Poetry competition CLOSED 30th July 2024 10:04pm

and Samnash
Future Deep 2024
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
Poetry Contest Description
Dig truly deep within yourself as a poet and try to put yourself in the readers place 500 years in the future of what you want them to read. It can be on ANY SUBJECT. Only one poem can be allowed per artist.

Joined 30th July 2014
Forum Posts: 34
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 34
Step Outside Once In A While
Unrecognized in my own time
too old to be young, too dull for
golden sublime, real poets
now out flows a small swig of wine,
and I draw smoke
tall, yellow, white, burning
bellows painting my coat
I listen to
streets roar, children laugh,
dogs bark, some woman hailing a cab
a brush hits blank page and it starts,
the world cracks
and it's innards gush
I run and I crash with the fumes
of it's must, smell it, the wood, it's leaves,
murder, mistreatment
such beautiful bees, I love em
flying, wings so tiny
I see birds in the sky and know were
both thinking why me, whiny
I see rainbows in gas puddles
NASA and shuttles, feet shuffling off
to hide all their struggles
smell it, oh I draw
long and embellished
a gaze I relish on the cusp of wisping
away with swans and whispers of kings
I try not to miss these
beautiful rivers,
weeds in the roses, warmth in the winter
snaps and crackles in yuletide logs,
heroes in the sky and killers in fog
I breathe deep,
rain, hail, volcanoes steep
the earth to my feet
the worms and the beasts
I'm coated in them
I live in the heat
and the t
we flourish
be nourishment and love
your fate or your feat
acorns gathered are
straightened scatter
they find their place back in the tree
complacency reeks, no matter how weak
or battered or bleak
motion is beautiful
and stars give light to it all
rodents small and miraculous halls
I see you
raindrops and great falls
don't stall
or be mauled by invisible
because then what would I draw
I love it all
too old to be young, too dull for
golden sublime, real poets
now out flows a small swig of wine,
and I draw smoke
tall, yellow, white, burning
bellows painting my coat
I listen to
streets roar, children laugh,
dogs bark, some woman hailing a cab
a brush hits blank page and it starts,
the world cracks
and it's innards gush
I run and I crash with the fumes
of it's must, smell it, the wood, it's leaves,
murder, mistreatment
such beautiful bees, I love em
flying, wings so tiny
I see birds in the sky and know were
both thinking why me, whiny
I see rainbows in gas puddles
NASA and shuttles, feet shuffling off
to hide all their struggles
smell it, oh I draw
long and embellished
a gaze I relish on the cusp of wisping
away with swans and whispers of kings
I try not to miss these
beautiful rivers,
weeds in the roses, warmth in the winter
snaps and crackles in yuletide logs,
heroes in the sky and killers in fog
I breathe deep,
rain, hail, volcanoes steep
the earth to my feet
the worms and the beasts
I'm coated in them
I live in the heat
and the t
we flourish
be nourishment and love
your fate or your feat
acorns gathered are
straightened scatter
they find their place back in the tree
complacency reeks, no matter how weak
or battered or bleak
motion is beautiful
and stars give light to it all
rodents small and miraculous halls
I see you
raindrops and great falls
don't stall
or be mauled by invisible
because then what would I draw
I love it all
Written by ExercisingDemons
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Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Where Do I Begin
let me weave a tale for you people of 3080
of our world long gone path of which lead to now
listen well and pay attention tomorrow's children
heed the whispers of the past a tale of long ago
before the years of your present was where I reside
a time when everything such as love and life intertwined
there was both marvels and joy and divide
we discovered technological marvels cherished
we reveled in our ingenuity lighting the streets
we danced in synchronized trance so enchanted
with virtual realities in our every day treats
self driving cars roamed and flew overhead
Our dreams were interchangeable with reality
and our joy in competition and achievement waned
we reached for and gathered all we need virtually
our money was a swipe of card, the digits on our hands
the marvels waxed and waned and then flickered out
the balance was gone, we took but never gave back
we partied through, consumed and polluted
our respect for nature gone dead in our greed
Earth retaliated
tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, fire and volcanoes
a battle for balance ensued human ego ruled
until Gaea gave up and unleashed her fury
we fought for a future with all our might
so people of 3080 read and be advised
in moderation tap the earth of sustenance
in consideration of souls in your tomorrow
the present is fleeting the future uncertain
