Mother’s Day Tributes

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Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
for mother...
between the pillars of joy
her tears flowed, nourishing
the memories in the banks
once she left behind
when she sailed across
the ocean beyond the horizon
the working class is a curse
to those who dream beyond
but she chased to bring back
a promised dream
but who could
peel off the
petals of a
so delicately
and patiently
and reshape it
into a flower?
no one...!
but they bloomed
against the natural order
into dysfunctional minds
science is logical and
coherent, built on facts
the spiritual realm is absurd
to the rational knowledge
after three decades,
the dysfunction started to
function in the spirit
joyous laughs sprouted
from the buried roots
broken hearts healed
through prayers
trust built on will and faith
her dreams changed
new promises were given
she is smiling again
passing few regrets
he is not here now
but we are here
for her...
her tears flowed, nourishing
the memories in the banks
once she left behind
when she sailed across
the ocean beyond the horizon
the working class is a curse
to those who dream beyond
but she chased to bring back
a promised dream
but who could
peel off the
petals of a
so delicately
and patiently
and reshape it
into a flower?
no one...!
but they bloomed
against the natural order
into dysfunctional minds
science is logical and
coherent, built on facts
the spiritual realm is absurd
to the rational knowledge
after three decades,
the dysfunction started to
function in the spirit
joyous laughs sprouted
from the buried roots
broken hearts healed
through prayers
trust built on will and faith
her dreams changed
new promises were given
she is smiling again
passing few regrets
he is not here now
but we are here
for her...
Written by dejure
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Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 517
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 517
Litany of a snail
I was fresh from the shower,
in sweats, a t-shirt, no bra, sodden hair,
getting ready for mass,
when the deputy knocked on the door,
and solemnly brought to his lips a name
with which I’d not let pass my own
in years.
It’s a sin to speak ill of the dead.
I remembered her
bright-red hair...
I remembered when I was nine,
and we lived in an efficiency
with her ‘former’ dealer,
in a city far away from my home.
I slept on the couch,
my belongings in a small
box in the closet.
It was the first time I’d been more
than minutes from the
safe-haven of my grandparents.
It was a time of childish,
desperate hope;
a time in which
I sought miracles in
bits of glitter on the
school-art projects that
weren’t allowed on his fridge,
and sometimes found them.
We took a walk by the river one day,
she was sober, working,
and had a quality moment
for me.
I was very quiet,
very creepy as a child,
the watchful stillness of
chronic prey
etched in my being;
naught but a shadow passing
through a streetlight on a dark sidewalk.
Yet that day,
I ran free in the sun,
sucking in the tang of the
brackish water,
picking at barnacles on the broken pylons
as the light struck her hair and
dazzled me with her beauty.
I found a snail
crawling along a slime-covered rock
with a long spiral shell
that begged for shellac.
She had a fast-food cup in her hands,
and for once
(for once)
I asked for something,
I begged,
let me have it
From the soggy paper cup
to a clean mayonnaise jar,
refreshed with new river water
every week;
it was my best friend.
Strange little girl with the too-old eyes,
whispering secrets to a murky glass jar
on the days when the watchful
wall of fear crumbled
against loneliness.
I lost track of the snail maybe a half a year,
and three different couches later,
in the dead of night when we fled to the
Salvation Army homeless shelter
hoping to find a cot,
a place on the floor,
anywhere where the
night didn’t explode
in furniture shrapnel.
Tonight, Christmas Eve
was the first time I’d thought of
the snail in decades,
how much I actually cared for it,
and how for a day
she took time
and granted me
a boon I couldn’t actually afford,
even at the age —
a moment of escape.
Her name passed my lips tonight,
as the deacon read the litany for the dead,
and I dabbed my left eye with the sleeve of my
sweater in a disallowed moment
of grief for them both.
For that strange little girl
with the flame-haired woman,
who so hopelessly wanted
to walk by the river
on more than one
clean day.
It’s a sin to speak ill of the dead.
When I went to the locker,
a child in an adult world,
and touched her cold hand,
it was knowing they were both to be buried,
— the girl, and the woman —
and I will speak of them no more.
