Poetry competition CLOSED 26th October 2024 5:35pm
View Profile Poems by CasketSharpe
RUNNERS-UP: dimpy and RyanBlackborough

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Spooky Event

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 191

Poetry Contest

You are the host of a dinner party for all the witches, goblins and goolies etc.

If creepy crawlies are what you desire

Let this competition inspire.

Let them bite and have a ball.

Let them have all the gore galore

You are here to serve up a dish

Give them a body part if you wish

They will only come out to play

If you make it succulent in it’s display

All Hollow’s Eve is the day of the event

Spare no expense, it will be a dime well spent

And if you cannot come up with a theme

Be prepared to be the one to scream

(work can be new or old)

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 125

Time For Supper

Cutting your flesh, making you wish for death
Pulverize you into a bloody pulp, slicing deep your fucking throat
Hacking you through, spewing pancreatic juice
Swirling misery, you're death, my victory
Bludgeoned, shrieking
You will suffer!
Razors slice through your skin
Eyeballs pierced with large pins
Grinding through the bone
Wishing that you were safe at home
Lungs filling with blood
Fall off the table, creating a loud thud
Slaughtered alive
Somebody hear me, I wanna die
Witness your legs hacked off for barbecue
Some of your giblets will be placed in a stew
Pieces of you placed in the freezer
Your body in shock, your having a seizure
Maggots will dine on your open wounds
Your remains will be stuffed inside a hollow tomb
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 607

Hi Fia Naturie

Regarding line 5 " you are here to serve as a dish "
is that the narrator serving themselves as a dish
or what? Personally I'd like to see the narrator is
asked to " serve up a dish " preferably from a  third

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 191

Hi Rew changed the wording. You serve up the dish. No worries.

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 607

Ah, I love you! ❤️

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 52

"Patron of Shadows"

By midnight’s veil, where time is slain
Ancient halls resound with pain
A feast prepared for darkened kin
Where flesh and soul intertwine in sin

The table long, a serpent’s spine
With blood-red wine, the grapes divine
A secret flame, unseen by eyes
Burns bright beneath the moonless skies

The guests arrive, their forms obscure
From realms where no light may endure
The angels fallen, gods unmade
With lips of dust, in silence laid

The bread they break is old as Time
A symbol veiled in shattered rhyme
And in the marrowed bones they see  
The cosmic veil’s obscurity

Beneath their gaze, the truth unwinds
Unwritten words of darker minds
The gnosis deep, the hollow creed,
Is fed upon in cryptic need

They speak in tongues of endless night
Inverted stars, forgotten light
And with each taste, the veil grows thin
The outer void, the world within

At dawn’s first breath, they fade away
To realms where only shadows pray
And leave behind the silent feast
Where matter dies, and souls are least

Fire of Insight
Canada 7awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89

The Salem eleven

‘Round the table
Dressed in sable
Their chants are drawing nigh
To settle in
Affixed in sin
As the moon is tethered high
To shave the page
of the wicked mage
A curse within a quip
The eye of newt
In our solute
No more than just a snip
Fox entrails
with cleaver flails
Chopping up the flesh
A drip of rum
Through a monkey’s thumb
Oozing through the mesh
Shall not dilute
The owl’s hoot
Singing in the broth
De-shelled snails
And merman wails
And a flea from a bitten sloth
To dine on spine
And leathered root
The devil’s crude parlay
Be still— the chill
Of judgement, nil
We’re serving up filet!
The plates are set
The candles lit
The witches join their hands
From east to south
They wail by mouth
to fortify their clan
Hail to the wisdom
Of the Salem eleven
From the Tower of Babel
never reaching the heavens
We call to the welkin
To bless us this feast
To fetter our souls
To the mark of the beast
Hear us and clear us
Of mortal desires
Eternal impatience
Enchanting our fires
Invoking the tenor
Writ of this page
Incantations delivered
From the most valiant of sage

Written by Everavalon
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Sam Nash
Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 13th July 2021
Forum Posts: 26

Feast O’ demons

Blood sucking humans, we are all  
Down to hell’s darkest we should fall  
All our days are hollowed we ween  
Killing in the name of love and of deen  
Angles have left us to sing and pray  
To the one who’s game we think we play  
Beheading dreams of those we slay  
Men, women, children of yesterday  
Teeth digging deep in innocent hearts  
Drinking blood as souls we rip apart  
Night or day in darkness all the same  
Standard bearing righteousness we think we claim  
We don’t deserve to live happily ever after  
Open those gates let in those demons of the hereafter  
Let them feast on our rotten stinking souls  
Drink blood out of our dripping veins and holes  
This world was not meant for us to copulate  
The first sin man had already demonstrate  
So feast O’ demons O’ feast  
So man will not have to re-procreate
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
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Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 120

The old ones feed

Insipid be the bounty, lain before the masses.
Languishing are those the ravenous harasses.
Mortals just morsels to a hunger never sated.
Fear laden blood keeps who feeds intoxicated.
The crazed stare unphased, their beckoning insidious.
They whom lay slayed, just meat for the carnivorous.
Of men or of babe be plated and devoured.
To this they're enslaved by ritual empowered.
Disposed as they go the corpses they eviscerate.
Now over, the glow danced by as they incinerate.
Written by RyanBlackborough (Surprise guest)
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poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

