The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Aspecting the Cosmos, Fri, Nov 03, 2023: Heightened intuition and deeper compassion combined with wisdom leads us to focus on our health and wellbeing today. Listen to the body.
Jupiter at opposition November 2-3, 2023, 1:00 AM EDT: Jupiter reaches perigee ( closest point to Earth ). It has been occupying the early evening eastern sky.
Early morning Moon in Cancer trine Ceres in Virgo. New beginnings. Emotional caring, health and wellbeing. Higher mind, philosophy/religion. Travel favored. Mid-morning the Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus. Physical health and habits come to the forefront. New outlook on life. Begin a new work project. Service to others.
Early afternoon Moon square Pallas in Libra. Mental challenges could tax health. Course-correct bad habits. Service through travel. Religion and philosophy. Late afternoon Moon trine Neptune in Pisces. Emotional compassion. Heightened intuition. Resist escapist urge. Fifteen minutes later, the Moon sextile Venus in Virgo. Domestic focus. Home and healthcare. Emotional nurturing through service. Something is ending.
Tonight, Venus in Virgo sesquiquadrate Jupiter in Taurus. Expansion. Karmic. Luck. Circumstances beyond our control. Goals, friends, hopes, wishes. Forty-five minutes later, Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Marriage or partnership tension. Transformative process. Compromise reconciles opposites.
Degree, House, Aspect, Time ( EDT ):
Moon: 20CAN42 - 9th
Ceres: 20VIR42 - 1st
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:05 AM
Moon: 21CAN28 - 8th
Uranus: 21TAU28 - 6th
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:35 AM
Moon: 23CAN07 - 6th
Pallas: 23LIB07 - 9th
Aspect: Square
Time: 1:49 PM
Moon: 25CAN10 - 1st
Neptune: 25PIS10 - 7th
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:30 PM
Moon: 25CAN09' - 4th
Venus: 25VIR09 - 6th
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 5:49 PM
Venus: 25VIR23 -3rd
Jupiter: 10TAU23 - 11th
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:44 PM
Moon: 28CAN01 - 1st
Pluto: 28CAP01 - 7th
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 11:27 PM
Image: Nuit ( Inspiration ) by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Drawing this card suggests that you've been through a very difficult situation from which you're finally now emerging. Even though you're nearing the end of this challenging period of your life (or perhaps are already there), you still have energetic cords or attachments that you need to clear from your life. Think of them as energetic debris that needs to be washed away by time and intention. Just as we can see the Moon rise nearly every night in the skies, so you too are nearly always able to process upsets with some effort. You need to carry out this cleansing of your body, mind, and spirit or you risk remaining stuck in the past. Sit under the Moon's beams and ask Her to cleanse you. Ask Archangel Michael to cut your cords to the past. Take regular salt baths. Most importantly, set the intention that you're cleansing yourself of the past so that you may face a happier present and a brighter future.
Additional meanings for this card:
• Something in this situation needs to be cleared.
• Use sage to clear your home energetically.
• You are emerging cleansed.
• Integrity and truth will win the day.
• Be kind but also very honest.
(Card and message are from the Moonology Messages Oracle deck by Yasmin Boland.)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
My personal Venus return is tomorrow evening. If you have Venus in Virgo, then you already have, or will experience your Venus return at some point of Venus' transit through Virgo. But what is a Venus return?
First, let's learn about Venus:
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a rocky planet with the densest atmosphere of all the rocky bodies in the Solar System, and the only one with a mass and size that is close to that of its orbital neighbor Earth. Orbiting inferiorly (inside of Earth's orbit), it appears in Earth's sky always close to the Sun, as either a "morning star" or an "evening star". While this is also true for Mercury, Venus appears much more prominently, since it is the third brightest object in Earth's sky after the Moon and the Sun, appearing brighter than any other star-like classical planet or any fixed star.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Venus' Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus became one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love, affection, and beauty.
Venus is considered the planet of love; in early times it was called the lesser benefic. It rules are, culture aesthetics possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, and music. Venus' action is gentle and harmonious. Governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation. Venus is the planet of love and sensuality, not sex.
Where you find Venus in your chart reveals what you really enjoy.
12th House:
This is the natural home of Pisces ruled by Neptune. It's a house of endings and subconscious that reveals our unknown or hidden strengths and weaknesses. It shows sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind-the -scenes action. It indicates places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, etc., restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self-undoing and clandestine affairs.
