Poetry competition CLOSED 14th October 2023 6:25pm
Jordan (D.O.C.)
View Profile Poems by Jordan



Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Poetry Contest

You are trekking: where? What are you discovering about your world....and yourself?
Poems.  around 50 lines preferred

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Wanderings and wonderings

He trekked all over the world
He trekked all over his country
He trekked all over his beloved Island
He trekked all over downtown
He trekked all over his neighborhood
Re-discovering.  Nowadays
He's trekking the halls of this
Old Age residence
Trying to find new meanings to it all.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150


Within this forest
My heart does beat
For wander I so lost
A soul searching for a mate
Or a kindred soul to meet

So dark this forest
so dusky so frightening
and yet, compelled, I traverse on
I quest and search for someone
To take my hand and lead me out    

This forest live within my existence
Engulfing passion clutching my being
Lives on and on, ever darkening
Grasps me it in merciless love
I wander on touching each falling leaf

Thus I meander as I wait
For haloes of breaking lights
To guide me out from this darkest of night
Until I see the break of dawn
Here I be, lost and forlorn
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 614

The Chapel Bell

So many miles I've trod
with thumb 'sack and smile,
and hardly ever wished would God  
ease those long lone miles.
Up the hill and down the dale
I've hared humming some happy tune,
and hardly ever wished it shared
in daylight or at night's moon.
Well, the morning of my life has gone
sole and smile worn thin,
and the crooning of my song
turned to lamenting.
To retrace my step to where you dwell
ah, if only it could be so,
but I heard the ringing chapel bell
peal to me to go...
Written by Rew
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Road to the Stars

Road to the Stars
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 29

Threads of Purpose Woven in Solitude

Entranced by thought, I ponder life's grand scheme  
A man adrift, uncertain, lost at sea  
What purpose do I serve, what is my theme?  
These questions haunt my soul so ceaselessly
Does meaning lie in worldly wealth and fame?  
Or in the bonds of love that warm the heart?  
Perhaps my purpose hides in Nature's frame  
To tend her lands and play a humble part
But as I search, my answers ebb and flow  
Like tides that kiss the shore with rhythmic grace  
The paths I've walked, diverged, and fate did sow  
Yet clarity still hides its gentle face
And so I choose to wander and explore In solitude
I'll find the truths I yearn for  
Lonely, I shall tread the untrodden road  
Embrace the solitude, innate and deep  
For in this solitude, my soul has showed  
A glimpse of purpose, hidden in shadows' keep
The bustling world, with all its noisy schemes  
Drowns out the whispers of the cosmic plane  
But in the stillness, where silence redeems  
I'll find the meaning that shall break the chain
For God, or fate, or chance has brought me here  
To seek the truths that lie in unknown lands  
To cast away the doubts and banish fear  
To follow destiny with steadfast hands
In solitude, I'll find the inner light  
Amidst the darkness, shining through the night
Broken and weary, yet resolute  
I'll journey on, with purpose as my guide  
Through valleys deep and mountains absolute  
With open heart and mind, I shall confide
So let me wander, seeking truth alone  
In solitude, my purpose shall be known
Written by ConsequentialChaos
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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 29

Not sure what happened to the formatting, or how to fix it.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Moon dust

'In God we trust', famous words for common man,
Giving the stars to the sun in exchange for moon dust,
never forgiving but always trying to trust.
Maybe one day the astronaut
will leave his lofty, heavenly abode
and find his place amongst the stars on
the boulevard, where our dreams
we do so casually discard.
Moon dust in your eye
trust in God and swallow the lie,
you'll go far kid
the bottom does have no end after all,
Trust God and embrace your fall.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Adelphina, monovox128, ajay, MidnightSonneteer, Her, Marks, down2dirt, dimpy, PAR, Phantom2426, JiltedJohnny, slipalong, Tallen, Rachelleundrgrd, robert43041, Honoria, eroseternal, Razzerleaf, SonderNinja, MadameLavender, lepperochan, wallyroo92

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