Just Passing Through

The cold midnight clear
as silent yellow noontime
nothing moved except from the lair
the ghoulish figure gliding above
an inch of tainted air
whiffs of odour permeate
like nightmare of old
from yellowing pillowcases
the air disturbed recoils
from the figure of dread untold
unspoken by petrified tongues
it glides

A hand un-fleshed
peeks from folds
of greenish putrid sleeves
reaches out to touch
caressing so tender
fresh midnight air in broad moonlight
almost forgotten yet hungrily
it seeks to feel once more
the pulses of life
of those watching with frightened
eyes or hear with fey ears
the deathly groans

The groans of remorse
from a decayed dead lover
at one time mother
at another a wife
remorse for life gone sour
lived without pleasure
until the last hour
when scythe-man came and reaped
the body off its soul
and now once more she traipses
through the paths of the living
an hour and no more, cease the haunting….
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
Netherlands 13awards
Joined 24th July 2016
Forum Posts: 68

Cock Dinner

welcome my love
have a seat and

enjoy your drink
savor this dinner

it's possibly your
last dinner alive

surprised to see
me here this eve

(you're SO naive)

gonna cook your
narcissistic cock

& make the best
5-Star dick steak

men EVER made

glaze it with your
impotent semen

drink your blood
stir-fry your balls
& grill your brains

sorry babe i have
to feed these dogs

i am your slick bitch

hannibalistic and sick
& you are a sterile dick

don't mess with this chick
Written by Duende
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

Iron Chef (Let me Cook) (Halloween Syck House Series)

         “I’m known as the Iron Chef so there is no need to scream for help  
Because I’m that crazy bastard-Mr. asphyxiation of your last breath,  
            “White, Black, Mexican no matter the race or color  
Everybody has an equal opportunity to become dinner motherfucker,  
            “The greatest seasoning is agonizing pain and soul piecing fear  
When cooked alive as their sizzling screams slowly disappear,  
            “Overwhelming their brain with ‘I can’t believe this shit’ disbelief  
Making some slow to react and paralyzed to speak,  
            “I love locking a door on my victim giggling ‘today is the day’  
The joy I get from their facial expression when they look my way,  
             “With a sinister dash I be on them quick-fast  
While ghostly faces of past victims' trail and I release a wicked laugh,  
            “Echoing death that saturates evil within this limited space  
My first move is a slash across their throat and terrified face,  
            “Ooooo! Goddamn this motherfuckin bitch is strong  
Now I’m jabbing my sepsis covered blade savagely until I hit bone,  
            “Bullets, mace or punches have no effect  
As I lift my victim in the air by their mutilated neck,  
            “A blow to the tempo and the motherfucka don’t fight no more  
Barely conscious and now naked-I unceremoniously drop my victim to the floor,  
            “I regurgitate maggots’ causing a portal to open and I toss my victim inside  
Meat obtained, because earlier the Humane Society has provided the sides,  
            “Upon arrival my assistant tenderizes the meat with a mallet and rape  
Afterwards, a black hook penetrates the victim’s spine for a mealtime fate,  
            “Lifting them into the air screaming, crying and having a fucking fit  
Now mixed with the blood and butchered flesh is dripping chunks of shit,  
            “My stove instantly ignites with a bluish-green wicked flame  
Driving my victim insane as their piss spray the room like golden rain,  
            “The rats and roaches try to get a taste that makes me fucking mad  
Trying to enter my victim through their ears, mouth and sodomized ass,  
            “Now my kitchen is buzzing with thanksgiving activity  
Damn! I forgot desert. I’ll go pick up some sweets at the hospital nursery”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214

Related submission no longer exists.

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 7

Nighttime Hunt

High pitched screams echo the
alleyway where she was found.
Gutted and disposed by the dark of
night wrapped in a cloak.
Fog covers the skies to shield
the danger that hides.
It lurks in the shadows
so, no one knows when it comes out.
Her body laid there pouring out
the remains of what made her whole.
Inspectors survey the scene for
clues to who's this mean.
Bent back nails from the fight
she entailed gives way to skin and
hair that had never been seen.
Hair taken and examined,
found to be animal like none known.
Screams ring out again drawing Inspectors
to what groans.
Upon reaching the scene inspectors,
can't believe what they see.
Werewolf thought only come from tales,
real before their eyes, nightmare sure to endure.
Firing rounds at the prowler sends it fleeing
for higher ground.
Victim lays in a puddle wallowing back and forth,
in the torment that lingered before.
Inspectors gain pace on the wolf arming themselves
with silver like out of the books.
Silver bullets they've constructed hoping to
end this evil that's running.
Entering the darkened underpass Inspectors light
torches to bring some light.
The light reveals this danger,
lashing out and impaling many to satisfy
it's hunger.
Inspectors gain the upper hand upon striking
the wolf with bullets of silver piercing it's mane.
Brought to it's knees,
Inspectors unload everything they need
watching this bleed.
The end catches Inspectors surprise when noticing
it's nothing more then a man in a costume.
With stunned eyes and frozen in space,
screams ring out once more followed by a howl.
Leaving them in disarray.
Written by Dreamer4ever1979
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