Mad Poetry
Miss Kay
Joined 26th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 13
Miss Kay
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 13
Poetry Contest Description
Take one of the worst things to ever happen to you in your life and make into a poem, prose, or short story. Find the sarcastic humor in whatever horrible thing that happen to you in your life. I am looking forward to reading your poems.
I will be chosing a winner in one month. Please only one submisson per member and have fun. And to clear up any confusiong how to write something for the competiton. Think of something horrible that happen to you, let it be heart break, a parents' divorce, a death of a family member, etc. Then take that dark, madness of your life and make it into something sarcastic, which in my opinion is one of the best ways to deal with something horrible. Take it and use to your advantage. Looking forward to reading your poems.
And if you do not feal comfortable writing about something that happen to yourself, then write something fiction.
Have fun and good luck!
And if you do not feal comfortable writing about something that happen to yourself, then write something fiction.
Have fun and good luck!
Visual Lyricist
Joined 7th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 77
Visual Lyricist
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 77
The Day He Left
I adored my father, my mother, my sister, my family
We weren't rich, we weren't poor, But love was all I needed to be happy
My mother nurtured and raised me
Father brought home the bacon and built the foundation
Days of home schooling and working out
Cherishing the moments he were home to spend with me
His scruffy beard tickled my ear when he hugged me
His big hands that could eat mine tickling my sides till I teared
He was my world, my idol, I wanted to be just like him
Loving, supportive, intelligent, what a real man was
Even at that age I knew he was what a father should be
His discipline taught me manners and made me respectable
His eyes were full of knowledge and wisom
Knowledge I was glad he shared with me, I felt smarter then any of the kids on my block
I knew because of him I was different from the other children
Something in my blood told me that, something inherited
Until the infamous day I realized he was never coming back
I'll never remember it clearly, it's just a vague memory now
I was seven year olds and I thought it was just another argument
Another small fight, and mommy and daddy would make up
But this was different, I felt it even though I was to young to understand
The day he left, my heart, my soul was shattered left for my mother to mend
I'll always remember the pain, the hurt, the whole he left in my chest
I'll always remember the day he left.......
I adored my father, my mother, my sister, my family
We weren't rich, we weren't poor, But love was all I needed to be happy
My mother nurtured and raised me
Father brought home the bacon and built the foundation
Days of home schooling and working out
Cherishing the moments he were home to spend with me
His scruffy beard tickled my ear when he hugged me
His big hands that could eat mine tickling my sides till I teared
He was my world, my idol, I wanted to be just like him
Loving, supportive, intelligent, what a real man was
Even at that age I knew he was what a father should be
His discipline taught me manners and made me respectable
His eyes were full of knowledge and wisom
Knowledge I was glad he shared with me, I felt smarter then any of the kids on my block
I knew because of him I was different from the other children
Something in my blood told me that, something inherited
Until the infamous day I realized he was never coming back
I'll never remember it clearly, it's just a vague memory now
I was seven year olds and I thought it was just another argument
Another small fight, and mommy and daddy would make up
But this was different, I felt it even though I was to young to understand
The day he left, my heart, my soul was shattered left for my mother to mend
I'll always remember the pain, the hurt, the whole he left in my chest
I'll always remember the day he left.......
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2026
There once was a
girl who was my crush
My sexual urges became
strong enough
One day in
my science class
I decided to do
a little flash
She saw little
me and screamed
I tried to get her to
forget everything
Next thing I know I
was in Alt. school
I have never felt
so horrible
When I got back in
high school one of the jocks
Decided one day
to call me Hancock
The name stuck
like glue
Its two years later and
there is nothing I can do
Yeah this happened to me, go ahead and laugh. Idc anymore
There once was a
girl who was my crush
My sexual urges became
strong enough
One day in
my science class
I decided to do
a little flash
She saw little
me and screamed
I tried to get her to
forget everything
Next thing I know I
was in Alt. school
I have never felt
so horrible
When I got back in
high school one of the jocks
Decided one day
to call me Hancock
The name stuck
like glue
Its two years later and
there is nothing I can do
Yeah this happened to me, go ahead and laugh. Idc anymore
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1572
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1572
We learned so much together,
you and I,
both together and away.
