Poetry competition CLOSED 5th November 2024 9:35pm
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RUNNERS-UP: PAR and wallyroo92

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How Do You Love?

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

Poetry Contest

Tell me what your love feels like
Write a poem describing how you love...or how you desire love, dependingon where it takes you. What does it feel like & look like.

* 3 weeks
* Any genre
* No epic sagas please...keep it under 75 lines
* New writes only
* Competition will be voted on by myself & 2 others

My Example:


how do you love?

like a wildfire raging through dry timber
flames licking every surface clean
stripping deadfall to the root
that life can grow anew

like a cool breeze on summer day
soothing sunburnt skin
relieving the strain
of inflamed burning pain

like water caressing abused flesh
gentle & tender in touch
mindful of wounds half-sealed
seeking only  to bathe & heal

like granite beneath unsteady feet
solid ground to rely upon
constant in structure & support
foundation strong & reinforced

do you think it's enough?

you tell me...

Fire of Insight
Australia 1awards
Joined 7th Oct 2024
Forum Posts: 1

Time Stands Still

Her naked body lies next to mine
Her back facing me
neck exposed.
Her shape and smell excite me,
urging me to delve deep into her,
to devour her,to search for
a salve,a soothing that will
leave nothing but the joyous moment.

Her naked body lies next to mine
Her back facing me
neck exposed.
No more cues to consume.
No more seeking release.
Her remaining energy goes
to the turning of pages and
away from my skin
away from my desire.

Her naked body lies next to mine
Her back facing me
neck exposed.
There is a change
in her breathing.
Sleep is coming
and the book falls
from her hands.

My naked body lies next to her
I press my hardness against her skin
She stirs again
And now we begin.....

Patience wins.

Written by backdeckbenny
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Fire of Insight
Canada 7awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89


How might you love me?
I’ve milled me a wish

With roses and paisley
adorning your kiss

With unsparing hands
That caress my skin

With subtle poise
Felt deep within

With moons that swoon
O’er silken delights

With words that spice
These shaded nights

With quips in svelte
I unravel your swagger

In the haste of the moment
I buckle and stagger

With fingers that rove
‘cross the arc of my spine

With lips that slip
to where you can dine

With the taste of my jewels
To garnish your tongue

With the grace of renewal
Two bodies are clung
Written by Everavalon
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 360


Man, the softness of your presence
like rain that awakens the aroma of the earth.
Your essence penetrates deeply
in the roots of my soul, nourishing.

The days are adorned by your scrumptious joy
where every moment shared is a feast for the spirit.
You are the warmth of the sun on winter days
a beacon guiding through the darkness.

You dwell in me not as a guest
but as an integral part of who I am.
Your smiles echo in my memories
drawing serene landscapes in my thoughts.

You are the calm in the chaos, the gentle melody
in a world full of noise.
Your words are balms and your friendship
a firm anchor when the winds of life stir.

On this journey called life
Our partnership is an invaluable gift.
Every memory is a treasure
and a bridge that connects us in an indelible way.

Man, you are the embodiment of beauty
in the simplicity of gestures,
in the depth of affection,
in the constancy of presence.

You will live in me forever,
not like a distant echo,
but like the constant melody
that cradles my days and calms my nights.

I thank the universe for bringing you to me,
for having crossed us on these intertwined paths.
May our friendship continue to flourish,
always sublime, like petrichor, eternal and comforting.
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 286

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Never Doubt My Love

I loved you even when I was at my worst.
It is like you saw the good in me even when
My world was falling apart. You loved me

Like I was a precious jewel. I was cursed
When it comes to love, but you were my twin
Flame burning bright. I love deep like the sea

And river that flows right through me. If only
You could see my heart in its finest form, not
All battered or blue like a person who died for

The last time. When you feel weary and lonely
Remember that my love is the one you unknot
And handle with extra gentleness. It is like a door

You open and realize it is the greatest treasure
You have ever seen. You will never rush through
Me like a book you cannot put down. You discover

And you take your time with me like a leisurely
Stroll. Love should be more than enough for you
And me as the best love is yet to be uncovered.
Written by eswaller
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Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 52

"By The Night's Spires"

In twilight’s grasp, shadows wane
Tread the path of whispers and stone
A figure cast in dark disdain
An echo of the night alone

The spires rise like fingers grim
In this forsaken, brooding sprawl
While I, in silence, watch and brim
The weight of centuries, a pall

