Questions of sanity..
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
johnrot said:i thought this was a comp??? anyway
ohio is for lovers
february something
not that the date matters
a bouquet of flowers to block the peep hole
one last vein to poke
a subtle rap at the door
not the obnoxious police like pounding
i hear the release of the deadbolt
yet the chain still attached
the door creases that two to three inches
to peep this late night caller
all i need
i put my size 10
to the opposite side of the hinges
with all 210 lbs of white trash
hopeless romantic behind it
she catches the inner frame directly to the temple
i enter to find her unconscious
for some reason
i'm remembering how we used to play the license plate game
she was always the prettiest when she's sleeping or crying
this gives me a bit of time to pop a 100 milli viagra
snort a couple of roxies
and put a lil twisted sister on
yeh we're not gonna take it!
i pick her up and sling that 110 lbs of delirious weight
across the kitchen table
bending her over the head table place mat
facing the sliding glass doors
where we both can see our already distorted reflections
rip down those skinny jeans
no need to remove underwear
she never wore any
fucking whore
i enter that virgin asshole
and hate fuck her
until the bloody thrashing
has her regaining consciousness
and she can see who's bringing her home
after about 45 minutes or so
i finish
the opiates always make me last longer
after i release those demons i douse her with bleach
and turn that pretty lil head 240 degrees to the left
i told you bitch
break my heart
i'll break your neck
HOLY SHIT JR!!! That shit got me hard

Not really.. but exactly what I'm looking for.
ohio is for lovers
february something
not that the date matters
a bouquet of flowers to block the peep hole
one last vein to poke
a subtle rap at the door
not the obnoxious police like pounding
i hear the release of the deadbolt
yet the chain still attached
the door creases that two to three inches
to peep this late night caller
all i need
i put my size 10
to the opposite side of the hinges
with all 210 lbs of white trash
hopeless romantic behind it
she catches the inner frame directly to the temple
i enter to find her unconscious
for some reason
i'm remembering how we used to play the license plate game
she was always the prettiest when she's sleeping or crying
this gives me a bit of time to pop a 100 milli viagra
snort a couple of roxies
and put a lil twisted sister on
yeh we're not gonna take it!
i pick her up and sling that 110 lbs of delirious weight
across the kitchen table
bending her over the head table place mat
facing the sliding glass doors
where we both can see our already distorted reflections
rip down those skinny jeans
no need to remove underwear
she never wore any
fucking whore
i enter that virgin asshole
and hate fuck her
until the bloody thrashing
has her regaining consciousness
and she can see who's bringing her home
after about 45 minutes or so
i finish
the opiates always make me last longer
after i release those demons i douse her with bleach
and turn that pretty lil head 240 degrees to the left
i told you bitch
break my heart
i'll break your neck
HOLY SHIT JR!!! That shit got me hard

Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 261
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 261
am I crazy?
so I've been fucking told
I always thought I would save the world from pain
trying to keep our children from being fucked over and over again
I hear the screaming of the rabbits in my brain
finding it hard to differentiate my screams from theirs
I see me with that lead pipe as I bash and bash his head to pulp while smashing his smug all knowing smile
I don't refrain from hearing the voices in my head
telling me kill kill kill him smash him till he's dead
yet his evil ghosts still won't leave my mind
for gods sake daddy i see you awake and in my dreams
all because he loves me
Youd be crazy too if you had to listen to your father fucking anything that moves male or female
Or try watching movies at the drive-in with your parents
kids in the back seat
Clothes your eyes kids
the documentary about sadism and masochism playing in our ears
it's only for adults
like my father really needs instruction
Try living with the crawling hand worse than the movie one
sit on my lap cream puff wheres the vasoline
god I hate the non smell of vasoline his lotion of choice
oh mama mama where for art thou mama
mamas cooking cleaning going to church
praying to god for my evil soul?