It reveals the things we hide from others. Research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, the subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid ( Karma ), but also charity, sympathy, and public welfare. It is often called the closet, or dustbin of the horoscope because it is here that we sweep away or hide problems which are too painful to face or difficulties that we refuse to acknowledge.
Venus in the 12th House
This transit portends relevant changes in our relationships and finances, and depends on its surrounding placements and most importantly, our understanding. The house is considered malefic because of its association with hospitalization, escapism, and incarceration; thus, it could represent discontent in love or finances. We may experience the need for a more private love life during this time. We may discover secrets, and, if the relationship has been weak, it may lead to separation.
On a more positive note, this transit indicates a craving for more depth in relationships involving spiritual meaning and understanding. Yet, there's a danger here of sacrificing ourselves and our resources for our partners, as well as the opportunity to let go of something material. This is the influence of Libra in Venus' 7th house home. Peace at any price is not the way to go.
We should take extra care of our mental and physical health during this time. If we begin to feel trapped in a relationship, honesty about our feelings is paramount. Don't shrink. This transit allows us to step into our power and express our true feelings rather than sacrificing for another's benefit. Also guard against how critical we are of others. Although Virgo's intentions are purely to offer improvement to others, it can come off as highly critical, damaging another's self-confidence.
Because this is a house of endings, relationships can end as a result of criticizing, judging, and clingy behavior. In addition to our tongue, guard our finances as well. Especially against scammers - after all, tis the season!
I wish you much love and success on your journey around the Sun!
Image: Venus Rising by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Aspecting the Cosmos, Sat, Nov 04, 2023: The truth is what provides the security of knowing—whether it's what we want to hear or not.
Saturn Stations Direct @ 3:10 AM EDT:
An extra hour! Don't forget to set your clocks back! 🕒🕑
Venus return article:
In Scorpio, Mercury's reasoning ability intensifies our thought-process. Investigative skills compel Scorpions us to seek the underlying truth in all things. Every circumstance or situation seems to awaken a deep-seated need to know both the spiritual and scientific nature of whatever presents itself. The truth is what provides Mercury in Scorpio the security of knowing—whether it's what we want to hear or not. Mercury can be astute at that, being he is the Prince of Communication.
Scorpio invites Ceres into the underworld ( Pluto ) of connection and discovery. This placement enables us to shed those layers that are weighing us down so we can rise as a phoenix ( a symbol of Scorpio energy ). There is unseen wisdom in the depth of Plutonian-ruled Scorpio; however, it requires us to walk bravely into the darkness of the unknown to face what awaits us. Both Scorpio and Ceres hold transformative powers of resilience through cycles of change - which involves letting go of the past so we can move forward.
We can only be free when we release the past. This is something Ceres, the Roman goddess of motherhood, had to learn when she had to release her daughter, Persephone, to the God of the underworld, Hades. Now it's like the couple are inviting Ceres into the underworld to see that everything is as it should be.
A conjunction between these two emphasizes the energy of the placement, so expect intensified reasoning ability combined with the wisdom and depth to recognize the importance of release through the transformative process. Submitting to this process will honor the second house, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus, a house of possessions, values and freedom.
Just after noon, Mercury will oppose Uranus in Taurus in the 11th and 5th houses, respectively. This is interesting because we have the love we receive ( 11th ) and the love we give ( 5th ) signaling that receiving is just as important as giving. We ALL know how to give love, but how are we at receiving it? Reconciling our giving and receiving will balance the opposition.
This aspect also indicates that there are circumstances beyond our control and unexpected situations arising. Mercury can be a trickster, so take care not to speculate. Instead, focus on goals, hopes & wishes, and amusements!
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Mercury: 21SCO05
Ceres: 21SCO05
Aspect: Conjunction
House: Second
Time: 6:47 AM
Mercury: 21SCO26 - 11th
Uranus: 21TAU26 - 5th
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 12:06 PM
Image, Maat: Weighing Souls - Goddess of Balance, Order, and Truth - Ethical and Moral Conduct - Egyptian Mythology by Matt
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Forum Posts: 17230
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Saturn stationed direct @ 00PIS30 @ 3:03 AM EDT, 7th House, Saturday, November 04, 2023.
Saturn entered Pisces March 27, and will remain until February 2026 due to retrogrades. After a lengthy one, it now moves forward toward Aries in 2026, but not before another retrograde in Pisces beginning June 19 - November 15, when it will station direct before moving into Aries..
If you were born with Saturn in Pisces, the keyword is 'accepting', and you share a natal transit with renowned Psychic Edgar Cayce. With Saturn placements, especially if difficultly aspected, in acceptance lieth peace becomes a mantra.
