Poetry competition CLOSED 7th June 2013 11:04pm
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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest




1. submit a maximum of 3 poems (old, new, mixed)

2. the poems may be of any genre (kind)

3. the poems may be of any length

4. more instructions to be given as the need arises
just ask moderator - who may have forgotten to add

This topic is very wide and can be interpreted in
many ways so write the way you feel or explore new ways of

You may also be the devil's advocate and say
that no truth exists.

So write on!

Quotes and ideas:


1. The quality or state of being true: "the truth of her accusation".
2. That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality: "tell me the truth"

Truth is most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality,[1] or fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal.[1]
The opposite of truth is falsehood, which, correspondingly, can also take on a logical, factual, or ethical meaning. The concept of truth is discussed and debated in several contexts, including philosophy and religion. Many human activities depend upon the concept, which is assumed rather than a subject of discussion, including science, law, and everyday life.
Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars and philosophers. Language and words are a means by which humans convey information to one another and the method used to recognize a "truth" is termed a criterion of truth. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth: what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective or objective, relative or absolute.

poet Anonymous

Truth and Falsehood
 by: Arthur Guiterman (1871-1943)

Old Time was young, men's hearts were all untried
By Grief and Sin, when round this whirling ball
Pure Truth and Falsehood journeyed side by side
In free companionship. At evenfall
Of that long day which closed the Age of Gold
They came to Pleasure's lake, and both were glad
To cast their robes and seek those waters cold.
But Falsehood, first emerging, lightly clad
Her limbs in Truth's white garments, fresh and fair,
And swiftly fled away with mocking mirth;
While Truth, disdaining Falsehood's tattered wear,
Pursued. So still around the dizzy earth
Flies Falsehood, well-disguised in Truth's array,
While Truth runs after, naked to the day.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 101

"Truth Serum"

First things first 
Call it what you want but love is a curse 
A fated expiration date 
And no escape from the hurt 
And it's sad cause' some people do deserve it 
Duplicity's resurgent 
Staying faithful wasn't working 
So the people who were hurting made a vow 
It'd never happen again 
No one they came in contact with now 
Would surpass being a friend 
Welcome to the end of laudable behavior 
The closest ones betray ya 
Rendezvous then see you later 
And it's true they weren't as grateful 
Everlasting grief 
Fill in the void 
With trivial attachment and fabricated remorse 
Not many people these days are staying true 
The best things to do 
Keep your focus just on YOU 

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 101

Modest Proposal

I have a couple questions and concerns
When will they learn? 
Ignorance is like a germ 
Blind to the facts 
A race defined by the gat 
Mostly democrats 
Confined to beaten battered shacks 
Combined with crack 
They're stamped and labeled as a problem 
So much critique 
Still no one seeks to try and stop it! 
The people who have 
Concentrate on getting more 
And won't even acknowledge the people starving at the door! 
They proceed to ignore the poor and what they're screaming for 
Not to lend out a hand 
Or try to help a hungry man 
What I don't understand 
Where does the nation's money go? 
I was told it's for war 
Is that the reason why we're broke? 
It doesn't make sense 
With people starving in the bricks 
We spend money to fight wars that really don't exist 
Fighting for peace? 
I don't think we'll ever win 
With no resolution 
It's the beginning of the end 
To end my proposal 
I ask that people see the truth 
My question to you 
What are they leaving for the youth? 

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 101

Hanging By A Thread

Hanging by a thread 
I'm not a one who waits to be misled 
Hate that I'm restating what was said? 
Excessive blood shed 
I fainted in the hall 
Hanging by a thread in a painting on the wall 
I tried to make it fall when I came to 
Thinking of the slaves who 
Got whipped then got told to go and make food 
Stay true and the honest will see 
Even from the likes of Simon Legree 
Tried to hide it from me 
But the Lord brings fact 
Has our story just started? 
Well thats exactly how they act 
If you back track deep into the truth 
Picking up cotton was not the only thing we'd do 
Indoctrinating you through how far we'd came to be 
I promise my people we didn't start in slavery 
I've been waiting patiently through this time intermission 
Asking God to save the weak through divine intervention 
While I'm hoping we continue to divide inhibitions 
And continuously repent 'cause we could die any minute 

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

is a trap.

Strange Creature
Joined 26th May 2013
Forum Posts: 1





poet Anonymous

I'll tell you the truth of my living situation:


Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

               .:A worthy quest:.

