Poetry competition CLOSED 8th March 2019 5:14am
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Stranger Than Fiction

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

A Buccaneer’s Soul

- A Buccaneer’s Soul -
Being a Tale of the Flying Dutchman…

Prologue: The Coasts of Jamaica

Off the coasts of Jamaica, my ship sailed on,
Along Caribbean waves that rocked, in time.
The crew is singing, and drinking much rum,
Whilst I keep to myself, preferring red wine.
I pen, some poetry to a goddess I once loved,
When in other flesh I walked, in times past…
I look out a window, at the gray skies above,
And I turn the hourglass over, as time is fast.
I watch a solitary gull, and it seems so free…
Why do men make themselves prisoners, so?
Even these hearty lads who sail on with me…
We are slaves to the wind and if it will blow!
I sharpen my cutlass, preparing for our task…
As we near English waters, our long lost port.
We seek a safer harbor, where crabs do bask!
Our vessel dares not near the Redcoats’ fort…
No welcome would be ours, only cannon fire.
And so we sail on, seeking a secretive cove…
Where a treasure lies buried, which we desire,
Though not nearly as much as I long for love!

Part One: Bloody Spanish Gold

Captain, they call me, with fear in each voice.
Am I so terrible, or have stories traveled far?
We near the ancient cave; we come by choice,
Guided by the horizon, and many a noble star.
Less noble, indeed, are these greedy sailors…
Who call me a monster without knowing true!
The gold is Spanish, bloody from many wars,
Along with sapphires glowing fairly and blue.
Men died for us to claim it as such is the way,
The bones that guarded it knew the story full.
Telling not of their secrets until the final day,
For the dead are silent, and stubborn as a bull.
The booty is divided fairly, in accord to code,
And soon we set sail again, for French waters.
But on our way the skies darken, evil to bode!
We make fast the hatches on all the quarters…
But soon, we are caught up in a mighty storm,
Of which legends speak of, and seamen fear…
As ‘woe’ cries the gulls ‘you’ll see not morn!’
We saw not the morn, nor the one I held dear.

(Alone upon some windswept crag…
He gazed out long upon the cold sea.
A voice was calling from the depths,
Which kept on saying: “Look at me!”
Of his fortunes, he dared never brag,
For they brought him not: his victory.
So many men had met bloody deaths,
During his voyage of lawless piracy!
Hell dared not accept his own bones,
And so the sea one day called to him.
She craved his passion for her own…
Prepared to drown his every dark sin.
Though he was a legend on the main,
Blood was on his hands, a dark stain!)

Part Two: The Sea Goddess

The sea took the gold, in tribute to a goddess,
As I was cast adrift, the only survivor to live!
I was wrecked on a beach, and in my distress,
I resigned myself, my soul unto death to give.
That is where she found me, most royal lady!
I call her that, for her bearing was imperious.
Though her blood was not noble it beat hotly,
And her way, to speak truth, was mysterious.
‘A buccaneer’s soul, I sense in your breast…’
She said unto me, her eyes dark as the abyss.
‘But all such times are passing, going to rest!’
And she said no more, for lusty was our kiss.
She sang me a song that took me way back…
I was adrift on the melody, her eyes my light.
I forgot about my sins under the flag black…
And my soul was lost in a dance of the night.
Morn never came, and I knew I’d passed on,
Finding peace for a time with she I’d served.
But then I spied dawn’s rays, the warm sun…
And I could not die; for that, I was unnerved.

(The pirate had known all her charms,
That undying goddess, from below…
Not spoken of by men of true reason.
She swallowed his sin, took his soul!
He forgot his name, and his old scars,
Though he could not be pure as snow.
Her time was nigh in that wild season,
And the maddest wind began to blow!
He dove from the crag in dawn’s mist,
His crew beheld his fate from the ship.
By the sea goddess he was so kissed…
And his soul was lost, with a final slip.
But his ship had sunk so long before…
And her crew drew breath never more!)

Part Three: Voyage of the Dead

How long was I captain of the black galleon?
No hourglass was there to track time passing.
She stood at my side, after all that I’d done…
Beautiful as ever, her smile perhaps laughing!
The pale crew, all taken from a watery end…
Those same who had perished under my flag!
Many of whom once I had even called friend,
In search of treasure: of which we could brag.
Hands stained with blood from their lost loot,
Their voices chill as they sang almost merrily.
Damned men all, all from head down to boot,
Never caught, by the gallows or hanging tree.
But all things we do have a price to be paid…
And no gold can stave off the hands of death!
On the seas between worlds we sailed, afraid,
My only comfort, was my goddess’s breath…
Until at last, we sailed out of that life forever.
Each man to his fate, be it perdition or peace!
Death makes of each mortal, a true believer…
And there are some torments that never cease.

