Poetry competition CLOSED 17th July 2019 2:32pm

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

Moving On (tiny dancer)

1(death and discovery)

Metaphorical deaths although painful
the same time rewarding
shedding that which is not needed
transmuting the hurts in to something beautiful

Sleep deprived vision quests
whilst fun at the same time dangerous
seeing the cosmic at its vibrational core
careful to linger any longer than needed
seek what it is
a simple answer to an incredible question

2(living future)

Driving aimless, just the thrill of the ride
engine hums, something for the background, those thoughts, thinking
nothing, just taking in the scenery
enjoying destination, anywhere we want it to be

Silence broken by radio click
static tuning the perfect station
hand creeps, sits on top of mine
atmosphere changes, angelic voice
singing... Count the headlights on the highway
Leaning into me, serenade a duo
Hold me closer tiny dancer
hold me closer............
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Related submission no longer exists.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93


Asystole is such a lonely sound
As I watched you slip away
Emptiness came crashing down
Words are too hard to say
How do I tell the one’s I love
I pray for strength for today  
Cause tomorrow I’ll just drink it away

It’s the first sunrise without you
All decisions are way too much
Can’t find a reason, I don’t have a clue
I screamed your name in affray
How can I go on, I feel so hopeless  
Maybe I’ll stop at the church to pray  
Or sit here on these steps and just drink it away

Today is the day,  I’ll lay you to rest  
I asked God why He took you away
My body and soul is so obsessed
A single rose, one last time to pray
As the tears fills my eyes  
When they lower you in that Georgia clay  
The darkness will overcome,  I’ll just drink it away  
Just drink it away
Little by little the pain will lead me astray
Just drink it away
You were my forever now the past is all I have... after today
Written by buddydog
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Bookmarks & innuendo

a swallow leaves as pages of palm trees brown.
hardly drinking,  the sopping fish  
no longer around.
It’s winter now upon subtle grounds
and swallowing difficult when one has that
itch and feel that we might be missing something.
Bookmarked the uncertainty, the mainstay  
we do despite the weather,  
friends are left behind.  Invite to come along
creates a journey of slow to no growth
and  hence to feather in between the pages.
There’s the climate and climate change ----
reciprocal warmth
saliva worn stamps  
curling off of the
empty envelopes.
Beside the point?
Point is. . .
Montage - Collage
& Perservation…………
The personal journey
is to no where special  
but somewhere
our selves.
Green pages sprout and spring
all the books returned
Bookmarks removed
still  remind
us of how far we’ve traveled.
Trust me,
You will know  
the when
the how
the before and after. . .

the why
Is an eternal path
buried somewhere
within inuendos
of the Living Tome's
I wish I had
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

The Bygone (E)Ra (Re)Turns...A FireEye


a chirpy rhythmic
sparrowy koel
(she was)
in a rare naturalistic flair

and, in blue print nylons. those mini florals
a matching locket dangled . timidly metallous

devoid of blues (was she)

her eyes lit
as she looked upon Ra
(like everbefore)

who, a clumped mass
by its conceptions
of obsoleted self

to her
the Ra was Soulflame
burning endlessly zealous

Ra, reminiscing
through its bloated vagueness pockets
greened gangrenes
weighed itself down
in strangulating blockades

not an illumination until distant visions
doomed times in marching strides

a reducing matchstick
abrased its solid graphitic stamps
and choking smogs
over its ashen nothingness

it needed to starve in stringent constrictions
to be fusing its spaces from within and between
to be gotten kissing stuck in purposed strongholds kicking forward

each segmental cell danced n-directions
a lightning centipede but paced smooth
much differently from shelled slimy snail

indecipherably penetrating fire
of mingled singularity

Written by summultima (uma)
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Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

message to my 17 year old self

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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Icarus' Last Wish

When Icarus
- prudent Daedalus' restive son -
having flown too close to the sun,  
was descending to an unfortunate but certain death,  
his fast approaching demise did not even cross his mind...
Burning down through thin clouds 
a single thought obsessed him:
Would he ever, and how,  
get to fly again...
Written by takis1917
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poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


I was hesitant to  
step onto the light  
I was the fear  
itself from within  
but I buried it well  
with the fearless veneer  
and drowned me  
in a quicksand  
staring at a rope  
over my head  
time to time  
you get a nudge  
to your toes  
lifting you up  
still, you refuse  
to grab the rope  
you tremble at  
the voices inside  
they try to convince  
an escape doesn’t  
come this easy  
they try to take  
you to the bottom  
saying the true  
escape is there    
but it keeps  
nudging you  
levitating you  
and finally, you  
grab the rope  
with your  
and half closed eyes  
and today, I’m not scared  
of the darkness that ruined my days  
with a strengthened heart, a faithful soul  
a righteous spirit and I’m filled with hope  
עִמָּנוּאֵל‎   Immanuel  
God is with (us) me
God is with us  
Written by dejure (vick)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86


As the sunshine slowly disappears from the skies only to be replace by the shadow of the darkness of night AS IT OVER TAKES THE DISTANCE SKIES, it is here within this very moment of space were there is no time my mind wonders and ponders, upon my most deepest thoughts that walks and travels through the stairways and chambers of my mind and heart and soul touching and pulling at the deepness of my silents with tears I cry in silence alone.                                                                                                                    
For as the darkness shades my life at this very moment within time and world it shifts my most inner thoughts to a feeling that grabs at my gut from deep within my mere spiritual soul of my souls, for I don't want to appear weak nor strong for bottom line I am only HUMAN AS A MAN, who has seen the darkness of hurt and pain with a deep feel of misery for we all have been there before once in our life and world.                                    
                                                                                                                              When love changes as it isn't the same as it use to be in the beginning for you went from having sunshine to having darkness take over your life and world, but always remember these unspoken words what don't kill you only makes you that much stronger as an individual of heart and mind and body and spiritual soul even when DARKNESS FALLS.
Written by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
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