Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2023 5:57pm
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Poem of the Month June 2023

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2329

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 178


”Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It’s more than where you’re born, it’s an idea and state of mind that seems imparted at birth. It’s more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, and country music. It’s being hospitable, devoted to front porches, magnolias, moon pies and coca-cola… and each other. We don’t become Southern – we’re born that way.”



It’s hot
As I sit outside night drawing down
The damp of perspiration covers me
As the first stars appear
Through the haze, and clouds, and distant contrails
Which mask the deepening blue
A warm breeze idly stirs
And its touch awakens the thought
If only it was more

Its summer in the south
And there’s a depth which hides behind the veneer of day
Like a character at the crossroads
Struggling to find her way
But the freight of the past
Is like a lone train whistle in the night
There’s a deep here to feelings
Poignant beyond the knowing
They just is

Old things are remembered here
Good and bad
Side by side
The south is an old soul set in her ways
Intangible as the scent of honeysuckle and pine
Adamant as the summer’s heat
In drought dry fields
The myth which slew the truth
Though the truth rises again with the dawn

There’s a waiting here
An expectancy here
Amid shuttered mills and sagging mill homes
And urban sprawl of the "new south"
As the lights go out
Of dreams that whisper
There’s yet a final act
The south will rise again
But is it a south that’s ever been?

The cicadas hum in the evening heat

A warm breeze idly stirs
And its touch awakens the thought
If only it was more
Written by AverageJoe (Average Joe. AJ. Joe)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359

Queen of Insects...

The walls of this destination are so haunting.
Rejects of society all gather here.
It isn't a prison although it may as well be.
The skittering of insects along the floor.
Agonizing screams each with unique tones.
Banging heads against the door in hopes of release.
My voice is religion everyone adheres to.
Do you want to lick my shoe's heel?
I just might allow it.
Flickering fluorescent lights all along the corridor.
A long list of numbers with names no one cares about.
Except for me.
Of course, I care.
I'm a doctor.
Here to make you feel better.
Do as you're told so you won't get worse.
Don't resist my treatment.
This is for your own good.
Tell me your secrets so I can begin assessing.
Is this place where you hurt the most?

That bitch has got us lined up again.
Who's going to be her plaything tonight?
I hate myself for wanting to be the one.
I hate myself and want to kill myself!
My deteriorating mental state Is her doing.
What did she say?
"Feel better...?"
Money has erased my existence.
No birth certificate just number on a list.

I'm the one who you answer to.
Don't forget you're my responsibility.
Come to me like a moth to a flame.
This black widow is starving.
There's no one by that name.
I swear, so don't look into it.
I'm the queen of this hive.
Caring for insects everyone has no problem squishing...
Written by O_Blue (CiRcLeS...)
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david spears
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 18



if there is love in
this world

then why so many
broken hearts,
tears of loneliness,
desperation and

if there is hope in
this world

then why so much
bigotry, division,
rage, whole sale
slaughter and war

if there is a God of
this world

then why are we
surrounded by
so many
Written by buddhakitty
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17600

Stay Humble

We are not the big shots we think we are;
Not kings, Lords, or Magna Carta Barons,
Or any kind of Hollywood star,
Or any constable friendly Karens.

We are poets of The Underground Deep!
We are devoted to elegant verse,
And the craft of it, even as we sleep,
To all things honorable and perverse...

For nothing exists in the day or night
That cannot be improved with our skill,
At graciousness and poetic insight
Mixed with occasional erotic thrill;

That sweet icing on the existence cake
Which has every poet learning to bake!
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

LunaGreyhawk, AspergerPoet56, monovox128, Pinkdreams, Northern_Soul, ajay, dimpy, Her, LadyRain, Marks, Kinkpoet, MidnightSonneteer, James_A_Knight, MadameLavender, Betty, Bluevelvete

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

Congratulations Neves!!!


Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 36

Absolutely thrilled to have received a trophy for poem of the month, thank you to everybody who voted and the entries were beautiful to read. :)

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 10


Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081


Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Definitely congratulations, Neves! Your poem was excellent, and I am happy you won. *Smiles* :)

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