but for the seed of love that you plant today
let your hearts and reasons guide your decisions
embrace the lessons we left for you
of our world long gone path of which lead to now
listen well and pay attention tomorrow's children
heed the whispers of the past a tale of long ago
before the years of your present was where I reside
a time when everything such as love and life intertwined
there was both marvels and joy and divide
we discovered technological marvels cherished
we reveled in our ingenuity lighting the streets
we danced in synchronized trance so enchanted
with virtual realities in our every day treats
self driving cars roamed and flew overhead
Our dreams were interchangeable with reality
and our joy in competition and achievement waned
we reached for and gathered all we need virtually
our money was a swipe of card, the digits on our hands
the marvels waxed and waned and then flickered out
the balance was gone, we took but never gave back
we partied through, consumed and polluted
our respect for nature gone dead in our greed
Earth retaliated
tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, fire and volcanoes
a battle for balance ensued human ego ruled
until Gaea gave up and unleashed her fury
we fought for a future with all our might
so people of 3080 read and be advised
in moderation tap the earth of sustenance
in consideration of souls in your tomorrow
the present is fleeting the future uncertain
but for the seed of love that you plant today
let your hearts and reasons guide your decisions
embrace the lessons we left for you
Written by Grace
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Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 610
To Planet Obsxion.
Well Ma, I sure took your loving advice,
and got me a berth on our new star ship,
I signed on as colonist, the cheapest price,
that's work, eh? Like you said..? Not just a trip?
We're blasting off to Obsxion.
the engineers an' us conned colonists,
in just a click we will be long, long, gone
in our super-duper f.t.l, space ship.
It takes quite a while to reach the speed o' light
but engineers say, we've got all we need,
" our 3d printers will make your food, right,
and we don't take much blood from folk we bleed..."
The Captain sez, the solar sails are out
and we pick up the sun's wind on the port side,
the engineers made some eggs and there's no doubt
they made 'em from blood of folk who've just died.
I'll close now Ma, we're off for the big sleep,
when I wake you'll be dead ten thousand years,
but in the fridge there's a cheese you should keep
and sniff, cos that pong will bring you right here!
and got me a berth on our new star ship,
I signed on as colonist, the cheapest price,
that's work, eh? Like you said..? Not just a trip?
We're blasting off to Obsxion.
the engineers an' us conned colonists,
in just a click we will be long, long, gone
in our super-duper f.t.l, space ship.
It takes quite a while to reach the speed o' light
but engineers say, we've got all we need,
" our 3d printers will make your food, right,
and we don't take much blood from folk we bleed..."
The Captain sez, the solar sails are out
and we pick up the sun's wind on the port side,
the engineers made some eggs and there's no doubt
they made 'em from blood of folk who've just died.
I'll close now Ma, we're off for the big sleep,
when I wake you'll be dead ten thousand years,
but in the fridge there's a cheese you should keep
and sniff, cos that pong will bring you right here!
Written by Rew
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Year 2524
“Your other is online,” Rex7-59 bleeped.
I’ve never liked the Rexes, especially the 7 series. They weren’t very pleasant to work with especially on long extended jobs such as this one. I’ve been on SV289 orbiting Venus for six months, two days and 6 hours Earth standard time. The only companion I have is Rex7, an AI with very bad manners. The work I’ve signed up for isn’t so exciting; collecting Phosphine samples. Some idiot scientist wanted to confirm the presence of life on Venus once again so she needed more samples of Phosphine. Why do you even want to confirm life was ever present on Venus? We already know extraterrestrials exist. They contacted us more than two hundred years ago. Now we are at war with them. I for one wouldn’t want to get to know more of those bastards. Isn’t one alien the same as another?! Anyways, I have work to do, fixing that broken eighth collector on the station when my partner called. Rex7 likes to call her my “other”. It’s what many call their partners now a days. I prefer the word “partner”. I’ve had “others” before until I met this one who wanted my sperms inside her womb. So I accepted to become her partner and to raise her kids. Once our parental obligation is finished we will decide if we want to extend our partnership. As I said, “partner” is a better word than “other”.
