Poetry competition CLOSED 28th October 2012 7:04am
drivelicious13 (alon aLion)
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The Grey Beyond

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Poetry Contest

Life after death: your thoughts about this subject.
Life after death has always been a fascination to most people. There are also tales of near death experience. In a poem, speak about your beliefs and feelings on this subject.

Rule 1: Not more than 200 words.
Rule 2: The poem should be titled.
Rule 3: Please adhere to the competition rules.

Thank You! I invite all DUP friends and Family to participate in this competition.

poet Anonymous

“Wishes of the Dead”
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It’s over for us now,
dead we watch the loving
survivors go about their usual business,
gazing down at casket memories,
thinking just another soul
joining the ranks way up yonder,
above the hub bub of
spinning wheels and
the glory seekers, who
never once think about us.
We cry uncontrollably
knowing our mistakes, but
unable to fix them,
we wish you knew.

poet Anonymous

Day of death .  

Well I suppose it happens to the best of us.  
Death .  
No-one is ever strong enough  
to beat it when    
it really happens.  
I wish  
I wish it was    
that one person  
just one  
wasn’t gone.  
You know the feeling in the    
That hole  
feels, it would never be filled.  
I get it,    
I know why,    
why he ended himself  
took his talent with him  
yeah, he was that  
wouldn’t leave ‘em    
lying around.  
But I truly wish  
one poet  
one truly talented  
could prove  
proof -  
"christ on a cracker",  
I love you for that  
forever .  
Dedicated to this poets influence.  

Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words
United States 40awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905

Never forget who came before.

Death is naught but a change;
some say you go to a special place,
my people believe we remain
but, in an incorporeal form,
we continue with our loved ones
or depending on our demise,
may even haunt a place in time.

We believe our ancestor’s spirits
must be fed and given light,
we ask them for guidance,
also for help, even to plead
our case before the all mighty,
and bless all our endeavors,
but most of all to protect us from harm.

Our ancestors and those, whom have gone,
are very much a part of our daily lives,
we have much respect for them
and never we would dare to question
their ability to influence our lives,
that is a arrogant western idea
not something to which we subscribe.

Our ancestors are to be remembered,
worshiped, honored and even feared,
never must we forget, where we came from
or the strife it took to get us here.
We owe this and much more to our ancestors,
our duty to these traditions we must adhere,
and safeguard our beliefs within our cultural lore.

“Never forget who came before.
Death is only the beginning.”

Gypsy Red  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Gypsy, Strider and Alip, thank you so much!

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 29

Shadow House*

Outwardly passable
It's known better years
It's seen more visitors
In fairer weather

There is much and more
To be done inside
The walls bathed in sepia
How often have I noted this

Quiet! There's something else
Pernicious, even pestilential
It's felt most in the long corridor
On the upper floor.

Staring down its length (once again)
sconces long in disrepair
Sight narrows, seeing only
Ashen hues at tunnel's end

Pupils constrict.
From here, all else is empty and mute
All warnings forgot
Save the pale hue at passageway's end.

Yet, after a time, I back down the stairs
Thinking only of my constant failure
To see the end up close. For who can know
What oblivion tomorrow may bring

October 3, 2012 (upon starting Eletro-Convulsive Therapy for Major Depression Disorder)

Mike K.
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 31st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 27


Hope I’m alive when I’m dead
And left alone, thinking in my head
About a life before the lights went out
Which was such a perfect dread

I’ll look upon a faceless god
For a brief moment, and applaud
His seven day art project
Is so painfully flawed

And I’ll wonder why I’m here
A good for nothing blasphemer I appear
Maybe the afterlife is the same as before
When the light made things so clear

So I’ll sit in this limbo, with the good thief
And pretend I’m merely asleep
Cause this isn’t what I was promised
This is far from an eternal relief

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Netherworld Paradise -

In the realm beyond, beneath a chasm fathomless,
Within fields of impossible beauty, shades wander.
Heaven to some, Hell to others, beautiful regardless!
I lingered there for a time, and there I did ponder…
Wither is my destination, mayhap the mountains blue?
Above the grave of a Titan Queen I had loved true.
But death cannot take her and so we meet, always,
Beyond the Elysian Fields, when there my soul strays.
Sometimes we clash; sometimes we kiss like lovers…
But always my spirit’s eye, some mystery uncovers.
Even angels and gods may die and so come to dwell,
In that netherworld paradise to which old gods fell!
Beyond the gloom of the dark forest, a golden realm,
Awaits the wanderer, all their senses to overwhelm!
Glories beyond imagination, after passing the terrors,
Of life and death, and overcoming one’s own errors.
My kindred of old, and my slain children of the past,
They all wait there for me, where their joys ever last.
I saw their dwellings, and I wept for I had to leave…
It was not the hour to join them, or to longer grieve.
She who reigns below keeps them best!
I live, whilst they rest.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Life is such, my friends

