Poetry competition CLOSED 17th December 2012 2:51am
Vixenwings (Butterfly)
View Profile Poems by Vixenwings

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Love Lost.

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Poetry Contest

"It was always lucky to love you."
Poems about bittersweet love.  Loving him but watching him leave.  Leaving her because you knew she would be happier without you.  Losing them because you couldn't hold onto them anymore.

All poems welcome.  Max three submissions for each writer.


Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

She stays up all night
playng video games,
To keep her mind at bay.

She tells herself,
Its alright,
But she knows that's not the case.

Her wounds tell her
Something else
Somethings out of place.

But she can't remember,
What it was,
Until she saw her face.

She felt her heart,
Fall in her throat
As she tried to look away.

But those babyblues
Struck hers so fast,
She captivated their gaze.

This, at night,
She wonders why,
Where did it all go?

The song she sent,
The very last...
Is all she's left to show.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 4th July 2012
Forum Posts: 33

Last Orders

From the optics
of her transcendent mind
I pour myself
a sociable measure, and
savors the spirit
as it quenches the thirst
of my acquired taste
for pleasure.

Colourful hues,
I feel warmth
radiate across.

Ice turns to water
all in a muddle.
She turns me to a liquid
like a puddle.

She and I will never mix

I see her true colours
like a rainbow.

Water and oil plainly show,
the mixing of some things
are just not meant to go.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 12th July 2011
Forum Posts: 928

"Moonshine and Starbright"

The waves rolled back and gleamed with light
Where my mistress wept, my dear Starbright
Amidst these haunted skies she lurks in dismay
For it seems true devils stole me away
She shunned the heavens, distraught, in vain
With righteous thoughts to share the pain

Alone she glides in a hollowed abyss
Tortured with memories of celestial bliss
Of the first fatal kiss that made her swoon
With love she fell, compelled by the Moon
Together we outshun the sun itself
Yet he was greedy and wanted her himself

Aligned with passion, we where perfect together
As beautiful as the turmoil of a ravens feather
Upon Saturns rings we where to bethrone
Yet that wretch of a Sun would soon make me atone
For the theft of his radiance he would inflict her with scorn
And slayed with true ebony, I forever damned, she will mourn

" You touched my heart and fueled my sighs
As we embroided within the skies
This lust that bleeds inside of me
Is tormented with laden fantasies
Yet as the dusk begins to fade away
I feel as though I've been betrayed
But our love is true, quite divine, and I'll search for you till the end of time
My king, my phantom, my one and only dear Moonshine"

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122


I recall your lips:
at times wide open
or closed, depending on your mood,
hugging at times or,  
vigorously sucking the
back of my neck;
just under my hair.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Colourless Dawn

You brought the colours
of dawn into my life
but you had to leave
at sunset.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 29th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 47

He sits there in the stairwell
Crying softly as he speaks
The pain of separation
Has finally hit its peak..

I feel anger towards my parents
Pain in knowing simple facts
Like how I used to make him smile
And how he would make me laugh.

I know I shouldn't want to care
I know I should just cry
But all that I can think about
Is how life just passed me by.

I almost felt invisible
Intangible at best.
Like he became so much of me
That he took me when he left.

I know what this poem sounds like
Just another pity party for one.
But that's not it at all because
He'll see this when I'm done.

It is my way of telling him
What I couldn't then.

I love him
More than life itself
Even in the end.

I want him to be happy and
If that's not with me
Then I do understand.

Our relationship was good
11 months down to the day.
We had our ups and downs
I don't know what to say

I'm sad it had to end
But at the same time I still hope
Not only that we'll still be friends
But that we'll both learn how to cope.

I know I can't prevent some things
Other relationships and friends.
But as long as we still talk
It doesn't matter in the end.

I'm happy when I see him smile
No matter what the cause.
We both need time, I understand
We're only human after all.

Just know I love you very much
And my mind will be at rest..