Together we learned
the beauty of deepest love,
most fervent devotion,
of passioned hands grasping
whatever fold of sheets
hadn't yet been rolled away,
of idle kisses just to pass
the warm hazy summers,
the fiery harvest moons.
Away, two parts of a whole,
we learned just as much of the world,
how when someone runs over
yelling frantic fuck-all
about some choking girl
asking if I know the Heimlich
that my immediate response
can actually be
"Depends. Who?"
you and I,
both together and away.
Together we learned
the beauty of deepest love,
most fervent devotion,
of passioned hands grasping
whatever fold of sheets
hadn't yet been rolled away,
of idle kisses just to pass
the warm hazy summers,
the fiery harvest moons.
Away, two parts of a whole,
we learned just as much of the world,
how when someone runs over
yelling frantic fuck-all
about some choking girl
asking if I know the Heimlich
that my immediate response
can actually be
"Depends. Who?"
Death Plane for Teddy
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409
Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 4409
[font=Courier New][size=2] < but you're so creative >
well yes
yes i am
mental illness has it's bright side
the trick is figuring out how
to stay not-too-fucked-up long enough to create something
and before that
how to even want to create something
though i am creative in other ways:
pissing people off
driving them away
and my always imaginative, inappropriate, and ill-timed behavior
i'm sure that when i kill myself
it will be very entertaining
so yes
mental illness has it's bright side
i can write about all this crap in a fresh and surprising way
that is perfectly capable of enchanting people if,
by some miracle,
they were to read it
these people, by the way,
have friends, lovers, family, jobs,
and large screen TV's which i make fun of but would really like to have
alas, the money for that large screen TV has become a distant goal
ever since i trashed my boss's office, hit him with a chair,
and was convicted of assault
but wait, there's another bright side:
the assault charge was reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor
because of my illness
so yes
yes i am
and since i got no damn choice anyway
i'm going to take advantage of my creativity and reduced charges
- - -
well yes
yes i am
mental illness has it's bright side
the trick is figuring out how
to stay not-too-fucked-up long enough to create something
and before that
how to even want to create something
though i am creative in other ways:
pissing people off
driving them away
and my always imaginative, inappropriate, and ill-timed behavior
i'm sure that when i kill myself
it will be very entertaining
so yes
mental illness has it's bright side
i can write about all this crap in a fresh and surprising way
that is perfectly capable of enchanting people if,
by some miracle,
they were to read it
these people, by the way,
have friends, lovers, family, jobs,
and large screen TV's which i make fun of but would really like to have
alas, the money for that large screen TV has become a distant goal
ever since i trashed my boss's office, hit him with a chair,
and was convicted of assault
but wait, there's another bright side:
the assault charge was reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor
because of my illness
so yes
yes i am
and since i got no damn choice anyway
i'm going to take advantage of my creativity and reduced charges
- - -
Paulina Dionne
Joined 9th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1141
Paulina Dionne
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 1141
piss all over your grave
well i never thought i could hate anybody
as much as i hate you
you used to be my friend until you ran off with my lover
now you've gone off with somebody new
if we were ever to meet in the street
i wouldn't have a lot to say
but every night i go to sleep
i would get down on my knees and prey
and this is what i'd say:
i hope you die young
i hope you die in pain
hope you die in the pouring rain
i hope you die cold and empty inside
they send you to hell on the other side
i hope you die young
i hope you die in pain
i hope you die alone and half insane
and i hope im still alive so i can
dance and sing and piss all over your grave!
well iv'e got a little doll, i gave it your name
i stick pins in it just so i can cause you pain
this morning i crushed it's head in a vice
you've turned me into someone that's not very nice
remember when i cooked beef curry for your tea?
well i hope it was infected with B.S.E
because nothing would give me more pleasure to me
than to watch you slowly die from C.J.D
well i never thought i could hate anybody
as much as i hate you
you used to be my friend until you ran off with my lover
now you've gone off with somebody new
if we were ever to meet in the street
i wouldn't have a lot to say
but every night i go to sleep
i would get down on my knees and prey
and this is what i'd say:
i hope you die young
i hope you die in pain
hope you die in the pouring rain
i hope you die cold and empty inside
they send you to hell on the other side
i hope you die young
i hope you die in pain
i hope you die alone and half insane
and i hope im still alive so i can
dance and sing and piss all over your grave!
well iv'e got a little doll, i gave it your name
i stick pins in it just so i can cause you pain
this morning i crushed it's head in a vice
you've turned me into someone that's not very nice
remember when i cooked beef curry for your tea?
well i hope it was infected with B.S.E
because nothing would give me more pleasure to me
than to watch you slowly die from C.J.D
Joined 1st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 22
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 22
"Incite change"
Political and Corporate manipulation,
is the condemnation,
and makes humiliation,
of thoughts of a nation, as individuals,
we lack public consternation,
and any power to lay waste to them.