Damn, it’s going to take me some time to float to the airlock from here. Well, at least she said she had a surprise for me today. I’m looking forward to knowing what she planned for my birthday.
“Hi honey,” Ricky greeted me the instant I slipped into my ibod. I’ve had this suit for some time now. It’s starting to get a little tight in some places. Damn. I’ve been eating more than I should have. Those twenty pounds are starting to weigh a little. Not that weight matters in zero gravity. However I can’t afford to buy another ibod. Those suits are getting more and more expensive even though they are life savors when it comes to long distance relationships. Once my partner and I slip into those full body suits it’s as if we are right there together in the same room. I can even feel her next to me, feel her touch, her body… well, almost… however it’s better than nothing. I guess.
“Hey Mom,” I greeted my partner. “How are the kids?” She decided on two so far. The first is almost a teen now. He will be leaving our cube soon. The other is still seven. We have a long way until this one decides what she wants to do with her future. I hope she doesn’t give us a hard time as her brother is doing.
“They’re fine,” Ricky replied. “Jay is with his other,” Ricky explained, “and Mia is in her bed sleeping.” That idiot shouldn’t be having an other so early in his life. He’s just thirteen for fucking sake!!! I wasn’t going to argue with his mom again. She’s the biom in this partnership. She can fucking deal with her bio son as she wants.
“How is work?” Ricky tried to change the subject. She knew how I felt about Jay.
“The eighth collector is acting up again,” I replied which was a stupid thing to say. I haven’t talked to Ricky for more than a week. Interplanetary communication is expensive. I have to cover this from my paycheck. I could at least have something interesting to say to the partner of fifteen years other than that damn broken collector.
That’s when she decided that talk is not on the menu this call interval. She slipped closer and tried to give me a kiss. “Happy birthday honey.” I almost felt her lips touching mine…. almost.
Damn. I knew I picked the right partner the first time she gave me one of those kisses fifteen years ago. I was too stupid to initiate then, so she decided to be the one to do it. She has always been the Dom in our relationship and that is how I prefer to keep it. I've always been too shy and a born submissive to want anything else.
Suddenly the ibod shimmered and went into freebee mode. Suddenly I was holding a naked woman in my arms and I guess she did the same. She must have flicked that freebee mode on. We had to pay extra for this freebee option on our ibods. It was worth the fortune we spent.
“Oooo.. honey I missed you,” she moaned as she held me in her arms.
Bleep… Bleep…“we have a problem Mr,” Rex7-59 fucking bleeped in my ear again.
“REX,” I yelled at that stupid AI. “Can't you see I’m busy here?”
Ricky wasn’t aware I was talking to Rex. She had her hand on my cock and she was pulling it to make it hard. My ibod suit responded by tightening around my penis mimicking what my partner was doing. It was almost as if I was getting an actual hand job.. well, almost.
Bleep… Bleep…Rex bleeped again and again. “Stop what you are doing right now. The collector you were fixing just broke away and is dragging us into the atmosphere…”
“Mmmm…” Ricky moaned as she went down on her knees. My cock was now hard and ready. Suddenly she put it in her mouth. Holy crap… she must have paid for this option out of her own pocket. I didn’t know those ibod suits can even do that. I didn’t care. All I can feel is as if my partner was holding my cock and shoving it into her mouth. The sensation was amazing…. almost.
Suddenly Ricky pushed me on my back and climbed on top. The perception the ibod projected onto her senses is if I was on my back, her head was between my legs and she had her pussy on my mouth. I for one was in zero-g. All I could sense was that I was floating with a naked woman on top of me. Her pussy was pressed on my mouth and she was grinding her ass hard on my face inviting to lick and suck her clit. It was a marvelous sensation. I wanted it to continue and continue as I continued eating my heart out. It was almost as real as the real thing…. almost.