I prayed then for peace,
and was answered
with the echoes
of footsteps
by the river.
Written by Betty
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Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 222
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 222
Mother's Hushed Eyes
Passages of my childhood arise within my mother’s death gaze,
bringing reminiscences of olden days.
When in sadness in childhood we would speak in silent gaze.
No mother left to envision me now, now within those quiet eyes.
Mother, you have gone away;
oh, dear mother let the memories rest beneath your eyelids.
But never close your eyes!
The imageries still dance in them as if you’re still alive!
While vibrancy in your quiet eyes remains, I'll save
this voiceless reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Mere images from when I was a child,
and often when I'll be sorrow-hearted, these reflections will then give me joy;
so, while life does remain in cycle, the memories she has protected;
those reflections I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Oh, I remember the life of my mother's glossy eyes,
my reception of joy to her when I returned home,
always gently did her eyelids come to a rest
as she used to sit and wait for me to speak,
but now are not closed, and silent;
though they have left me for the cold of death,
but while mute voices do persist, in those images I'll remember
this vivid reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
bringing reminiscences of olden days.
When in sadness in childhood we would speak in silent gaze.
No mother left to envision me now, now within those quiet eyes.
Mother, you have gone away;
oh, dear mother let the memories rest beneath your eyelids.
But never close your eyes!
The imageries still dance in them as if you’re still alive!
While vibrancy in your quiet eyes remains, I'll save
this voiceless reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Mere images from when I was a child,
and often when I'll be sorrow-hearted, these reflections will then give me joy;
so, while life does remain in cycle, the memories she has protected;
those reflections I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Oh, I remember the life of my mother's glossy eyes,
my reception of joy to her when I returned home,
always gently did her eyelids come to a rest
as she used to sit and wait for me to speak,
but now are not closed, and silent;
though they have left me for the cold of death,
but while mute voices do persist, in those images I'll remember
this vivid reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 222
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 222
A Mother's Hug Goodnight
Frigid calm front
hides in northern winds,
vast sky of my bedroom dims.
Stream in winter
iced over; mother's embrace
letting go at bedtime.
Still rainfall,
sky's dark pillow,
eyelids become anchors; smothering.
The cold front
blanketing this damp landscape,
peacefully covers the coming storm.
hides in northern winds,
vast sky of my bedroom dims.
Stream in winter
iced over; mother's embrace
letting go at bedtime.
Still rainfall,
sky's dark pillow,
eyelids become anchors; smothering.
The cold front
blanketing this damp landscape,
peacefully covers the coming storm.
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Forum Posts: 37
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 37
Endless, aimless
I learnt you
in the form
of another
hidden away
inside some
loving relative
kind of way,
I felt it
when you
would come
to babysit
my young
as you would
pretend villian
chasing me all
around a bare
faced table,
I felt it in
every giggle
trying hard
to escape
each one
of your
soon as
you caught
me in your
I still think
about how
much those
arms have
how my arms
were simply
made from
each story
to bring it
all back
to you,
in hope you
recognise a
in my face
in a throat
that sings
each tune
in a calling
only we
Written by neves
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Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245
Twisted Dreamer

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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 4th May 2022
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Twisted Dreamer

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Mother's Majesty
Your wombs provided us with shelter
As y'all prepared to become mothers
Cultivators of seeds implanted by man
Lifetime suppliers of helping hands
Demands upon you must weigh a ton
Doesn't matter if daughter or son
You're one in a million and we love you so
To whom much is given; you know how the saying goes
You take life's blows as you raise us up
When feeling empty, you pour from another cup
Your sup serves up sustenance for the soul
To exalt your magnificence is today's goal
Tolls can be hefty on the roads of motherhood
Pot holes make roads bumpy and that's understood
We would like to thank you for your sacrifice
Mere words could never elegantly suffice
As y'all prepared to become mothers
Cultivators of seeds implanted by man
Lifetime suppliers of helping hands