(They say he arose from his wet grave,
Unable to die till dire judgment day…
His crew shared his fate as heavy cost.
They sail the seas still, all debt to pay!
No matter how much love he so gave,
Unto his ancient mistress in his way…
His soul was fated to remain thus lost.
And so closest to the sea he must stay!
Ferrying the dead to the farthest shore,
Where he himself cannot disembark…
He seeks to redeem himself once more.
In the night, he sails, when all is dark!
Still plotting a course to the next life…
Hoping to escape his eternity of strife.)
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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This is my submission for the contest.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


The skyline of Gotham, a lost era,    
held captive from a slime underground,      
a living dead thing; it’s hard to tell.      
The skies fill, darkened with endless      
flocks of flying monkeys, screeching    
like the locusts of biblical times.    
Sycophants: their alarming numbers,      
armies of them that grow daily.      
They roam the deserted streets with      
the sonic scream of those diseased,    
manic-eyed monkeys, sniffing the      
gutters in the frenzied hunt for      
vulnerable ones, of men and women.    
Fresh meat; new arrivals like I had      
been when I was dispatched by the      
ore that they knew would lay me low.    
I’ll never forget the echoes of their      
sniveling muzzles working the cracks    
of concrete and slab breaks in the      
sidewalks where weeds never thrive.    
Some of us, hot off the ships a few      
miles from the visitors’ docks, and      
once the cruisers dropped anchor,      
and lowered the gangplanks to    
 disgorge their unwary cargo, would      
fall prey to the toxic low tech parasites.      
I didn’t let myself be run off, though    
thoughts had crossed my mind, and      
others stayed in steerage when the      
foreboding immigrant ships returned    
to distant harbors. Gaunt faces with    
glazed eyes without hope when they    
had seen others returning to where so    
little was left. We knew well of them,    
and who, like us, had not spoken up.      
No adult or child would trade the ones      
waiting, to drag them underground    
 into slavery, than to go back to the    
soot of the satellites; good ones,      
who perished with their remaining    
kith and kin. Nothing survived. Not      
even the burned out husks of their      
faith, as carts were pulled by hand,    
filled with crippled & elderly, along      
rutted roads, passing one smoldering      
ruin, in slow motion, after another.    
But yet to stay, to turn away as one    
body from the empty docks on a day    
whose morning was graying over, was      
to walk straight into the lesser counter    
point of small vermin, and tottering    
laser-eyed robotic babies, with shark    
teeth bared, diminutive in stature.      
Hardly blips on the radar;      
blood creatures in the largeness of    
the underpond. This radioscape in      
increments, swallowing horizons whole.    
Lesser carrion, that laid their eggs in      
one’s flesh to hatch and leech, subtle      
intrusion, while the victim was unable    
to realize until it’s too late: they were    
being groomed for the Matmos.      
At that moment, I might find I was truly    
free, to do away with the tyranny, this      
abuse making its entrance, because      
it knows. Leering pornographically, to    
slither unnoticed from its underworld      
lair unchallenged, till a clear moment    
would draw near. To communicate my    
will to those who would listen without      
scathing claws of mindless retribution,      
recoiled, to strike and disembowel me    
in mid-sentence, because it always knows.      
Even its stench, counting heartbeats,    
till the time tolls, and the next follower    
du jour is trussed and devoured      
like a microwave snack. A production    
before the bloated, beady-eyed,    
jaundiced blight of flatulence, shape-    
shifting from under sewer forces that    
creeps with great effort among the    
good citizenry of this lesser realm.      
Wisely industrious, even serene, under    
the beetle-browed scrutiny of the    
aforementioned & constantly growing    
tumor of bloat that oozes lactose-    
intolerant regurgitation, not fit for      
human consumption or castration.    
But how am I able to enter anything    
built using even a small amount of    
kryptonite, to plead my case for the    
good of all? There hasn’t been one    
public phone booth seen, available    
anywhere for many decades, for me      
to transform into the hero that the      
present living generations have    
heard about, and they’ve waited for.      
I therefore declare myself, Clark Kent,      
as Watcher of the Matmos, Lowness of    
the Underworld shallows ‘neath its skin    
from whence it crawled, dragging with      
it, all foul vermin, not worthy to show      
itself in the light from every galactic sun.    
Let it here be known by all boroughs    
throughout the Realm, that the Matmos    
 misbegotten, is hereby banished. To    
return from whence it came. Where      
knowledge of it is forever wiped from      
the people’s collective memory. That    
only I will remember it ever existed,    
and for a short balance, continue to    
 breathe, or whatever it does, to watch    
and protect the future from its fate.    
Never the Matmos to resurface again.      
The waste, its excrement, to turn in    
on itself, through every pore, hole,      
and cranny. To poison the elixir only    
it is privy to imbibe. While I too banish      
myself, no need for me to access the    
buildings of Gotham. Honored to    
make it my lifelong task to assure      
that the bile has nowhere else to go.    
I wonder if Lois still has her cell phone?    
Three worlds intersect in this short story, from:  Superman, Barbarella, and The Wizard of Oz.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

