Poetry competition CLOSED 1st March 2012 5:05am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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Prince Kris
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 24

Poetry Contest

Write a poem concerning either Water(Emotion), Air(Communication), Earth(Stability), or Fire(Output).
Above all, remember to have fun with it!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

When the Elemental Lords of Fire and Water go to war, on the planet where all life in the universe first began...

>>- Ignis and Caleo -<<
A Legend of Old Kobol

Some there are, who believe that life began in the stars,
On a world torn by factions of gods who waged wars…
Let me tell you, of one such conflict that was so waged.
When elemental warriors clashed, and intrigues staged!

There once was a warrior, a queen who reigned: of old,
Her wrath knew no bounds, her anger called holy fire…
None could stand before her, for she was passing bold.
And in darkness, she walked, to sate her every desire…
Fire from heaven obeyed her whims and she used them,
To call it upon her enemies until they fought never more!
Soon the gods decided, her soul they had to condemn…
And a punishment fell hard upon the great scarlet whore.
Her name was Ignis and many a soul she stole most fast,
Selling her own unto darkness, to increase all her fame…
Terrible obligations she swore for power that would last.
But only until the gods grew weary of her prideful flame!
She vowed to burn down the heavens and lay all waste,
To force the very gods themselves to bow to her glory…
And only her sister, Caleo, stood against her evil caste.
Though much younger than the queen, the sister’s story,
Was one of peace and contemplative moments, praying.
Fearing for creation, Caleo vowed to act in a rebellion…
To stop her sister, from going forth for madness, slaying!
She sought out the gods, for she feared that mad hellion.

The gods sent forth the Angel of Death to Caleo’s side,
And she brought the angel to mad Ignis’ tallest pyramid.
Death clad itself in a cloak of ebon shadow to disguise…
And walk as a mortal to where the queen even now hid.
Death took the form, of a dusky maid with scent of lilies,
For her perfume, and thus she made her cold way within.
The queen made no secret of her wish to slay divinities…
And so was come Death, to stop every blasphemous sin.
The dark maiden watched Ignis’ deeds as a kind advisor;
Whilst Caleo kept the maid’s secret from all who asked.
Death became the best friend of the great scarlet warrior,
Waiting for when that queen might be judged and tasked.
The royal princess Cornelia had not her mother’s hatred,
Being a child of goodness, and possessing a kindly heart.
Caleo feared for the girl more and more as she waited…
Praying that Death would not tear the child’s spirit apart!
But the angel was not cruel and remained true to the will,
That brought her hither to punish but one soul, not many.
When the time came, the blood of the queen was to spill,
But safe would be the princess, in Caleo’s fair company.

A kingdom of the Jinn, was the next Ignis would attack,
Ignoring their pacts with holy prophets, anointed kings…
Their hearts ablaze with passion, but never evil or black!
But the mad queen cared nothing for the gentler things…
And so was war between the two kingdoms kindled hot,
Though the Jinn would never fall without wreaking havoc.
Their queen was the most beautiful girl in human thought;
Her name was Aquarius, who in a divine grace did walk.
The disguised Death came to her to warn her of her end,
Yet the child queen vowed to defend her lands, valiantly.
And so Death returned unto Ignis before she could rend,
The life from one who was both virtuous and also saintly.
But the scarlet queen would heed no more wise advice…
Calling to the heavens to send fire down unto all her foe!
But the gods would not allow it, and it rained bits of ice,
Which lasted for several hours and caused not any woe.
But Ignis was crafty, and rode forth with all her armies…
To put to the torch the capital city where Aquarius lived.
Death, Caleo, and Cornelia, to stop any new tragedies,
Pursued the warrior queen, no quarter or mercy to give.

There was no city for the queen to raid; it never existed,
She found instead a long-abandoned ruin filled with ash.
Charred bodies already lay in that rubble as she sifted…
No treasure was to be taken, no golden crown to stash.
The Jinn had used their powers to send her to a future…
Where Ignis’ own kingdom lay all destroyed, and gone.
Now smoke went up from it, and stirred not a creature!
The queen’s war was over and the Jinn had thusly won.
By the time the three pursuers arrived Ignis did so weep,
Having found her own corpse in her pyramid’s remains.
They too were taken to that future time and did creep…
Amidst the ruins, until to the repenting queen they came.
Knowing now the cost of pride, Ignis felt a full remorse,
Not allowing Cornelia to comfort her: nor sister Caleo.
Only Death could dry her tears, even if by deadly force,
She longed to put an end to all that she did remember…
A life wasted on the suffering of others, and sick vanity!
Death would not take her, out of pity for her penitence.
On returning to the past, Ignis was cured of her insanity,
Her reign was wise and kind, and known for tolerance.

To the gods the Angel of Death returned, her job done,
And Caleo loved her sister with the warmth of the sun!
Cornelia and Aquarius became the very best of friends,
As to all her former enemies, Ignis made great amends.