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3560

The Last Rites

I thrust my tongue      
deep into your mouth      
to feel the cold taste of dust      
choking on eternity    
I gazed hard into your eyes,      
searching for a spark    
some recognition      
lingering from the soul    
but all I saw      
was my own scared reflection      
settling on the glassy stare      
of a stranger    
I brushed the hair from your cheek    
begging your lips for a smile    
but your head only jerked      
then lolled to one side    
staring vacantly      
towards the clock on the bedside table    
I wanted to tear off your jeans    
and bury myself in your thighs    
to hear you moan    
while I felt you shudder and cry    
to tell you I was sorry    
that I hadn't been there for you    
to say how much I loved you    
a final time    
and how I would love you      
always and forever    
But there was no forever    
and always was a lie    
from now on    
there would be only this moment    
swallowing the rest of my life    
the cruelest of reminders    
ripping out my own dead    

poet Anonymous


I'll drink this one for my lover.      
I'll down a little dutch courage      
and I've a few white pills we can share,      
swallowing one for the memories      
maybe two for the road,      
perhaps three for the load      
I know I will bare      
and I'm fuelled by words        
that have broken my heart      
a thousand times over,      
I wanted to be young        
(and dumb)      
just once in my life;      
I wanted to leave without a single care      
in the world.      
Because I've run out of fucks and money      
and I'm a poor, raw substitute      
grieving for a life I no longer desire;      
I make love to him to douse the fire      
which only serves as a go between      
as I lie in the bitter dark,      
used up and fading      
as he moans my name      
and I am desperate to scream      
like some post ironic whore      
who desires the desecration      
but not the sensation      
of another's warm body        
against her betraying skin,      
the inches stabbing wildly      
while I beg for an exit sign      
always begging, baby.        
I wanted to burn freely      
with ecstasy on our tongues,      
I wanted your body to crush me      
under the weight of a European sky      
and I didn't want to question why        
I was so happy      
to be lost      
and eloquently found      
in you      

C. R. Powers
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 3rd Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 170

Internet Lover

I use to talk to you for hours.
I use to feel you so near.
We would end the night so desperate for each other.
How many times have I wished you here.

First I saw you
And now I can't.
We are both this victim of circumstance.

My mind plays me wrong.
Over and over it runs with doubts, and fears.
What am I to do...?
What am I to do...?
I love you so desperately.
What am I to do now?

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93

edit: changed poem. couldn't justify posting two obscenely long ones. so here.


I said
Well I meant
And if I didn't say before

Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run RunAway
Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run RunAway

Break of day
Make a break for it I've seen you can and will
Just let you know it hurts me more
I made a will, am I not willing
Purely typeface in the backstreet race
I am not winning you can easily

Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run RunAway
Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run FromMe

Poe ate tree
And spat out chewed up rhyme
failing, failing
Drag You Down
No not this time
This place or this idea
My shot- filled feet trail bleeding to the house that's
Oh so bleak
What, the Dickens?

Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run RunAway
Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run FarAwayFromHere
Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run RunAwayAndHide
Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run Run
Down the walls in coils

Before the end of all the world
In MadMans Eyes
Roman hands to numerals
Were roaming through a night
When first I felt the slide behind the forehead
Grating trainswitchtracks

Run rabbit run
Run man, run Human Being, run Thought, run Reel Fast my
TrainMan: over sleepers
I am starting once more to be

A fish not in the see
Gutted and grilled, gasping for frying oil
Alliterate animosity and always
Ironing out face value wrinkles
Till flat
Flat fall flat and no depth!

no don't. Nor yes nor no, nor concurrence through a poem. RUN!