She Loves Me; He Loves Me Not

I'm so in love with her.
I wish had someone to love me.

When I meet her on the street, she looks through me like nobody’s there.
I wish I could meet somebody that cared.

She’s so beautiful.

I’m nothing but a wall flower.

A guy like me would never have a chance with a girl like her.
My biological clock is about ready to stop. I should’ve tried to hook-up with a guy years ago when I had the chance.

I know what I’ll do, I’ll buy her flowers.
What lovely apricot roses, but who is this ‘Anonymous?'

I’ll send her candy.
Mr. Anonymous sent me a box of splendid chocolates.  Should I be flattered, or should I be scared?

I’m her secret admirer.
I’ve got a stalker.

I need to get up the nerve to knock on her door and introduce myself.
Dad called and wants me to come over right now, he says he has something for me. He's concerned about this guy shadowing me.

I rang her bell, then I knocked on the door.  “Darn,” she’s not home.  Wait a minute!  She didn’t completely shut the door.  When I knocked, it swung open.
Dad gave me this little hand gun.

I wonder where she put those flowers I sent her?  Do I dare take a peek around?
They’re not on the table, maybe she put them on her bedroom dresser.

Damn! I was in such a hurry to leave, I must have forgot to lock the door.

Oh my God she’s home!  I’ve got to hide and quick, here under her bed.
I need to get to bed.

I can’t believe she’s lying right above me.  She’s so close I can smell her sweet perfume.  

“Dear God.”

She’s praying.

“I know this sounds foolish, but I ask for but one thing.  I ask for you to send someone to love me.   A man to be my lover, and hopefully, the father of my children.”
“Your prayer has been answered!”

“What the Fuck! Who the Hell is that?”
“I’m the guy God sent you.  I’m underneath your bed.”
Written by snugglebuck
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alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346

aflame, asunder

She proceeded,
unaware of curse
previously cast upon her.  

Nervous energy urged her forward
as dozens filled the cafe.      
diners shared laughs and drinks    
unaware their lungs filled with last breaths.
along with wearing the vest,    
Khava swallowed volatile chemicals,    
held explosives in anal cavity
ensuring bio-projectiles    
would hurl outwardly for maximum target damage.  
here culminated a brief life's work.      
amid her shrill exaltations
to the Most High
she pressed ignition button.      
incendiary combustion AND Shaman's invocation
simultaneously released.
the sorcerors hex induced
Khava's time-sense to a slugs crawl.      
anguish terrorized her soul
as skin, muscle, ligaments
ripped off bone for hours,    
not milliseconds.

Amid her own twisted shrieks,      
she watched her youthful body tear into      
hundreds of chunky scraps
horribly aflame, asunder
fleshy husk, molten guts, sharp calcified fragments
simultaneously propelled
in 360 anguished degrees
of three-dimensional direction.    

Burnt innard's alien odors
touched her nasal receptors.    
the sickening taste of herself
as Khava's head,      
in     the    slowest
of freeze-frame motion,    

to freshly
un-occupied ground
Written by drivelicious13 (alon aLion)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881

Exodus Hill
(from the Chase across the Plains – the Defiant Heart)