Prince Kris
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 24

Beautiful story, and VERY CREATIVE thank you for sharing

Prince Kris
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 24


I am at a crossroads,
With a need for patience.
But in sync,
With emotion and creation.
The steam of my aura flows out of my chest,
As I progress,
But I digress.
As the firebrand in me has an insatiable need for attention,
The watery part of me spits out inventions.
It is a good combination, but only when its controlled,
You'll never get bored, cause art never gets old.
So with the Sun(music), and the Moon(lyrics), as my guides,
I will rise.
I have polar opposites, but yet im still on top of it.
Pisces and Sag in me,
Fighting it back, spiritually.
But if only they could take me seriously.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Its not like anything the world has ever seen
After it,nothing like that'll ever be
Call it the Blaze
I call it my new kraz
If Im wrong,then its on
Too late to paraphrase

Fever as I deliver
Hard words I never meant to make the world shiver
Feelings' going too cold
Only a few's bold
We're tested by fire
Majority fold
Among worthless stones
I stay precious like gold
The embodiment of dark talent
Time to blaze and glow

Its not like anything the world has ever seen
After it,nothing like that'll ever be
Call it the Blaze
I call it my new kraz
If Im wrong,then its on
Too late to paraphrase

Obsessed with power
Not an hour passes without me having dreams of being in power
Info rules the world
So I snoop around for words
Steady requesting
Never satisfied like a nympho
Guess it paid though
Waited patiently through the long night
Now Im in the limelight
Overshadowed by bright lights

Its not like anything the world has ever seen
After it,nothing like that'll ever be
Call it the Blaze
I call it my new kraz
If Im wrong,then its on
Too late paraphrase

Memories slip off
Im mouthy and all bluff
Nothing to lose now
I wear a gold crown
Sitting in position till my adversaries all frown
Every speech's groomed
From the planet of Doom
Never a stranger to danger
So fuck the rules

Death before dishonor
Dead to the world
Alive in the blazing fire
Dont deny me honor

If Im lost then its because
You never showed me love
I've waited all along
Now Im taking it by force

Its not like anything the world has ever seen
After it,nothing like that'll ever be
Call it the Blaze
I call it my new kraz
If Im wrong,then its on
Too late to paraphrase

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Time Stamp   (SP Summerscales)

A clockwork planet
its contours embossed
a jade garnet
spiked with frost .
Two tone colours
pave the hillside
tors carved from stone
rumble to landslides .
The sun screams a glare
to floral definition
all the hedge rows
stretch out
to a colourful collision .
The earth quakes
while one half awakes .
The other half tremors
as they live
their night terrors .
My floating head upon
a pillow
does dream a mute
blinking within lifes shadow
asleep . thinking , profound
and shallow
now its time to wake
as day will break
the night
to follow .

Prince Kris
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 24

dustyjjewels and Paul Summerscales thank you for your posts, they were both very inventive, and dynamically innovative :]

poet Anonymous

Earthly Reality

Her water runs
freely and effortlessly
like a waterfall so pure
a constant flow
of bare emotion  

She exhales
to cleanse her soul
but chokes
when she breathes back in
the air is stale
one sided Communication hurts her

The grass
couldn't have been greener
on the ground
she once walked
but her earth
has been shaken
and now she stumbles
over the cracks and loos gravel
Stability she has no longer

The pain is building
and now its clear
the fire in her eyes
is silent and yet
crying loudly
flames that
once burned
have now been
put out

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Water into Earth (A Transition of Soul)

Burning fires of anger,
freezing ambers of sorrow,
darkening clouds of discomfort
overwhelmed my soul.
Emotions, out of control wars
inside my mind and soul.
Attracted to water, the calming
nature of the element filling
my mind and heart with the
compassionate need to cry,
wash away all my troubles and

That's why emotional people
like it when it rains.
It's makes them feel like just for
a second they are free of their pain
and they can cry and no one will
see their tears. We look to water
to help with our emotions.
Hiding inside the hot shower,
hidden among the steam
a whisper of nothing in
a fog storm.

I know that when my emotions
came crashing like waves
against the rocks.
I looked to the rain,
I blamed it on the rain sometimes.
I asked why when it rains everything
that is dark either seems darker or
sometimes even lighter?
Is it because the darkness of the sky
makes it so that we want to be
a little happier just so that
there is some light in the

But when water freezes,
emotions stop
and become something solid.


The rock,
the support.
The strength,
the inner strength that
we all believe that we do
not have.

But we do,
if we have emotions.
We have the ability to
carry those emotions,
that's why Earth holds so
much water.

Because emotions,
they are trapped inside
our strengh,
our power,
our stablity.

And only the weak
allow their emotions to
run their lives.
I know, I was one of them.

But I found my strength,
I see if every day
when I look in his eyes.

He is my stabilty
and I am his emotion.

