Poetry competition CLOSED 11th May 2014 2:12pm
View Profile Poems by Magdalena
RUNNER-UP: HarleyQuinn

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You and Me from A to Z

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 11th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Poetry Contest

An Introduction Alliteration Experiment
This is a friendly and fun competition to expand your vocabulary, explore you persona, and introduce yourself to the wider community.

"You and me from A to Z" is an Alliteration piece that is a simple concept, but hard to achieve!

You must write more than one word, starting with each letter from the alphabet, starting with A and working your way to Z from each letter.

Every word on each line must start with the same letter. So for example, the line of G the sentence 'Germanic Gypsy Gleefully Galloping Gutters' is acceptable.
The sentence "A Germanic Gypsy Gleefully Galloping Across Gutters' is NOT acceptable. This is tricky i know, but rewarding when achieved.
You must find more than one word for each letter.
You must have two words for every letter of the alphabet! No skipping!
The sentences must be lilegible ie. Make sense, to a degree
Protip: The Oxford comma helps.

Apart from that, go wild and express yourself! I will post mine in the comments below to start it off!

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 11th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Adventurous alliterating Australian

Boldly backpacking British boarders

Constantly complimenting cool cats

Dabbler, dangerously dissecting deep discussions

Enigmatic; endlessly evolving

Fanatic for frivolity, fun, flailing

Gentle genuine 'girly-guy'

Humble, honest, humanly heartfelt

Introverted, introspective, INFP

Jolly Jumbled Jester

Kareoke king!

Literate, logical, longwinded looney

Mimicing Metaphysical mindfulness

Notoriously nonchalant

Overly obscene

Poly Pansexual, plus part poet

Questionably quaint, quietly queer

Ranting repeatedly

Severely silly Sapiosexual!

Tenacious tea taster, taboo tester

Unbelievably understanding

Voraciously vocal

Willing wallflower

Xoanon, Xenophiliac

Yonderly, yet yearning

Zany Zeitgeister!

This is me, from A to Z

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

I've done something on similar lines to this, more of each stanza consisting of one same starting letter for each word, but I didn't go all of the way through the alphabet.  I like a challenge, so I shall see if I can master this.

Just G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 920

I'll be back for this one.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

Okay, I just re-read your OP.  

I'm confused  

"You must find more than two words for each letter.
You must have two words for every letter of the alphabet! No skipping!"

Two or more? or more than two?

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 11th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Apologies! Lets simplify it  and say more than one word per line :)

poet Anonymous

no, lol this one is fun almost finished

poet Anonymous

Dizzy Dave A-Z

An anxious all American armature artist
Bantering beautiful bold beat balladry
Creatively concocting crazy chaotic contemptuous composition
Dizzy Dave’s deranged daring DUP depiction
Examining exclusive erratic exchange
For flaunting frantic functional
Glorious guiding gestured growth
Hopefully harmonious healing
Ironically idiotic intellectually iconic insanely interpretive
Joyfully jotting juxtaposed jingles
Keeping keen knowledgeable
Linguistic logic, loosely lecturing limitless lucid
Meaningful monologue, masochistically
Notating neurotic narrative
Obsessively outlining oppressed ostentatious
Personal perception personifying
Quirky quotable quixotic
Realization, rationalizing raving
Schizophrenic speculations suggesting
Turmoil thought-through
Understanding unrighteous usage utilizing
Verbal vindication vigilantly
Writing wonderfully weird wisdom
Xenophobia xenomorphic xenogenous
Yarling yonderly yelp
Zazzy zappy zanyism

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

A to Z Adventures

Aromatic adventures accelerate ambiance
blackberry blades blow by blossoming bloodless borders
Cascara curlicues, Crimson calmness, crawlies creeping
divine dancing digits design desire, daring, delectable

enveloping exuberance, enriching, evocative, everything exposed,
florid flowering faces fascinate fantasy, flourishing forward
gripping gorgeous gestures greet glimmering groans
heady heavens hold hearts hostage. Haphazard hunger hugs.