Truth can be they only light that guides you to where you need to be
Truth can be a badge of honor you display proudly on your chest
Truth can be a victim you need to nurse back to health
Truth can be a tooth that rips a hole in the charlatans
Truth can be the north of my moral compass
Truth can be a bridge over certain death
Truth can be a smile on a child's face
Truth can be the final say so
What's important is not what a can be
What's important is what it can't be
Truth can never be a lie

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

talking about
truth, trust and pixie dust.

what scabs do you call your own?
i know how to get best use out of a plaster
but if its blisters you want
then they all get popped
and sellotape does the trick

im wandering.
wonder if wandering might be another
i have fascination with truth the same
as man finding fire
same odd desire to slip a harness on it
but im monkey with ass aflame
running from the burning plains never
going to yell it back
it will destroy my home in an instant.

call me a pathological liar
i would debate it
evade it

and once I know what youd like to hear
We can lie
any way you want

poet Anonymous


Will you buy a truth
if it's priced right
and sold on terms
that pride your plight

When You ask for truth
holding hope for the answer
ask for critique
or honest opinion
is there a silent plea
just beneath
begging accolades or seeking

Is it truth that is sought
or one who's learned to answer
knows to wrap the edges
decorate the obvious

Leave the veil of deception between you

because the truth hurts

Venture forward
prepared for the quest

but there's a nasty bit of raw possessed
in the acts and thoughts of the worst and best

so, hunker down the ego
open the mind
receive the news
but don't expect to find


in any truthful peer reviews

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066

If You Believe
If you believe  
they put  
a man
on the moon,
then you will  
believe anything
You believe  
the holocaust
was a faux pas..
I think I heard a shot
yeah yeah
If you believe
Monsanto is good
for me and you  
If you believe
corporate greed,
yeah yeah
then you believe
in a world
that is not for me..
If you believe
in a fictional character
and if you
evolution is false
yeah yeah yeah  
See you heaven  
if you make the list

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198

The Power of Perception over Perceived Power

We’re used to being soldiers.. Now our shoulders are
More chipped than chiseled, and our heart needs a refill
The war split from civil as I start to bleed free will..
Sift through these arteries, a part of me dreams still
Hard to speak, our disease is bargaining cheap thrills
You can capture pictures.. I captivate imagination
You just practice scripture while the passive traits attack a nation
Get them acclimated.. That’s a lame exaggeration
Facts aren’t as fascinating as the latest adaptation
Truth is, there is none.. Certain of uncertainty
Encircling the church.. Shoe fits, their wisdom..?
Surfacing as perjury in service to the Earth..
Furthering the serpentine, merciless and worsening
With urgency to work.. First to see the influence
Misuse, and the damage done.. Ripped through
To give you living proof of the planet, judged..
Knowing is contradictory to faith, so we don’t know anything
In the emptiness of space.. Perspective is everything
In the destiny we face, but our legacy is so menacing
We’ve never reached its place.. Perception.. Is reality
Unless it’s out of callousness, the best depicts a fallacy
Deception is a talent if it’s ending in fatality
“Objection”; “I’ll allow it”.. The rest of it’s invalid.. See?
We make our beliefs the truth..
But we couldn't find it in church; they're too primitive and dangerous
The truth was in the art, the most descriptive of its languages
In it, we'll find the answers.. Hidden in the anguish it languished in
Limited.. Complacent.. Fitted with the chains we encased it in
Faceless, indiscriminate.. Witnesses take it to the grave with 'em
Or it's weaponized.. Live with, or let die
Our desensitized eyes have visions of red skies
But a gentrified society's given a Best Buy, so we'll let it slide..
Definitive end-times for the modern-day citizen
Living the west lie on the back of eastern resources..
Detour through the back streets as fascists speak of recourse
Pacifists keeping score, and these activists need to lead more this..
City's ridiculous.. Witty and meticulous; gritty, or inconspicuous
A puppet CAN be president if he's.. Pretty articulate..
That's relevant.. The felon's attempt at villainy
But I could never pander to your delicate sensibilities
To Hell with it.. It's killing me; the malevolence.. And the filigree
The truth is they're useless, lacking intelligence.. And ability..
He’s bleeding for the cause and in return, we planned our exodus..
‘Cause we can believe in God, just not the person standing next to us..

Copyright © 2013 Travis J Gibbs, The Ant1-Her0 Project

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

           < invocation >
            bathe us lord
            bathe us
            in lies
            drown them lord
            drown them
            in truth    

               - - -

poet Anonymous

“Nothing Less, Only More”
We can split atoms,
transplant hearts,
fly to the moon
and come back again,
but harnessing truth
from the heavens above,
is a different story,
it’s not that easy.
It’s devotional,
we crawl
into each
others arms,
trying to do no harm,
search for it endlessly.
We can debate it,
analyze it
till the cows come home,
blue in the face.
One says red,
the other screams yellow,
and we kill each other,
end up dead,
trying to
“one up”
the other fellow.
Let’s be mellow,
grab Cupid’s arrow
and spread it.
Truth is love,
nothing less,
only more.

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