Poetry competition CLOSED 19th June 2024 10:20pm

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Tell me about your morning

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Poetry Contest

Poetry or prose about a morning you've had. Good or bad.
Tell me about your morning. Good, bad, boring, busy, crazy... whatever it is, I want to know.

Thanks to Ahavati for prompting me to make this comp, based on my poem 7:43am


I woke up too early  
couldn't get back to sleep  
cause I lost my PJ pants  
during the night  
and couldn't be bothered  
to get up and try and find them  
lost between the bed sheets and the floor  
Get body slammed  
by my four year old  
with the cries of  
"Mummy wake up"  
before he gets tangled  
on his way out of  
his own PJs  
and pisses on the carpet  
cause it was easier  
for him to piss in an  
over-full nappy  
than make it to the toilet  
Why does the kettle  
always take so long to fucking boil  
it's cold and all my socks  
are in the dryer on the other side  
of the house  
so it's hot coffee and cold toes  
before I drag my blankets  
to the couch  
Kiddo dropped the new heater  
and now it tings and smells  
like burning metal  
and I'm screaming about  
new things and money  
and how I can't have  
fucking anything nice  
while he looks at me  
going "no screaming"  
cause all he wanted to do  
was fiddle with the heater knobs  
and all I want is to not be cold  
and for anything to last  
more than a week  
before succumbing to  
curious hands that can't understand  
that we're supposed to look  
with eyes not hands  
I have completely lost the calm  
I didn't have to begin with  
and I'm hunting down my meds  
that I've somehow misplaced  
and can't find in the chaos  
of the kitchen  
And I wonder if this is what  
my mother feels like  
when she wakes up  
and breaks the dishes  
But that's not relevant  
cause if I don't find these meds  
I'm gonna punch a wall  
a window  
my fucking self  
I don't even know  
as I tear apart the pantry  
edging a rage filled panic attack  
that's gonna have me  
crying on the floor  
in 3...2...  
found them  
Dose myself  
and pray I don't break something  
before this medication kicks in  
Is it too late  
to turn this day around?

1000 words max, please. No novellas.

1 entry per person.
2 weeks.
No erotica.

Have fun

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

Bad Rooster

Yes I still remember you  
Every morning before the sun  
I hope you're ready to run  
Because your head is mine  
No more annoying sunrise  
I don't want to know the time  
Please stop this hate crime  
Deep inside you know you're wrong  
Silence is where you don't belong  
No more Cock-A-Doodle-Dooing song  
Why not chill and smoke a bong?  
Yes I still remember you  
Every morning before the sun  
I hope you're ready to run  
Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you very much, AfterSexDilemma, for your humorous entry 😊

poet Anonymous

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you, Missy

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16810

Morning Rain

Morning rain on the darkened pane
sliding off my memories
of those lonely yesteryears
my remembrance
as rain washing off dirt
encrusted on perceived love
twisted in trust and faith

there would be other rainy mornings
when tears mingled with the showers
to land and invigorate the grass
to melt hardened resolves  
as frost on a summer day
breathing on not wanting to know
to feel to see to speak

enforced tranquility of aloneness
living was merely breathing
then Words like little raindrops
fell one by one on a dead soul
the lifeless seed quivered
growth of hope on blackened
bulb, stubs of faith appeared

“It is raining this morning, My Angel!”
“That’s good, My Love, Rain cools…”
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you Grace 😊

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5684

Before The Dawn

Awake at 4 am  
every day whether I need to be  
or not.  
My 5 cats roll off the bed  
and trot downstairs  
to await their breakfast.  
Must pee first  
then feed them  
scoop the crap and piss balls  
from their litter boxes.  
Pack lunch for the day  
have my own breakfast  
wash the dishes  
then shower with 2 of the cats  
in there with me...  
(not kidding.... they love water)  
On the road by 6 am  
45 minute drive  
arrive at work, 6:45
and bring the laboratory to life  
Run system checks  
and quality control  
on all the machines  
in time for the hoarde of patient blood samples  
to start zipping in  
through the pneumatic tube  
8 am, on the dot.  
And so it goes  
for the rest of a 10 hour shift.  
Written by MadameLavender
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you, Madame Lavender

poet Anonymous

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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you, Fromelalome

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 16th Apr 2024
Forum Posts: 277


I wonder what its like  
To wake up looking forward to what a new day brings  
To feel refreshed and ready to take on the world  
Seeing the sun shining around the edges of the blackout curtains as a beacon of hope  
Instead of a stark reminder of having to push through another day  
Another day  
Of surviving rather than living  
Of an unrelenting desire to stop being  
Fighting not to give in to what is wanted the most  
Every fucking second  
The battle never stops  
A war raging inside  
While navigating through the monotony and playing a role  
Hiding what lies right beneath the surface  
No one knows  
How Im barely holding on  
How thin that line is between the person standing before them flashing a pained smile  
And the one that is being lowered into the ground, no longer fighting for a cause that he doesn't believe in
Written by The_Darkness_Insid
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I hope this one is acceptable. Its not a specific morning but most of my mornings start like this. If not, let me know and Ill remove it.

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you, D. Your piece is welcome 😊

Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 84

Monday Morning

I woke up before dawn in a confused state of mind
And I stayed awake until daylight
It was a Monday morning and I had nothing to do
I couldn't cope with the trials of life anymore
Contentious people kept looking for trouble
I wanted to find happiness and serenity even for a day
So I left home in a hurry for a long walk
It was the first time I forgot to wear a mask
I bought one from a female vendor on the roadside
My shadow was right under my feet
I wasn't sure where I was going,
But I had to go somewhere to meditate
I was walking aimlessly in the hot sun
Lots of vehicles drove past me along the way
I walked a few miles until I ended up at the park
There were many settings from which to choose
I sat on a hard bench near the walkway
A strong cool wind was blowing from the east
The limbs of the trees were shaking
I relaxed in the shade of the Bauhinia x Blakeana
A number of people were in the park
Some were sitting by themselves
Others were sitting in twos and in groups
Children were playing everywhere
And there was a peaceful atmosphere
The lawn was covered with beautiful crabgrass
Oil palms were waving in the wind
I felt like writing something while I was there
And I wrote this poem about my experience
I spent exactly four hours in the park
The time slipped away faster than I expected
I didn't intend to leave the location so soon,
But I left when I received a phone call from someone
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 37awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3259

Thank you, Pittinix

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