Poetry competition CLOSED 30th March 2024 3:13pm
View Profile Poems by CasketSharpe
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Razzerleaf

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

Thank you eswaller for your entry

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 649

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

Thank you Adagio for your entry

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

Thank you Mlavender for your entry

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 25th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 3

My heart

I scoop the shattered pieces between my hands.
Little shards sometimes snap and penetrate into the gaps between my fingers as I kneel on the floor.
I've performed the task many times before but it's easy to lose fragments amongst the dirt and debris.
I work carefully, every piece missing is a sliver lost in me.
 Impossible to fix perfectly, but kindness and sunlight, and being alone for some time, it won't be the same design but it should work alright.
I'll still try.
Written by Oohloulala (Loulou)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

Loulou thank you for your entry

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896

Stargazers in Awe

There is a nostalgia in her eyes
Like a memory of million heartbeats echoing through time
A story untold through a near glassy glacial glance
Cold and warm all at once
    Reaching out in the night

In the vast expanse there is a sigh
It’s as if there is a secret from the universe wanting to escape
You can almost imagine it as it treks along
Leaving a trail of soft and slow breaths
Leaving stargazers in awe

It becomes kind of like a recollection
Of lovers
      Of friends
Maybe even strangers that crossed paths
Far away in the distance
Of those that left imprints
Amidst stardust
…what could’ve been

There’s a depth in the regard
Another hidden world amidst stars that shine
Amidst an array of galaxies
      and constellations
Pulsing like heartbeats and palpitations
Leaving stargazers in awe
If you look up and observe long enough
You’ll be able to see the slight flicker
That tiny sparkle that makes dreamers dream dreams
Like waves that travel near and far
Filling the heart with wonder
     and melancholy

Somewhere up there
In the northern celestial hemisphere
Pisces watches from the vastness of space
Filled with nostalgia
    In eyes that shine
Leaving stargazers…
Written by wallyroo92
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L.C. McQuillen
Thought Provoker
Australia 5awards
Joined 17th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 65


If I could only write to you
The severity of my sentiment
If characters were enough
To describe your character
Of kindness, strength and perseverance

If I could only sing to you
I would compare you to the spring
You have awaken dead parts of me
Gracefully revived through gentil strides
And once more I hear the birds melody

If I could only sketch
Your fire agate eyes
And the diagonal lines leading down
To your tender lips I long to kiss
I’d etch you into every corner of the earth

If I could only dance
My body would contort and spin
In an endless ceremony of sunrise
Feeling the warmth of the rays
Of your gaze on my skin

If I could only cast a spell
I’d deem our love eternal
So in the next life, if I can
(Write, sing, sketch, dance)
I will capture you immortal
Written by Isgyppie_ (L.C. McQuillen)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

wallyroo92 and Isgyppie thank you for your participation

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168

To Be Eternally with You

 “Let me confess before I depart this Earth
Without your love I’ll truly hurt,
 “Making my life empty and uncomfortable
Because you’re the missing piece that makes my puzzle whole,

“When our flesh is one for that brief moment
My physical love you erotically own it,
 “Sealed at the waist looking at you face-to-face
Lips not touching as my breath you taste,

 “Your captivating moans are like a Siren’s song
That grip and pulsate all night long,
 “Inch by inch-consuming my giving will
Sending through my body that satisfying chill,

 “Keeping my emotions on a roll-so my psyche don’t unfold
Liquid gold, because unknowingly my soul you have a hold,
 “That endless clutch, across the borders of time
Not even letting go-after me dying,

 “There’s nothing I would not do to keep your love
Sleep on a razor blade rug or let a vampire drain me of blood,
 “Until I’m a dead hollow worthless shell
But I will always break free from the gates of Heaven or Hell,

 “Stabbing my guardian angel through the heart
Fighting Asmodeous and his demon hoard in the pitch dark,
 “Euthanizing all the animals on Noah’s Ark
Setting the Garden of Eden ablaze with a spark,

 “Looking at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Because for your love I’ll overcome the cursed horror,
 “Minor obstacles I would battle through
Just to be eternally with you”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


Replies come like a firestorm
caution is thrown
to winds far far past
where my usual inklings lay comforted

Needing our way,
sequestering us both... away
learning exactly how
to expand and contract
the very molecules of temptation itself

It's all for us
the sun and moon
which allow for quiet focus
solely on each other,
a concentration of true heartbeats
stir to fully quicken

One rhythm drums... then two
rapture melds into a symbiotic echo,
complimentary sounds
delicately welcome mutual definitions
drown out any doubt,
then slowly burst forth into joyous penetration
of sweet soulful music

Scents of wildflowers
silver limbed pines
and crisp earthiness
waft an unmistakable deep heady ambrosia
freely from the misty, rich wilderness
dense thickets of wondrous solitude
converge all around us

Oh, how it dances!

Your potent look becomes saturated
and purpose driven lusty,
bordering in an almost feral feel
making gooseflesh pin prick my skin
the sight of which, stokes places
full of secrets begging to be spilled

Tender warmth turns to outright hunger
falling in love with that confession,
yes, in the moment,
so hopelessly love swept,
lost in obscurity of intoxicating throes
riding waves of wild thunder
[held steady by your strong hands]

we whole body acquiesce

My mind calls your name
silently, again and again
answers part my lips
with the perfect feel of your mouth
pressing itself onto mine

It's then and there
right there

where a first

my very last


Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17154

CasketSharpe and Bluevelvete thank yiu for participating

Twisted Dreamer
Dominica 1awards
Joined 24th Oct 2019
Forum Posts: 24

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 615

(my) ' The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd '

Since all the world and love is one  
and truth issues from your glib tongue,  
and maiden's wiles your chance improve  
I'll live with you and be your love.  
And I shall dance and your words sing
for your delight, each gay morning,
and be your muse though nag you so
you Will outwrite that upstart crow!

But I'd rather have a divan bed
than those roses that you have said,
you forgot the thorns, I suppose,
they'd not do much for our repose...
And I'm not sure 'bout those hard rocks  
so pull some wool from your old flock,  
and make with it a seat to sit  
for you and me with sweet comfits.  
You need not work on gowns of wool  
for changing clime makes sun not dull,  
and woolen clothes these sceptered isles  
have not been worn for quite a while.  
You'll need those buckles made of gold  
to pay the swains, or so I'm told,  
for socialists make wages high  
enough to make the bosses cry.  
Those slippers and ivory buds  
kirtle, clasps, belts and amber studs,  
can all be found in cheap shops now  
brought from abroad but God knows how.  
And those valleys, groves, hills and fields  
are under concrete roads and sealed,  
thinking on these, I am sore moved...  
to hie me mort to be your love.
Written by Rew
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