Infusing intimacy intoxicates imaginations inferno
javelin jeweled junctures, juicy joyous jostling, justified
kneeling, kissing kinky keenness
laving lavish layers, lips liquefying loose love

movement motivates mutual magnetism, melting moon
nurtures natures natural naked neediness
obsessive oral optimism overwhelms orgasmically
passion peeks panting, persuading pleasurable pause

quivering quakes quell quietly
radiating rare restfulness renewing romantic rise
satiated spirits sigh submissively, shyness smoldered
trustful touches tender to tear telling truth take times tenacity

undulating unfamiliar understanding, unique upon undressed
visions.  Vocal ventures vibrate, veiling velvet values
whispering wanton winds wake waiting waters
your yearning yanks yielding yesteryears
zones zealous, zip zinging zest.

My attempt... Not too good with X "Xenocrates" Greek Philosopher was the best I could do haha.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 11th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 10

Whoa Magdelena!

I think it's safe to say I was blushing a little reading your K's and L's O's and P's. Heheh

Nice work.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


All American agrarian asshole.
Barnyard born because behind barn bred.
Child chasing chickens, consuming cornbread.
Delinquent doing diabolical disgusting dastardly deeds did domesticated dairy.
Examination exhibition exposes evil, ending embarrassingly.
Farm-boy fucks farm-girl at family friendly Four-H Fair.
Girl Georgiana gives Goober’s green gonad gross gonorrhea.  
His horny ‘He-haw Holiness’ had herpes, he hated hilarious hematologist hazing, “Ha, ha, ha, heifer or hog?”
Inglorious idiot, intimacy ignorant, intercourse inadequate.
Juvenile jokester, jackass jerk-off.
Kind’a kooky, keychain kinky, ‘keep kenneled’!
Lackadaisically losing libido, lamenting love lost.
Masochist masturbator masturbating myself mournfully miserably.
Neurotic nuisance nobody needs, nowadays needy.
Obviously older obstinate ogre occasionally ogles others offensively.
Primeval prankster, predictably pervert prone, ‘please phone police’!
Quixotic questing quid-pro-quo quickie.
Rebellious red rebel righteously revolts, recruiting renewed revolutionaries right-now!
She said, “Selfish son-of-bitch, shove-off!”
The terrible things thought, that traumatize the theologians.
Unarguably unearthly undeniably ugly.
Velveeta Valley’s vanilla varmint vexing vamps, vixens, variants.
Worker warring with workers, where-ever, when-ever, welcomed.
“Yep, Yo’mamma, ye-yiggidy-ding!  You-know-what-I-mean.”
Zap zit, zero, zilch!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

She Walks with Angels

Absinthism abound among angels
Boredom brings bitheism
Creating careless cacogens
Daw’s daring decessions

Elephantine embrace ensues
Fighting flowering fright
Gruesome grinning grip
Halitosis hissing  helminth

Ichthyophagous, illaudable incult
Joker’s just jabbering
Kibble’s kin Kuru
Leeching lapifidication

Macrobian mothers milked
Nebulaphobia never neonaticide
Openly Opting Opinions
Pro People’s Power

Quasi Queen Quickly
Randomly returned, riveted
Sounds, strongly sharp, shrilly
Travel through the theatre

Until universes unite
Vafrous Vengeance Vigilantes
Will weld weapons, wage wars
Xenophobia, xenodochial,
Zappy, Zanyism …zero.

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Looking good so far.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 5

An analytically act, a
Bumbling boy born before
Cretins could call certainties
Daintily detesting death
Eclectic, essential, evenly
Folded for foibles, fearing forever
Giving grief gets gruesome
Hell held his hand, Heaven held his head
I idolize indolent intentions
Justifying just jurisdictions
Keeping knowledge, killing
Life less likely, leaving
Months, minutes, messes
Neatly nested nowhere necessary
Optimistic occasionally, over-thinking
Pessimistic problems, people pugnaciously put
Quarrels quietly quilting,
Rattling ravishingly, rewriting
Some sorted story silently
Tested towards this timidity
Universally unbalancing ulterior
Visions vividly varying
While we whine.
Xerox? Xylophone? Xenon?
Yearning youthful youngsters
Zachary zapped... "zoned... zoning... Zoos..."

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

abcfefghijklnnopqrstuvwxyz withdrawn

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