I know you
Less than running
Just a note to say no apology could ever reconcile
Me to my other self
So run! I will tell you this
To run, and keep on running till you think you're all run out and run some more and print with your feet verses on my fallen faces as your gift to me
I crave a kick
Of any kind and any kindness
BREAK the bone cage round my heart.
I can not myself!
I would be so miserable in heaven!
Kill me! Make me kill myself!
Murder my efforts
Crush my self worth, what little remains,
Chop me into little pieces and distribute my
Flesh around the world!
Tear me! Make me
Cry genuine tears!
I hate happiness today! I hope nobody will ever
Jump for anything less than total misery
I hope to wake tomorrow the only person left to live!
After this

And if God in his infinite mercy
Would let me to die
I might even believe!
If he'd help me to live I would sing for him
If he showed me the way
I am listening! There is no answer!
PITY me! But do not dare to show it
Sympathise! Be genuine! And leave me
To my fate
This is not a poem
Not a message
Not an invitation
Not that word I cannot say if my
Life depends upon it.
Did I say
To run?

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Fool’s Paradise

You said that you loved me, like a fool I believed        
But love is not abandoned for reasons like these        
To cast me aside so easy as this        
Means only that love didn't really exist      
You call this love? Is this what love means?        
Shallow, empty promises and broken dreams?        
I was your toy for amusement but never adored        
Like a lowly court jester with whom you grew bored        
My fatal flaw was to believe in your words        
To think you ever loved me now seems absurd          
But your forked tongue deceived me        
And so my heart I gave to thee          
Only now do I see it when it's far too late        
Sadistic gratification with the hearts that you break        
You seduced me blindly into your trap        
When you knew I was yours, my neck you snapped        
It was always only a game I would lose        
An impossible labyrinth, a mirage and a ruse        
That my heart would be broken was by your design        
That these tears would fall, just a matter of time        
You were the heroin and I was the junky        
I craved you, but you never needed me        
I was so afraid I might lose my high          
I traded my soul in the blink of an eye        
Now all that is left is remorse at what's gone        
Your beauty, our passion and romance withdrawn        
These things I will miss as our love gave up the ghost        
But they pale in comparison to the thing I mourn most        
You had become the one who gave my life joy          
My playmate in life, just a girl and a boy        
Playing children's adventures we laughed, smiled and sang        
You said goodbye and my best friend died; there is no greater pain        
Now winter has come with its freezing cold bite        
There is nothing to keep me warm in the night        
But this winter is different; there is no spring        
Cold and darkness eternal, and no living thing        
The sun has abandoned me never to rise        
Only darkness is there when I open my eyes        
There is nothing for me but an endless dark night        
I'll suffer forever because I believed we were right

Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

In my arms

The rain was falling in the night,
we sat together and you cried,
you were in love with him so long,
I consoled you, I felt so wrong.

Your tears were falling down as well,
I went trough heaven, you trough hell.
You grabbed my hand, I grabbed your arm.
You were so cold, I felt so warm.

Your heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, yet overjoyed
to feel you in my arms, so weak.
Your soul was frozen and so bleak.

You looked me in the eye and I
couldn't help but also start to cry.
I pressed your head against my chest,
so you could lay it down and rest.

My heart was broken and destroyed,
I felt so bad, I felt so void.
To see you smile, I'd gladly die,
but I would only see you cry.

Strange Creature
Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1

This explains how I feel perfectly..thank you..

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 48

                No one will ever love you the way that i do

Twelve months since we split after nine years together
I thought we would have been together whatever the weather
I moved away from my home and all that i knew
So i wouldn't miss a single moment with you
Now i'm in another country all on my own
wondering why i just don't go home
And what i come up with while im wondering why
Is the reason i stay is just to hope to see you go by
If i go back to England, it would be admitting defeat
But that i can't do, cos my heart would never again take a single beat
Cos no one will ever love you the way that i do
And the reason im sure and know this to be true
Is when i looked in your eyes and the vows that i said
were imprinted on my heart the day we were wed
And there they will stay until the day that i die
Even after a year there's songs that make me cry
Because i will always love you, until the end of all time
And the hole that is left is knowing that your no longer mine
Its a deep dark void that will never again be filled
Sometimes i think it would be easier if i had been killed
Because without you my life just doesn't seem to matter
This thing in my chest i used to call my heart is in tatters
But no one will ever love you the way that i do
I just wish u knew how much i still and always will love you

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