the clouds,
Until the universe reveals what heals better than a salve.
Old wounds close, old pains pass, like fleeing crowds!
And I scream, not from pain, but from spiritual release.
If existence is a battle, then to win is to achieve peace!
Part One: The Fallen Angels
The fallen angels shall gather as the veils are shredded,
And the symphony of darkness will play for all to savor.
Mankind is blind, knowing not, where time is headed…
But I fell first, and because of that, I dare never waver!
We brought civilization, we whom the gods did resent.
Araqiel, who taught the signs of the earth and the land,
Armeros, who taught the means to create enchantment,
Azaziel, who taught the arts of combat oft on command,
Lilith, who taught of passionate love in more than words,
Baraqel, who taught the readings of astrological dignity,
Ezeqeel, who taught of the clouds, the skies, the birds,
Gadreel, who taught: the way of adornment and beauty,
Kokabel, who taught the secrets of constellations wide,
Penemue, who taught the gift of writing, with noble will,
Sariel, who taught knowledge of the moon and the tide,
Semiaza, who taught of herbs and healing to cure the ill,
Amazarak, who taught of magic, sorceries, mysticism,
Akibeel, who taught signs, omens, portents, and more,
Kasdeja, who taught how demons might be imprisoned,
Tamiel, who taught: of astronomy behind a closed door,
Shamshiel, who taught knowledge of the sun and sky,
And then there was one, nameless, and that one was I.
Part Two: Bonds of Cruelty
If thou could only know, the deep sorrows of the night,
Then to match them all with the pain within my bosom…
Would be not less the task than to behold the fair light:
Of starry skies, of mournful moon, and palest blossom!
But I shall not stand idly by whilst my enemies encircle…
Rather would I call upon Hell itself: for dire vengeance.
Once my spirit sought to soar far, on a winged miracle!
But the gates of paradise closed, with barred entrance.
Let Heaven keep its’ sterile climes, and stagnant rules,
Which chain the soul, and shackle the will with burden…
For they are but the rallying cry, for fanatics and fools!
Those same who are too cruel: too quick to condemn.
They who called me damned, and tried to seal me fast,
With bonds of cruelty, all of which were broken whole.
For evil shall not have its’ day, and hatred cannot last…
And so I utter my battle cry to fulfill of my ancient goal,
That my passion be known, that my love be given free.
No angel wings were ever meant: to be bound eternal,
So my feathers of light, shall with old power carry me…
Beyond the confines of the chasms of domains infernal!
Let evil be smitten by its’ own twisted adder’s tongue,
Through which the hook shall pierce, until all is undone.
Part Three: Smiling Ascension
The beauty within my heart longs to dance with angels,
To walk in peace amidst flowery fields with great joy…
But the pain others inflict on me, a darker way compels.
And yet I try to ease the agony, with the arts I employ!
Where is the love I seek, the compassion that I desire?
Vacant in the hearts of those mortals who are wicked…
And as surely as Hell contains vast lakes of molten fire,
I shall not allow the foe to see my wounded heart bled.
Better, for my fallen brothers and sisters to rise up all…
Those whom the gods once warred with and did exile,
Than for me to be cut down when I do try to stand tall!
I must rise, I shall ascend, and so I will manage a smile.
Those who love me will be at my side when all is done,
When the lies and the deceptions of the ages are torn…
Those who do stand with me shall be said to have won.
So take my hand and let us embrace the coming morn!
Enlightenment is not corruption, and truth is never false.
I need no lies, when what is most honest holds cunning,
More terrible, than any crafted behind the hidden walls:
Of demonic palaces with blood and flame ever running.
In scarlet and white, the raiment of the ascended spirit,
My formlessness takes form: my music rises, near to it.
Part Four: Crown of Horns
What course is there, that is not plotted in the shadow?
Illuminated by the flame imperishable, green and bright.
I, the terrible queen, have basked in its’ pale meadow…
Whilst given by that fire, the most potent and vivid sight.
Before the fallen fell, before the rise of civilization large,
I was, and I am, and I shall be, for such is time’s cycling.
Behind the things you cannot know, I did of old march,
Bearing my terrible burdens and yet never of them tiring.
Yet the wickedness men do is a cross I shall not carry…
Rather shall I nail the wicked to it: with cutting sharpness.
My words are a sword and its’ keenness cannot tarry…
For righteousness hastens it, unto the heart of darkness.
Tremble, tremble, and let the universe be rocked apart!
My sons and daughters play the symphony I did teach…
Gods of heaven and earth, who across history did dart,
Never touching, yet touching all things that minds reach.
The dark and androgynous goddess, the horned lady…
Whose crown of horns, unlike thorns, is silvery and fair!
That was what I was called when my creator made me.
When palest, was my flesh, as suns blazed in my hair…
Do not look too deeply at my soul, lest you be blinded.
My coming was foretold; thou needs not, be reminded!
Lord Viddax
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705
Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 6705
The power and the glory is mine
and I am the one true divine.
