Poetry competition CLOSED 17th July 2013 11:37am
View Profile Poems by DystopianMelody

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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Looking Through Your Window

(A Love Poem)

I'm not following you
because I'm a stalker,
I really think your poetry is like
It blows my mind!
I don't like just go in your comps
because I wanna be cool like you...
I actually think your topics are really sophisticated,
perhaps a little misunderstood.
And I don't like stalk you online
or rip your photos from your FB account
to use it for my wallpaper and screensaver on my laptop and iphone
like some creep...
I just have a thing for hot chicks
with pink hair.
AND I don't like type LMFAO after every comment you post in the forum...
and not mean it. HaHa

[I know where you live Brandie]

You know, I honestly feel that I don't deserve to win this awesome comp
just because I'm like your No.1 fan
and we're like so connected on so many levels.
It might give the other poets the wrong impression. LMFAO

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

A Poem About Nothing

without a thought to build upon
i write these words
no preconceived notions
words in motion

stumbling through with nothing prepared
without a care...
i forge ahead

through this verse and into another
just like any other
no subject at hand
alone they stand
the words spill upon the page

rhythm and rhyme
set in time
through a structured verse
the flow of words

lacking the usual metaphors
these words of course
just ramble on...

a poem about nothing it seems
so easily...
just flows from me

line after line
these words combine
in thoughtless rhyme
while keeping time
until i decide
to make it end....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042


half the fucking time
really I wouldn't
have the slightest clue
about what adjectives to use

alphabet soup still spells
i love you sugar muffin

Strange Creature
United States 2awards
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 8

DGAF 'Till We Die, I Guess.

I don’t give a fuck if I win or not.
I just want to get my words out there,
Spilled into the open air.
Losing is the true battle, here.
Sittin’ bitch, always coming second-best.
When you lose, you learn to fight.
You learn to let go and leave all the rest
To be the best you have to compete with the best.
You have to fight,
You have to beat the best.
That’s far too much hassle.
I don’t deserve to win because I don’t care.
I just want to leave my name here.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Don't glorify my shit

Don't praise me.
I'll only use it to justify my sitting here
Ignoring the outside world, running from it and falling headlong into the depths of thin, cheap paper.

Using mediocre arrangements of words that i cobble together as a shield to place between me and the biting truth that I'm not different. That I'm no better, that I'm not even worse.

I'm just a simple bandwagon hopper who issues false proclamations of profundity while defining the mundane like my arsehole issues air as it defines the shape of my shit.

My words are the lubricating drivel that your eyes slip over like the patch of ice that slides underfoot, leaving you dazed and staring at the sky trying to remember the direction that gave your gaze purpose.

So mind your step, don't walk into me. Your feet will sink into my ground  of nihilistic loathing and swallow you into my darkness.

I use pastel chalks made of turds to paint pictures, and hope for something holy, never stepping back far enough to see the pretty patterns are still visions of shit.

So walk around me,  hold your nose and cover your eyes

and don't stop to hang your hopes on the twisted noose of my words.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 29th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 47

I may be good
At what I do
But there are always better.

Why should I win?
I shouldnt.
Cause there are always better.

My prose has always sucked.
And my rhyming needs some work.
And like I said, there's always better.

I'm cocky and I'm arrogant
I slur my verses lots.
I don't like normal either
cause normal's in the box.

I'm messy with my stanzas
I judge myself too hard
I stopped writing for a while
Because my thoughts were charred.

I'm corny and a dork
whereas most of these cool poets
Are really hard at work.

I leave some poems unfinished.
Sometimes I write too long
But hey its me
If Im worthy
Then I'll argue all night long.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

i promise i will, just need a little bit more time, working on a few others things first, but i've read most of these so far, and they are all really great =], by tomorrow i should have figured it out =p.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

sorry i lied, took me a little bit longer,

congrads to dystopian
he won because look at that language he used ^, really, he killed it,

but i was also torn between a few others, kitty, and devilweartampax, awesome jobs,

and miki i was so going to pick yours, but it was so convincing and perfect, that i actually had to listen to what you were saying... <3 great fucking poem indeed and amazing perspective.

thanks to everyone for your continued participation and please keep it coming, i love reading your entries and you all really deserve to win, but thanks for telling me why you don't =].

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Thank you very much, I'll put the trophy on the mantel with the others and thank you as well Theo, I enjoyed yours, it reminded me of an old kung fu movie

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