You are very imaginative but have a tendency to live in the past to avoid dealing with the present. A beautiful aspect of this placement is your deep emotional understanding, humility, and willingness to work with and for the underdog. While your perception of others is honed, you tend to underestimate your personal value due to a lack of understanding about yourself.
You require peace and solitude to discover your many abilities, which would make you an excellent research partner, literary agent, or expert in the metaphysical field. Your largest caveat is self-pity, which can lead to depression. This stems from taking life too seriously and reacting emotionally. At the first sign of a pity-party, practicing emotional detachment by way of gratitude would be extremely beneficial for you.
Depending on additional aspects, anxiety may creep in, leading to excessive worry or neurotic tendencies. Take care especially of your feet.
What does this transit mean for Humanity?
Saturn is the taskmaster teacher that you dreaded in school; however, realized through maturity the value of those hard lessons. A lesson from Saturn is one not soon ( if ever ) forgotten. My high school English teacher was Mrs. Beason - we called her 'Beast Beason' for good reason. She was a taskmaster and true representative of Saturn. Everyone DREADED her class. Except for Becky. Becky knew everything.
Forty-five-years later, I STILL consider her one of the best teachers I ever had. She taught me hard lessons that benefit me even today. Whatever Saturn rules, it's ruled with limitations, boundaries, commitment, regulations, and hard work. Through Saturn, you must earn whatever it is that you desire.
Pisces, on the other hand, is flexible but often an indecisive water sign. They can also be emotional, empathic, and quite the escapist when faced with conflict under the influence of Neptune, their ruling planet. They are known to wear rose-colored glasses to avoid reality; however, Neptune is also the planet of spirituality, so there's a deep aspect of mysticism associated with this sign.
Putting Saturn and Pisces together in the same house is somewhat complicated given their differences; however, Saturn is neither in his detriment nor fall in Pisces, so there's room for an amicable partnership that will benefit humanity. This transit can dig deep into you as a human, and you can become more aware of who you are, and who you can rely on, especially for information surrounding the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of existence.
While we may feel unnerved by emotional waves that we would rather escape ( Pisces ), allowing ourselves to experience them at the moment will benefit us the greatest in regard to understanding ourselves and others. We can do that in the following ways:
1. Consider the area in your natal chart that Pisces rules and study the aspects.
2. Do the same with your Saturn. If you're unsure, or have difficulty understanding, then invest in an astrologer. Self-knowledge is invaluable.
3. Do your own research. Avoid mainstream news or biased sources of information.
4. Focus on and study something you desire to become proficient in.
Saturn is demanding and will not tolerate those 'armchair' psychics, astrologers, card readers ( or any other metaphysical or spiritual path ) who have jumped on the bandwagon to profit off of a fad. Only those who truly study and practice their craft will remain in the spotlight.
Having a heart and desire for humanity is also vital. To give rise to whatever would benefit humanity as a whole is the ultimate description of service. Work hard at what you love and desire. But have fun along the way!
Image: Veritas ( Truth ) by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Science reference link:
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Aspecting the Cosmos, Sun, Nov 05, 2023: Having love and compassion for ourselves enables us to draw from deep wells of understanding and acceptance.
Happy Solar Return to me! Thank you to everyone who has enriched my life with their presence. Whether smooth or choppy seas, you have contributed to my evolution, and I am blessed to have/had a sacred contract with you. <3
Early morning there will be cake. . .but I digress. 😂🎂Let's try again. . .
Early morning Juno in Virgo sextile Vesta in Cancer. Regeneration. Opportunities! Harmonic relationship/s unfold. Partnerships flourish. A time to strategically plan and organize. Late morning the Leo Moon trine Chiron in Aries: Emotional flow and healing. Romance and fun. Clutter-clearing around the home can bring regenerative energy to stagnancy.
Noon the Moon square Mars in Scorpio. Challenging circumstances beyond our control. This could affect a goal, friends, or expectations. Expectation is the root of all suffering. Guard our reactions. Practice the sacred pause and respond accordingly. Late afternoon, Jupiter in Taurus semisquare Neptune in Pisces. Limitation and irritation. Seek inner and outer resources. Avoid the escapist urge. Hidden strength is available.