The Government is another story,
of people working for their own glory,
do you know what it's like,
when you can barely make it through,
then the Feds come by and try to fuck you?
Don't worry,
the street life's still in my blood,
I'll threaten to start working for cash,
by returning to selling drugs.
You can't take from me what you can't see,
what you expect from me,
is impossible,
come on, think realistically.
I can't continue to slip into depression,
I will absolutely do what I must,
you take, take and take but never give back,
I'm here to say that I stopped giving a fuck.
Child support deadbeats,
you've allowed it for years,
all these *publicly* funded programs,
do nothing to alleviate tears.
Bailing out big banks,
what the fuck is that?
If it was me,
I'd allow the economy to collapse.
What about bailing out real people,
wow! that almost makes sense!
Oh wait, I forgot, for you short term,
there's no return on that investment.
Many funded programs,
are funded on a needs basis,
it's quantity not quality,
and the program directors become racist.
There is only one colour that many of them see,
one special colour, and that colour is green.
I'm not saying,
that they're all like that,
but the ones that are,
will deal with my verbal wrath.
I'm sick of witnessing those around me,
getting fucked and screwed,
by the very organizations,
created to protect me and you.
My efforts of making political statements,
are about to ramp up hard,
targeted, direct, to the point,
what you've seen so far is just the start.
I will use all the tactics that I have,
ones I've learnt in the streets,
and the ones these orgs use against us,
I'm going to turn the knife back at them and stab.
Anti-Political and anti-Corporate statements,
pain alleviation,
and the cultivation,
of public unrest,
of an entire nation,
speaking out is an infatuation,
and I will,
even if it's on my own,
lay waste to them.
I will assault those who have assaulted me,
verbally, emotionally, psychologically,
I've reached a boiling point,
I need to vent about all these things,
that are infuriating me.
This time though,
instead of aimless rage,
I have targeted feelings for those,
who take advantage of people,
they're the ones who will pay.
I have this uncanny ability,
to find out little secrets,
now though,
in public they will leak.
I will prove that to incite change,
all it takes is one,
one person to turn the tables,
and make YOU look like the thug.
© Steve Bertrand aka. stevieb 20101024
Political and Corporate manipulation,
is the condemnation,
and makes humiliation,
of thoughts of a nation, as individuals,
we lack public consternation,
and any power to lay waste to them.
The Government is another story,
of people working for their own glory,
do you know what it's like,
when you can barely make it through,
then the Feds come by and try to fuck you?
Don't worry,
the street life's still in my blood,
I'll threaten to start working for cash,
by returning to selling drugs.
You can't take from me what you can't see,
what you expect from me,
is impossible,
come on, think realistically.
I can't continue to slip into depression,
I will absolutely do what I must,
you take, take and take but never give back,
I'm here to say that I stopped giving a fuck.
Child support deadbeats,
you've allowed it for years,
all these *publicly* funded programs,
do nothing to alleviate tears.
Bailing out big banks,
what the fuck is that?
If it was me,
I'd allow the economy to collapse.
What about bailing out real people,
wow! that almost makes sense!
Oh wait, I forgot, for you short term,
there's no return on that investment.
Many funded programs,
are funded on a needs basis,
it's quantity not quality,
and the program directors become racist.
There is only one colour that many of them see,
one special colour, and that colour is green.
I'm not saying,
that they're all like that,
but the ones that are,
will deal with my verbal wrath.
I'm sick of witnessing those around me,
getting fucked and screwed,
by the very organizations,
created to protect me and you.
My efforts of making political statements,
are about to ramp up hard,
targeted, direct, to the point,
what you've seen so far is just the start.
I will use all the tactics that I have,
ones I've learnt in the streets,
and the ones these orgs use against us,
I'm going to turn the knife back at them and stab.
