I NEED some tranquility
Joined 7th Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 6
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 6
Hunting For Tranquility
The demons make my head their abound,paying rent in verbal vomit
They debate loud, pass point one after another
Robbing me of all peace and tranquility
I take a shot of whiskey to try silence them
This just adds fire as their noise is magnified
I drawn a bottle of hard rum, result;Animating their debating
"First get money to earn respect."
Demon 1 puts a point across
"money ain't everything."
Demom 2 counters
"money is all shit u need."
I join in but stop immediately because my primary objective is to silence them.
For a moment all is quite
I close my eyes to catch some sleep
Immediately the animated debate kicks off again
What a short break that was
I turn in bed hoping against all odds
That this move disorients and quotes them
But have only managed to change their language
"Amigo, Como estas. Mi Nombre es Tormentor"
I know no Spanish
But for certain the demons voices
Are driving me crazy
I leave my bed and drown another gulp of vodka
But sleep and drunkness are not my portion tonight
I pick a roll of weed from my stash
Just sit there and smell it
Looking out through the window, curtains drawn
I light, draw and puff away smoke, which clouds my room and thoughts
For a moment all is still
Then Thunder roars ,defeaning
I take a peak out to watch, to beckon rain to fall and musk the noise in my head
The sky is clear, I realise the thunder is just in my head
Shivering I breeze in the washroom
The tiles are cold as I step in
I step back then in,in defeat
I run a cold shower
As if to pay a penance
To punish myself
In doing so to disgust the demons
The water hits me hard, mercilessly
Sitting under it, tears streaming
Washed away by the water descending upon me, cold and harsh
I just sit there, whimpering
Hunting for tranquility
They debate loud, pass point one after another
Robbing me of all peace and tranquility
I take a shot of whiskey to try silence them
This just adds fire as their noise is magnified
I drawn a bottle of hard rum, result;Animating their debating
"First get money to earn respect."
Demon 1 puts a point across
"money ain't everything."
Demom 2 counters
"money is all shit u need."
I join in but stop immediately because my primary objective is to silence them.
For a moment all is quite
I close my eyes to catch some sleep
Immediately the animated debate kicks off again
What a short break that was
I turn in bed hoping against all odds
That this move disorients and quotes them
But have only managed to change their language
"Amigo, Como estas. Mi Nombre es Tormentor"
I know no Spanish
But for certain the demons voices
Are driving me crazy
I leave my bed and drown another gulp of vodka
But sleep and drunkness are not my portion tonight
I pick a roll of weed from my stash
Just sit there and smell it
Looking out through the window, curtains drawn
I light, draw and puff away smoke, which clouds my room and thoughts
For a moment all is still
Then Thunder roars ,defeaning
I take a peak out to watch, to beckon rain to fall and musk the noise in my head
The sky is clear, I realise the thunder is just in my head
Shivering I breeze in the washroom
The tiles are cold as I step in
I step back then in,in defeat
I run a cold shower
As if to pay a penance
To punish myself
In doing so to disgust the demons
The water hits me hard, mercilessly
Sitting under it, tears streaming
Washed away by the water descending upon me, cold and harsh
I just sit there, whimpering
Hunting for tranquility
Written by Kingmat01
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<< post removed >>
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 281
I am overwhelmed by the wonderful entries.
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,

clewluss said:I am overwhelmed by the wonderful entries.
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,
Sure thing. Will get back atcha in 6 days.
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,
Sure thing. Will get back atcha in 6 days.

