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So, how are we all?

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 159

Ahavati said:God bless you for what you do for animals, SN. A society is judged by such, and I am afraid ours would fail miserably with the exception some really good people such as yourself.

I've finally turned a corner post-op! Pain meds make me deathly sick, so it was four days of alternating between ibuprofen 800 and Tylenol 1000 every four hours for the pain on top of no decent sleep. Good times! But I'm turning a corner now.

Thanks to all who reached out to wish me well and send good juju! xo

I also believe that society is judged by how it treats animals. If we humans are supernatural beings made flesh, then surely the flesh beings we share our reality with contains something from the same source. Thanks! And prayers for your recovery!! Gigi is recovering nicely, as well! She's still a little traumatized.

My 9 day staycation ends tomorrow morning, but I'm not overly bummed about it. I rather enjoy most aspects of my job...I get to dwell in natural settings all day (most every day) and I will always be grateful for that. There's always enlightening wildlife encounters both great & small, especially in summertime. In '22 I was walking through some new-growth forest (harvested by a lumber company over 2 decades ago - they replant every tree they take, these were the young replants) and inadvertently put my head through through an orb weaver's web, which caused her to get tangled on my right ear. I could hear her chirping & chittering the wisdom of the woods directly into my ear canal, at least for as long as I had the nerve to bear it. I managed to flick her to the forest floor as gently as possible lol. Last summer I encountered what I believe to be some kind of "skinwalker bird" thing that, for the most part, took the shape of a young bald eagle, head-feathers not yet white, brown feathers with white spots....typical but something was 'off' about this eagle. I watched it swim through our lower rainwater pond, doing the breast stroke for a bit, then laid face down in the water for what seemed like forever, then finally raised up and did the breast stroke some more, to the bank of the pond where it sat and looked at me (without.moving.a.single.muscle.for.what.seemed.like.an.ice.age) who was about 50-60' away watching this. WEIRD! Looked like an eagle but not exactly eagle behavior. A colleague saw the same creature on the road just above the pond earlier that same day and said he thought it was a garbage bag in the road at first, until he got close and it morphed into an eagle and flew down to the pond, like it turned itself inside-out into eagle form. I don't know...ain't never seen no eagle act like that in the water! I'll be keeping an eye out and taking a look-see every chance I get. Haven't seen this cryptid since last year. Didn't fly like an eagle. There was something off about it. It's like a less-threatening, hot-weather version of John Carpenter's The Thing, maybe.

I guess I'm just anxious to get back to workplace misadventures. The brutal heat will probably make me complain some. Stay cool, poets

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

SonderNinja said:

[ . . . ]

I guess I'm just anxious to get back to workplace misadventures. The brutal heat will probably make me complain some. Stay cool, poets

Firstly, thanks for the well-wishes. Much appreciated. Secondly, there is NOTHING like loving one's job! It makes life and circumstances tolerable that would otherwise drive one nuts. I always enjoy reading about your woodland adventures as much as your cat drama!

Alas, my cat drama has sadly ended. Leo was hit by a car and buried not long back; Fat Cat was found dead in my side yard ( we have no idea why other than she was a stray and strays tend to not live more than 5/6 years or so ); and, lastly, Ghostie can't get in the yard thanks to Kali, my cat, who absolutely refuses to share this space with another four-legged creature.

Yet there's a nice couple down the road caring for her so that was a relief. There was something about Leo that brought all the cats together, and Kali had the biggest crush on him so didn't mind him being around. We all chip in and get them spayed or neutered, whichever. We all feed them, so they make, or, rather, made their rounds through the neighborhood.

That's the one thing I love about my area - we all love animals and care for the strays.

I finally moved the cathouse I purchased around back and cleaned the area right before surgery. I am thinking of getting a kitten to see if I can acclimate Kali to other cats but that's a big IF.

I am listening to the most beautiful sound in the world right now - a massive thunderstorm with buckets of rain and lightning making its way over my house.


Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

So. . .the fireworks have already started ( last night, as a matter of fact )! It will be this way through Thursday night. The people behind me and those in front always put on a good show! The police ignore them. I would worry if it had not rained torrentially twice in the last few days. A fire would've totally begun had it not. . .

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

Bwahahaha! Wore. Him. Out. Today! We cleaned and purged my ENTIRE closet and office! I'm paying for it too. W.t.f. was I thinking?

I have no idea what's happened tome since surgery, but this nesting mode is fierce! Anyone else get that way after a medical procedure? Two of my friends said they did the same thing.

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 136

I'm doing well! I got food poisoning earlier,but now I'm fine.
I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded,but it went away after a day.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

Stopped by my local library… they put up posters for me for my upcoming book signing…

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

Spent a good part of the day in the kitchen making strawberry butter! It's not summer without it. Can't wait for brunch tomorrow! NOM NOM!

Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Just having fun with all the redcurrant berries that I have collected so far, much more to find as the surroundings have all types of berries. Going to make some jams from these

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 136

I'm doing decent, it's currently my summer break, so I have been reading and painting a lot lately. Also writing poems,of course.
But I can't help but feel a bit empty whatsoever,not sure why. There's nothing wrong currently.
And yet.
I recently made a painting as a gift for a relative,and he said he loved it! He said he'll hang it up at his place. So I'm glad he liked it,that painting took a while,my hands got stained badly after that,too. Literal black stains all over the side of my hand.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

Anne-Ri999 said:Just having fun with all the redcurrant berries that I have collected so far, much more to find as the surroundings have all types of berries. Going to make some jams from these


Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

Look who's back! Ghostie! I haven't been letting Kali out so she's been coming back around.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16251

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

She IS the sweetest thing when around. She's started *hissing* while crawling up in my lap! I think she's mad that she couldn't access me for so long. *HISSSSS* no wait, pet me". *HISSSSS* no wait, I really mean pet me".

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