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Official DUP NaPo/GloProWrimo 2018

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write 30 poems in 30 days!
HOSTS: Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze

Did you know that April is National Poetry Writing Month?

Oh, Baby!!!

Better get with the program now by surrendering to whatever Muse lights your fuse and blows you away with poetic inspiration.

What happens during April, you may ask?  Well, the "standard" International challenge open for anyone is to write 1 poem per day throughout the entire month.

And should you accomplish posting 30 poems in Our Official DUP NaPoWriMo competition by April's end, you will be awarded a unique trophy designed by the Mistress of the Deep Underground.


You will also receive honorable mentions on Facebook.

Fortune and Fame!

And maybe an Ulcer, if you let the challenge get the best of you.

We have faith that you can do it. Given someone was insane enough to write 150 poems in Our 2017 NaPo Comp, surely you can manage 30.


You will also have the satisfaction of having written many poems that we will be happy to assist in improving in the DUP Honestly Crafted Critique Group.



Each entry must

- be copied and pasted into the forum. Linking directly to Your Submitted Poems is not be allowed.

- have a Title

- be a minimum of 50 "unique" words, meaning repeated words count as 1 one word. If you use the word "deep" 10 times, it only counts as 1.

- be numbered sequentially so YOU know and WE know exactly how many poems you have submitted to date. Your final poem numbered #30 must be submitted on April 30th before Midnight in your Timezone.


Only eligible contestants will qualify for a trophy. To be eligible, you must register in this thread before Midnight of March 31st in your timezone declaring, "I'm in!"

If you have additional member accounts used for creative purposes that are named in your profile(s) and forum signature(s) ( as mandated by DUP site rules ), you may enter as them as well. They must also register to compete with said declaration. Keep in mind, each account must individually deliver 30 poems in order to acquire separate trophies.

Beginning April 1st at Midnight in your timezone, you may utilize ideas previously jotted down in notes. You may not utilize any rough drafts, incomplete writes or finished poems created before then.

Don't panic if you fall behind because of lack of time or inspiration, acts of God or natural catastrophes, internet or power outages, etc. As long as you submit 30 poems conforming to the Rules by the end of April, you will earn the trophy! This is where Our competition deviates from the standard one poem per day challenge. You won't be disqualified for having a shit day or two.

Once an entry IS posted, you are NOT allowed to make edits for 24 hours.  Time stamps in forum posts will expose any attempts to cheat this rule. Returning within 24 hours to intentionally bump up your word count beyond 49 unique words or for ANY other reason will result in disqualification of that entry. No trophy for you!

Ultimately, you must decide for yourself if your time and energy is better spent fussing over your previous entries or being channeled towards drafting up future entries.

If you want to share your entries with DUP, you may simultaneously submit them through the DU Submit function in your Menu.

Since this is an International competition that DUP is participating in, there will be no off-topic posts or spam. Any such posts will be removed.

After the final entry is submitted, we will be double checking ALL entries to ensure they are 50+ words in length, titled and numbered. It only takes 1 ineligible entry out of 30 to negate your acquisition of the trophy. Be sure your work adheres to the Rules. We'd hate to see you go through all that hard work to come up empty handed.

Challenge begins at Midnight April 1st.

We'll see you there, as we are participating as well.

Please keep in mind that though we will be busy writing, we will still be doing critiques in our Honestly Crafted Critique Group.  We'll get to any submissions  ASAP depending upon our schedules and the que.


Sincerely Good Writing To All,

Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze

poet Anonymous

I'M IN ! ! !

That's all you have to say here in this thread in order to be registered as a legitimate participant in this competition.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

I'm in

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17259

Welcome, Oxy! 📝🌎

poet Anonymous

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Whahoooo yip yip yip!

I’M IN!  I’M IN!
BLAST OFF!!     🚀

poet Anonymous

Welcome, Jade-Pandora! 📝💻

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Masochist that I am when it comes to these type of competitions, I'm in, for better or for worse.

poet Anonymous

Welcome, Viddax! 📝💻

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 342

I'm in!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Happy  1-Year Anniversary, Mel!

poet Anonymous

Welcome, mel44! 📝💻

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 342

Thank you lovely!  See, already feel encouraged and supported! xxxx

poet Anonymous


Example Of An Eligible Poem With Ample Wordage

Here is what a fifty unique worded poem ( 8 )
looks like at distances of twenty inches or so  ( 9 )
away from your computer monitor ( 5 )

Now move your face nearer to the electronic screen ( 9 - 1 = 8 )

If you start having an experience of double vision ( 9 - 1 = 8 )
while witnessing a hundred words or so ( 7 - 3 = 4 )
that means you are too close ( 6 - 1 = 5 )
and there are only fifty unique words ( 7 - 4 = 3 )

poet Anonymous

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