Poetry competition CLOSED 20th August 2023 7:07am

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Where is the Bottom?

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Poetry Contest

Not the best title, but also the least important. Compose a poem 2-4 lines long speculating on something Donald J. Trump COULDN'T do in the middle of 5th Avenue NYC without losing a vote
Be funny, be brutal, be optimistic, apocalyptic... Whatever mood, attitude, analysis, assessment, school of philosophy, psychology, hard knocks, political theory.  Wherever you come from, whatever you think and feel now about the state of matters in respect of the question of "my god, what would it take to change one vote of a MAGAhead?" put it in a 2-4 line rhyming poem.  AABB or ABAB.

For some context and guidance, many of you may remember when some 30,000 news cycles back then candidate Trump stated, without a hint of either irony or concern about whether his foot was going to first plant firmly in a giant pile of shit before finding its way into his mouth :

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

Incredibly, that was over 7 years ago. I believed his words then and I believe them now.

He hasn't shot anybody yet.  I guess.  So that guarantee has yet to be tested. Maybe he would lose a vote from blasting someone.

But let us assume that he wouldn't.  And let us also start with that act as the starting line:  Public, unashamed, premeditated murder.  

Surely there is something he could do, ON 5TH AVENUE, NYC, that would cost him a vote.  

My rules and guidelines are based on the honour system and good faith, and are these:

His action(s) cannot be something that would physically harm or kill any greater than 10 MAGAcult members all at once.

It must involve a physical act he either carries out himself, or has directed one or more persons to do with his publicly announcement that it is his idea and he has directed the person or persons doing the act. *Announcements unaccompanied by an act are not accepted.

I'll do an example and start tame

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Just one vote

I could grab the pussy of the Speaker's wife,
Look Kevin in his eyes and ask "Whatchya gonna do?"
Then poke at his crotch with a ginsu knife,
I forgot, those are already under my shoe.
Written by SayQuois (JeremyK)
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I grab the pussy  of the Speaker's wife,
Look Kevvy in the eyes, ask "Whatchya gonna do?"
Poke at his crotch with a ginsu knife,
Then remember those are already under my shoe.

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Trump could easily humiliate M.T. Green
Though she would not even notice,
The good looking but silly bitch
For being fucked by him she dreams

Not so could he do with Lauren Boebert
Who is always armed to the teeth
But she would not get hurt
While forced to get down and kiss his feet
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1064

I wrote this before reading the rules completely.
I’ll post a shorter version later.
(guess you could consider this the trumped up version)

tRumps Trip

oh the things you see when the DMT flows
former leader trump  on his mystical journey goes
he sees the world in a brand new light,
all of his worries they take flight

the walls start to dance, the colors they swirl
he's not in DC anymore, he's in another world
he sees the faces of those he thought he hated
but now he realizes they're all just human nothing fated

he sees the flaws in his own political stance
realizing that maybe just maybe he has gotten too much of a chance
as the visions fade he's left with a new sense of clarity
not just a rabble rouser but a human with charity

and though he may still disagree with some
he understands that unity is where humanity comes from

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Ohhhhh snap!  Right to the kids.  Good move, Rew.  That could well swing her hubby Kushner's vote.  But I'm not so sure about others'. After all, her ambivalence and silence following j6 hasn't seemed to get too much attention.  Gotta check the data points on that.  

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Thanks for your submission, Robert, but mi d the rules...

2-4 lines of an act he could commit on 5th Avenue that WOULD or at least has the best chance of, lose him a vote

I'd be grateful if you'd take another shot

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Cool, kink.  I'll look forward to it

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Dang, right out of the gate I broke my own rule and put forward an announcement without the act.   Quick edit here and...

Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1064

I Could…

“i could get high on LSD and they’d still vote for me”
he sucks the paper square so soon we’ll see
reality melts and he’s he’s at the mall
dancing with nancy hugging liberals loving all
Written by Kinkpoet
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Damn... Dosing and hugging liberals might just be a greater sin than cutting his own daughter's throat.

I'm just thinking of the mental contortions required from the MAGAcultists to excuse and flip such carnal debauchery...

I mean, I know they could manage it but it is certainly possible that a few just can't reconcile the visual let alone the deep mind fuckery, stroke out, foam at the mouth and simply not be in a condition to draw an x or whatever minimal act is required.