Using your self blinding manipulations
your Black hole in your memory mama
you are the BLACK HOLE
What? you cant see daddy in the cars middle seat
smothering me because I bite hard
smashing my lips with a hand full of
'This will hurt me more than you daughter'
so i can wear a permanant crack in my lip to forever remind me of our LOVING family camping trips
mama stops the car so I can puke his cream of the crop out the door
watch it shaunda
those could be your future brothers or sisters
move every six months so no one sees the monster for our father
make me pee and shit in a can in my closet because the bathroom is no longer safe
while I write poems of screaming bunnies
i see you waiting in the dark living room daddy
I'D RATHER SHIT AND EAT IT before I use the bathroom again
what? if i dont let you do it You'll get my baby sister
and when I hear her screams I'll know it shoulda been me
dont tell on daddy or hell go to prison
who'll take care of us then
well all be adopted out never to see each other again
liar liar pants on fire
get me in the sack
beat it blue and black
as daddy smuggly smiles
and mama hides her eyes
I can't take it
every day every minute
im so afraid
so i'll slit his throat while he sleeps
im just a little girl
im so alone
please help me god
and mama wants to know how I ever got this crazy?
well fuck you mama and the dick you rode in on
i cant take it anymore
my brain is cracking from all the people screaming in my head
your better off dead
am i fucking crazy
so ive been fucking told
And I smile
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 261
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 261
I wear my scars like a badge of honor.
I'm proud of them for making me a strong person.
The perma split in my lip forever reminding me
I didn't take it lying down
I didn't just say stick it in.
I said go ahead and stick it in
I'll bite that mother fucker right off.
and I tried
Mother fucker.
I wear my scars with my head held high.
you broke my nose without a backward glance
expecting me to cower in fear
a fear I would never willingly show you.
I licked the blood streaming down my face
and laughed, looking you straight in the eyes
yeah fuck you too daddy
figuratively speaking
I saw my cheek opened to the bone
forgive the fuck outa me for going to the fair
I guess you taught me not to disobey
I just laughed and stuck my finger on the bone
and twisted
stupid mother fucker
you taught me how to be fearless
while black holed mother thought me insane
I wear your claw marks on my face
with pomp and ceremony
marching down the halls of my youth
remembering that I got you back
I took flesh from your face with my nails
I'm a bitch and I pay back
I hold my head high, look the world in the eye
and say I am as good as you are
I may be scarred, but my scars hold a place of honor
on my body and face
They say to the world that I didn't just take it lying down
I gave it back. Fuck I DID!!
You bashed me and bashed me for my defiance
begging me to stop making you hit me
telling me it didn't have to be this way
if I would just BOW to your power
BOW WOW mother fucker
that all you got?
I would rather be beat to death than to surrender
I pitted my mind against yours
and I payed heavily, yet so did you
I was a soldier in my own war
and I wear my scars like a badge of honor
Stupid mother fucker
You never did know me at all
Sometimes you have to be a little insane to survive.
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
No one else?!
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
No more takers?!
Forum Posts: 17130
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17130
It was a crazy day
in mid June
I had nothing to say
much less to croon
I sat slumped
against a tree stump
Watching ants go by
carrying a dead bird
by the wings
A crazy day indeed
No focus
I didn't even know
If I was all here.
It was a crazy day
in mid June
I had nothing to say
much less to croon
I sat slumped
against a tree stump
Watching ants go by
carrying a dead bird
by the wings
A crazy day indeed
No focus
I didn't even know
If I was all here.
Joined 5th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 198
At Arm's Length
The walls are closing in.. The water-line is rising up
The ceiling's getting lower now, and time, it flies and dies with us
The winds will grow colder.. Shoulder the burden
As these kids grow older, know these soldiers are virgins..
The children of men, who had nothing to live for
Just a past love, but that's something to sin for
That's not enough, this vast dungeon'll give more..