Tonight, the Moon will square Uranus in Taurus. Maintain values in the face of emotional challenges and circumstances beyond our control. Sudden change, fluctuation of moods. Allow compassion and love for ourselves to draw hidden strengths of understanding and acceptance.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Juno: 07SCO28, 10
Vesta: 23CAN57, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 9:15 AM
Moon: 16LEO34, 8th
Chiron: 16ARI34, 4th
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:29 AM
Moon: 16LEO49', 8th
Mars: 16SCO49, 11th
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:59 AM
Jupiter: 10TAU08, 2nd
Neptune: 25PIS08, 12th
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 4:03 PM
Moon: 21LEO22, 2nd
Uranus: 21TAU22, 11th
Aspect: Square
Time: 9:11 PM
Moon: 22LEO28, 1st
Vesta: 07CAN28, 12th
Aspect: Semisquare
Time: 11:23 PM
Image: Quan Yin by Lee
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Tarot Card of the Week, Nov 05 - 11: QUEEN of SWORDS - Ruler through the intellect and direct communication.
A queen emerges from the sky, symbol of the intellectual sphere. She is made of impenetrable stone, which is an indication that she has allowed a difficult life to harden her. The sword in her hand pierces through illusion and cuts through deception. She rules her realm through a capable mind and uses an astute prowess to preside over her emotions, oftentimes disregarding or completely ignoring them.
Astaire Strong, rooted and distant, the Queen of Swords represents A commitment to truth. She is a brilliant woman, possessing a sharp mind and even sharper tongue. She is committed to understanding and thought indeed, and values clarity and intellect in the devotion to knowledge. With one foot stepping out, she isn't afraid to pursue wisdom, nor to put it to good use.
At her best, she resembles Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and war, who uses her brilliant mind in shrewd and cunning strategy. Her wit comes with a delightful sense of humor, and her vast knowledge on an array of subjects allows her to hold discourse with people from any walk of life, poets, scientists, artists, scholars, etc.
Loyal to those entrusted in her care, she is stern but fair at worst. She is shrewd, calculating and cutting. She is not one to mince words, and will tell you exactly how it is. Through life experiences, she has grown callous and cold and has resolved that nothing will ever cause her pain again. Because she rules so strongly over her own feelings, she is dubious and critical of emotional outbursts. Her heartstrings cannot be plucked, and the tears of the foolish will most likely only elicit her scorn. She is prone to solitude, treasures her independence, and will reign woe upon those who try to contain her. This all may come with the very real cost of loneliness.
In her hands she carries plumeria flowers, which are most fragrant at night. People of the Aztec Empire use plumerias to signify elite status and planted plumeria trees in the gardens of nobles. Those flowers make no nectar, but through their fragrance tricked the sphinx moths into pollinating them. Thus, should this queen choose to deal with her pain by closing herself off, she would give no nectar to those who looked to her for comfort or refuge.
Divinatory message.
The Queen of Swords may represent the sharp qualities in yourself or someone else with a similar disposition. If the Queen of Swords represents you, perhaps this card is calling you to face your feelings and deal with them instead of locking them away. Or she is encouraging you on your path of study and accumulating knowledge. As someone in your environment, she may present represent a woman who is divorced or widowed, who through life's pain has learned to bear her sorrows.
You may go to her for protection or advice, as she contains incredible wisdom. But should you choose to receive her council, be warned. Life has hardened her heart. And her words, while not intentionally harmful, may be sharp around the edges.
Deck: The Dreamkeepers Tarot by Liz Huston
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Lessons From the Tarot
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most captivating and enigmatic tarot cards, which holds a deep meaning within the realm of divination. Depicted as a wheel turning clockwise, the card symbolizes the ever-changing nature of life and the cyclical patterns we encounter. Here, we’ll explore some of the profound wisdom hidden within the Wheel of Fortune card and how it can guide us on our journey through life.
1. Embracing Change:
The Wheel of Fortune is a powerful reminder that life is constantly evolving, and change is inevitable. It tells us that just as the wheel turns, so does our life situation. This card teaches us to embrace change and adapt to the circumstances around us. By accepting that change is an inherent part of our existence, we can find strength and resilience in times of uncertainty.
2. Understanding Cycles:
The Wheel highlights the recurring cycles that define our lives. It reminds us that every peak is followed by a valley and every beginning has an ending. This cyclical nature encourages us to remain patient during difficult times, as we know that better days will come. Conversely, it reminds us to appreciate and make the most of the positive moments while they last.
3. Seizing Opportunities:
Symbolizing the ebb and flow of luck and fate, the Wheel of Fortune teaches us to recognize and capitalize on the opportunities that come our way. By staying alert and open-minded, we can seize the favorable moments and harness their potential for growth and success. This card encourages us to actively participate in shaping our destiny instead of passively waiting for things to happen.
