
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 5th April 2014
thecomet77 joined 3961 days ago and last visited 3947 days ago
Comments 5
Forum Posts 5
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

One with pen One with pencil Art with words Art with images

Favorite Poets/Writers

Pablo Neruda, Colin Meloy, Edgar Allan Poe, etc.

About Me

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I enjoy indie music, I am vegetarian, I am a guitarist/poet.

I have a knack for reading and writing poetry, but it really started as me writing songs. I take inspiration from the music I listen to and I can really cite The Smiths and The Decemberists as lyrical influences on my writing. There are more bands that inspire me but those are the main two. I am confused on my sexuality so I can't tell you what I am exactly. I can take any questions on my tumblr or e-mail. Thank you for reading this.

Also, I don't know why, but I have a thing for writing poetry about travel. I love seeing other places, it is a way of telling me that my story can expand to other settings.

My Reading List

Pulse by kestaa