Poetry competition CLOSED 29th January 2024 7:30pm
View Profile Poems by Heisenberg68


Fast food, faster writing

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Poetry Contest

What's your favorite fast food place? Ever gotten a meal so delicious it made you cry? Tell us all about it. Length doesn't matter just no books please. No hardcore erotica either, we love food just not that much. Have fun, and enjoy your food for thought

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

My Loving Mum.

My loving Mum if short of cash          
or needed a dish at a dash,          
cooked an ancient delicate dish          
(I'm drooling as I think of this)          
of Yorkshire's gorgeous corned-beef hash!          
Who brought this to a pre-teen bash          
served with her silvered-spooned panache,          
and got from doubters their sheepish kiss          
My loving Mum!        
Singer's sang of bangers and mash          
or lauded stewing like goulash,      
both fine for those merely peckish          
but usually burnt when (I've) finished.          
whose phoenix dish rose from their ash?          
My loving Mum's.
Written by Rew
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 270


I ask for food from anyone
that passes by me
at the door of any
fast food restaurant
any beans pasta place
come undone

I ask you to feed me
feed me with that
that you cannot eat
because too little or poisonous
I don't know... like salads
watercress lemon soap

how would I feed myself to a wolf
wolf that feeds the pack
wolf that goes hungry
of the pack
just a wolf

a wolf
nestled on the far side of the moon
in a howl that amplifies
the shine of the stars!
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16879

Gourmet Delight

how far did they go
to indulge in gourmet delights
always looking out for sweetly savoury
to stuff between their fat lips

they went as far as the seaside
to indulge in succulent oysters
lips and tongues greedy to feed
on the salty slippery delight

they travelled up the mountain
where little eateries with awnings
served pork and fowls in all ways known
menus that boggled the mind

as the night fell
they lied down side by side
satiated in their indulgence
looking at each other eyes misty
afternoon delights were their favourite

the recipes needed a little imagination
when you're within a pod with just each other
for breakfast lunch and dinner....

a week fast recommended.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


ain't the way i been
but mama says
her babe's too thin
and wants to feed me
lotsa meat
pies and cakes
and other sweets
but i don't eat
no fuckin' cow
no bird or fish
no buck or sow
for have you seen
the awful state
of what will end up
on your plate?
seems arrogant
to kill a beast
when garden yields
a wholesome feast
i'd rather keep
my diet lean
beans and mushrooms
grains and greens
and i ain't one
for sugar high
just coffee, black,
one slice of pie
that's just enough
to satisfy
and keep me fit
and clear of eye
Written by javalini
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

One Hard-Core Addict Since Two

A Sonnet of Love to Lovers of Meat      
I live my life here in the fast-food lane,      
unlike the meatheads living risk averse,      
those chickens scared of every grave chest pain,      
each likely some heart specialist perverse.      
Still worse is she the picky vegan schmuck,      
hard forced to stick with ick like vegan fries,      
grilled vegan meat topped high with veggie yuk,      
plus vegan sauces, buns, and apple pies.      
Yet though that crap may keep her fit and strong,      
and help her live a decade more than I,      
my meaty butt near fits my hot beach thong,      
despite the busted string too tough to tie --      
distinctly so when squeezed behind the wheel      
on squealing to the clown, "My Happy Meal!"      
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845



It was on the eighth mile when I felt the hunger pangs
And the sweat in my eyes produced some salty tears
Then the idea popped into my head and I said to myself:
“Today I’m getting big juicy burger and some craft beers”

My friend and I talked about getting some drinks
So later that afternoon we headed over to Lengthwise
While enjoying a nice golden ale we shared our tales
I slowly savored my bacon cheese burger with fries

Oh but that patty in a beer baked Focaccia bun was exquisite
The mayo, the cheese, the ratio of onion, lettuce and tomato
The flavors coming together in a perfect ensemble of taste
I felt compelled to compose a prose to this perfect combo

Later on that night I went to bed with a smile on my face
Knowing I ran ten miles and on my highest gears
My visit to Lengthwise gave me quite the surprise
As I dream dreams of yummy burgers and tasty beers
Written by wallyroo92
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Lost Thinker
United States 3awards
Joined 17th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 13

The Rox City Grill

In Roxboro's heart, where dreams softly flow,
Resides Rox City Grill, where stories find their glow,
The menu, a canvas, with its greasy delight,
Eggs, biscuits, and gravy, in the morning's tender light.

Sausage and bacon, sizzling in the pan's warm embrace,
Pancake stacks soaring, a comforting space,
Syrup like molasses, butter's golden skill,
Dripping and caressing, at Rox City Grill.

Here, good people gather, their stories to share,
In a changing world, where they sometimes despair,
Their lives an uncertain journey, in this vast terrain,
Seeking solace in the diner's warm, comforting reign.

Pancakes, like clouds, rise airy and light,
Blueberries by their side, a touch of sweet insight,
Syrup flows like a river, butter's gentle spill,
A brief escape they savor, at Rox City Grill.

They come for a moment, to find their own grace,
Amidst life's challenges, in this sacred space,
In the heart of Roxboro, where souls find their will,
At Rox City Grill, where dreams hold still.

So, step inside, take your place, and feel the thrill,
At Rox City Grill, where hearts heal and fulfill,
In this ode to resilience, we seek to instill,
The beauty of their journey, at Rox City Grill.
Written by Heisenberg68
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