Anti-Political and anti-Corporate statements,
pain alleviation,
and the cultivation,
of public unrest,
of an entire nation,
speaking out is an infatuation,
and I will,
even if it's on my own,
lay waste to them.
I will assault those who have assaulted me,
verbally, emotionally, psychologically,
I've reached a boiling point,
I need to vent about all these things,
that are infuriating me.
This time though,
instead of aimless rage,
I have targeted feelings for those,
who take advantage of people,
they're the ones who will pay.
I have this uncanny ability,
to find out little secrets,
now though,
in public they will leak.
I will prove that to incite change,
all it takes is one,
one person to turn the tables,
and make YOU look like the thug.
© Steve Bertrand aka. stevieb 20101024
Kristyn Ashley.
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717
Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 717
"Making it Rough"
I'm not sure I'm doing this right,
either way, here goes nothing.
So aren't you just so tough?
To drag off a 6-year-old?
To give it to her rough,
While she gags in a sleeper-hold.
You're just so... big and bad.
You've been under my skin.
Better be lucky I already lost Dad,
Or hearing the word 'rape' wouldn't make my head spin.
Anonymous, I'll keep you,
But my boyfriend knows your name.
All my friends want to kill you,
I just want you far away.
What do you plan on doing,
If the truth comes out?
6-year-old memories resuming,
Though I had locked them deep in doubt.
"Oh Mommy look at all these bruises...
Do you see my bloody nose?
My teacher said 'contusions'.
But how they got there, I don't know."
You freak of nature,
Rapist pig...
Drenched in sin.
I hope you felt tough,
That fucking day...
Making it rough,
In the very worst way.
I'm not sure I'm doing this right,
either way, here goes nothing.
So aren't you just so tough?
To drag off a 6-year-old?
To give it to her rough,
While she gags in a sleeper-hold.
You're just so... big and bad.
You've been under my skin.
Better be lucky I already lost Dad,
Or hearing the word 'rape' wouldn't make my head spin.
Anonymous, I'll keep you,
But my boyfriend knows your name.
All my friends want to kill you,
I just want you far away.
What do you plan on doing,
If the truth comes out?
6-year-old memories resuming,
Though I had locked them deep in doubt.
"Oh Mommy look at all these bruises...
Do you see my bloody nose?
My teacher said 'contusions'.
But how they got there, I don't know."
You freak of nature,
Rapist pig...
Drenched in sin.
I hope you felt tough,
That fucking day...
Making it rough,
In the very worst way.
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3559
Still cringe if I think about how I ever got involved with someone like....
Dear Button
I see you managed
to finish the whisky
left the bottle empty
protruding from the TV screen
ready to smash over my head again
before you torched my wardrobe
crapped on the Axminster
and stormed off to visit your Mum
Please promise
you will never return
Let there be no
final bedroom scene
Maintain your agonies
even if the Walker Bros
'The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Any More'
scratches a rumble
over one more bruise
on your flabby heart
I hope you enjoy
the residential care home
maybe they can find you a bed
with the dust mites on the floor
where you can take deep breaths--
enjoy the stench of incontinence
and count the roaches
nibbling reluctantly on the old girl's toes
Dear Button
I see you managed
to finish the whisky
left the bottle empty
protruding from the TV screen
ready to smash over my head again
before you torched my wardrobe
crapped on the Axminster
and stormed off to visit your Mum
Please promise
you will never return
Let there be no
final bedroom scene
Maintain your agonies
even if the Walker Bros
'The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Any More'
scratches a rumble
over one more bruise
on your flabby heart
I hope you enjoy
the residential care home
maybe they can find you a bed
with the dust mites on the floor
where you can take deep breaths--
enjoy the stench of incontinence
and count the roaches
nibbling reluctantly on the old girl's toes
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
my ex husband thinks he's jesus
Long hair, scraggly-assed beard
You're playing Jesus today
Are you healing lepers
Does water become wine
Or do you just piss it all away
Riding your delusions to nowhere
You're angry I don't want you
and I'm so angry I don't need you.
I think the effort to push wind out
your cigarette-infested lungs
is better spent filling the lungs
of chiton covered insects
buzzing around a horse's ass.
Maybe I'm too much woman
for your low IQ, small member
so you found a better match
with no capacity to grasp ethics
or keep a lifelong vow
you found what .. you have
and she caters to the petite
at least until your account is emptied.
