Poetry competition CLOSED 20th March 2021 3:09pm
View Profile Poems by buddydog
RUNNERS-UP: imbongi and Bluevelvete

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Poetry Contest

Your take on friendship;
Friendship needs no words - it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness.- Dag Hammarskjold

Narrative poem
Your take on friendship
two poems per poet
old poems allowed but not a previous winner
no extreme content
any length, but not a novella
no chatting on comp

Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86


A good friendship like the one we have is very hard to find,
So let us treasure our friendship and make it last for a long time.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

When We Were Close Friends

We had an unselfish love when we were close friends.
You were a good friend and a trusted companion,
The only one I could depend on for sound advice was you.
We felt strong concern for the wellbeing of each other.

There was neither envy nor pretence between us.
You had faith in me and I had confidence in you.
We would protect each other from harmful situations.
It is a shame we had a dispute over trivial matters.

We used to get along well, but now you avoid me.
I sincerely regret that I said such hurtful things to you.
Vexation and disagreements will arise now and then,
But that does not justify harbouring resentment.

It was quite pleasant when we were close friends.
Yes, we would do well to settle our differences quickly.
The primary objective of God is to teach us to love,
So we should not let malice and obstinacy creep in.

I am taking the initiative to make peace with you,
Listen to me before I run out of words and influence.
Jodi, I still consider you to be a good confidante,
And I want you to be my best friend for a long time.

Your friendship is a valuable asset that I hold dear.
Please accept my apology and shake hands with me.
We can become close friends as we were before,
So let us act wisely and restore our friendship today.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

PittinixDesigns, thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

One for the Road

Blessed is a person who perseveres under trial,
And the heart that can share its abode.
I've know You for a sometime while. . .
Pour me some friendship ----
one for the road.
Friends do bear each other's stress;
And just bein' mine, You've support the load.
I love You as Sisters would, I confess. . .
Pour me some understanding ----
one for the road.
Beautiful is the woman, who's honest, as well
And whose heart follows this mode.
Tempered through teasing, she doesn't fail. . .
Pour me some awe ----
one for the road.
Playing and teasing can be love in disguise;
With love between, our friendship won't erode
And though some form of taunts may come in lies. . .
Pour me some laughs ----
one for the road.
People come and some have to go;
Some take a part of us away.
People come and You must know. . .
Some leave a part of 'em to stay.
Whether we like them or not
The latter comes to past
Even through hearts borrowed or bought,
Bits and pieces is  how our hearts are cast.
So I guess there will someday be a space
At least ---- on my part
According to what I believe:  A face. . .
A memory of You in my heart.
I leave with You these memories of rhyme,
With sensitive feeling, all in code.
I leave with you, myself in these lines. . .
Pour me some mystery ----
one for the road. . .

One, for the Road
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Tallen thank you for your entry.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Something about the boy

We grew too teenage for our emotions,
mastered by the need to mate.
I was in the back seat, unable to speak
too shy for eye contact, only watching
beyond the long bonnet of 2 Litre Capri,
he would always have someone on his knee.
I would listen to his confidence
as it slowed down, open-windowed to talk.
His words could sweep away
loose strands of hair,
press a cool palm
to a reddening cheek,
slowly convince the, I'm not sure
and quickly lift up the hem
of the come on then.
It takes a certain type
to keep a body so tight
that it looks good in any light.
I get to ride shotgun now
with opening lines like my wife and I.
He became a melted medallion
with slightly graying side burns.
His body still looks great  
but the lines are shaded,
food traded for red wine
and credit cards that get declined.
I used to see all his first steps
before they fell down his stairs
but that house is empty now.
Still I have to shake my head
and acknowledge, that when
his eyes found a way inside
and his words dressed you up
in clothes never worn before,
then there would be a moment,
a primitive moment,
when even I would have opened my door.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Razzerleaf. thank you for your entry.

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 14th Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 6

Whom i call a Friend

A missing piece of my peace, placed in space.
Teens we were at 16
was a perfect matching puzzled pieces

Always known and shared deepest bonds
we became the bible of wisdom
and traveled separately with no distance in mind.

It was and still is, what friendship we found,
upon binding thick blood of brotherhood
and i am proud to say..
                                        "Hello Friend this letter belongs to you"
Written by imbongi
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

imbongi thank you for your entry.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Bluevelvete, thank you for participating.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Thank you RiAn for the entry.

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