Poetry Competition Ends 11th April 2025 7:16pm
One for DUP
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2334
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2334
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem for DUP, any type, any length. Put your heart♥️ into it.

Enter as many poems as you wish.
I'll choose the winner. 🏆
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1893
The D.U. Trip
What an amazing ride the Deep Underground has been
Finding a community where we came to share poetry
Connecting with poets, writers, romantics and dreamers
Watching the fruit of our labor grow on the tree of…artistry
For all the themes and challenges we faced and created
For all the people I spoke with and connected along the way
I’m thankful that I was able to meet other likeminded souls
Who inspired me even when the days seemed dark and grey
What a brilliant and wonderful flight of fancy this has been
To have laughed and felt respected by so many peers
Knowing that although the roads may diverge at some point
I’ll be able to carry the love and memory for so many years
It’s been a fantastic journey, writing and sharing with others
No matter what corner of the world or internet they may be
The D.U. trip gave me a chance to make friends out of strangers
The experience of lifetime that will always stay with me
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 17151
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17151
DU residents
A masked man
a red haired girl
a sad looking young man
strumming his guitar
a beautiful naked woman
looking out of the window
animes, purpled haired
sensuous poses
Soulful eyes
rockers with their guitars
Cute bears on helicopters
pretty girl with pink hair
a few scythmen and flowers
a leopard and a wolf
with the cats and angels
hats and caps...pirates
citizens of DU district
population 17577 and growing
here they are poets
orators, story tellers
at times soapbox warriors
showing their true self
In DU the pompous and the sarky
the romantic and the pragmatic
the arrogant and the humble
live together
DU citizens
they don't look any stranger
than residents of anywhere.
a red haired girl
a sad looking young man
strumming his guitar
a beautiful naked woman
looking out of the window
animes, purpled haired
sensuous poses
Soulful eyes
rockers with their guitars
Cute bears on helicopters
pretty girl with pink hair
a few scythmen and flowers
a leopard and a wolf
with the cats and angels
hats and caps...pirates
citizens of DU district
population 17577 and growing
here they are poets
orators, story tellers
at times soapbox warriors
showing their true self
In DU the pompous and the sarky
the romantic and the pragmatic
the arrogant and the humble
live together
DU citizens
they don't look any stranger
than residents of anywhere.
Written by Grace
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Forum Posts: 17151
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17151
I wrote this a long time ago... It was already my home🏡even then
Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 222
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 222
Weeds Grow Over My Friend's Grave
Long after our black departure,
consumed by earth,
despite dreams of an immortal memory,
we’ll all be forgotten.
She has a poetic journal in her keeping,
immortalizing her words.
An archive of Gothic poetry,
holding her inner most desires
of adventure, sex, love and expressionism.
Metaphors possessing such precision,
sorrows channel into a time capsule,
buried within her being.
A single page entry,
could make a novel
of a thousand pages
written in vanity.
Kept out of sight from anyone
who persists to view its delicate words.
This record’s the gold kept locked,
button by button, within her being.
There’s no possible combination
to this safe,
as it is with the heart;
mind of the body,
where flesh to bone, bottom to upper lip,
can be locked as a secret forever;
dying with the keeper.
As her body succumbs and decays,
the words whither in thin air
to pure non-existence.
Her words will live on as an entity
in a deathless tomb.
consumed by earth,
despite dreams of an immortal memory,
we’ll all be forgotten.
She has a poetic journal in her keeping,
immortalizing her words.
An archive of Gothic poetry,
holding her inner most desires
of adventure, sex, love and expressionism.
Metaphors possessing such precision,
sorrows channel into a time capsule,
buried within her being.
A single page entry,
could make a novel
of a thousand pages
written in vanity.
Kept out of sight from anyone
who persists to view its delicate words.
This record’s the gold kept locked,
button by button, within her being.
There’s no possible combination
to this safe,
as it is with the heart;
mind of the body,
where flesh to bone, bottom to upper lip,
can be locked as a secret forever;
dying with the keeper.
As her body succumbs and decays,
the words whither in thin air
to pure non-existence.
Her words will live on as an entity
in a deathless tomb.
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 222
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 222
This was one of my first submissions to DUP six years ago! Nostalgia!
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 126
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 126
For DUP & You The Poet
I'm not writing a tribute to one particular person or even several.
I'm just going to say to all that are following me, THANK YOU!
Your all very unique in your own ways. No one is better or greater then the other. We're all equals here.
I read your poems, I comment. I occasionally give an award and many of you have done the same for me.
It's appreciated beyond what I can write here.