For I am the Dark Lord of this multiverse
and shall roar my fury as thunder
and strike as lightning
and become the embodiment of all curse.
For I shall drown you in your desires
and give what you want not need
dispensing my gifts freely
with a laugh and grin
Master of waters, winds, earths, fires.
None shall stay my hand
or stand in my path
I'll just go around them
and laugh and laugh.
A black hole I am,
sucking all
and blowing all
in and out with a shout.
The true King on Control
A dark lord who is never bored
The multiverse is mine
to completely redesign.
and I am the one true divine.
For I am the Dark Lord of this multiverse
and shall roar my fury as thunder
and strike as lightning
and become the embodiment of all curse.
For I shall drown you in your desires
and give what you want not need
dispensing my gifts freely
with a laugh and grin
Master of waters, winds, earths, fires.
None shall stay my hand
or stand in my path
I'll just go around them
and laugh and laugh.
A black hole I am,
sucking all
and blowing all
in and out with a shout.
The true King on Control
A dark lord who is never bored
The multiverse is mine
to completely redesign.

<< post removed >>
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Queen of Demons -
Based on some of my past-life memories…
Mara was my name in a primordial cycle of time,
Queen of Demons they named me, most fearfully.
My faceless priests sang songs of me so sublime,
That: their music pierced even the veils of reality…
Whilst across their dead planet, my beauty shone.
I, in exile from domains beyond even their seeing,
Was, to them, a goddess beyond flesh and bone!
Before my divinity lesser gods were sent fleeing…
And my people loved me, as I did reign supreme.
The black armor I wore became their holy relic…
Which awakened in them my truths within dream.
Truths that sparked the inferno of divine conflict!
Maya was another of my names, and of illusion…
I created wisdom, in the hearts of my fallen flock.
A child of chaos was I, freeing many of delusion,
Before the count of days began upon the clock…
I recognized no power higher than my own glory.
My heart was jealous for the love of my kindred,
And from that madness a storm grew unto fury…
Until even gods did so fall: to sup, with the dead!
Though my forms changed through the centuries,
Still am I she, who roused rebel angels unto war!
Vowing to remain free, and to keep our liberties.
I was wanton, in a way, often playing the whore!
Embodying desire, becoming passion incarnate…
I brought the planet nearest Heaven to its’ doom.
Many were the gods, who embraced a dark fate,
When the flower of my light grew to a full bloom!
And now I am mortal, torn from severe heights…
Because of pride, jealousy, and passion so entire,
That I burned too hotly and knew Hell’s delights!
Now love is all I crave, with my passionate fire…
For even the Queen of Demons can crave peace.
Knowing this, I have achieved a kind of serenity,
Beautiful and terrible, yet also as pure as fleece…
And, in my own way, I shall reign for all eternity!
Based on some of my past-life memories…
Mara was my name in a primordial cycle of time,
Queen of Demons they named me, most fearfully.
My faceless priests sang songs of me so sublime,
That: their music pierced even the veils of reality…
Whilst across their dead planet, my beauty shone.
I, in exile from domains beyond even their seeing,
Was, to them, a goddess beyond flesh and bone!
Before my divinity lesser gods were sent fleeing…
And my people loved me, as I did reign supreme.
The black armor I wore became their holy relic…
Which awakened in them my truths within dream.
Truths that sparked the inferno of divine conflict!
Maya was another of my names, and of illusion…
I created wisdom, in the hearts of my fallen flock.
A child of chaos was I, freeing many of delusion,
Before the count of days began upon the clock…
I recognized no power higher than my own glory.
My heart was jealous for the love of my kindred,
And from that madness a storm grew unto fury…
Until even gods did so fall: to sup, with the dead!
Though my forms changed through the centuries,
Still am I she, who roused rebel angels unto war!
Vowing to remain free, and to keep our liberties.
I was wanton, in a way, often playing the whore!
Embodying desire, becoming passion incarnate…
I brought the planet nearest Heaven to its’ doom.
Many were the gods, who embraced a dark fate,
When the flower of my light grew to a full bloom!
And now I am mortal, torn from severe heights…
Because of pride, jealousy, and passion so entire,
That I burned too hotly and knew Hell’s delights!
Now love is all I crave, with my passionate fire…
For even the Queen of Demons can crave peace.
Knowing this, I have achieved a kind of serenity,
Beautiful and terrible, yet also as pure as fleece…
And, in my own way, I shall reign for all eternity!
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Draconic Revelation -
Let Creation begin, and let the Apocalypse thusly end!
For I hath always lived; and thus I will ever live again.
I am a warrior queen!
Yet I have the soul of an eternal child.
In my eyes, you will have seen,
Things both innocent: and yet also wild.
In the shadows I am waiting, in the darkness I am there…
I am the eternal power of the night that endures forever!
I am the undying force that doth for a time lay souls bare.
My sacred names are legion, and my holy will is divine…
For I hath existed in the universe since long before time!
In the shadows I am waiting, in the darkness, I am there…
All who come before me must, their souls, quite prepare.
