Poetry competition CLOSED 28th May 2014 9:26pm
View Profile Poems by jakehammer
RUNNER-UP: souladareatease

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Dark Beginnings

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

"Oh Eddy"

You broke yourself
on the yoke of tribulation
it's no secret
the undoing
martyred by this street
etching out a living
not half a chance were you given
my friend
should all crows fly away
from this dismal blight
I'll let others know
"He died trying"
we still only see inside this frame
yet you were one
who saw above it all
such energy lifted
now poised in decay
again we crawl across bones
smelling filth
matched by this ungodly taste
our mouths cry
fare thee well
on next planes existence

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Rachelmae, BoFantastic, Devlin, 3 crows and Soul... thank you for these entries! Good work so far, everyone.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3007


Demise Of The Bandwagon

She wouldn't die

In this suffering
she could breathe
the storm spoke to her
while the mast held her
above the deserted earth

fear hid behind doors
and Ravens spun webs
connecting the clouds
closing the gaps in the sky
nothing could get through
except the crystal rain

footprint puddles
collected the remnants of misery
that slid from sloping roofs
where subjective reasons
took their toll
the air wanted retribution
for what they did to her

walls whispered death
writing it onto guilty palms
and all who cast blame
bear the scars in their fists
the undoing of each

time moved over the edge
of their slipping grasp
she let out a fatal scream
and beating hearts fell silent

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

Dying Times

This is the end of times,
where men hang from mistakes
and crows make dinner plans.
I look ahead in the future
and see long creepy roads
to nowhere a thing of eternity,
where old buildings stand
only on hope and stubbornness.
Oh God, why such pain?
I sit on a wet chair and cry,
while in the distance stands
a white light mocking me,
maybe it's God taking his
people with him to heaven
or perhaps Satan is here
to finally reclaim his throne.
How secretive are these rocks
not to explain its thoughts
to someone as lost as myself
reminiscing on how strong the
world was before it happened.
They attacked and left a pancake
without leaving behind a
single skirt to go and chase
breathing on objects hoping
to revive their simplicity
but nothing I do can to help,
welcome to this careless world
where morning is dark and dark
is the darkest time ever
but I'm not here to be contained
I'm here to cause damage to shame
and put fire to this new world so
it can die once and for all.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 29th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 110

" A Pall Hangs.."

crushed hearts instilled
embracing surrender
it's whatever he wills
falling faces remembered
portal to the other world
lovers cry in nightmarish waves
shadows of souls hurled
of too late a denial to pray
in not knowing him, death's hold
grips to torment ferociously
hope and light, unlit bores blunt cold
beware, your fear is his voracious need
ominous dread, anguished silence felt
ambience of the sorrowful dead feed compelled

buried, sinister he still knows
part of him has seeped in
finished spastic throes
virulent plague pervades
chasm of fear grows
self-perception deceives
pieces of pain demand
hell of his deception weaves
it's whomever his hand
wishes in evil's greed
time slides to eternity
hanging warning sways
death but a road to infinity
murder of crows caw decay
crucify the pall that looms over me

shut windows hide their demise
bemoan the shunted ghost who hear the living
silhouettes move broken fades shy
noises in the night, something unseen within.. giving
blurred forms hover in a blink, howls shriek and cry
they seek redemption of their murder that mourns
horrors befall the dying left, dreaded visuals flash
apparitions wail their loss, halls echo hooves.. stalking
knocking doors, with no one there, from thick air a laugh
dank cellars too dark, attics thump and roofs talk..
in tongues, foul odors waft, something summoned black
maleficence breathes unclean, unholy is this realm obscene
murmurs of hatred to the living in fear, vile is all whom reside here


Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2014
Forum Posts: 13

Sweet insanity

I see you from the inside out
You try to hide you outside in
I chase you and you scream and shout
The taste of you, my sweetest sin

This happens from time to time
And no I am not your friend
To your lips you bring pure cyanide
I take it, cannot let you win

I wont release you, not this time
So dont even try
Oh, sweet insanity

Cant you hear the hate and anger in my voice?
I know you can. You dont have a choice
Can't you see, when you look into my eyes
All the contempt? It is you I despise

My heart use to smile at the sight of your face
But now the void in my heart is filled with ice
The ice, you put there along with bitter disgrace
I want revenge for all of my pain and angst
Oh, sweet insanity

You cannot torment me anymore
My heart, immune to your cruelty
I kick you down to the floor
Where I leave you, wallowing in your sorrow
I hope that you come back for more
I like it, I'll cause you more pain tomorrow

I'm numb to your pkeas, your suffering
I yern to cut you up, rip you apart
Leave you screaming in agony
Oh, sweet insanity

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Thank you all for the entries. Only hours left!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621

thank you soooo much .. o.m.g  ...I never even dreamed I could win this.  ..oh, congrats to the three runners up n all that jazz

I'd like to dedicate this trophy to the poor little orphans in captivity

thanks again Tank girl  ..you're awesome

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Keep your hair on, I'm hoping for some time this weekend to review the entries properly.

Craic... whatever you're smokin', you need more of it. That post nearly made sense.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

jakehammer, those brush strokes are an abstract that painted vivid emotions and images. Well done. Some gems in there, but "death but a road to infinity" shone brightest.

Soul, I liked 'Oh Eddy' - these lines

"such energy lifted
now poised in decay" caught my eye. Great perspective.

Honorable mentions go to staggerlee, Viddax and Magdalena. Good work, solid entries, guys.

I enjoyed seeing work from all the poets. Thank you for bringing life to this comp!

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 29th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 110

Thank you for the nod Atakti and hosting the comp. Congrats to Soul's poem and all the entries.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

Congratulations Jake-Kick-ass Write indeed!!!
This comp. received some hip cats outtah the wood work!!!
Thanks for running this shindig Atakti and the runner up -Fun Indeed!!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Congratulations Jake and Soul, awesome!

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