Poetry competition CLOSED 11th February 2014 00:25am
View Profile Poems by HadesRising
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Pathospassion


DU Member--Madame Lavender

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17081

Blooms in Shades of Red

Lavender, soft a colour
shades of regal purple
scents of exquisite perfume
lavender, my favourite colour

you take to your name
serene smiling eyes
looking at the world
for you have conquered all

Red should be your colour
strength, spelling of fire and blood
for you have gone through
many adversity in life

once a daughter, now a mother
bosom graced with love
the energy to war with ills
against danger towards yourself

still your passion shines
to give your all with kindness
compassion for the shortcomings
of others, never a cruel word

If I met you
to raise a glass or two
I wonder if our talk would be
of flowers, cabbages and Kings

Madame Lavender
Never be other
than yourself.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17081

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Pleasure is all mine!

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


She waits by tracks, daily
An image burning in her mind
This world is her canvas
Painted in lavender colors

The earth passes by
Captured by tinted lenses
A phantom train sits alone
Upon the tracks in raining sheets

What awaits beyond eyes
Attuned to veils of mystery?
Only she will know in
Worlds of lavender colors

I long to see through her eyes
The world in tinted lenses
Lavender grows on the tracks
As shadows from the past

poet Anonymous

Okay ML, you know I love you and look for you as a constant source of wisdom, I must now write a poem that reflect that!!!! I shall return.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596


Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Demon nor Angel
Breathing in colorful sacraments to show their darkness
While still teaching carcasses to live
Beyond what they feel
But what she feels
Is a hill to climb up for eternity

Whatever that is

She is Prometheus
Bringing enlightenment to the lost sheep
Guiding them back to the pasture
Where she and gods sit together to reminisce
On what happens in a mortals unconsciousness

how she whispers white light of poetry
Deep into their souls until these boughs
Become roots to dig deep into souls made whole by ghouls
Vanquished by her sin
That happens to be a poetic sacrament

She is Poetic Justice
Born in the void but still human
Understanding what pain will be  
And what we wish to see

Some sort of Oasis

poet Anonymous


To be or not to be
Hamlet’s question
Had nothing to with suicide
But, it had to do with
Madame Lavender,

To be or not to be
In the presence of survival
To be or not to be
In the presence of honesty
To be or not
In the presence of compassion

The waves of fortitude
Gather in height to try
And match the grace that she wears
She wears many titles
Most importantly are two:
Woman and Mother

Her heart beats
To inspire us all
We must learn from her book
(As have I)
To accept and be true
She is a dear friend
And a mother too
Love for a child
Her love for hers
Goes beyond the limits
Of space

A poet like no other,
A friend, always willing
To make more
Always with an open ear
ML, you’re an inspiration
Thank for being such a dear!

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604

Medicine woman

no fragility, her keen ability for survival
an inspiration for many
since her arrival on the underground
a poet, and guardian
of which her spirit and soul
are always good to have around the place

A Lady, a mother, a seamstress
a lab tech, captures aging train tracks with finesse
feisty, but firm handed nonetheless
a woman of conviction, of sound mind and steady hand
wouldn't it be grand thing
If there were a few more lavender madams

..late entry, so more of a tribute if that's ok Quinny

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17081

Congratulations to Hades Rising, awesome entry! and Pathospassion, good one. Yay Me....thanks MLavender!

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Congrats Hades! You're up! Keep it going!

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Wow, thanks. Totally didn't expect this win. Sadly, I currently have two comps working right now so we'll have to pick this up in a week.

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