I need the pain and chains and things to rearrange this reign of kings
Hundreds run ragged; what'd dad punish the kids for..?
Your father's an angry god.. War monger
Born conqueror; scores wander to change these odds..
I feel doom looming, the looting and shooting-sprees
The grip on the noose loosened, and soon I'll be truly free..
Bare and bleeding, barely breathing, yet spewing so fluently
It's said love conquers all, it's true.. Including me..
You can see, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming..
Torn at the seams, she's not sure if I'm leaving
Still searching for something I'm not sure I believe in..
At war with my demons.. Can't keep from drowning
These wings are holding onto the things that keep me grounded..
The blackening of a heart.. The collapsing of a soul
The scavenging in the dark for the patching on this hole
I just can't see what's happening; the gravity.. Its hold
On depravity is maddening, this cavity..? Is cold
And I'm deep inside myself.. Keeping myself at arm's length
Reach, and I might help; the reason? Why else, a calm strength
I knew it once before.. This truant lust for war..
This useless sin has use again, there's few I've trusted more..
Copyright © 2012 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project
The walls are closing in.. The water-line is rising up
The ceiling's getting lower now, and time, it flies and dies with us
The winds will grow colder.. Shoulder the burden
As these kids grow older, know these soldiers are virgins..
The children of men, who had nothing to live for
Just a past love, but that's something to sin for
That's not enough, this vast dungeon'll give more..
I need the pain and chains and things to rearrange this reign of kings
Hundreds run ragged; what'd dad punish the kids for..?
Your father's an angry god.. War monger
Born conqueror; scores wander to change these odds..
I feel doom looming, the looting and shooting-sprees
The grip on the noose loosened, and soon I'll be truly free..
Bare and bleeding, barely breathing, yet spewing so fluently
It's said love conquers all, it's true.. Including me..
You can see, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming..
Torn at the seams, she's not sure if I'm leaving
Still searching for something I'm not sure I believe in..
At war with my demons.. Can't keep from drowning
These wings are holding onto the things that keep me grounded..
The blackening of a heart.. The collapsing of a soul
The scavenging in the dark for the patching on this hole
I just can't see what's happening; the gravity.. Its hold
On depravity is maddening, this cavity..? Is cold
And I'm deep inside myself.. Keeping myself at arm's length
Reach, and I might help; the reason? Why else, a calm strength
I knew it once before.. This truant lust for war..
This useless sin has use again, there's few I've trusted more..
Copyright © 2012 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
2 more days before I judge this..
No more takers?
No more takers?

<< post removed >>
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
The Whisperers
I keep losing my mind
in an array of coffee stains
stirring my subconscious
choking me when I sleep
if only I could hold my breath
long enough to hear
the whisperers
in my ear
if only
I could stay awake
these awkward moments
have now begun
the anti-silence of my mind
random episodes of violence
and tendencies to hear voices
blurting out profanities
fumbling for my sanity
in the final fight scene
I grapple
for the
I am a passenger
of my chaos
to instruments
of undue influence
force fed into this realm
I’ve become a slave
to my disease
a hideous creature
consuming weakness
and the lies
only to believe
those whom whisper
for they despise
what I’ve become.
Written by Alexander Case
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
You guys made this shit difficult..
All entries were amazing..
Congrats Case.
Jr and madam were VERY close.
Next time guys, make it a lil easier for me to judge..
All entries were amazing..
Congrats Case.
Jr and madam were VERY close.
Next time guys, make it a lil easier for me to judge..
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
Congrats johnrot and MadameLavender. Thanks Intricate B for the dark comp, there should be more of them.
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 823
There will be..
Join my "How high were you" comp.
Its a good one..
I also have the what happened to jonrot comp.
After I judge the how high were you comp, I have a special comp you'll appreciate..
Join my "How high were you" comp.
Its a good one..
I also have the what happened to jonrot comp.
After I judge the how high were you comp, I have a special comp you'll appreciate..