Last night

I thought about what death will hold for me
where and who I will be after the transition

First, I got caught up in the sadness of it all
the passing on, the leaving of this world
and all the people and the places I hold dear

It took some time to comprehend the inevitable

because, I'd like to have thought that I was different
that I'd live forever, or at least see this world end
and only then ascend to the next one

truth is though

I really don't know where I'll be going
and that frightens me like the dark does a child
because it's always been the not knowing things
that gets to me the most

but, I don't believe in the heavens or the hells
or that some divine being will decide
where my next ride will be, you see I believe
that life is everything, a constant loop
so when we sing our swan song and pass on
we still belong to life, and it will place me
wherever it needs me.

and I have found peace in that for now.      

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

~Silently Now~

The anniversary of your death hangs heavy in the Autumn air
like cobwebs covered in crystal dew the shape of enchantment
while a dark stormy sky threatens with beauty taking my breath
Soon the veil between worlds will be thin as spirits pass through

And will you come?... to my dreams and stay for a little while
telling me you're there in the shadows... is it you who watches?

~Silently now~

Does your long black wavy hair still hang past your shoulders?
I still have a lock here with me 'all that is left of you in this world'
You were always my watcher... in life and now in the ethereal
Remember the last time you came... to my dreams? you told me

A thick white mist is rolling over the green field out of my window
it is hauntingly captivating and the air is so full of mystical mystery
energy shimmers across its surface and I want to walk through it
if I do I wonder where it will take me... Do you think I will be closer

.......... to reaching you ~my brother~

(186 words)

poet Anonymous


Through starlight weaving webs
The sacred sea of high tide ebbs
And drifting from the shadow of the last curling mist
Comes the last light lingering in

Welcome world...I say softly to seasonal beauty
Father time stands with his arms open wide
Safe and fragile, in his arms I hide
Welcome End....On you I rely, on you I depend

Life has lost its silken skin
I have become my own best friend
No healing ointment
For the suffering
No last lament

Rites of passage said
Testament in rhyme
Lost in regret
Never there

Now I am everywhere
The fairies and faun
The ways of the wood
T is to them I have drawn

No more body to sacrifice
No more spirit in reprise
Tree, I stand by thee
Free, at last, eventually


oct 23rd, LUMe¤

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Lunarmermaid, Jessica, Eamon, Magdalena, dfwtinman and Mike K, thank you all for participating.

Dangerous Mind
United States 20awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1572

rocks never die

when you die
i mean when your earthly body
rattles its resignation speech
to the room

your body's nothing but an oddly shaped vein of
improperly fired carbon
that coulda been a bright shiny diamond
if it didn't take the low road out of town and
marry a commoner for love
too doped up with oxides and phosphates
to be allowed atop a duchy

but you go on living
in those that knew you
all you've lost
is the ability to change what they see
which is all you really are

but really
one leads to two leads to three
and you've been formed your whole life
by the landscape's largesse
so maybe you never had that ability
from the start
and nothing's changed but your ability
to observe it through your jeweler's loupe
eyes closed to the reference coordinates
wondering why you're spinning

we really are diamonds
in someone's prized collection
of singularly flawed stones
of misfits and fuckups
one with a streak of yellow phosphorous run through it
next to another dulled by waves of silica dirt
across from some poor bastard would-be shiner
with screw dislocations where his brain should be

and you know
rocks never die

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 16

Your last breath seethes out
And then you finally wake
It was all a dream

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Afterlife I Can't Figure You Out

Heaven and hell
To some a fairytale
A paradise in the sky
After you die
Or underground
Hell bound
Fire all around
Another alternative
Another life to live
It beats damnation
Death's a vacation
Compared to life
Pain and strife
No more, or
At least that's what they say
Maybe all you do is decay
If it's a fact
Then where's the proof?
No one came back
To tell the truth
People claimed
They saw the light
From Thou who shall not be named
A luminous white
Personally I believe
It was their subconscious
Close ones bereaved
But will never know their options
Or what to expect
Or what to accept
But still I respect
The theories I collect
Religion plays a part
But deep in my heart
I know for certain
My spirit will live on
To serve its purpose
After I'm gone
Where it goes?
Only God knows

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