4. Accepting the Unpredictable:
Life can be unpredictable and full of surprises, something the Wheel of Fortune emphasizes. It reminds us to relinquish control over aspects beyond our influence and accept the uncertainty that exists. By embracing the unknown, we cultivate a sense of trust and surrender, allowing life's twists and turns to serve as valuable lessons and opportunities for personal development.
5. Releasing Attachments:
The Wheel of Fortune encourages us to release attachments to both favorable and unfavorable outcomes. It reminds us that, just as the wheel turns, so do our circumstances. By practicing non-attachment, we become more resilient and less dependent on external factors for our happiness. This card teaches us to seek contentment from within and find stability amid the ever-changing external world.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card serves as a profound metaphor for the journey of life. By embracing change, understanding cycles, seizing opportunities, accepting the unpredictable, and releasing attachments, we can navigate our lives with greater clarity and wisdom. By incorporating the lessons of this card into our daily lives, we learn to flow with the changing tides and find balance in the face of life's uncertainties. May the wisdom of the Wheel of Fortune guide us towards a meaningful and fulfilling existence.
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Aspecting the Cosmos, Mon, Nov 06, 2023: Some wounds aren't meant to heal. But, rather, serve as reminders that circumstances beyond our control must be accepted. Such acceptance won't put an end to the reminder; however, it will end future triggers.
We wake to a beautiful flow of intuitive energy between Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect represents both our profession and earning ability. Potential raise. Don't allow ego to override values. Midmorning the Leo Moon will inconjunct Pluto in the houses of regeneration/inheritance/death offset with beginnings and a new outlook on life. Allow the depth of instincts to ground emotions. Endings are often a blessing in disguise we adjust our view to the bigger picture.
Midafternoon Mercury in Scorpio inconjunct North Node in Aries in the houses of higher thinking, freedom, values, and earning ability. Because an inconjunct represents an adjustment, ask our self what goals we can adjust that will fine tune steps toward our destiny ( NN ) in this life. Or perhaps it's our own attitude? Either way, we'll figure it out!
Late afternoon Moon oppose Saturn in Pisces in the houses of creativity, love affairs, amusements, and love given offset by limitations, frustration, and hidden strength. Compromise rebalances the scales. Release any expectations we have of others and lean into our self for strength and guidance. The source of happiness is within us, not another.
Early evening the Moon will sesquiquadrate Chiron in Aries, echoing the houses above. Because this is a karmic aspect, a past soul wound is triggered. There's a tear in the structure of our belief or operating system that needs repaired. Sometimes wounds aren't meant to heal ( Chiron, the wounded healer ). But, rather, serve as reminders that circumstances beyond our control must be accepted as such. It doesn't put an end to the reminder; however, it will end the trigger.
Lastly, tonight, Mercury trine Neptune in Pisces in the houses of creativity, fun, and romance offset with higher thinking, philosophy, and religion. Intuitive communication is favored. We intuitively sense what others are thinking and feel confident and secure in expressing our own feelings.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Venus: 28VIR03, 10th
Pluto: 28CAP03', 2nd
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:37 AM
Moon: 28LEO03, 8th
Pluto: 28CAP03, 1st
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:43 AM
Mercury: 25SCO07, 5th
North Node: 25ARI45, 2nd
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 2:50 PM
Moon: 00VIR31, 5th
Saturn: 00PIS31, 11th
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 3:42 PM
Moon: 01VIR31, 5th
Chiron: 16ARI31, 12th
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 5:44 PM
Mercury: 25SCO07, 5th
Neptune: 25PIS07, 9th
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:36 PM
#Image: Hygeia, Goddess of Healing and Well Being
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In the Flow
“Everything is smooth sailing.”
Card Meaning:
Let go of the shore. Enter the flow. You're moving into a period of gracious ease and flow. All is unfolding perfectly and with good timing. Everything is falling into place because you aren't resisting the drift of the great river of life. Enjoy the ride. This isn't the time to try to control the events of your life. Let the Creator support you. You don't have to do it all yourself. The glory of the Universe flows through you.
The Sacred Traveler Wants You to Know: It's not always easy to let go of the shore. However, this card is urging you to take a risk and let go. When you are truly in the flow, you don't need to push or exert effort to make things happen. You can flow around any obstacle. If there is a situation in your life that isn't falling into place, let it go. It's not the right time. When you're in a state of flow, you aren't pushing the river to go faster, and you aren't swimming against it. You just enjoy the ride. If you aren't feeling the smooth current of life, it might mean that youre trying to control situations in your life, or you're being self-critical or judgmental. The way to move into flow is through gratitude and appreciation, and by allowing others and Spirit to support and help you.