Thy laughter dances through the air
A fleeting wisp of golden grace
While I, a specter, stand aware
Of sorrow etched upon my face

Thy light, a sun in this abyss
Illuminates my rotted plight
Yet in my heart, a tempest stirs
For darkness whispers through the night

I, noble born, with shadows cloaked
A patrician wrapped in fate
Yet in thy eyes, the light invoked
Reveals the beauty I await

As specters glide ‘neath baroque moons
And fog envelops stone and wall
I find in thee the haunting tunes  
That echo softly through the hall

Thy spirit, fierce as raven’s flight
Contrasts my calm, unyielding stare
Yet in this dance of dark and light
I find a balm, a whispered prayer

For every ghost that haunts my soul
In thee, I glimpse the dawn’s embrace
And through the shadows, we are whole
In love, our fates entwine with grace

Together, we defy the night
As dark and light in symphony
In umbral realms, we reign in flight
Two hearts that pulse, a harmony

Oliver Cocks
Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 17


You glitter
You glitter like
Your eyes glitter like

Like lamps
Like lamps’ shimmer
Like lamps’ shimmer in
the dust and fumes of a

The dust
and fumes of a
cabin hemmed in boughs

Your eyes…
Written by olliec (Oliver Cocks)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 42

Open Wide

Feel me up with your touch.
I want to feel you inside.

Open wide with compromise.
Give me your trust.

Envy all my flawless lies.
Let the heat carry us.

Imagine both of us divised.
We're both each other's crutch.

Take me as I am outside.
I'll love you with no fuss.

Don't let all of our haters divide.
Destroy them as we must.

Open wide, let me inside.
I know you're envious.

With diligence and reluctant pride,
Your quest is all but just.

You succeed as you hypnotize.
You follow and ambush.

You're always there by my side.
Being spoonfed as you thrust.

Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690

Serve's up

the scent of you
enough to break through
raise the mast high
wave that flag of white
spread eagle below
anxious in the undertow

the tides rush in
the possibility of a win
rise to the occasion
an insatiable temptation
between the troughs
up my gears, rough

take control and fetch
the crest you'll sketch
chop the swell before
these buttons turn sore
give the order to fire
macking the desire.
Written by 13
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Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 136

Like This

No beginning or end
A never ending loop
Of understanding
And appreciation
With words and
Deeds so you
Will know

A cocoon
Wrapping you in
The silken threads of
Seeing you
Just as you are
And holding you in arms
That won’t let you fall

A kite
Tethering you
Against the wind
And releasing you
When you need
The freedom to

A trickling brook
Carrying you
As we both meander
Through springtime
Fields in the
Morning light
Forging a new path
Of togetherness
Known only to us

I Love you
Like the woman
Standing before you
Wearing only her
Heart in her
Outstretched hands
Offering you
Nothing but all this
And herself

Written by Her
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Sordid and Sacred
Lost Thinker
Joined 17th Oct 2024
Forum Posts: 18


You turned over on to your left side, as lies a fetus    
There painted before me were your contours    
exposing resplendent hints of your hourglass    
The subject being framed by your coarsely flowing    
raven hair, and by the entire back of your right arm    
Other supporting elements spoke from your    
benevolent and delicate palm and fingers      
There is a single spaghetti strap from your negligee    
laying diagonally, aimlessly over your olive skin    
pretending to support one of your melons      
Invisible to me    
The whole scene perfectly staged    
and posing like a Waterhouse goddess    
This purview has been fodder within the artist scope      
since the dawn of aesthetic sight. Yet    
it’s pristine view by this beholder of beauty    
as belonging to the one to whom my soul retreats    
becomes a single tear, and transcribed into    
this morning’s personal epiphany    
Let my love for you at this moment      
be rendered upon this canvas    
in the pensive hues of my feelings      
And let it be duly hung for every reality hence      
to look upon in museum-esque reverie      
from this day until the end of time and terrain
Written by BaldyBrown (Sordid and Sacred)
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

How Do I Love?

Honestly, I can’t answer that question.
Oh, I wish words could explain it.

Darling, let me show you how I love you.
I love as no one else can ever love.

You won’t believe I can love the way I do.
I love beyond your wild imagination.

If you felt it, you’d say this couldn’t be true.
That’s what I’d say if I were you.

I can’t tell you more about the way I love.
So I’ll end by saying, it baffles me.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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