Poem of the Month - August 2019

Morning Hush
Day awakens with blushed skies
naked, as the sun winks her eye
dare I open mine, as I feel your touch
brushed across my beating chest
sharp nails carving circles of trust
begging for the beginning of more lust
my lips parched
from swimming in your seas
my sails taught
awaiting another breeze
your whispers echo in my mind
my king, grant me one more time
forget our tomorrow
stallion up and ride
bemused, my fingers come alive
heightened, passions throne
no looks, best to be unknown
the mountains become my home
the valleys lain, the crevice deep
the weary crave no sleep
breath stolen then shared
whipped and then repaired
in tongues of gold
that penetrate old scars
granting of the dew
and don'ts lay in wait
bodies hesitate, then come
forth in silver's rush,
(shh, we hush)
the stillness says it all
don't worry
I'll leave a couple (bite) marks
so I can find my way back
naked, as the sun winks her eye
dare I open mine, as I feel your touch
brushed across my beating chest
sharp nails carving circles of trust
begging for the beginning of more lust
my lips parched
from swimming in your seas
my sails taught
awaiting another breeze
your whispers echo in my mind
my king, grant me one more time
forget our tomorrow
stallion up and ride
bemused, my fingers come alive
heightened, passions throne
no looks, best to be unknown
the mountains become my home
the valleys lain, the crevice deep
the weary crave no sleep
breath stolen then shared
whipped and then repaired
in tongues of gold
that penetrate old scars
granting of the dew
and don'ts lay in wait
bodies hesitate, then come
forth in silver's rush,
(shh, we hush)
the stillness says it all
don't worry
I'll leave a couple (bite) marks
so I can find my way back
Written by JusTim_
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Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
The first time
I heard the word Sister
was when my older one died—
I was too young to remember
inside a nascent emptiness
unfilled by a brother
There is something indescribable
that happens to a middle child
when they become the eldest;
a salient discombobulation
solidifying over time—
whether or not you qualify
The second time
I heard the word Sister
was when a classmate asked me
to be hers in first grade
It was Mississippi, post segregation—
I was white, she African American;
yet, something felt right
I said, Yes, and we played
until older children parted our color
on bus number 90, route US 51
between Batesville and Pope
The third time
I heard the word Sister
was in England; she was British
Our fathers served
the same military base—
mine for America, hers England
We held fast to that bond
despite taunts of “Yankee go home”
from jealous schoolmates—
until relocation orders separated
our continents by space
The fourth time
I heard the word Sister
was from a Norwegian pen pal—
it was a school project;
she was from a port town, Ålesund
and one of very few who learned English
from European grandparents
We exchanged personal items
only sisters would—ribbons, secrets—
until her untimely death in a boating accident
separated us by memories
The most unusual time
I ever heard the word Sister
was from a gay man who loved
the way I dressed back in the 70's;
but, even that became normal
over time, accepting him
for who and what he was
in an era that did not
We were tight until we graduated—
he moved to San Francisco
overdosed in a club one night
wearing that silver sequined shirt
I had sent him
The last time
I heard the word Sister
it had risen as Perseus and Andromeda
to become SiStar in the heavens;
we were a group of diverse members
representing various cultures
and beliefs meeting under the new moon:
Christian, Jewish, Buddha, Wicca, Agnostic
because we have learned that labels
are only the experience of this life—
but our feminine—our Divine Feminine
is eternal through life and death
We are the tree
that grew in Brooklyn;
the miracle of truth in action—
regardless of race, creed, or color
power is the rhythm of each other
that cannot be separately deciphered
Our offered intent in shades of smoke
sounds of chant, raise the vibration
from the core of Ancestral Spirits
We are the Divine Feminine evolving:
nurturing, intuitive, empathic regardless of gender—
a collaborative energy of ancient knowledge
beyond flesh and blood:
cooperates rather than competes
senses rather than thinks
creates rather than deconstructs
It is the softer voice that exists
beyond the critic inside yourself—
listen and unite. . .SiStars of the Earth
The first time
I heard the word Sister
was when my older one died—
I was too young to remember
inside a nascent emptiness
unfilled by a brother
There is something indescribable
that happens to a middle child
when they become the eldest;
a salient discombobulation
solidifying over time—
whether or not you qualify
The second time
I heard the word Sister
was when a classmate asked me
to be hers in first grade
It was Mississippi, post segregation—
I was white, she African American;
yet, something felt right
I said, Yes, and we played
until older children parted our color
on bus number 90, route US 51
between Batesville and Pope
The third time
I heard the word Sister
was in England; she was British
Our fathers served
the same military base—
mine for America, hers England
We held fast to that bond
despite taunts of “Yankee go home”
from jealous schoolmates—
until relocation orders separated
our continents by space
The fourth time
I heard the word Sister
was from a Norwegian pen pal—
it was a school project;
she was from a port town, Ålesund
and one of very few who learned English
from European grandparents
We exchanged personal items
only sisters would—ribbons, secrets—
until her untimely death in a boating accident
separated us by memories
The most unusual time
I ever heard the word Sister
was from a gay man who loved
the way I dressed back in the 70's;
but, even that became normal
over time, accepting him
for who and what he was
in an era that did not
We were tight until we graduated—
he moved to San Francisco
overdosed in a club one night
wearing that silver sequined shirt
I had sent him
The last time
I heard the word Sister
it had risen as Perseus and Andromeda