(Card and Message are from the Sacred Traveler Oracle deck by Denise Linn)
Forum Posts: 17230
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Aspecting the Cosmos, Tues, Nov 07, 2023: Luck be a Lady tonight!
Degree, House, Aspect, Time ( EDT ):
Ceres: 22SCO25, 12th
Vesta: 07Cn25, 8th
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 8:33 AM
This is a Karmic aspect revolving around a past relationship. We must let go of something or someone close to us. This will sever an old pattern. If we fail, expect frustrations and self-undoing to affect those around us. We have an opportunity for regeneration through endings.
Moon: 09VIR54, 9th
Jupiter: 09TAU54, 5th
Aspect: Trine
Time: 10:43 AM
Luck be a Lady to Us! Financial gain, lucky in love and romance, expansion: investments or work-related creative projects. Operating from a higher mind: grounded and practical religious and philosophical views.
Image: Fortuna Goddess of Fortune
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11/07/23 Card of the Day
Stepping Into Power
“You are strong beyond measure.”
Take back your power. Stand in your own light. Even if your burden seems heavy, it makes you stronger. If you've been standing on the sidelines or acquiescing to the needs of others, this card is letting you know it's time to stand up for yourself. The challenges you've faced are making you stronger. You no longer need to live your life for others. Yet, if you choose, your light can illuminate the path for those who walk beside you.
The Sacred Traveler Wants You to Know: The greatest power is silent and deep. It doesn't need a show of force. It just is. If you've lost or given away your authority to someone or something else, it's time to reclaim it. If you're afraid of standing in your truth because you are afraid of being judged, shunned, or rejected, it's time to let go of your hesitation. If you've been carrying responsibilities for others, you're stronger for it; however, it's time to decide to either let them go or continue forward with them but on your terms. You have a remarkable inner spiritual power that is born of sacred love, wisdom, and grace.
(Card and message are from the Sacred Traveler Oracle deck by Denise Linn.)
Forum Posts: 17230
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17230
Literal astrology: In today's energy update ( posted last night ), I said, "[ . . . ] Financial gain, lucky in love and romance, expansion: investments or work-related creative projects. [ . . . ]"
Today I received a very nice surprise from one of my biggest contract clients for graphic design/social media management: More money! 2,600 annually! I am so happy I honored the energy of Fortuna ( Tyche ), goddess energy of abundance!
The energy is strengthening all day and won't perfect until late tonight! You still have time to evoke the energy of prosperity:
Purple candle or candle holder and the following prayer ( and if you have neither item in purple, then a white candle with your heart's intent is just fine ) :
Approach strong fortune with propitious mind
and rich abundance to my prayer inclined.
Placid and gentle Hekate, mightily named,
imperious Artemis, born of Pluto famed.
Mankind's unconquered, endless praise is yours
Sepulchral, widely-wandering, power divine.
In you, our various mortal life is found,
and some from you, copious wealth abounds.
While others mourn your hand, averse to bless,
in all the bitterness of deep distress.
Be present, Goddess, to we who worship you,
and give abundance with benevolent mind.
Goddess of fate, I call upon thee
Enter my circle and come to me.
You know every secret and I'm eager to learn
Clear my paths and let your wheel turn.
Bless my life with good luck and fortune,
fill me with spiritual and material wealth.
Pluck the vibrating strings
of destiny and fate.
Approach, strong Fortune
with propitious mind
and rich abundance
to my prayer inclined.
~ Orphic Hymn to Tyche ( Fortuna ), 2/3rd century, translated by Gregory Nagy
~ Image: Wheel of Fortune from the Coda Tarot Deck
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Mar 2017Forum Posts: 1393
I pulled the Heart Guardian this morning. She is a reminder that I am full of love and that love can extend to everyone. Even people that may not be easy to love. She also reminded me that I am worthy of love. Just as I am. I don’t need to fix myself in order to be loved. Sure, working on myself is of utmost importance, but I am still worthy of love and worthy of giving it.
That’s a beautiful invocation, Ahavati! I will definitely spend some time with it tonight. That’s wonderful news about your increase, you deserve all the good things ❤️
That is such a wonderful card, Daisy! I love that reminder, it’s such a powerful one ❤️
That is such a wonderful card, Daisy! I love that reminder, it’s such a powerful one ❤️