Poetry competition CLOSED 6th January 2012 8:57am
View Profile Poems by Whitewand6
RUNNER-UP: diddi

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What is Happiness?

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about what happiness is to you or what makes you happy.
No collabs, You can write in any form, TWO POEMS EACH
Have fun everyone two weeks , a new competition from yours truly :P

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Happiness is not the absence of frustration and sadness
Happiness is how you use the madness
In such a manner whereby
Everything that should keep you down
Is turned around to make you fly

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17117

Happiness is...
holding your hands
when watching a scary movie
Happiness is...
when you give me a kiss
for doing something silly
Happiness is...
when you gently embrace me
When I am feeling blue
Happiness is...
Being told I am loved
when I am whiney
Happiness is...
Just being with you
My beloved.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Grace said:
Happiness is...
holding your hands
when watching a scary movie
Happiness is...
when you give me a kiss
for doing something silly
Happiness is...
when you gently embrace me
When I am feeling blue
Happiness is...
Being told I am loved
when I am whiney
Happiness is...
Just being with you
My beloved.

that's cute grace I like it

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Happy      (SP Summerscales)

Watching my babies
play in the sun
that to me
is what I call fun
hearing note laughter
of unrelent
smiles captured
on camera
a golden heaven sent
handing them a gift of
from the heart felt
watching their faces
smile in merriment .
Jewelled sky ruby
a precious above
I have happy with me
everyday with their love .
Take everything
all I own
the car my six string
even my home .
I don't care as I have happy
I breathe diamonds for air
as my kids stay with me .

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 7

Happiness is what I wish, only a pure illusion I soon to miss..
Therefore joy is life-term, Happy-ness is temporary..
Quantrary to the belief that money gives you happiness..
No thing as such..
With joy in god is a MUST..
However there are things that make you happy for maybe a minute..
But only to some extent ; somewhat a limit..
Joy is unlimited.. the joy ill soon have for my 3 kids..
Happiness I soon to get rid.. for people always want so bad, so we often bid..
We auction it as if it'll truely answer our problems..
Lifes an equation, questions, you'll just have to solve em...
often we feel alone
often we feel lost, maybe away from home..
away from god, away from love, away from something strong..
''stronger than happiness?''
much more my friend..
Hopefully, you'll all see how joy is long-lasting and happiness always comes to its end
When they say go to your 'happy-place', how about instead of going you live in it
because soon your daydreaming shall end and you'll snap out of this ..

Happiness is pure fraud.. seek joy, for you can only hope tuh find in god..
why waste time on a myth.. coming from a kid that depended on others for happiness.. happiness is wack .. bring the joy back.. cause thats wat will last
Happiness will crash.. Rock with joy.. cause its a f**n blast..

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

Nice competition. Like the concept.

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251


Faces poke thru the haze
linger and in a flash fade away

They peer down
like fleeting images from a reverie
in the last continual blink
before daylight



the viscous layer
analogous to a placenta-
only more picturesque

Muffled voices and
broken strings of words tease
the sensory breakdown
s e n s u o u s l y

All attempts at movement
are cut short
the kinetic curfew
being seemingly adamant

Childhood memories come gushing with
bright silhouettes and
laughter and
swaying fields
A stone is dropped
into the pregnant lake


it says before being lost
in oblivion
as the water swells with secrets

The pigeons coo
in post coital bliss
The dying rose shines
its diamonds
and the new born sun
sheds its lethargy

A hand caresses as I watch myself
revolving in trance-
a tranquil frenzy
like a swirling Sufi dervish

A voice calls out my name
a distant whisper

A supernova bursts
and I sink into space
The low song of the sea
tantalizes me
and an avalanche of imagery
blasts the embankment

The caterpillar oscillates
mid air
and the rusted iron gate
creaks into motion

A liquid touch
followed by scalding coldness
and muffled voices
overlapping with
the screaming silence
weave a tale
I can't quite decipher

Someone slices the silence-
a hazy figure in monochrome

The sun explodes a touch away
in an oriental hum

I smile while being showered in
tangible beams
lost in the continual realm
of reality and dreams

Realization dawns
and a sheet blocks the world as


get freed  

above the white sheet-
permeated with the stench
of innocent stupor
peals of laughter
flimsy balls of fur
filtered shards of light

A tug and
a silvery reflection

The lost umbilical chord

Phoenix deconstructed.

