Poetry competition CLOSED 1st March 2018 4:07pm
Fallen_Angel_194 (Angel.)
View Profile Poems by Fallen_Angel_194

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One day...

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about your future.
Write a poem about what you think your future will look like. happiness, despair? Will you even get there? I'd like for you to tell me. Poems can't be more than 20 lines, and you can't use words like, "maybe," or "what if." Your fate is determined. One poem per participant!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


If I were a deer
I’d be so sleek and so fast
I’d search the world over
For life ever last

If I were a deer
I’d travel the unknown path
Without being in fear
Of Satan’s temptation or wrath

If I were a deer
I’d bound through valleys of green
In places in heaven
No one else has ever seen

If I were a deer
With sure footed deer feet
I’d feast on fresh manna
So tender and sweet

If I were a deer
I’d climb mountains so high
That the tips of my antlers
Would touch the blue sky

If I were a deer
Panting with thirst from the chase
I’d drink form a cool stream
That reflected God’s true face

But I’m not a deer
God’s magnificent creation
I’m just a humble sinner
In need of Christ’s salvation

Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

I was a...

                                                              pessimist blamer        
                         I grew up alone, parents abandoned me        
                                        was always the song, in my playlist        
                                I spoke a different language, in a closed society        
   been mocked for that and forced to forget it completely         
                                 so much hatred, bottled up inside me        
                so many to blame for the anger thrived in me        
     I blamed my parents, blamed my teachers        
  blamed my church and blamed some preachers        
while I was busy being a pessimist blamer        
my life was heading towards a hot glowing flamer        
  five days just sit and staring at a screen        
       two days to wash and burn all the green        
                    the cycle rolled along for a fifteen years        
         and you wake up one day to face your own fears        
              then you make amends, and ask for forgiveness        
        then you forgive yourself as your father does no less          
           you see the light again as the rain clouds disappear    
    as you walk in the dark brighten your path with a flare  
     and now there is a white cloud over my head always        
               to save me from all the troubles in my ways   
Written by dejure (vick)
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poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


When there seemed all the space in the world
Of a place unbound in life's orbit
This was, after all, a rule of thumb
And your touch became unthinkable.
To live in a time that has run out,
No room to stretch one's limitations,
What does it all mean to be standing
So adrift on the edge and not know.
To fathom the next exhalation
As being one's last of temptation,
It no longer matters nor should it
This close to a lost art abandoned.
And as the last air that I swallow
Buys me scant little time to indulge,
I won't try to sully this moment
'Twas my fortune to know life at all.
April 26 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 320


I never thought this day would come,
Where I opened my eyes,
Saw my body and felt love.

I was in a very dark place,
I couldn't look at my body,
And not feel hate,
I was drowning.

I was drowning because I wasn't good enough,
In my lifetime I'd never given my body love,
I poked and prodded,
But alas,
I still wasn't ever good enough.

My body was my home, My soul.
I let society eat me alive,
Based on a scale number,
Or my fucking dress size.
I was empty when I was most alive.

I let myself fall into hell,
When all I had to do was look,
And fall under my body's spell.
I was finally in love.
Written by Fallen_Angel_194 (Angel.)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Fate That Is Set In Stone

The path is worn down and faded,
But I know I will be a step closer to
All of my happiness. No more jaded

Or dark secrets. There will be blue
Skies and bright rainbows because
Everything I could ever want is you.

The higher purpose in life is to pause
And take it all in. Our smiles and
Make our world a better place. Flaws

Going down the shore. Having a hand
To hold and a voice to hear through it
All. Someone to help you understand

The pain and suffering. When you fit
And feel like you finally found your
Place right here. You no longer hit

Rock bottom. You know every door,
Open and closed is finally making
Sense. The toxic energy you pour

Out. Every step that we are taking
Gets us closer to never breaking.
Written by eswaller
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Mandla Msibi
Thought Provoker
South Africa 5awards
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 92

Related submission no longer exists.

Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Give Me Twenty Years

give me twenty years
and I will be the table
you lay your cards on
Written by takis1917
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1890


One day I’ll be the Sum Of All Parts in me,
The good, the bad and all that I’ve planned,
I’ll be at the cusp of what I’ve foreseen,
Not a dream but a reality close at hand.
One day the objectives and breakthroughs,
Will come together just like I designed,
I won’t have a million but I’ll be rich,
With joy, compassion and all that is kind.
I’ll handle unexpected happenstances,
With cool, calm and strategic reserve,
Putting good vibes out into the world,
And in return getting the love I deserve.
One day all the goals I’ve drawn and written,
Will come to fruition for what I’ve yearned,
Gaining wisdom through life experiences,
Fully comprehending everything I’ve learned.
And though I know not everything is perfect,
I will be in a better state of mind and degree,
Because I’m confident that one day in the future,
I’ll be the Sum Of All Parts, the best of me.

Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


With her everything is always right
even without wings I flight
She porch me in her coarse arms
my head-on her chest so warm
She whispers words of comfort
till i forget my worries asleep
while she bent and kiss my head;
a kiss as light as the touch of a feather
and as quite as a drop of poison.
When she rains am sure to wet
when she rays am sure to melt
but then she is the umbrella
-for the both weather.
So funny! Life with two kisses.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


With her everything is always right
even without wings I flight
She porch me in her coarse arms
my head-on her chest so warm
She whispers words of comfort
till i forget my worries asleep
while she bent and kiss my head;
a kiss as light as the touch of a feather
and as quite as a drop of poison.
When she rains am sure to wet
when she rays am sure to melt
but then she is the umbrella
-for the both weather.
So funny! Life with two kisses.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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gifteth said:

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