   The seven ran for two days, only stopping to eat and sleep a few hours at time knowing the enemy was a day behind them. They were going to try to lose them in the forest, but when Joven climbed up a tree, he looked back and saw dust rising in the distance.
   “They’re gaining on us” Joven cried out, twenty feet up on a branch.
   “How far?” Elio, the squad leader yelled back.
   “Fifteen maybe twenty miles” Joven responded. “I just can see them yet”.
   Elio thought for a second. “They’re running at full speed. They’ll reach the tree line by dusk.”
   “They’ll be tired” Lobos added. “We can take on them in the cover of darkness, set up a couple of traps and…”
   “We don’t know how many of them there are” Marte said catching his breath.
   “Quiet! I’m trying to think” Elio shouted at the group. “Their trackers will know we’re still in the forest, too risky. The hills leading to the mountain pass are two days away and we don’t know if the phantom regiment will let us through,” he paused for a second looking at Robels. Robels was bleeding from his wounds.
   “We need to meet them and fight them” Robels said.
   “We don’t know how many…” Marte said when Elio cut him off. “Yes, we don’t know how many, but Exodus hill is just a day away. We can be there by morning and fight them inside the chamber!”
   They all paused for a second looking at each other. Joven climbed down quickly. “It’s our only chance. I don’t think they have more than thirty, we can take them on in the chamber” Elio added.
   “Yes” Toledo Vale, still carrying his dead friends’ tags around his neck said with his low husky voice. “They’ll be so confused, they’ll lose all strategy when their feet lift off the ground.”
   Simon who had been quiet since they had buried their old platoon leader spoke up. “If we get there by morning, it’ll give us plenty of time to rest and confront them.”
   “Then we all agree” Elio said.

   They walked all night long. Joven, several feet ahead made sure there weren’t any traps. Lobos tried to cover their tracks and throw off their scent. By first light, they saw the edge of the valley and Exodus hill another seven miles away. Joven climbed up a tree to make sure it was all clear.
   Once in the open they started running at steady pace. An hour into their run Lobos yelled out “They’re gaining on us”.
   A squad of about forty men had cleared the trees and were several mile behind. As Elio ran next to Lobos, they all started smiling. They had reached Exodus.

   Joven, the fastest runner, reached the hill first. He knew perfectly where the entrance to the old wreckage was.
   They ran into the dark tunnel as the lights flickered. Engines whirred in the distance in the levels below. Joven pushed the heavy door open leading to the large dome shaped arena. The engines kicked in and the magnets locked the door only to become unlocked when the engines quit. A few seconds later, with all seven inside, the engines kicked in again and they became light, their feet came off the ground, their stomachs turned, all their gear became weightless like feathers.  
   By now Joven had started counting the seconds as the engines turned on and off, finding the pattern. The mechanism of the old wreckage, the U.S.S. Exodus, buried under dirt and grass, oddly enough still worked after so many decades. When the engines whirred, the anti-gravity chamber turned on and off for seconds at a time.
   Marte was almost four feet up in the air when it turned off and he slammed to the metal floor landing on his feet. They counted and when the engines kicked in, Marte hovered in the air again.
   They rested for nearly an hour, memorizing the seconds and the pattern: on five, off four, on six, off three, on twelve, off two, on fifteen, off eight and so forth. They could go full on the offensive when they were off.

   Joven, never scared of heights, jumped at the right moment and floated ten feet up, swimming through the air reaching the chains that dangled from the ceiling and hung there by one hand. Lobos, now with dark camouflage face paint, hung upside down on the wall like a ghost, steadying himself on the wall hooks. Marte prepared the arrows with poisoned tips, ready to let them fly. Toledo Vale, on the opposite side of the arena held a ten foot heavy chain that slammed on the floor but picked up with ease like a silk scarf in slow motion when the gravity hit zero.  Elio, Robels, and Simon stood strategically around the arena. They secured their feet on the floor hooks so as to not float way, ready with their palms on the pommels. They heard them coming down the tunnel.  
   “Ready?!” Elio yelled, his voice echoing and then getting lost in the dome as the engines whirred. The old playground was now a battle ground as they drew their swords.

Thought Provoker
Egypt 1awards
Joined 7th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 5

Very enjoyable read, and the ending made me laugh. Good job 👍🏾

Lost Thinker
Joined 31st Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 25

never never land

im walking through a mirror  
into never never land  
i notice theres no talking here  
time flows through an hour glass that ran out of sand  
the air feels like liquid  
its filling up my lungs  
you walked through the mirror too?  
don't listen to the walls with there wagging tongues  
why are the portrait eyes moving?  
my face is looking like wax,melting  
at this game, im losing  
why is the room tilting  
funhouse mirrors  
oh such fun  
i wish i could see clearer
but that cant be done  
you used to know me  
not anymore  
i decided to  
strike a brand new chord  
its at this point  
i decide  
i was born to be nobody  
in this never never land  
now the walls are closeing in  
its getting hard to see  
as the ligjhts dim  
in this darkness  
i can be
Written by yourdarkboi (kersionix)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Thank you everyone for the win.  I loved reading all the other entries.  A big thanks to the Artist for sponsoring such a fun competition.

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