<< post removed >>
Walk to the Temple
A moment away in a mountain getaway
where the deer and squirrels readily play
Trees and creeks, paths from past feet,
In my silence I can here what they have to say
I am only a molecule in the presence
of all the things that make up existence
My once hurried mind is caught in the essence
of the continuous motion of frozen moments
A calm serene takes over my body
as I realize my short walk has become a journey
of exploration into my own realization
that I am so much more than the sum of me
I stop for a moment to the crackling sound
of a doe passing and posing for a moment
The silent gaze was quite profound
I had never experienced quite a compliment
The path broke through between the trees
to find a temple set in the clearing
As I entered the door, a gentle breeze
exited the room with a blissful whispering
Leave your shoes and worldly thoughts here
Enter this place with your mind and heart clear
The presence of self is the absence of fear
and the only part of you that will last forever
where the deer and squirrels readily play
Trees and creeks, paths from past feet,
In my silence I can here what they have to say
I am only a molecule in the presence
of all the things that make up existence
My once hurried mind is caught in the essence
of the continuous motion of frozen moments
A calm serene takes over my body
as I realize my short walk has become a journey
of exploration into my own realization
that I am so much more than the sum of me
I stop for a moment to the crackling sound
of a doe passing and posing for a moment
The silent gaze was quite profound
I had never experienced quite a compliment
The path broke through between the trees
to find a temple set in the clearing
As I entered the door, a gentle breeze
exited the room with a blissful whispering
Leave your shoes and worldly thoughts here
Enter this place with your mind and heart clear
The presence of self is the absence of fear
and the only part of you that will last forever
Written by eroseternal
(Tim Eros)
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
I Feel Silence
I feel
the silence
It may not take
But it is still
For it is here……
# E.E. Cummings
I feel
the silence
It may not take
But it is still
For it is here……
# E.E. Cummings
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

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Related submission no longer exists.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Okay, I’m not an entrant here, so I will pm you my picks for first, second & third place once the competition closes.
Glad to help.
clewluss said:I am overwhelmed by the wonderful entries.
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,
Glad to help.
clewluss said:I am overwhelmed by the wonderful entries.
I am openly asking all to either post a short paragraph(s) on their favourite entry(s),
and/or PM me with your selection,
so that I may judge a winner
because I cannot
tho I want to ,
grant everyone a great big win.
Thank you
and god speed
on our journey of,
and to,

haiga #4 ... stone by Ely ~ I will not be here when this comp ends ... this is my Vote. Why? It`s beautiful.
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
palish last drop
of the dripping in ‘natural pure’
such law-abiding corporate honey
...gotten over this morning
nearby outside in the fields
the blaring fantaish-bud bloomed
skinny rustic pomegranate branches
hold the honeybees in buzz, a
congregating chaos
in their own-honeycombing
homecoming for three newmoon
stints, ...and there below
hangs a skeletal comb
of their ancestry
in a linking continuum ..a
mummified reminder
of sorts
thousand black eyes throng
the comb, rustling lacy brown wings
flap in an anthem of intermingled
mergence, contrastingly banded---
(in some flash-hinting
of their pristine nectarine
they together labour
in process)
---yellow & ambered
abdomens over abdomens
stacked in postures… the outer
ones suddenly ply in and out
in some roaring alerts
of ferocious velocities
let them ..let be ..let go …
allows truth to exist . in pains . in duties
same nature
also embraces the faking mimicking
not-so truth too, lifts them
high, sometimes
high so high, to have
an unforgettable fall . almost an end.
Its all in our nature within us
"the reigning green-swallowing giants of ungluing egos shall perish"
meanwhile, the
existential quandary extends allover
you see..even this
crisply granulating instant coffee jar…
how is it misplaced in that
emptied honey space? Is it
the bridging similarity browns
that’s a masking mascot
in our subconsciously
hung hues of suspension?
activating it …
with the supremely
reinforced...the iron skulled
arrows in a sternous
combating warfare
with their heavenly flexing
ballerina spine as bows
of precising
it’s mind…
a monk now ...in a
transmutational equilibrium…
is in a phaseless omniscient
it’s heart in boundless elasticities
manifests unto soul’s convergence
a ‘point’
your syncing golden bullseye
Written by summultima
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Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 281
Thanks to all , I will come back to this comp every time I need some peace.
Thanks for the many pm's to help pick winners.
If you didn't win, I wanted you to win.
Bon-vwra-wah-lah, as they say in Sprench.
Thanks for the many pm's to help pick winners.
If you didn't win, I wanted you to win.
Bon-vwra-wah-lah, as they say in Sprench.
The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1347
Thank you.