Poetry competition CLOSED 25th May 2022 5:14am
RUNNER-UP: crimsin

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Well done.  Thanks for submitting.  Regards, Robert.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

The Seiđkonur

The Viking Seiđkonur, at midnight came
Alluring beauty clad in mantle blue
Translucent raiment baited graceful frame
Bewitched by all her treasures in full view
With shoulders bare and bosom pert and proud
And cold blue eyes, their glacial frost impart
By mystic lust-filled longing now endowed
She cast her spell upon my craven heart!
Not yet lost, I dared approach the witch
Too weak to thwart her carnal energies
She captured me with such a fulsome kiss
It took possession of my memories!  
      With lust for all eternity I’ll burn—
      For my forgotten-self, there’s no return!

Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Nicely penned.   Regards, Robert.

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1851

Yzybyl the Witch

Yzybyl the witch
The bitch, 
Is a cunning stunning sorceress and a mischievous girl, 
She’d put spells in which 
You’d itch 
To fall in love with her like she’s the only one in the world. 
But Yzybyl the witch 
Would switch 
And make you do things you’d never thought of or done before, 
You’d find yourself bewitched 
No hitch, 
Because her plan was to always have you come back for more. 
And Yzybyl the witch 
Would stitch 
Button eyes on voodoo dolls without balls to make you do her bidding, 
Suddenly you’d twitch 
Without a glitch, 
But there was something wrong because you'd always be so unwitting. 
So Yzybyl the witch 
Would pitch 
The most beautiful dreams and means to help you reach your goal, 
She found her niche, 
That bitch, 
Drink her brew with promises to make you rich but she will take your soul. 
Written by wallyroo92
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Sarah helsel
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 28th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 1

This is very beautiful. Hoping to see more from you!

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Very very very nice.  Excellent.  Regards, Robert.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 33

Witch Like Me

You have this image
In your head
Of what you think I should
Look like
Of what you think I should
Be like

But I’m going to crash your thoughts
Destroy your ideas, the idea
That I must summon from the deep
Tear down the hands
That think I will infiltrate those who
Don’t agree
With me

I’m going to
Ravage the parts of your brain
That think I paint my face
With blood and rain
That think I’ll sit back
And say nothing
While you tie me up tight

You have this image
In your head
Of what you think I should
Look like
Of what you think I should
Be like

But I’m going to tear away your thoughts
Rip the pages, black out the words
That say, this is the way
It must be
That scream, this is the only way
To be
A witch like me

Now I’m going to
Separate your eyes from your skull
To show you what you shouldn’t
Focus on
Sift through the images you hide
To take away the ones untrue
While you light the fire at my feet

You have this image
In your head
Of what you think I should
Look like
Of what you think I should
Be like

But those images need to be crushed
Buried deep, turned over and made
Into mush
Soil for spring flowers
Life giving powers
Not ashes left to drift
Pile up then sift
Stop burning what you don’t understand
Heave your misgivings onto dry land
Hold our your hand
A witch like me
Written by DreamIllusions
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Yes,  ''stop burning what you don't understand".    Well penned.  Good luck in the competition.   Regards, Robert.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 40

We Three Sisters

We three sisters
We stay strong  
From the souls of the small children  
Our voices pure and bright begin  
To lure the tiny kids  
We brew a special potion  
And make them drink it so  
Their souls will keep us young  
We've got secrets of the untold
We three sisters all day long have risen once again  
You hanged us once  
And when you did we let a cantillation roar  
We'll be back we said, it's true  
And look were back knocking at your door  
Our voices ring through the town  
They come to us  
Never let us down  
We three sisters  
The Sandersons  
Will not go down today  
So if its Halloween, hold your schemes  
And come with us to play  
Come with us, drink our brew  
And welcome to your dying day
Written by SunFox
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

A nice discovery for me these Sandersons.   Salem and the world of witches is alive and well...........Regards, Robert.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 10th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 16

Midnight Ravens

Behold the flight of Midnight Ravens
From cardinal winds they came  
Earth-bound by their course  
Return to sacred space once again  
Graceful in their descent  
Wings outstretched with darkness laden  
Passing under rustic clouds  
Feathers turn into Midnight Maidens  
Entering in to the soul of the wood  
And performing their hidden office  
Five points drawn now the access  
To their otherworld place of promise  
they are the watchers  
they are the keepers  
above and below gate seekers  
star divining  
and ball-scrying  
their all-seeing cats’ eye spying
Treading the deepest path  
Queens of elemental grounded ways  
For the know of well-worn magick  
Their crowns they willingly trade  
Rising from steaming cistern  
Serpents of form and apparition  
Twisting ‘round the Ash-pole  
Hate be their first commission  
Ornamental silvery sounds  
Chime from moons’ high pale breast  
Shading them with Her milk  
Blessing for all Her evening circle guests  
they are listening  
and they are waiting  
for the powers they are creating  
by enchantment  
by lunation  
grooming their spells for infiltration
Royalty of Akasha  
Slowly rhyming incantation  
Widdershins about Her Craftwork  
Quickening their plane of meditation  
Unfolding before the nightsky  
Metal Dragons from whispering mists  
Mighty beasts that turn the wheel  
Around the pentagram of the Witch  
Into legend and folklore  
Transcending tales and superstition  
These are the finest jewels  
Of all time and all tradition  
they are the Crones  
they are the Maidens  
Mothers with gibbous impregnation  
they are the Crows  
they are the Ravens  
Black Swans diving to sunset havens  

Seeking pathway through the Ancients  
Igniting embers of Olde Ways  
Yielding to the Power  
Travel, into the heart of the Arcane  
Dwelling in distant place  
Aloft and beyond all  
A fortress on the outer realm  
Prevailing Siren of winter call  
Unsiegeable hermetic rock  
Metallurgical hex-command  
High towers within towers  
By their strength the Wise Ones stand
Written by CanisInc-Untis
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Excellent work.  I wish you luck in the competition.   Regards, Robert.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Amazing.  I love not only the story but the way you wrote it.  Magnificent.  Best of luck in this competition.   Regards, Robert.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 40

Please ignore this. I accidentally submitted the same poem twice, wouldn't let me delete so I had to replace it with this message.

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