to become SiStar in the heavens;
we were a group of diverse members
representing various cultures
and beliefs meeting under the new moon:
Christian, Jewish, Buddha, Wicca, Agnostic
because we have learned that labels
are only the experience of this life—
but our feminine—our Divine Feminine
is eternal through life and death
We are the tree
that grew in Brooklyn;
the miracle of truth in action—
regardless of race, creed, or color
power is the rhythm of each other
that cannot be separately deciphered
Our offered intent in shades of smoke
sounds of chant, raise the vibration
from the core of Ancestral Spirits
We are the Divine Feminine evolving:
nurturing, intuitive, empathic regardless of gender—
a collaborative energy of ancient knowledge
beyond flesh and blood:
cooperates rather than competes
senses rather than thinks
creates rather than deconstructs
It is the softer voice that exists
beyond the critic inside yourself—
listen and unite. . .SiStars of the Earth
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 943
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 943
Wild Ferment
So unexpected,
Landing in my creative juices,
Caught on the afternoon breezes,
Carried from far off lands and hidden microbial worlds.
Curled around a grapes taut skin.
Sheltered in the leaf mould,
Passing centuries beneath the crumbled monastery stone.
Smelling of musk and jasmine.
Waiting for a chance to bloom again.
Oh, how we fear the wild ones,
Seek to own and culture and control.
Swab and plate the petri dish.
Number, code, define, describe, categorize.
Grow under controlled conditions,
Remake, refine, strip of all the unexpected,
Until you are a number in a book,
To be packed and purchased and put to use.
Oh, the wild ones....
You can't trust them.
They might turn honey into vinegar,
Or leave their rotten cheese,
and gym socks laying around,
Or falter too soon,
Leaving unfinished business,
and a cloying sweetness on your tongue.
Oh, the wild ones...
They might escape and run rampant through the winery,
Barrel dancing the whole way.
Uncontrolled and ecstatic,
With honey on their tongues.
Trusting the wild ones,
Life bubbles over,
Becoming a frothy mess.
Forbidden flavors,
Of roses and lilac,
and mushrooms, and forest floor,
Esters untamed and unknown,
Of deep secret places,
The scent and taste of passion,
A heady intoxication,
That sends your spirit spinning.
Abhored, cast out, rejected,
Sanitized by civilized society.
No longer on the GRAS* list.
What happens when we let life
Ferment the wildness within us?
(*GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe)
Landing in my creative juices,
Caught on the afternoon breezes,
Carried from far off lands and hidden microbial worlds.
Curled around a grapes taut skin.
Sheltered in the leaf mould,
Passing centuries beneath the crumbled monastery stone.
Smelling of musk and jasmine.
Waiting for a chance to bloom again.
Oh, how we fear the wild ones,
Seek to own and culture and control.
Swab and plate the petri dish.
Number, code, define, describe, categorize.
Grow under controlled conditions,
Remake, refine, strip of all the unexpected,
Until you are a number in a book,
To be packed and purchased and put to use.
Oh, the wild ones....
You can't trust them.
They might turn honey into vinegar,
Or leave their rotten cheese,
and gym socks laying around,
Or falter too soon,
Leaving unfinished business,
and a cloying sweetness on your tongue.
Oh, the wild ones...
They might escape and run rampant through the winery,
Barrel dancing the whole way.
Uncontrolled and ecstatic,
With honey on their tongues.
Trusting the wild ones,
Life bubbles over,
Becoming a frothy mess.
Forbidden flavors,
Of roses and lilac,
and mushrooms, and forest floor,
Esters untamed and unknown,
Of deep secret places,
The scent and taste of passion,
A heady intoxication,
That sends your spirit spinning.
Abhored, cast out, rejected,
Sanitized by civilized society.
No longer on the GRAS* list.
What happens when we let life
Ferment the wildness within us?
(*GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe)
Written by StRaven
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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
BeginningPoet, Ahavati, JohnnyBlaze, MysticalRose, JusTim_, highlyfunctional, AspergerPoet56, AnonymousBystander, DanielChristensen, Stoney223, lepperochan, Jade-Pandora, Marks, Honoria, Jestalessa, Kinkpoet, MadameLavender, InNomine, Josh, RevolutionAL, LivDiane, Eerie, Tallen, admin, ImperfectedStone, SexyInkMaster, brokentitanium, da_poetic-edifier, HadesRising
Thank you to the following members for voting:
BeginningPoet, Ahavati, JohnnyBlaze, MysticalRose, JusTim_, highlyfunctional, AspergerPoet56, AnonymousBystander, DanielChristensen, Stoney223, lepperochan, Jade-Pandora, Marks, Honoria, Jestalessa, Kinkpoet, MadameLavender, InNomine, Josh, RevolutionAL, LivDiane, Eerie, Tallen, admin, ImperfectedStone, SexyInkMaster, brokentitanium, da_poetic-edifier, HadesRising

Congratulations again, Sweetheart! A well deserved win determined by the DU populace! 💜😘💋😊🏆
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Congratulations, Sage, for the deserving win! And to our Kathy for nominating gold!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17806
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17806

This was a very nice Monday morning surprise! Thanks so much to all who voted among so many great nominations. It's truly appreciated. Thank you also for the kind words.
Mostly, thank you to Kathy for both nominating and feeling it was worthy of such a nomination. <3
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
Dear Ahavati...
I believed.
And it came true.
The honor of bringing you honor. <3
I believed.
And it came true.
The honor of bringing you honor. <3
DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winning poem is SiStars by Ahavati (nominated by Heaven_sent_Kathy).
A Broken Cup by LivDiane (nominated by Gahddess_Worship) is the runner up,
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who nominated and/or voted.
A Broken Cup by LivDiane (nominated by Gahddess_Worship) is the runner up,
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who nominated and/or voted.