Bleep… Bleep…“you are an idiot Sam,” Rex7-59 was cursing and bleeping like mad.
“Go away Rex,” I almost moaned as I was talking to the AI. “I’ll fix that later…”
All I wanted to feel right now was how my partner was sucking my cock. How she was dragging her teeth on that hard shaft. How she managed to twist her tongue on the mushroom head and how she grabbed and pulled on my balls as she did all that… I was on fire…
Well… Literary!!!!!
“You fucking fucking idiot….” Those were Rex7-59’s last words in the last log it managed to transmit.
Written by Samnash
(Sam Nash)
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Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 45
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 45
Future Deep - 2024
I exist in a universe not your own:
Behold the seagulls, behold the crows;
Rows of grain, and field of gain
Feigning their success with the rest;
Besting each other like husband and lover
The secrets uncover like gold to discover
No wonder we smolder
The rain may be older
But boulders break shoulders;
And though earth is older
We children are bolder
And though we may hold her
She beckons her soldiers
No army she bolsters, with pistols in holsters
We sing and we toast her, for boasting we boast her!
The future is plenty for dimes and a penny
So give, and give plenty!
Be tall, or be Venti
Be crow or be seagull, there’s always a sequel
Behold the seagulls, behold the crows;
Rows of grain, and field of gain
Feigning their success with the rest;
Besting each other like husband and lover
The secrets uncover like gold to discover
No wonder we smolder
The rain may be older
But boulders break shoulders;
And though earth is older
We children are bolder
And though we may hold her
She beckons her soldiers
No army she bolsters, with pistols in holsters
We sing and we toast her, for boasting we boast her!
The future is plenty for dimes and a penny
So give, and give plenty!
Be tall, or be Venti
Be crow or be seagull, there’s always a sequel
Written by EleazarSwan
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Joined 29th July 2024
Forum Posts: 1
Strange Creature
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This is from your darling.We write on websites,I don't know what y'all are writing on,or if you're writing still I pray that even when times change...writing still remains ,because from time immemorial,writing remains to be the greatest gift offered to mankind!Right now we're being told about climate change,I'm sorry we ruined planet earth for y'all,hopefully in our next life we'll be more conservative.Lemme just tell you...allow me to yap...the past is great,life is beautiful,waking up everyday to a beautiful sunrise,an espresso on your right hand,JBL headphones listening to Stephen Sanchez...I'm yet to write about a greater experience.Nothing beats the beautiful friendships we share today and the memories we make...I'm yet to be famous so that you don't have a hard time finding out about me...you know...just doing you a favour and sparing you time so that you teleport to your next location faster.Shocked?Of course I've never teleported before...but maybe I will by the time I'm 18,yeahh...that's right...I'm young.Oh!And pretty too...[how'd I forget to say that?!]Lemme walk my poodle outside...our robots don't do that yet....chat you later
This is from your darling.We write on websites,I don't know what y'all are writing on,or if you're writing still I pray that even when times change...writing still remains ,because from time immemorial,writing remains to be the greatest gift offered to mankind!Right now we're being told about climate change,I'm sorry we ruined planet earth for y'all,hopefully in our next life we'll be more conservative.Lemme just tell you...allow me to yap...the past is great,life is beautiful,waking up everyday to a beautiful sunrise,an espresso on your right hand,JBL headphones listening to Stephen Sanchez...I'm yet to write about a greater experience.Nothing beats the beautiful friendships we share today and the memories we make...I'm yet to be famous so that you don't have a hard time finding out about me...you know...just doing you a favour and sparing you time so that you teleport to your next location faster.Shocked?Of course I've never teleported before...but maybe I will by the time I'm 18,yeahh...that's right...I'm young.Oh!And pretty too...[how'd I forget to say that?!]Lemme walk my poodle outside...our robots don't do that yet....chat you later
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Thank you for the mention 😊

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