This is a development I hadn't considered.  While dropping a tab and loving up libs may not cause a switch in votes, there are other ways his votes could be lost, one being such a blow to the frontal cortex that a frontal lobotomy occurs through merely viewing.  Non-mentus, no votus = lost vote.

Now, the thing is, the dropping of the LSD seems like gilding the lily.  Buuut... That's what we're here for.  


The bar has been set

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Ivanka's testimony for the j6 inquiry earned her a rebuke from DT plus she's always claimed that she is aware that his fraud claims are BS.

She's a gonner for sure, not even JC can help...

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

The Bottom Line --

Yet Beginning at Trump Tower in the Heart of Midtown Manhattan  
and Stretching along the Eastern Side of Central Park  
till Winding through Harlem and the Upper East Side  
and Terminating at the Harlem River at 142nd Street     
"Generally speaking, Republicans are mean and dumb,        
whereas Democrats are meek and dumb."      
-- the Trump card      
played but once      
(thus far . . .)        
Up high above Fifth Avenue pumped up in bed plump Donald Trump      
hard humps bumped off Republicans and Democrats pumped dead with lead      
as all deep throating "Donnie" beg His Stable Genius harder hump --      
till countless spirit brains banged out proud hail The Do's swelled weeny head!      
Contest: Where Is the Bottom?      
Sponsor: JeremyK      
Prompt: Compose a poem 2-4 lines long speculating on something Donald J. Trump COULDN'T do in the middle of 5th Avenue NYC without losing a vote.      
Form: Rhyme in Iambic Octameter      
Major Literary Devices: Imagery, Allusion, Symbol, Pun, Enjambment, Internal Rhyme, End Rhyme, Irony      
Theme: Still Losing Not One Single Vote, The Donald All-Powerful -- At Least on High      
Feetnote to JeremyK: The theme of the piece is implicit, my speculating The Omnipotent Donald's actions committed in the Trump Tower on high perhaps effecting the loss of at least one rationally ethical American's vote, or if not a rationally ethical American's vote, possibly the vote of a representative from the political correctness community -- or even perchance the vote of a member of the Christian right. Sincerely, DOC -- "Document On Clarity"
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

The Bottom Line --

Yet Beginning at Trump Tower in the Heart of Midtown Manhattan  
and Stretching along the Eastern Side of Central Park  
till Winding through Harlem and the Upper East Side  
and Terminating at the Harlem River at 142nd Street     
"Generally speaking, Republicans are mean and dumb,        
whereas Democrats are meek and dumb."      
-- the Trump card      
played but once      
(thus far . . .)        
Up high above Fifth Avenue pumped up in bed plump Donald Trump      
hard humps bumped off Republicans and Democrats pumped dead with lead      
as all deep throating "Donnie" beg His Stable Genius harder hump --      
till countless spirit brains banged out proud hail The Do's swelled weeny head!      
Contest: Where Is the Bottom?      
Sponsor: JeremyK      
Prompt: Compose a poem 2-4 lines long speculating on something Donald J. Trump COULDN'T do in the middle of 5th Avenue NYC without losing a vote.      
Form: Rhyme in Iambic Octameter      
Major Literary Devices: Imagery, Allusion, Symbol, Pun, Enjambment, Internal Rhyme, End Rhyme, Irony      
Theme: Still Losing Not One Single Vote, The Donald All-Powerful -- At Least on High      
Feetnote to JeremyK: The theme of the piece is implicit, my speculating The Omnipotent Donald's actions committed in the Trump Tower on high perhaps effecting the loss of at least one rationally ethical American's vote, or if not a rationally ethical American's vote, possibly the vote of a representative from the political correctness community -- or even perchance the vote of a member of the Christian right. Sincerely, DOC -- "Document On Clarity"
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Jordan said:

Wow Jordan... I'm going to have to reread and think on the word play, punning, and ultimately the meaning (your own illumination would be welcome) of some usage and phrasing.  

But I will say this:  I admire your obvious skill and discipline to keep to what I imagine is a challenging form (iambic octometer).  I've never attempted that particular form myself.  And I really enjoyed your creativity, humour and facility with words, skillful play with homonyms.

AND, enjambent... A fantastic new word to me and immediately on my list of cool sounding words.  I've used the device many times but never knew it had a name.  And now I know it has a super cool name.  Soi thank you for the lesson.

AND, related to all the above, I appreciate you providing  that information at the end (form, poetic devices, etc.)  Both edifying generally and in respect of the piece.  

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