Poetry competition CLOSED 28th October 2023 10:20am
crimsin (Unveiling)
View Profile Poems by crimsin
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and down2dirt


NICO. Janitor of lunacy

Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

Poetry Contest

write a poem or text inspired by this song

Beloved muse
NICO (1938\1988) still great after all those years and one of my all time favorites. Her vocals and the veil of mystery around her, she was not just a singer and an artists, no, she WAS art!
I am a big fan of very tragic melancholic dark texts\stories and songs

Write a piece inspired by the song\lyrics


Janitor of lunacy
Paralyze my infancy
Petrify the empty cradle
Bring hope to them and me

Janitor of tyranny
Testify my vanity
Mortalize my memory
Deceive the devil's deed

Tolerate my jealousy
Recognize the desperate need

Janitor of lunacy
Identify my destiny
Revive the living dream
Forgive their begging scream

Seal the giving of their seed
Disease the breathing grief
Any other style than erotica please
no maximum no minimum
though no haiku either
so a few stanzas at least
title your works
one per poet
one month

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

All Dead's Day

just a bone, a tiny bone
white and polished by years
just lying there by the marker
of a dead person six feet down

is it a thumb
maybe its the middle finger
park of a knuckle
or just the tip where the ring used to be

does it matter
who cares now
its over and done with
its dead, as dead as a nail

why nail though
it never had a life
but its as stiff as the finger
a nail on a finger... get it

the bone though, who's is it
it twitches a little
as if its looking for a name
it has long forgotten

its the old dead's day today
there are people praying
around grave markers nearby
they grieve again, shed tears

they place fresh dying flowers
they unwittingly decapitate from their bushes
dying blooms for the dead
an apt tribute, even as they walk away

a pink petal falls from a bloom
and settles near the bone
and together they stay there
companionably fading together

as the sun goes down
and dies in the gathering dusk.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2021
Forum Posts: 278

glass ceiling

hope they preach
dangled out of reach
knowing it never comes
but still seekers seek

preachers of war
broken promises charred
repeating history
why is peace so hard

smiles on their faces
destroying civilized places
this worlds history
disappears without traces

scorched earth policy
a mad man’s fall from graces

tear Heaven away from hell
give souls back their place to dwell
battered, scared and bruised
the sky gives birth to hopes hues

leave death to lick its wounds
while the living of life resumes
Written by down2dirt
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672


in the spiteful rain I am thrust out of Eden
screaming in agony
barer of a hated fateful seed
anarchy in my blood glorifying my darkest need

I am shackled to the past
reaping my just deserts
toiling in the soil for bitter honesties
seeking shelter from the lunacy

I alter my steps and fall into obscurity
a devil in the midst trailing my steps
uttering fallacy over my body
breaking my words as hollow echoes

stalking my essence
chastising my soul
lest I forget my grievous error

the immortal beckons
I gladly lay down with devils
to discover my blasphemy
massacre the faith I am tied to
and be done with me

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Caretaker of the crazy me

Caretaker of the crazy me
conjoined in mental tyranny
the dark pit where I inward bleed
and sanity will never seed

wastelands where i wandered
ignored the rotting self
a spent life worn and squandered
touched the devils wealth

a nightmare to caress
the warder in the dungeon
savour, the toxic reponssess
finality is stamped and summoned

distorted music seeps a
contorted relationship dripping
all icy mental storms,
a cesspit full of slugs and worms

a spectre with me always walks
 caretaker sweeps and cleans
to keep the mental clutter
demented wildest screams

Written by slipalong
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

The Cherry trees

In heavy rain
beneath dripping branches
we dispersed you,
watched you watered down
swirling into eddies,
sinking into the ground.

You'd burst bright into life
all pink and white,
our summer still waiting
for your first smile.

I'd like to think it was sunlight
through the white blossom,
that found the corner of your mouth
and snatched away your breath,
but they never really told us.

In the quiet of our home
lemon walls were waiting,
the farm yard mobile above your cot
clicked on,
a single chime that made me
close the door.

Today, I pour myself some tea
and look to the garden,
the trees, now fully grown,
have quietly laid down
their blankets,
giving up each short life
to help keep you warm,

as they do every year.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

THANK YOU all fellow members who have participated in this contest so far, I look forward to reading all your entries!!

Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

CRIMSIN, Congrats, I am sure that Nico herself would love your piece as for me you wrote down or lets say channeled her essence, surely she went beyond the crossroads of all kinds, anarchy is the true word which was her art.
SLIP , your piece was very creative, in a creative way that matched the song and topic
DOWN2, I liked the sheer pale but dark depth of your piece

CONGRATS all on fine entries which were lovely to see and read
please join me in a next competition


Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

I am very honored congratulations to all who entered it was a rich experience
thank you beautiful R\Anne for a awesome comp.❤️

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd June 2021
Forum Posts: 278

Thank you Anne-Ri999 for a great competition.

Congrats crimsin for a well deserved win!!!

Thumbs up to slipalong and all who entered.

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