Poetry competition CLOSED 11th October 2018 00:30am
View Profile Poems by LunasChild8
RUNNER-UP: SatansSperm

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Strange Creature
Joined 7th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2

Poetry Contest

You should thrill with a small words. 500 in maximum
No violence, pornography. Just feelings like love or loneliness.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

How many poems are we allowed to post?

Strange Creature
Joined 7th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2

You have 5 in maximum

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539


Mysterious eyes as vibrant as the deep oceans,
Brilliant hair that outshines the sun;
Strong hands that are lethal with a blade,
Yet soft and gentle on my skin.
Tall and straight and full of pride,
His voice like music caressing my keen ears;
Incredibly fearless and full of wisdom,
It’s no wonder why I fell for him.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
In this cursed land he’s my piece of heaven.
I rise from the depths of the abyss,
To seek out the light that he emits;
I’m blind and scattered without his grip on me,
Warm seems the candle to one who has never felt the sun.
My heart, mind and soul belong to him,
I can’t imagine my life with anyone else;
He’s the one who makes my soul feel complete,
He’s my eternal light, always shining.
I surrender to this Godsend from above,
The very embodiment of true love;
My soul sparks to life in his presence,
Our bond grows stronger as I take in his essence.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

Eternal Sleep

From your place up so high,
I stretch my fingers and touch the sky;
Mama says that you’ll fall down,
She says: “please land safely on the ground.”
I don’t remember your face,
But I still feel your embrace;
Each time I hear the engines roar,
The pang in my heart feels sore.  
Papa, I miss you; I want you home,
Please don’t leave me all alone;
Mama weeps because you went to eternal sleep.  
I don’t understand why I won’t ever see you again.
The light suddenly goes out,
And then I hear mama shout;
“Why didn’t you come back?
You were the only love I ever had.”
All the clouds turn red,
My heart is filled with dread;
One by one they fall,
The fire’s so big and I’m so small.

Papa, I miss you; I want you home,
Please don’t leave me all alone;
Mama weeps because you went to eternal sleep.  
I don’t understand why I won’t ever see you again.
The sirens are so loud,
The silence has turned to sound;
Mama no longer weeps,
All she does is bleed.
Now I’m all alone,
My heart has turned to stone;
You’re a forgotten memory,
Even as I burn, I can’t feel anything.
Papa, where are you? You didn’t come home.
I never see the plane that you have flown;
Mama sweet has joined you in eternal sleep.
I now understand that you’re a dead man.  
And that I’m alone…
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

Crimson Dawn

Like a newborn Phoenix  
I rose from the ashes of despair  
I have my crimson angel to thank for that  
With eyes the color of a shifting sea  
And silken locks that burn with the sun's rays  
His very soul glows in magnificent radiance  
He is the fire that roars within me  
I'm completely powerless against his pull  
I'm empty and cold without his warmth  
He is the crimson dawn that brings life to a colorless night  
He was my beginning, he is my present  
And he will be my end.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

Alive in Memory

Verse 1
They say a picture holds a thousand words,
A simple smile can heal what hurts;
I’m completely powerless against his pull,
He breathed life back into my soul.
We were a perfect match,
No matter what, our love would last;
His heartfelt kisses eased my doubts,
We’ll never burnt out.
You may not always be with me,
But you’ll be alive in my memory.
And I love to watch you sleep,
While the world is unaware, and I have you all to me;
And I treasure every laugh and smile,
Please stay with me for a while.
Verse 2
With eyes the color of a shifting sea,
Soft lullaby in tune with my heartbeat;
His very soul glows in magnificent radiance,
This sensation is so alien.
I’m empty and cold without his warmth,
He was my anchor during the raging storm;
I know I love him, and my life is complete,
As we become one when he makes love to me.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 539

Shades of Blue

I always had a weakness for blue eyes
Gorgeous orbs far more precious than sapphires
This royal color exists everywhere in nature
It quickly became my favorite color.
Halcyon days soon blessed my soul
As I found my soul-mate to accompany me  
Through storms and gentle winds, he is a constant presence
Looking up at the sky and I admire those shades of blue.
His golden hair that outshines the sun, and his gentle smile that warms my heart
Yet everything melts away once I stare in his azure eyes.
Just when life couldn’t get better, my soul came to life once more
As a Phoenix emerged from the flames before me
His stunning fiery hair illuminated the night
One look into his cyan eyes had me under a spell.
This crimson angel is proud and majestic
And swirling in his bright eyes are gorgeous shades of blue.
Walking along the beach, I met the last piece in my heart’s puzzle
A being as rare and precious as a Pearl
He had a rose in his hands, and a delicious smirk on his face
Yet all I saw were shades of blue.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


“Define Blue Haiku”
Remember the day when you
Broke my heart in two?
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


I'm so lonely
So very lonely
I have nobody
To love me
And care for me
If only
My lovely
You loved me
I'd have somebody
To hold me
To kiss me
And share with me
A feeling of ecstasy
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Inspired by Jack White's The Rose With A Broken Neck.

She forgot who I was
She didn’t know me anymore
Looking puzzled she shook her head
Before slowly closing the door
I wasn’t gone that long
And I was her lover and good friend
Had I been unfaithful or abusive
Would’ve she have remembered me then?
As my eye’s swell with tears
I walk away into the cold night
When suddenly I ask myself
“Did I get the address right?”
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


You left me a little over a year ago to be with another
Someone they call ‘The Father of Waters’
Do you realize how much I hurt when I look upon the face
Of the man who replaced me as your friend and lover?

But despite your betrayal, if you came walking back through my door
I'd take you in my arms, forgive you, and love you even more

It will be a little over a two years ago my love succumbed to mental illness and threw herself into the cold Mississippi.  She’s gone from my life, but will forever remain in my heart.
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


As the story goes, Lucifer, who was a Cherub, was cast out of Heaven for not fulfilling his angelic duties. I've often wondered if he wasn't the only Cherub to meet this fate. Because from my experience, Cupid can be one evil little weevil. "So Cupid here is my message to you. If your going to shoot me on Valentine's Day, would you please shoot the woman I'm in love with too?"
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 845


I could taste you and feel your aura like angels breath
a cloud that is absorbed bought me common sense
the wishing well Aphrodite pours
in the eye across the miles a stillborn smile
abandonment in searching
wretchedness in hoping
all consuming emptiness to hug
apparitions the mind dreams in a fog

senses all in hieroglyphics
decoded now nothing specific
whirlwind dreams will have you spinning
a sink hole to drag ,all your being
our old songs from the Doors
the gifts we share of emotions afterthoughts
think this day of each unique essence
sweet or bitter, most a pleasure yours my preference

Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

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