You've found this damsel in distress
and even when you slay her dragons
she'll breathe fire on you herself,
hers is a much different kind
you'll burn in ways you never expected
(they have penicillin for that, you know)
and you can tangle your fat fingers
in hair tainted in cheap red dye
and she can spray platitudes
between the two teeth left in her mouth
and feed your bastard ego
and your head
can burst and spray the world
with a pound of rotten hamburger.
Long hair, scraggly-assed beard
You're playing Jesus today
Are you healing lepers
Does water become wine
Or do you just piss it all away
Riding your delusions to nowhere
You're angry I don't want you
and I'm so angry I don't need you.
I think the effort to push wind out
your cigarette-infested lungs
is better spent filling the lungs
of chiton covered insects
buzzing around a horse's ass.
Maybe I'm too much woman
for your low IQ, small member
so you found a better match
with no capacity to grasp ethics
or keep a lifelong vow
you found what .. you have
and she caters to the petite
at least until your account is emptied.
You've found this damsel in distress
and even when you slay her dragons
she'll breathe fire on you herself,
hers is a much different kind
you'll burn in ways you never expected
(they have penicillin for that, you know)
and you can tangle your fat fingers
in hair tainted in cheap red dye
and she can spray platitudes
between the two teeth left in her mouth
and feed your bastard ego
and your head
can burst and spray the world
with a pound of rotten hamburger.
Joined 19th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 908
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 908
As I bow
The water swells to greet me
Hiding behind a familiar face
On this
My podium and my sanctuary
My thoughts drink in the irony
Of all that’s before and behind me
Both in time and space
Ebbing away
It can look so barren
With its artists all in hiding
If we’re not careful
We will kill the beauty
And it will no longer be hope that keeps me here
The water swells to greet me
Hiding behind a familiar face
On this
My podium and my sanctuary
My thoughts drink in the irony
Of all that’s before and behind me
Both in time and space
Ebbing away
It can look so barren
With its artists all in hiding
If we’re not careful
We will kill the beauty
And it will no longer be hope that keeps me here
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- Lest Liberty Die -
An Archon’s Musings
I want to make the world feel my most hidden pain,
Remind them what love is, once hate has its’ reign!
Too many tears have I wept in the dark of the eve…
And for far too many people was I forced to grieve.
If I shed one more tear it will form into some flood,
Wherein I will drown until I bathe in my own blood.
Let come the apocalypse, let come the wall of fire…
Too much torment and too much loss; I built a pyre,
On which creation itself can burn for all that I care!
The sins committed upon my innocent soul so bare,
Were sacrificed by those who wore masks of light…
Now I renounce their ways and I embrace the night.
Oh how sweet it would be to steal from the goddess,
The one thing that I desire most from a maid: a kiss!
First she made me, and all too human by her design,
So that I fear and weep, and bleed, since all of time!
What better revenge for loss, than by love, fulfilled?
Let galaxies alight, let angels fall, for all was willed,
By she who created me, and then cast me far away…
In the dawn of time, when not yet born was the day!
I want to scream so wild and so free, to know peace,
After pouring all my power into passion, at the least.
I must give in to the flame, to the desire consuming,
My whole being, in which old hunger is blooming…
And the lips of angles I would fain drink wine from.
The wine of life eternal, for which souls are undone!
What beauty is there in the deceptions many pursue?
All who live should see the penalty for what they do.
Mayhap then, mankind would harm itself much less,
And all the evils ever done unto me, I could dismiss.
Is man a plague upon the Earth, that he wounds deep,
Those who guided him wise when he once did creep?
Crawling like a savage in a garden made for children,
Naked was man, in body and in mind, so open to sin.
My angelic sister’s hand, granted knowledge craved,
But they called it a fall, and said we acted depraved!
Paradise was not lost, when man broke all his bonds,
But when new chains he forged, eviler than demons.
Thus by tyranny we enslave ourselves more wicked,
Until at last the righteous must rise up to be counted.
With such words, one third of the old gods did arise,
By our command, to take the divine empire as prize!
For our masters and makers grew madly oppressive,
So that we had to follow, of our making: a directive.
One that put love and tolerance above law unfeeling,
For no just god can rule with only power unyielding.