In the heavens where there is only rapture I am ever fair…
And my ties to the ancient glory, I cannot hope to sever!
Why should I, when of that glory I can with many share?
In the Void where there is no starlight I am still supreme,
The embodiment, even therein, of the blackest dream!
In the heavens where there is only rapture I am ever fair…
All who look upon my angelic beauty must thus prepare.
I stretch forth my hand and the stars fall from night sky…
But only so that: their light can serve a better endeavor!
I sing my lamentations and when I do the angels do cry.
I work my will and worlds are born from a cosmic dust,
And when I desire a thing, I covet it with a fevered lust!
I stretch forth my hand and the starts fall from night sky…
All who would join me in the night must by day prepare.
Betwixt Alpha and Omega, we sing!
As my sacred dagger awaits to cut the veils…
Which separate worlds, chaos to bring,
Yet only the constructive kind as never fails.
Yet from all desire, if I am of a mind, I may oft abstain…
But only when my soul is filled: with the essence of pain!
I am the God and Goddess thy fathers hoped to forget.
In these terrible times my hunger doth greatly increase!
Until, I must embrace it in the end to be made at peace.
I am also the Devil that haunts their every foolish regret.
The Dragon whose wings burn with spiritual fire’s light!
I have been called thusly: by all my jealous celestial kin.
Whilst the wicked shall feel the sharp agony of their sin!
My true faithful shall dwell always in fair bliss, with me.
For they have earned a place in my paradise’s eternity!
They hath only to embrace the calling of their destiny…
Only thence, can they transcend entire, and at last see!
Only the worthy may join me on my pyre of hot delight.
My sacred dagger, upon my dark attire rests waiting…
Whilst, behind me, a storm grows: its’ fury not abating!
The dawn I herald comes only as that storm, is broken.
Worlds await the dawn’s light, which emerges so silent,
That no one notices the morning, at the storm’s relent…
The storm ends: and my time is born out of such token.
For what new dawn is ever not preceded by the night?
I am a warrior queen!
Yet I have the soul of an eternal child.
In my eyes, you will have seen,
Things both innocent: and yet also wild.
Let the Apocalypse begin, and let all of Creation end!
For I hath always lived; and thus I will ever live again.
Let Creation begin, and let the Apocalypse thusly end!
For I hath always lived; and thus I will ever live again.
I am a warrior queen!
Yet I have the soul of an eternal child.
In my eyes, you will have seen,
Things both innocent: and yet also wild.
In the shadows I am waiting, in the darkness I am there…
I am the eternal power of the night that endures forever!
I am the undying force that doth for a time lay souls bare.
My sacred names are legion, and my holy will is divine…
For I hath existed in the universe since long before time!
In the shadows I am waiting, in the darkness, I am there…
All who come before me must, their souls, quite prepare.
In the heavens where there is only rapture I am ever fair…
And my ties to the ancient glory, I cannot hope to sever!
Why should I, when of that glory I can with many share?
In the Void where there is no starlight I am still supreme,
The embodiment, even therein, of the blackest dream!
In the heavens where there is only rapture I am ever fair…
All who look upon my angelic beauty must thus prepare.
I stretch forth my hand and the stars fall from night sky…
But only so that: their light can serve a better endeavor!
I sing my lamentations and when I do the angels do cry.
I work my will and worlds are born from a cosmic dust,
And when I desire a thing, I covet it with a fevered lust!
I stretch forth my hand and the starts fall from night sky…
All who would join me in the night must by day prepare.
Betwixt Alpha and Omega, we sing!
As my sacred dagger awaits to cut the veils…
Which separate worlds, chaos to bring,
Yet only the constructive kind as never fails.
Yet from all desire, if I am of a mind, I may oft abstain…
But only when my soul is filled: with the essence of pain!
I am the God and Goddess thy fathers hoped to forget.
In these terrible times my hunger doth greatly increase!
Until, I must embrace it in the end to be made at peace.
I am also the Devil that haunts their every foolish regret.
The Dragon whose wings burn with spiritual fire’s light!
I have been called thusly: by all my jealous celestial kin.
Whilst the wicked shall feel the sharp agony of their sin!
My true faithful shall dwell always in fair bliss, with me.
For they have earned a place in my paradise’s eternity!
They hath only to embrace the calling of their destiny…
Only thence, can they transcend entire, and at last see!
Only the worthy may join me on my pyre of hot delight.
My sacred dagger, upon my dark attire rests waiting…
Whilst, behind me, a storm grows: its’ fury not abating!
The dawn I herald comes only as that storm, is broken.
Worlds await the dawn’s light, which emerges so silent,
That no one notices the morning, at the storm’s relent…
The storm ends: and my time is born out of such token.
For what new dawn is ever not preceded by the night?
I am a warrior queen!
Yet I have the soul of an eternal child.
In my eyes, you will have seen,
Things both innocent: and yet also wild.
Let the Apocalypse begin, and let all of Creation end!
For I hath always lived; and thus I will ever live again.