And that is the
transition of

Prince Kris
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 25th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 24

milkyway: "one sided communication hurts her" i love that :] and the whole thing,, great job, and Paige Rider, i love the analogy you've made between the Earth and the water it carries,, a masterpiece, and it makes so much sense, i get that

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Elemental Six -

Five forgotten gods stood in an ancient temple,
Earth, air, fire, water, spirit… every elemental.
I saw what bold powers went before them all,
In the time before time, when I heard the call…
Across the dark seas between the bright stars,
I fought my first battles, earned my first scars!
Before the dawn of Sol’s light was yet known,
I sailed those seas, until a destiny was shown.
It’s hard to be the hero, with villains all around,
Too many expectations, and no paradise found.
Have you ever started over when all was lost?
So rough it is to begin, when so high is the cost.

There was another, her name lost like a dream,
Who shared my road, as fire does with steam!
She still watches over me from a distant realm,
Her glory and beauty do, my senses, overwhelm.

Who remembers when man was yet so young?
Yet more ancient than remembered in history…
Are those places where we all had come from!
So much is now wrapped up in clever mystery.
Do you ever look up, and think of all there is…
Beyond those things you know, of earthly bliss?
Some of us have heard the call as once before,
The music playing: telling of all that lies in store.
It’s easy to listen, when you know where to be,
Like a vision you have, that you look up and see.
Have you ever wondered which illusion is true?
It’s a universe of deception the truth could undo.

There was a song, ringing clear across the sky,
Which spoke of freedom, and truth none deny!
So many are still singing even though it’s so old,
Because the cause of liberty must always be bold.

It’s been a long road from those ancient halls…
And the elements walk amongst mankind anew.
Time itself is as just one passing cycle, after all,
Some of us were there, when it was made true!
All around us things are changing so very fast…
Sometimes it’s the people that do change at last.
Perhaps the transformation has already begun…
Somewhere else under this world’s familiar sun!
It’s hard to be human, when the mask is so thin,
There’s too many sinners, and not one original sin.
Have you ever felt we’ve met before, my friend?
All this has happened before, and will do so again.

There was another, her name lost like a dream,
Who shared my road, as fire does with steam!
She still watches over me from a distant realm,
Her glory and beauty do, my senses, overwhelm.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17152

I am Earth

I was born old
When the moon turned
I deigned to be born
Under the Earth Sign;
I am a rock
Among my siblings
Of air and water and fire
To be like them
I have no desire

I am stable I am consistent
I may be rigid at times
But you can depend on me
I don’t merely talk, I do
For I don’t believe in promises
That hangs in the wind
Nor pretty words
Dressed in deceits

I am like mountains
I cannot be moved
Without great efforts
I am persistent
I am patient
I am practical
I don’t leap
Before I look

I am not for the limelight
I am not for the fast life
I do not attract your attention
Nor do I crave your devotion
Just accord me what is due
A right to live as I wish
Without observing rules
made by You.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 2

silver ribbons
spider webs
cascading cliffs
forever mists
gathered light behind
sharpe rock ledge
bleed eternal
cool blue blood
sirens lust in
pools below
feeding frenzies
above and below
racing the sunsetts
crushing the nights
meeting the dawn
to call anew light
ground falls
water calls
forever mists
cascade blue cliffs and
water falls...


Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850


Attraction is
a provability
the tether
the strange force at a distance
that holds all together
as it falls disparate
and tangent
to the ground
to the moon
to the sun.

Strangely attracted children
hear and infer
the ice cream truck
by its song and its route
because space is curved
by desire.

We sit at the edge
of a tree line
in a faint parabola of porch light
watching cold blacknight warped
into warm galactic flows.
Though we each began as separate stars
our paths at last approached and circled
as they have since countless times
and yet they never wed.

I have known you
since you were lightning and I the air you parted,
since we were water and the wind drew us in,
since you were sunlight and I sealed in amber,
you were jasmine and I the fallen dew.
We teased, we courted, we played unhurried.
We seeped among the leaves.
We rose to our adjacent clouds.
We lay in wait in the abyssal hills.
We died and bloomed and crystallized
but were always released anew from the fire.

I cannot watch you pass again this time
cannot release you back to the flow that washed us
finally here
cannot stay silent, cannot stop shaking, cannot find words or thoughts for anyone but you and yet you make it clear
I cannot have you.
You have no memory of this passionate force
that binds me
close but never reaching.
My petitions carry no such weight
in your center
trapped here by the burden
of my own gravity.

Though worlds may pass
and new be built ten thousand times
before we get this chance again
each alive with voice and passion,
still you and I will rise from here
and as I’ve always known
you’ll return to that perpetual path

away from my side.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Earths Emotions  

As I sit here
feeling overgrown
I can hear
sleeping thoughts unfold
and blowing near
is all fear
as gravity fights to keep hold
the tears of the wind
can be felt through it's groan
all the souls that have sinned
can be heard howling alone .

Picking up force
proving it's around
showing no remorse
through full strength
and ghostly sound
an element in course
a planet spinning around
a lunar full of flaws
trying not to be pulled down .

Each day we fight the seconds
with each tick
the end does beckon
our lives flick
like pages unsettled
death does kick
our boiling life kettles
as we battle on with it .

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