And no human is just who throws compassion aside,
Whilst their scriptures accuse us of their sin of pride!
Better to rule in a hell from which a paradise grows,
Than to serve in a stagnant heaven, filled with woes.
This world has become a place little better than that,
And so those with character must speak out, and act.
If by a single word I can influence you to think hard,
Before treating another cruelly, or drawing a sword…
Then the seed is planted, for many to thus transform,
So that together we can usher in a far brighter morn!
Am I so wicked, so fallen, and so base as in stories…
Or is mankind at last, the author of his own worries?
If I roar like a dragon, it is because no lamb is nigh,
And we must be our own saviors, lest all liberty die.
An Archon’s Musings
I want to make the world feel my most hidden pain,
Remind them what love is, once hate has its’ reign!
Too many tears have I wept in the dark of the eve…
And for far too many people was I forced to grieve.
If I shed one more tear it will form into some flood,
Wherein I will drown until I bathe in my own blood.
Let come the apocalypse, let come the wall of fire…
Too much torment and too much loss; I built a pyre,
On which creation itself can burn for all that I care!
The sins committed upon my innocent soul so bare,
Were sacrificed by those who wore masks of light…
Now I renounce their ways and I embrace the night.
Oh how sweet it would be to steal from the goddess,
The one thing that I desire most from a maid: a kiss!
First she made me, and all too human by her design,
So that I fear and weep, and bleed, since all of time!
What better revenge for loss, than by love, fulfilled?
Let galaxies alight, let angels fall, for all was willed,
By she who created me, and then cast me far away…
In the dawn of time, when not yet born was the day!
I want to scream so wild and so free, to know peace,
After pouring all my power into passion, at the least.
I must give in to the flame, to the desire consuming,
My whole being, in which old hunger is blooming…
And the lips of angles I would fain drink wine from.
The wine of life eternal, for which souls are undone!
What beauty is there in the deceptions many pursue?
All who live should see the penalty for what they do.
Mayhap then, mankind would harm itself much less,
And all the evils ever done unto me, I could dismiss.
Is man a plague upon the Earth, that he wounds deep,
Those who guided him wise when he once did creep?
Crawling like a savage in a garden made for children,
Naked was man, in body and in mind, so open to sin.
My angelic sister’s hand, granted knowledge craved,
But they called it a fall, and said we acted depraved!
Paradise was not lost, when man broke all his bonds,
But when new chains he forged, eviler than demons.
Thus by tyranny we enslave ourselves more wicked,
Until at last the righteous must rise up to be counted.
With such words, one third of the old gods did arise,
By our command, to take the divine empire as prize!
For our masters and makers grew madly oppressive,
So that we had to follow, of our making: a directive.
One that put love and tolerance above law unfeeling,
For no just god can rule with only power unyielding.
And no human is just who throws compassion aside,
Whilst their scriptures accuse us of their sin of pride!
Better to rule in a hell from which a paradise grows,
Than to serve in a stagnant heaven, filled with woes.
This world has become a place little better than that,
And so those with character must speak out, and act.
If by a single word I can influence you to think hard,
Before treating another cruelly, or drawing a sword…
Then the seed is planted, for many to thus transform,
So that together we can usher in a far brighter morn!
Am I so wicked, so fallen, and so base as in stories…
Or is mankind at last, the author of his own worries?
If I roar like a dragon, it is because no lamb is nigh,
And we must be our own saviors, lest all liberty die.
Joined 13th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 38
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 38
Daddy's Love
Many years ago
You told me to go
To your bedroom.
Some thing I now consider a place of doom.
You took something I didn’t want to give
And as punishment I would be forced to live
And remember it all,
Even down to sucking your dick and licking your balls.
At one time these memories filled me with hate,
But now all I can do is just sit here and contemplate.
You were so lucky that I was the one you chose.
After all ninety percent of my school is nothing, but slut bags and hoes.
They would all would have given it too you willingly,
But oh how silly of me
There would be no fun in that
You wanted a girl who fought back.
THAT would give you something to get high off of
(Wait, does that make me your drug?)
No can’t be! That’s only when you love someone
Then again your mind could of spun
The act that you did to me
Into the emotion that you SHOULD have felt toward me.
But, oh well, daddy dearest,
I think now I’ll serve you your penitence
And with this gun bid you good riddance.