To the DUP community that I'm in contact with everyday. You know who you are. I have lots of respect for all of you.
You intrigue me, enlighten me, you've influenced me and many of you I can call great friends.
To DUP and the organizers of this site. I give you deep heartfelt praise. You've given me a voice and I have met some marvelous people along the way with amazing talent!
When I heard the news that this site was going to come to an end in May, I couldn't believe it. It's quite sad actually.
I haven't been here as long as many of you, but I sure had a wonderful 14 months here.
Cheers and well wishes to every single one of you that has read, acknowledged and spoke to me on this site.
You're in my mind and heart. Always & forever.
Always & Forever.
I'm just going to say to all that are following me, THANK YOU!
Your all very unique in your own ways. No one is better or greater then the other. We're all equals here.
I read your poems, I comment. I occasionally give an award and many of you have done the same for me.
It's appreciated beyond what I can write here.
To the DUP community that I'm in contact with everyday. You know who you are. I have lots of respect for all of you.
You intrigue me, enlighten me, you've influenced me and many of you I can call great friends.
To DUP and the organizers of this site. I give you deep heartfelt praise. You've given me a voice and I have met some marvelous people along the way with amazing talent!
When I heard the news that this site was going to come to an end in May, I couldn't believe it. It's quite sad actually.
I haven't been here as long as many of you, but I sure had a wonderful 14 months here.
Cheers and well wishes to every single one of you that has read, acknowledged and spoke to me on this site.
You're in my mind and heart. Always & forever.
Always & Forever.
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 315
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 315
the walls
cradling my screams
as revelations ripped through me
teaching me...
to be stronger...if not better
amplifying laughter
that I might better hear it
through the anguish of haunting memory
a silent reminder...
there will be light
all the brighter
...having survived the night
the pillow
where I whispered of love
{& lust}
in equal measure
with the sweat of passion's endeavors
by the tears of hopes that walked away
leaving me desolate
clutched to my chest
staving off emptiness
{& demons}
the voices
echoing through these halls
filled with raw emotions
raucious & rambunctious
sometimes contentious
{rarely truly cruel...only a few}
thoughts dropping from mouths
onto the open minds...merely waiting
welcoming the knowledge
{& the epiphany}
we don't always see...without a guide
the floor
our foundation
structure of protective encouragement
as those who stand sentinel upon entry
guard the portals
that creativity & affinity may blossom
where we danced to music
paced in restlessness & anxiety
leaving grooves of our passing
our own personal marks
no ceiling
beyond our own imagination
nothing above but moon & stars
sunshine & rain-bursts
drenching us in inspiration
taking us on unexpected journeys
delivering us safely...
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Joined 4th June 2024
Forum Posts: 16
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 16
It was never beautiful
not even for a moment
if you believe otherwise, you are living
in sheltered nature under the illusion
you are living.
It arrives without permission, you will go on trips, you will have experiences, you will read poems, you will meet other creatures who walk this earth and realise how little you
are living life at all.
The nest is dangerous, if you do not learn to fly you will only meet death without knowing life's little pleasures, don't decorate your pain by stuffing it with flowers, don't hang
from branches out of sheer existence
many people live exactly like this
without waking up to a new dawn,
would you?
Written by xthan
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Forum Posts: 37
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 37
We forget how we call this place earth
The pen lids open and close
like an inhale and exhale
past and present collide
together as bark on trees
begin to strip themselves
down, as stems on flowers
bend in their own hysteria.
As ground splits wide open
I see lamb and cattle scatter
to find safety in the unknown,
I remind myself there cannot
be days without nights as
I herd them away into their
respective houses like
my elders once did.
Tonight we watch rain
outside washing away
lifes grime remaining
unresolved, inside this
strange warm house
their bellies are full
and I have kept
my promises,
left unspoken.
Written by neves
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1893
Error 404
Coming soon to a computer screen near you
You’ll be grieving for that old familiar interface
But in a virtual world some things don’t last forever
Remembering fondly that this used to be the place
You’ll walk away with friendships and memories
For all the hours and days you invested in your art
The work that you put in creating a magical realm
Shared with others who were also such a big part
In the nostalgia of things you’ll feel the passage of time
We were able to dream a dream and schemed fantasies
This was a place where we all came together and shared
A little bit of ourselves feeling comfort and ease
and peace
We will be like scattered butterflies going to new fields
Or like bees going from flower to flower as we roam
With a special stamp on our wings looking for a new nest
Because this used to the place we called our poetry home
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 366
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 366
Blue Lotus
Hide away, my psyche
Don’t risk getting feisty
The World won’t understand
Your voice, most likely banned
Wrap it in some verse
Ambiguous or terse
Authority won’t notice
Not unlike Blue Lotus
If you dare to strike a nerve
The nation-state will self-preserve
Except for those who they dismiss
Already on the crazy list
Poetry, Deep Underground
Is, in a word: Profound
The powers who rule over us
Already think that we are nuts!