Thought Provoker
Joined 18th June 2011
Forum Posts: 216

Happiness is simpicity
drawn out

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 15

Watching as the dawn illuminates the droplets of dew on the grass,
blowing clouds of smoke towards the rising sun.

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

It comes along in spells
Breaching the rules of those too conceided to feel,

Too cold to truly appreciate its true warmth
And Admiration of which it conceals.

It goes away sometimes, leaving even the most confident
Feeling out of place

Thats when we condfide in suicide at the end of the day
We didn't want the day to end...

We find it in the eyes of our loves
It goes everytime one goes away

Take them away, no care for memories
Now it's lost, we don't know where to start looking

And sometimes out of the blue, we find it
When we're not even looking

In a message from your best friends ex
Or a song you havn't heard or even thought of in years

That sunlight that comes out on a rare autumn day
That phonecall from a friend far away

Or that kiss you stole from your year long crush
Or making it on time to a rough scheduled bus

Then making it to the end of the road and thinking
I'm glad I made it here

That is happiness- nothing more or less;
Accepting things are going to be okay  

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 93


Our sun is setting on the horizon, mirrored by the frozen-like ocean
The last speckled rays of sunshine peek through our tree
Winking shadowed leafs dancing upon my sun kissed skin
Light breeze carries with it the scent of our new summer
As the apricot blossom air tickles my senses
I am happy and I smile

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

The Persued

Blushes in the mirror she calls her own name,
she's got a backdoor and with it comes a a safety chain
In all fairness she can't deny that she's vein
For they love her, they love her, so much more than they love themselves

Taking on A footstep as she gets onto the train
Looking at her shoes she bought just earlier that day
The bus driver wishes her a good evening
Then hands her her boquets, then finally...she sits down

Beside a man in a jet black suit she makes
Eyes at him he's inclined to make them back
Positively furious his wife notices the display
And in dismay she strikes her with a knife...

And then she smiled a smile more dampened than the rain
Invisible but difficult to not try to explain
She was waiting for this to happen she knew t'would come the day
She lived a happy life and now the wife shall waste away in prison

Oh Joy!

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 38

Subjective terror

Happiness, a strange concept; true
Subjective in its eerie climes,
Some find it in the colour blue,
Others in committing crimes,
Some find it in mendacity,
It can be in the simple things,
I knew one who looked towards depravity,
Some, when treated just like kings,
Some find true happiness in sleep at night,
And some find it in the morning light,
It can be in food,
Or even drink,
The most prized mood,
Now stop and think,
About those who look to giving pain,
And to those who find it in fright,
But me I cannot restrain,
I find my happiness when I write.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Whitewand6 said:Crescendo

Faces poke thru the haze
linger and in a flash fade away

They peer down
like fleeting images from a reverie
in the last continual blink
before daylight



the viscous layer
analogous to a placenta-
only more picturesque

Muffled voices and
broken strings of words tease
the sensory breakdown
s e n s u o u s l y

All attempts at movement
are cut short
the kinetic curfew
being seemingly adamant

Childhood memories come gushing with
bright silhouettes and
laughter and
swaying fields
A stone is dropped
into the pregnant lake


it says before being lost
in oblivion
as the water swells with secrets

The pigeons coo
in post coital bliss
The dying rose shines
its diamonds
and the new born sun
sheds its lethargy

A hand caresses as I watch myself
revolving in trance-
a tranquil frenzy
like a swirling Sufi dervish

A voice calls out my name
a distant whisper

A supernova bursts
and I sink into space
The low song of the sea
tantalizes me
and an avalanche of imagery
blasts the embankment

The caterpillar oscillates
mid air
and the rusted iron gate
creaks into motion

A liquid touch
followed by scalding coldness
and muffled voices
overlapping with
the screaming silence
weave a tale
I can't quite decipher

Someone slices the silence-
a hazy figure in monochrome

The sun explodes a touch away
in an oriental hum

I smile while being showered in
tangible beams
lost in the continual realm
of reality and dreams

Realization dawns
and a sheet blocks the world as


get freed  

above the white sheet-
permeated with the stench
of innocent stupor
peals of laughter
flimsy balls of fur
filtered shards of light

A tug and
a silvery reflection

The lost umbilical chord

Phoenix deconstructed.

If only i were to choose the winner (!)

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