Demands upon you must weigh a ton
Doesn't matter if daughter or son
You're one in a million and we love you so
To whom much is given; you know how the saying goes
You take life's blows as you raise us up
When feeling empty, you pour from another cup
Your sup serves up sustenance for the soul
To exalt your magnificence is today's goal
Tolls can be hefty on the roads of motherhood
Pot holes make roads bumpy and that's understood
We would like to thank you for your sacrifice
Mere words could never elegantly suffice
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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Beat 2 Beat
The loss of a mother
Like many other pains
Can pull ye asunder
Below planes of sane
Disdain may still linger
Anger torments souls
Discovering a reliever
Is the ultimate goal
Tolls of the issues
Issues unresolved
No amount of tissue
Helps them get solved
Dissolved in psyches
Most unlikely feats
Varied forms of therapy
Sustain hearts beat to beat
Like many other pains
Can pull ye asunder
Below planes of sane
Disdain may still linger
Anger torments souls
Discovering a reliever
Is the ultimate goal
Tolls of the issues
Issues unresolved
No amount of tissue
Helps them get solved
Dissolved in psyches
Most unlikely feats
Varied forms of therapy
Sustain hearts beat to beat
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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Mother’s Day
You laid a path for me to follow
Though sometimes life can be hard to swallow
But you were there to hold my hand
And encourage me to step off the beaten path
You painted a world alive and green
And helped open my blue eyes to see
On this day now I recognize
Your caring influence in my life
Now I walk fast while you walk slow
But by this you still teach me how to grow
And with your age you will see
There’s still a child holding your hand…
…that’s me 🥰
Written by nightbirdblue
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Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 789
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 789
apronsongs4 (a mothers day tribute)
if you remember
my father
kissing new life
into you
your womb
with the swell
of its eighth
of God’s sixth
beyond the walls
of eden days
can you recall
the rise
of your own
like elizabeth's
with mary's
song of joy
at another little
baby child preborn
to the cabcool clan
did dew water man
sing like simeon
his noble nunc dimittis
not ready yet
to close his eyes
for half a century
and did my babe
leap in your womb
conceived post-samuel
to bring you
that more sons
would swell your
future dreams
but you have tarried
long enough
to see the ripeness
of your progeny
your life
and times
to its fourth and fifth
for still you weave your
same story
different script
of stamen and blooms
gone before you
tiller of countless lives
of endless visions
all your generations call you blessed
for you have magnified the Lord
and fed the hungry
and lifted up the lowly
in your humble estate
you have seen royalty dethroned
and beggars elevated
the proud blown away as dust
and the seed of your womb
the life of God’s creation
multiply as the dust of the earth
if you remember
diaper days
with stark emotions
of dark, cold nights
when your trembling lips distilled
the unction of your comfort
to those who clung to you
confident that you could
scare the night away
an unwithering maternal tree
whose branches spread wide
whose roots dug deep
though the whole world whirled
assuring yourself
and comforting your children
with your tireless
© Copyright 2014 May 09
if you remember
my father
kissing new life
into you
your womb
with the swell
of its eighth
of God’s sixth
beyond the walls
of eden days
can you recall
the rise
of your own
like elizabeth's
with mary's
song of joy
at another little
baby child preborn
to the cabcool clan
did dew water man
sing like simeon
his noble nunc dimittis
not ready yet
to close his eyes
for half a century
and did my babe
leap in your womb
conceived post-samuel
to bring you
that more sons
would swell your
future dreams
but you have tarried
long enough
to see the ripeness
of your progeny
your life
and times
to its fourth and fifth
for still you weave your
same story
different script
of stamen and blooms
gone before you
tiller of countless lives
of endless visions
all your generations call you blessed
for you have magnified the Lord
and fed the hungry
and lifted up the lowly
in your humble estate
you have seen royalty dethroned
and beggars elevated
the proud blown away as dust
and the seed of your womb
the life of God’s creation
multiply as the dust of the earth
if you remember
diaper days
with stark emotions
of dark, cold nights
when your trembling lips distilled
the unction of your comfort
to those who clung to you
confident that you could
scare the night away
an unwithering maternal tree
whose branches spread wide
whose roots dug deep
though the whole world whirled
assuring yourself
and comforting your children
with your tireless
© Copyright 2014 May 09
Written by cabcool
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