Don’t risk getting feisty
The World won’t understand
Your voice, most likely banned
Wrap it in some verse
Ambiguous or terse
Authority won’t notice
Not unlike Blue Lotus
If you dare to strike a nerve
The nation-state will self-preserve
Except for those who they dismiss
Already on the crazy list
Poetry, Deep Underground
Is, in a word: Profound
The powers who rule over us
Already think that we are nuts!
Written by ReggiePoet
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Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 364
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 364
Hallucinating Alices.
Once upon a time, three Alices
decided to leave their parents'
houses and live alone.
Alice of Oz, built a pink palace by the sea
on a remote beach in Thailand.
Alice Snow, made a sand castle in the clouds
that hover over Mauritius.
Alice Joana Catrin Mariah Isabel Sondra Daisy Elisabeth
etc and such, she got a house of cards
made in the rainforest of Wonderland.
It turns out that the Alices had a common enemy,
who wanted to eat their raw livers for breakfast.
The Callipygian Witch, a perverse woman,
who, with the help of magical arts, would soon
try to overturn the abodes, and glitter dreams,
of our little, bio-nasty princesses.
However, and one cannot help but say,
luckily, nature took care of distorting Callip's
desires and drastically reducing her efforts.
As obvious consequences of global warming,
which we all feel, almost all of us pretend not to feel
and which very few, on the whole, will survive.
A violent tsunami in the Pacific Ocean
and a fire of infernal proportions, in the parched forest;
forced the two Alices, surviving victims,
to ask for political asylum, and shelter for their friend Snowy,
in the Tropics.
Pygia - which is the second possible abbreviation
of the name of our esteemed and powerful sorceress -
considered this sudden push of the natural forces,
to her dreams, as an unprecedented stroke of luck
and, taking advantage of her lycanthropic abilities,
waited patiently for the coming full moon...
decided to leave their parents'
houses and live alone.
Alice of Oz, built a pink palace by the sea
on a remote beach in Thailand.
Alice Snow, made a sand castle in the clouds
that hover over Mauritius.
Alice Joana Catrin Mariah Isabel Sondra Daisy Elisabeth
etc and such, she got a house of cards
made in the rainforest of Wonderland.
It turns out that the Alices had a common enemy,
who wanted to eat their raw livers for breakfast.
The Callipygian Witch, a perverse woman,
who, with the help of magical arts, would soon
try to overturn the abodes, and glitter dreams,
of our little, bio-nasty princesses.
However, and one cannot help but say,
luckily, nature took care of distorting Callip's
desires and drastically reducing her efforts.
As obvious consequences of global warming,
which we all feel, almost all of us pretend not to feel
and which very few, on the whole, will survive.
A violent tsunami in the Pacific Ocean
and a fire of infernal proportions, in the parched forest;
forced the two Alices, surviving victims,
to ask for political asylum, and shelter for their friend Snowy,
in the Tropics.
Pygia - which is the second possible abbreviation
of the name of our esteemed and powerful sorceress -
considered this sudden push of the natural forces,
to her dreams, as an unprecedented stroke of luck
and, taking advantage of her lycanthropic abilities,
waited patiently for the coming full moon...
Written by PAR
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Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2334
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2334
Nice verses, PAR. 👍
Thanks to everyone who's entered a poem in the comp. 👍
Thanks to everyone who's entered a poem in the comp. 👍
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 223
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 223
A Part Of Me
Gone but not forgotten
The creativity we all shared
The love for here common
With expressions we dared
We pushed boundaries ends
As we challenged our minds
We even made new friends
We werent looking to find
DUP was our escape
Peace for a few minutes
Where words took shape
New worlds without limits
So many excellent writers
With original stories expressed
An eclectic group of survivors
I am really quite impressed
So to all I thank you
For every single memory
Even though DUP is through
It'll always be a part of me
The creativity we all shared
The love for here common
With expressions we dared
We pushed boundaries ends
As we challenged our minds
We even made new friends
We werent looking to find
DUP was our escape
Peace for a few minutes
Where words took shape
New worlds without limits
So many excellent writers
With original stories expressed
An eclectic group of survivors
I am really quite impressed
So to all I thank you
For every single memory
Even though DUP is through
It'll always be a part of me
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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