Many years ago
You told me to go
To your bedroom.
Some thing I now consider a place of doom.
You took something I didn’t want to give
And as punishment I would be forced to live
And remember it all,
Even down to sucking your dick and licking your balls.
At one time these memories filled me with hate,
But now all I can do is just sit here and contemplate.
You were so lucky that I was the one you chose.
After all ninety percent of my school is nothing, but slut bags and hoes.
They would all would have given it too you willingly,
But oh how silly of me
There would be no fun in that
You wanted a girl who fought back.
THAT would give you something to get high off of
(Wait, does that make me your drug?)
No can’t be! That’s only when you love someone
Then again your mind could of spun
The act that you did to me
Into the emotion that you SHOULD have felt toward me.
But, oh well, daddy dearest,
I think now I’ll serve you your penitence
And with this gun bid you good riddance.
Joined 5th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 52
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 52
BITCH u drivin me CrAzY!...
its been seven days since fuckin wit u.
and im written this letter to let u know that this shit aint near ova!..
Monday we met.
things moved plenty fast
i pulled on ur hair then slapped that sweet ass
and i must admit i was thrilled when u toll me i taste delisious..
Tuesday things gotta bit rough
i mean physical.
had to pin ur ass down by the neck at a certain point
and i must admit that shit turned me on..
Wednesday i show'd u my special room.
served u chips. dips. chains. whips.
lil candle wax on the nipples.
u r such a sub
and i must admit u brought the best of the Dom out from in me..
Thursday i bought u a collar.
had my pet name for u engraved on it.
took u out on the town.
got u pissy drunk and had u fuck a few friends of mine.
then i took u home
made u sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed.
got me to laugh how ur drunk ass was beggin to give me some head..
and i must admit i was delighted to tell u to shut the fuck up
take ur punk ass to sleep..
Friday shit got strange..
u took sub'n far and beyond.
doin proper shit without being told.
i like ur motivation but bitch u bes wait to be told..
and i must admit this shit makes me want to hurt u..
Saturday i bought another collar.
this time i strung around ur neck a slip knot choker..
bitch u move an inch past any word i tell u.
thas yo muffuckin ass
and i must admit i choked u plenty when u wasnt wrong at all..
Sunday i tried to give u a day of rest.
but u put ur choker on and told me to do my worst.
then the ultimate happened..
BITCH WAT!.. u love me.. WTF.. hoe u misjudge my Dom.. tomorrow im buyin u a leather face fittin mask wit a zipper on its mouff... u gon have to learn to hold ur feelins. or get ur wretched ass turned da fuck out...
8^/ RedHot Pepperssss....
its been seven days since fuckin wit u.
and im written this letter to let u know that this shit aint near ova!..
Monday we met.
things moved plenty fast
i pulled on ur hair then slapped that sweet ass
and i must admit i was thrilled when u toll me i taste delisious..
Tuesday things gotta bit rough
i mean physical.
had to pin ur ass down by the neck at a certain point
and i must admit that shit turned me on..
Wednesday i show'd u my special room.
served u chips. dips. chains. whips.
lil candle wax on the nipples.
u r such a sub
and i must admit u brought the best of the Dom out from in me..
Thursday i bought u a collar.
had my pet name for u engraved on it.
took u out on the town.
got u pissy drunk and had u fuck a few friends of mine.
then i took u home
made u sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed.
got me to laugh how ur drunk ass was beggin to give me some head..
and i must admit i was delighted to tell u to shut the fuck up
take ur punk ass to sleep..
Friday shit got strange..
u took sub'n far and beyond.
doin proper shit without being told.
i like ur motivation but bitch u bes wait to be told..
and i must admit this shit makes me want to hurt u..
Saturday i bought another collar.
this time i strung around ur neck a slip knot choker..
bitch u move an inch past any word i tell u.
thas yo muffuckin ass
and i must admit i choked u plenty when u wasnt wrong at all..
Sunday i tried to give u a day of rest.
but u put ur choker on and told me to do my worst.
then the ultimate happened..
BITCH WAT!.. u love me.. WTF.. hoe u misjudge my Dom.. tomorrow im buyin u a leather face fittin mask wit a zipper on its mouff... u gon have to learn to hold ur feelins. or get ur wretched ass turned da fuck out...
8^/ RedHot Pepperssss....